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truffle |
Options |
/graalvm-as-a-platform/language-implementation-framework/Options/ |
You can list options from the command line with any language launcher:
language-launcher --help:expert
Or, for options only relevant for Truffle language implementers:
language-launcher --help:internal
In addition, the GraalVM compiler options can be listed with:
language-launcher --jvm --vm.XX:+JVMCIPrintProperties
See graalvm_ce_jdk8_options for a list of GraalVM compiler options.
--polyglot Run with all other guest languages accessible.
--native Run using the native launcher with limited Java access (default).
--jvm Run on the Java Virtual Machine with Java access.
--vm.[option] Pass options to the host VM. To see available options, use '--help:vm'.
--log.file=<String> Redirect guest languages logging into a given file.
--log.[logger].level=<String> Set language log level to OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST or ALL.
--help Print this help message.
--help:vm Print options for the host VM.
--version:graalvm Print GraalVM version information and exit.
--show-version:graalvm Print GraalVM version information and continue execution.
--help:languages Print options for all installed languages.
--help:tools Print options for all installed tools.
--help:expert Print additional options for experts.
--help:internal Print internal options for debugging language implementations and tools.
These are advanced options for controlling the engine. They are useful to users and language and tool implementers.
Expert engine options:
--engine.BackgroundCompilation=<Boolean> Enable asynchronous truffle compilation in background threads
--engine.Compilation=<Boolean> Enable or disable Truffle compilation.
--engine.CompilerIdleDelay=<Long> Set the time in milliseconds an idle Truffle compiler thread will wait for new tasks before terminating. New compiler
threads will be started once new compilation tasks are submitted. Select '0' to never terminate the Truffle compiler
thread. The option is not supported by all Truffle runtimes. On the runtime which does not support it the option has no
--engine.CompilerThreads=<Integer> Manually set the number of compiler threads
--engine.EncodedGraphCacheCapacity=<Integer> Maximum number of entries in the encoded graph cache (< 0 unbounded, 0 disabled).
Delay, in milliseconds, after which the encoded graph cache is dropped when the compile queue becomes idle.The option is
only supported on the HotSpot (non-libgraal) Truffle runtime.On runtimes which does not support it the option has no
Minimum number of invocations or loop iterations needed to compile a guest language root in first tier.
Minimum number of invocations or loop iterations needed to compile a guest language root in last tier.
Minimum number of invocations or loop iterations needed to compile a guest language root when not using multi tier.
Minimum number of invocations or loop iterations needed to compile a guest language root when not using multi tier.
--engine.Inlining=<Boolean> Enable automatic inlining of guest language call targets.
--engine.InliningExpansionBudget=<Integer> The base expansion budget for language-agnostic inlining.
--engine.InliningInliningBudget=<Integer> The base inlining budget for language-agnostic inlining
--engine.InliningNodeBudget=<Integer> Maximum number of inlined non-trivial AST nodes per compilation unit.
--engine.InliningPolicy=<String> Explicitly pick a inlining policy by name. Highest priority chosen by default.
--engine.InliningRecursionDepth=<Integer> Maximum depth for recursive inlining.
--engine.MinInvokeThreshold=<Integer> Minimum number of calls before a call target is compiled
--engine.Mode=<EngineMode> Configures the execution mode of the engine. Available modes are 'latency' and 'throughput'. The default value balances
between the two.
--engine.MultiTier Whether to use multiple Truffle compilation tiers by default.
--engine.OSR=<Boolean> Enable automatic on-stack-replacement of loops.
--engine.PartialBlockCompilation=<Boolean> Enable partial compilation for BlockNode.
Sets the target non-trivial Truffle node size for partial compilation of BlockNode nodes.
--engine.Splitting=<Boolean> Enable automatic duplication of compilation profiles (splitting).
--engine.TraceCompilation Print information for compilation results.
These are internal options for debugging language implementations and tools.
--engine.ArgumentTypeSpeculation=<Boolean> Speculate on arguments types at call sites
Specifies the action to take when Truffle compilation fails.%nThe accepted values are:%n Silent - Print nothing to
the console.%n Print - Print the exception to the console.%n Throw - Throw the exception to caller.%n Diagnose
- Retry compilation with extra diagnostics enabled.%n ExitVM - Exit the VM process.
--engine.CompilationStatisticDetails Print additional more verbose Truffle compilation statistics at the end of a run.
--engine.CompilationStatistics Print Truffle compilation statistics at the end of a run.
--engine.CompileImmediately Compile immediately to test Truffle compilation
--engine.CompileOnly=<String> Restrict compilation to ','-separated list of includes (or excludes prefixed with '~').
--engine.ExcludeAssertions=<Boolean> Exclude assertion code from Truffle compilations
--engine.InlineAcrossTruffleBoundary Enable inlining across Truffle boundary
--engine.InstrumentBoundaries Instrument Truffle boundaries and output profiling information to the standard output.
--engine.InstrumentBoundariesPerInlineSite Instrument Truffle boundaries by considering different inlining sites as different branches.
--engine.InstrumentBranches Instrument branches and output profiling information to the standard output.
--engine.InstrumentBranchesPerInlineSite Instrument branches by considering different inlining sites as different branches.
--engine.InstrumentExceptionsAreThrown Propagates exceptions thrown by instruments.
--engine.InstrumentFilter=<String> Method filter for host methods in which to add instrumentation.
--engine.InstrumentationTableSize=<Integer> Maximum number of instrumentation counters available.
--engine.IterativePartialEscape Run the partial escape analysis iteratively in Truffle compilation.
--engine.MaximumGraalNodeCount=<Integer> Stop partial evaluation when the graph exceeded this many nodes.
--engine.MaximumInlineNodeCount=<Integer> Ignore further truffle inlining decisions when the graph exceeded this many nodes.
--engine.NodeSourcePositions Enable node source positions in truffle partial evaluations.
--engine.OSRCompilationThreshold=<Integer> Number of loop iterations until on-stack-replacement compilation is triggered.
--engine.PrintExpansionHistogram Prints a histogram of all expanded Java methods.
--engine.Profiling=<Boolean> Enable/disable builtin profiles in
--engine.ReturnTypeSpeculation=<Boolean> Speculate on return types at call sites
--engine.ShowInternalStackFrames Show internal frames specific to the language implementation in stack traces.
Should forced splits be allowed.
--engine.SplittingDumpDecisions Dumps to IGV information on polymorphic events
--engine.SplittingGrowthLimit=<Double> Disable call target splitting if the number of nodes created by splitting exceeds this factor times node count
--engine.SplittingMaxCalleeSize=<Integer> Disable call target splitting if tree size exceeds this limit
Disable call target splitting if number of nodes created by splitting exceeds this limit
Propagate info about a polymorphic specialize through maximum this many call targets
--engine.SplittingTraceEvents Trace details of splitting events and decisions.
--engine.TraceAssumptions Print stack trace on assumption invalidation
--engine.TraceCompilationAST Print the entire AST after each compilation
--engine.TraceCompilationCallTree Print the inlined call tree for each compiled method
--engine.TraceCompilationDetails Print information for compilation queuing.
--engine.TraceCompilationPolymorphism Print all polymorphic and generic nodes after each compilation
--engine.TraceInlining Print information for inlining decisions.
--engine.TraceInliningDetails Print detailed information for inlining (i.e. the entire explored call tree).
Print potential performance problems
--engine.TraceSplitting Print information for splitting decisions.
--engine.TraceSplittingSummary Used for debugging the splitting implementation. Prints splitting summary directly to stdout on shutdown
--engine.TraceStackTraceLimit=<Integer> Number of stack trace elements printed by TraceTruffleTransferToInterpreter and TraceTruffleAssumptions
--engine.TraceTransferToInterpreter Print stack trace on transfer to interpreter.
Treat performance warnings as error. Handling of the error depends on the CompilationFailureAction option value
--engine.UseConservativeContextReferences Enables conservative context references. This allows invalid sharing between contexts. For testing purposes only.