Education is the transmission of knowledge, skills, and character traits. The education means which aims it tries to achieve. A further issue is whether part of the meaning of education is that the change in the student is an improvement. Microsoft-Future-Ready-Talent-Internship-Project This is Front End website
Web Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JS.
IDE: VS-Code
Industry : ED-TECH
Project Title : success path
Problem Statement/Opportunity : Deep down, every good teacher knows the impact and importance of education. It isn’t just about learning reading, writing and arithmetic at school. Instead, formal education is about gaining the knowledge and the skills needed to become a better person and create a better society to live in.
Project Description : Best education is important to everyone .we provide a quality education to grow up a future in a right manner.
Primary Azure Technology : Static Web Apps, storage accounts.
Static Web App URL :
Static website URL(Using Storage accounts) :
project demo URL :
Project Demo video URL :
My Website Link: