- Change Name of Mainclass from TWiseParameterSampler to AutoSMP
- Change package structure of JS implementation to de.tubs.cs.isf.AutoSMP.
- Change the input parameter of Mainclass to take configPath and configName as first parameters
- Refactor comments for properties
[x] implement pathproperty and set defaults [x] extend config file with implemented path properties [x] DEFAULT_LOG_DIRECTORY to be created [x] DEFAULT_CSV_DIRECTORY to be created [x] create DEFAULT_TEMP_DIRECTORY [] fix sampling stability calculation
- extend original config.properties from JS
- change path setting in SamplingConfig/readConfigFile to directory properties set by properties file
- remove stability calculation from AutoSMP temporary
- change refreshPaths method in SamplingConfig to use property values
- there must be a sample.csv file present in your temp directory otherwise fide throws an error
- Auftrennen der Model Informationen und der sampling-evaluation results
- Remove Author field from evaluation results
- Chvatal algorithm implemented and running
- reading sample size, sample time and coverage works
- storing sample does not work, needs re-implementation
- memory analysis needs to be removed from csv files
- evalautaion result csv append does not work, needs to be checked
- validity check does not work --> confusion of cnf formulas
- remove memory information from out out csv (WriterModule line 138)
- reduce sampling stability to one metric in csv header (writer_module line 46 to 54)
- fix bug Null Pointer when removing unselected features from sample during stability calculation
- fix bug more than one default value for missing stability is writen
- adjust sampling interfaces to take maxSize and randomSeed as parameters
- make algorithm tool path more dynamic by introducing a parameter in the adapter interfaces
- tidy-up adapter interfaces by introducing a new project specially for this purpose
- implement sampling algorithms (Chvatal, ICPL, YASA, IncLing, RandomSamp) in separate project