- Updated to CocoaLumberjack 2-RC
- First public release
- Added example app to find and connect to heart rate belts
- Reduced log level to INFO
- Refinements: logs, comments, file placement in pod and private subpod
- Fixed error in error code (bad day)
- Fixed error in error assignment – seriously :)
- Not finding a specific device no longer must return an empty array (it contains all devices that have been found)
- Refactored: Manager is now Finder
- Error domain is string constant
- Not finding a specific device does not longer return an error, just an emtpy array
- Specific device can be found by identifier or name
- Renamed pod from SFBluetoothSmartDevice to SFBluetoothLowEnergyDevice
- Not finding a device does no longer return an error, just an empty array
- Small improvements: residue code, code arrangement, concurrency
- Improved handling of unavailable Bluetooth
- Made the custom formatter thread safe with information and code from Luberjack Github-Wiki
- Moved files that are not meant to be accessed from outside to the private directory
- Changed to logging framework to Lumberjack due to crash problems in some apps
- Reduced log level to info
- Complete rewrite, architecture is again splitted into a manager and devices.
- Initial Release