After waiting over night for the release of your project continue with the following procedures in the AdminTool (productive area):
Go to Projects
1.1 Define your Centre-Prefix.
1.2 Type your email in the field “Email reply to address”. -
Go to Centres (Define at least one centre of the project)
2.1 Select “centre” and create a “new centre”.
2.2 Add a Prefix for the Add-ID.
2.3 Select the country of the centre.
2.4 Select Add Participant to centre and add yourself as administrator.
2.5 Ignore the red note (The prefix for the ADD-ID is already used in this centre’s customer area. To save nevertheless please click of “Save” again) and save one more time. -
Go to Resources
3.1 Select Reports and your study and release them for all or for specific roles. -
Go to Roles and define them (should be provided by the client).
Go to Participants and create them (should be provided by the client).
Go to Resources: Creating Email notifications should be previously done in the FormBuilder (setup area) (therefore read the recipe create_email_notification).
6.1 Select Messages.
6.2 Send as internal message: If you would like to inform a specific role.
6.3 Send an external message: If you would like to inform an external participant that has no role in the study. -
Inform the participants about the release of their project and about their user account.
This recipe was tested under secuTrial version