Ex. 1 - A node contains a field referencing a media image
Ex. 2 A
Break this apart:
the field on the node references another node type, get the node entity referenced in that field...field_image.entity...
the referenced node has a media field on it, get that media entity...field_media_image.entity...
The media entity has an image field on it, get that image file entity...uri.value
Get the fileuri of that image file entity
The only difference here is that we use the fileuri
method to return the uri from the image file object.
Use the file_url
Ex 1 -
- first find the image file URL, on a node that may look like this
- then pass it to the
The ALT text field is included with the image file field. You can retrieve the image field alt text from the field itself.
- Get the media entity
- Get the image field on the media entity
- Get the alt text value
If you remember that everything is a render array, then we just need to create a render array for the 'image_style' theme function.
Example from a node template, but can be used anywhere as long as you have the URI of a Drupal managed image:
set styled_image = {
'#theme': 'image_style',
'#style_name': 'medium',
'#uri': node.field_image.entity.field_media_image.entity.uri.value,
'#attributes': {'alt': 'This is a photo of XYZ'}
set styled_image = {
'#theme': 'responsive_image',
'#responsive_image_style_id': 'my_custom_responsive_style',
'#uri': node.field_image.entity.field_media_image.entity.uri.value,
'#attributes': {'alt': 'This is a photo of XYZ'}