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For this project, we expect you to look at this concept:


Background Context

Important notice on intranet checks for Python projects

Starting from today:

  • Based on the requirements of each task, you should always write the documentation (module(s) + function(s)) and tests first, before you actually code anything
  • The intranet checks for Python projects won’t be released before their first deadline, in order for you to focus more on TDD and think about all possible cases
  • We strongly encourage you to work together on test cases, so that you don’t miss any edge case. But not in the implementation of them!
  • Don’t trust the user, always think about all possible edge cases


Read or watch:

Learning Objectives

At the end of this project, you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, without the help of Google:


  • Why Python programming is awesome
  • What’s an interactive test
  • Why tests are important
  • How to write Docstrings to create tests
  • How to write documentation for each module and function
  • What are the basic option flags to create tests
  • How to find edge cases


Python Scripts

  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • All your files will be interpreted/compiled on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using python3 (version 3.8.5)
  • All your files should end with a new line
  • The first line of all your files should be exactly #!/usr/bin/python3
  • A file at the root of the repo, containing a description of the repository
  • A file, at the root of the folder of this project, is mandatory
  • Your code should use the pycodestyle (version 2.8.*)
  • All your files must be executable
  • The length of your files will be tested using wc

Python Test Cases

  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • All your files should end with a new line
  • All your test files should be inside a folder tests
  • All your test files should be text files (extension: .txt)
  • All your tests should be executed by using this command: python3 -m doctest ./tests/*
  • All your modules should have a documentation (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").__doc__)')
  • All your classes should have a documentation (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").MyClass.__doc__)')
  • All your functions (inside and outside a class) should have a documentation (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").my_function.__doc__)' and python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").MyClass.my_function.__doc__)')
  • A documentation is not a simple word, it’s a real sentence explaining what’s the purpose of the module, class or method (the length of it will be verified)
  • We strongly encourage you to work together on test cases, so that you don’t miss any edge case

Quiz questions

Question #0

Is this a standardized way to comment a function in Python?

/* Addition function */
def add(a, b):
    return a + b
  • No

  • Yes

Question #1

Is this a standardized way to comment a function in Python?

def add(a, b):
    """ Addition function """
    return a + b
  • No

  • Yes

Question #2

Is this a standardized way to comment a function in Python?

"""" Addition function """
def add(a, b):
    return a + b
  • No

  • Yes

Question #3

Is this a standardized way to comment a function in Python?

# Addition function
def add(a, b):
    return a + b
  • No

  • Yes

Question #4

Is this module correctly commented?

    My calculation module
import sys
  • No

  • Yes

Question #5

Based on this code, what should all the test cases be? (select multiple)

def uniq(list):
    """ Returns unique values of a list """
    u_list = []
    for item in list:
        if item not in u_list:
    return u_list
  • not a list argument (ex: passing a dictionary to the method)

  • empty list

  • list with multiple types (integer, string, etc…)

  • list with one element (any type)

  • list with more than 2 times the same element (same type)

  • list with twice the same element (same type)

  • list with 2 different element (same type)

Question #6

Is this module correctly commented?

import sys

    My calculation module
  • No

  • Yes


Docstring must be before import statements


0. Integers addition

Write a function that adds 2 integers.

  • Prototype: def add_integer(a, b=98):
  • a and b must be integers or floats, otherwise raise a TypeError exception with the message a must be an integer or b must be an integer
  • a and b must be first casted to integers if they are float
  • Returns an integer: the addition of a and b
  • You are not allowed to import any module
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ cat
add_integer = __import__('0-add_integer').add_integer

print(add_integer(1, 2))
print(add_integer(100, -2))
print(add_integer(100.3, -2))
    print(add_integer(4, "School"))
except Exception as e:
except Exception as e:

guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ ./
b must be an integer
a must be an integer
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ python3 -m doctest -v ./tests/0-add_integer.txt | tail -2
9 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ python3 -c 'print(__import__("0-add_integer").__doc__)' | wc -l
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ python3 -c 'print(__import__("0-add_integer").add_integer.__doc__)' | wc -l


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x07-python-test_driven_development
  • File:, tests/0-add_integer.txt

1. Divide a matrix

Write a function that divides all elements of a matrix.

  • Prototype: def matrix_divided(matrix, div):
  • matrix must be a list of lists of integers or floats, otherwise raise a TypeError exception with the message matrix must be a matrix (list of lists) of integers/floats
  • Each row of the matrix must be of the same size, otherwise raise a TypeError exception with the message Each row of the matrix must have the same size
  • div must be a number (integer or float), otherwise raise a TypeError exception with the message div must be a number
  • div can’t be equal to 0, otherwise raise a ZeroDivisionError exception with the message division by zero
  • All elements of the matrix should be divided by div, rounded to 2 decimal places
  • Returns a new matrix
  • You are not allowed to import any module
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ cat
matrix_divided = __import__('2-matrix_divided').matrix_divided

matrix = [
    [1, 2, 3],
    [4, 5, 6]
print(matrix_divided(matrix, 3))

guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ ./
[[0.33, 0.67, 1.0], [1.33, 1.67, 2.0]]
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ python3 -m doctest -v ./tests/2-matrix_divided.txt | tail -2
5 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.

Note: you might have a different number of tests than in the above example. As usual, your tests should cover all possible cases.


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x07-python-test_driven_development
  • File:, tests/2-matrix_divided.txt

2. Say my name

Write a function that prints My name is <first name> <last name>

  • Prototype: def say_my_name(first_name, last_name=""):
  • first_name and last_name must be strings otherwise, raise a TypeError exception with the message first_name must be a string or last_name must be a string
  • You are not allowed to import any module
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ cat
say_my_name = __import__('3-say_my_name').say_my_name

say_my_name("John", "Smith")
say_my_name("Walter", "White")
    say_my_name(12, "White")
except Exception as e:

guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ ./ | cat -e
My name is John Smith$
My name is Walter White$
My name is Bob $
first_name must be a string$
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ python3 -m doctest -v ./tests/3-say_my_name.txt | tail -2
5 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.

Note: you might have a different number of tests than in the above example. As usual, your tests should cover all possible cases.


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x07-python-test_driven_development
  • File:, tests/3-say_my_name.txt

3. Print square

Write a function that prints a square with the character #.

  • Prototype: def print_square(size):
  • size is the size length of the square
  • size must be an integer, otherwise raise a TypeError exception with the message size must be an integer
  • if size is less than 0, raise a ValueError exception with the message size must be >= 0
  • if size is a float and is less than 0, raise a TypeError exception with the message size must be an integer
  • You are not allowed to import any module
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ cat
print_square = __import__('4-print_square').print_square

except Exception as e:

guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ ./



size must be >= 0

guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ python3 -m doctest -v ./tests/4-print_square.txt


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x07-python-test_driven_development
  • File:, tests/4-print_square.txt

4. Text indentation

Write a function that prints a text with 2 new lines after each of these characters: ., ? and :

  • Prototype: def text_indentation(text):
  • text must be a string, otherwise raise a TypeError exception with the message text must be a string
  • There should be no space at the beginning or at the end of each printedline
  • You are not allowed to import any module
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ cat
text_indentation = __import__('5-text_indentation').text_indentation

text_indentation("""Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. \
Quonam modo? Utrum igitur tibi litteram videor an totas paginas commovere? \
Non autem hoc: igitur ne illud quidem. Fortasse id optimum, sed ubi illud: \
Plus semper voluptatis? Teneo, inquit, finem illi videri nihil dolere. \
Transfer idem ad modestiam vel temperantiam, quae est moderatio cupiditatum \
rationi oboediens. Si id dicis, vicimus. Inde sermone vario sex illa a Dipylo \
stadia confecimus. Sin aliud quid voles, postea. Quae animi affectio suum \
cuique tribuens atque hanc, quam dico. Utinam quidem dicerent alium alio \
beatiorem! Iam ruinas videres""")

guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ ./ | cat -e
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.$
Quonam modo?$
Utrum igitur tibi litteram videor an totas paginas commovere?$
Non autem hoc:$
igitur ne illud quidem.$
Fortasse id optimum, sed ubi illud:$
Plus semper voluptatis?$
Teneo, inquit, finem illi videri nihil dolere.$
Transfer idem ad modestiam vel temperantiam, quae est moderatio cupiditatum rationi oboediens.$
Si id dicis, vicimus.$
Inde sermone vario sex illa a Dipylo stadia confecimus.$
Sin aliud quid voles, postea.$
Quae animi affectio suum cuique tribuens atque hanc, quam dico.$
Utinam quidem dicerent alium alio beatiorem! Iam ruinas videresguillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ python3 -m doctest -v ./tests/5-text_indentation.txt


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x07-python-test_driven_development
  • File:, tests/5-text_indentation.txt

5. Max integer - Unittest

Since the beginning you have been creating “Interactive tests”. For this exercise, you will add Unittests.

In this task, you will write unittests for the function def max_integer(list=[]):.

  • Your test file should be inside a folder tests
  • You have to use the unittest module
  • Your test file should be python files (extension: .py)
  • Your test file should be executed by using this command: python3 -m unittest tests.6-max_integer_test
  • All tests you make must be passable by the function below
  • We strongly encourage you to work together on test cases, so that you don’t miss any edge case
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ cat
"""Module to find the max integer in a list

def max_integer(list=[]):
    """Function to find and return the max integer in a list of integers
        If the list is empty, the function returns None
    if len(list) == 0:
        return None
    result = list[0]
    i = 1
    while i < len(list):
        if list[i] > result:
            result = list[i]
        i += 1
    return result

guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ cat
max_integer = __import__('6-max_integer').max_integer

print(max_integer([1, 2, 3, 4]))
print(max_integer([1, 3, 4, 2]))
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ ./
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ python3 -m unittest tests.6-max_integer_test 2>&1 | tail -1
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ head -7 tests/
"""Unittest for max_integer([..])
import unittest
max_integer = __import__('6-max_integer').max_integer

class TestMaxInteger(unittest.TestCase):


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x07-python-test_driven_development
  • File: tests/

6. Matrix multiplication

Write a function that multiplies 2 matrices:

  • Read: Matrix multiplication - only Matrix product (two matrices)

  • Prototype: def matrix_mul(m_a, m_b):

  • m_a and m_b must be validated with these requirements in this order

  • m_a and m_b must be an list of lists of integers or floats:

    • if m_a or m_b is not a list: raise a TypeError exception with the message m_a must be a list or m_b must be a list
    • if m_a or m_b is not a list of lists: raise a TypeError exception with the message m_a must be a list of lists or m_b must be a list of lists
    • if m_a or m_b is empty (it means: = [] or = [[]]): raise a ValueError exception with the message m_a can't be empty or m_b can't be empty
    • if one element of those list of lists is not an integer or a float: raise a TypeError exception with the message m_a should contain only integers or floats or m_b should contain only integers or floats
    • if m_a or m_b is not a rectangle (all ‘rows’ should be of the same size): raise a TypeError exception with the message each row of m_a must be of the same size or each row of m_b must be of the same size
  • If m_a and m_b can’t be multiplied: raise a ValueError exception with the message m_a and m_b can't be multiplied

  • You are not allowed to import any module

guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ cat
matrix_mul = __import__('100-matrix_mul').matrix_mul

print(matrix_mul([[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[1, 2], [3, 4]]))
print(matrix_mul([[1, 2]], [[3, 4], [5, 6]]))

guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ ./
[[7, 10], [15, 22]]
[[13, 16]]
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ python3 -m doctest -v ./tests/100-matrix_mul.txt | tail -2
6 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x07-python-test_driven_development
  • File:, tests/100-matrix_mul.txt

7. Lazy matrix multiplication

Write a function that multiplies 2 matrices by using the module NumPy

To install it: pip3 install numpy==1.15.0

  • Prototype: def lazy_matrix_mul(m_a, m_b):
  • Test cases should be the same as 100-matrix_mul but with new exception type/message
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ cat
lazy_matrix_mul = __import__('101-lazy_matrix_mul').lazy_matrix_mul

print(lazy_matrix_mul([[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[1, 2], [3, 4]]))
print(lazy_matrix_mul([[1, 2]], [[3, 4], [5, 6]]))

guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ ./
[[ 7 10]
 [15 22]]
[[13 16]]
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x07$ python3 -m doctest -v ./tests/101-lazy_matrix_mul.txt


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x07-python-test_driven_development
  • File:, tests/101-lazy_matrix_mul.txt

8. CPython #3: Python Strings


Create a function that prints Python strings.

  • Prototype: void print_python_string(PyObject *p);
  • Format: see example
  • If p is not a valid string, print an error message (see example)
  • Read: Unicode HOWTO


  • Python version: 3.4
  • You are allowed to use the C standard library
  • Your shared library will be compiled with this command line: gcc -shared -Wl,-soname, -o -fPIC -I/usr/include/python3.4 102-python.c
julien@ubuntu:~/0x07. Pyhton Strings$ cat
import ctypes

lib = ctypes.CDLL('./')
lib.print_python_string.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object]
s = "The spoon does not exist"
s = "ложка не существует"
s = "La cuillère n'existe pas"
s = "勺子不存在"
s = "숟가락은 존재하지 않는다."
s = "スプーンは存在しない"
s = b"The spoon does not exist"
julien@ubuntu:~/0x07. Pyhton Strings$ gcc -shared -Wl,-soname, -o -fPIC -I/usr/include/python3.4 102-python.c
julien@ubuntu:~/0x07. Pyhton Strings$ python3 ./
[.] string object info
  type: compact ascii
  length: 24
  value: The spoon does not exist
[.] string object info
  type: compact unicode object
  length: 19
  value: ложка не существует
[.] string object info
  type: compact unicode object
  length: 24
  value: La cuillère n'existe pas
[.] string object info
  type: compact unicode object
  length: 5
  value: 勺子不存在
[.] string object info
  type: compact unicode object
  length: 14
  value: 숟가락은 존재하지 않는다.
[.] string object info
  type: compact unicode object
  length: 10
  value: スプーンは存在しない
[.] string object info
  [ERROR] Invalid String Object
julien@ubuntu:~/0x07. Pyhton Strings$


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x07-python-test_driven_development
  • File: 102-python.c