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909 lines (733 loc) · 28.6 KB

File metadata and controls

909 lines (733 loc) · 28.6 KB

SQL Joins


Read or watch:

Extra resources around relational database model design:

Learning Objectives

At the end of this project, you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, without the help of Google:


  • How to create a new MySQL user
  • How to manage privileges for a user to a database or table
  • What’s a PRIMARY KEY
  • What’s a FOREIGN KEY
  • How to use NOT NULL and UNIQUE constraints
  • How to retrieve datas from multiple tables in one request
  • What are subqueries
  • What are JOIN and UNION



  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • All your files will be executed on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using MySQL 8.0 (version 8.0.25)
  • All your files should end with a new line
  • All your SQL queries should have a comment just before (i.e. syntax above)
  • All your files should start by a comment describing the task
  • All SQL keywords should be in uppercase (SELECT, WHERE…)
  • A file, at the root of the folder of the project, is mandatory
  • The length of your files will be tested using wc

More Info

Comments for your SQL file:

$ cat my_script.sql
-- 3 first students in the Batch ID=3
-- because Batch 3 is the best!
SELECT id, name FROM students WHERE batch_id = 3 ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 3;

Install MySQL 8.0 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install mysql-server
$ mysql --version
mysql  Ver 8.0.25-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))

Connect to your MySQL server:

$ sudo mysql
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 11
Server version: 8.0.25-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 (Ubuntu)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> quit

Use “container-on-demand” to run MySQL

In the container, credentials are root/root

  • Ask for container Ubuntu 20.04
  • Connect via SSH
  • OR connect via the Web terminal
  • In the container, you should start MySQL before playing with it:
$ service mysql start
 * Starting MySQL database server mysqld
$ cat 0-list_databases.sql | mysql -uroot -p

In the container, credentials are root/root

How to import a SQL dump

$ echo "CREATE DATABASE hbtn_0d_tvshows;" | mysql -uroot -p
Enter password:
$ curl "" -s | mysql -uroot -p hbtn_0d_tvshows
Enter password:
$ echo "SELECT * FROM tv_genres" | mysql -uroot -p hbtn_0d_tvshows
Enter password:
id  name
1   Drama
2   Mystery
3   Adventure
4   Fantasy
5   Comedy
6   Crime
7   Suspense
8   Thriller

SQL Joins

Quiz questions

Question #0

What DCL means?

  • Document Control Line

  • Document Control Language

  • Data Control Language

  • Data Concept Language

Question #1

Is it possible to give only read access to multiple databases and tables to a user?

  • No

  • Yes

Question #2

Is it possible to give only read access to a database to a user?

  • No

  • Yes

Question #3

Is it possible to give only read access to a table to a user?

  • No

  • Yes

Question #4

Is it possible to give only delete access to a table to a user?

  • No

  • Yes

Question #5

Which JOIN type doesn’t exist? (please select all correct answers)


  • LEFT



  • TOP



Question #6

Is it possible to give only insert access to a table to a user?

  • No

  • Yes


1. My privileges!

Write a script that lists all privileges of the MySQL users user_0d_1 and user_0d_2 on your server (in localhost).

guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 0-privileges.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1141 (42000) at line 3: There is no such grant defined for user 'user_0d_1' on host 'localhost'
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo "CREATE USER 'user_0d_1'@'localhost';" |  mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'user_0d_1'@'localhost';" |  mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 0-privileges.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p
Enter password:
Grants for user_0d_1@localhost
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDA..., DROP ROLE ON *.* TO `user_0d_1`@`localhost`
ERROR 1141 (42000) at line 4: There is no such grant defined for user 'user_0d_2' on host 'localhost'


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 0-privileges.sql

1. Root user

Write a script that creates the MySQL server user user_0d_1.

user_0d_1 should have all privileges on your MySQL server The user_0d_1 password should be set to user_0d_1_pwd If the user user_0d_1 already exists, your script should not fail

guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 1-create_user.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 0-privileges.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p
Enter password:
Grants for user_0d_1@localhost
GRANT SELECT, INSERT..., DROP ROLE ON *.* TO `user_0d_1`@`localhost`
ERROR 1141 (42000) at line 4: There is no such grant defined for user 'user_0d_2' on host 'localhost'


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 1-create_user.sql

2. Read user

Write a script that creates the database hbtn_0d_2 and the user user_0d_2.

  • user_0d_2 should have only SELECT privilege in the database hbtn_0d_2
  • The user_0d_2 password should be set to user_0d_2_pwd
  • If the database hbtn_0d_2 already exists, your script should not fail
  • If the user user_0d_2 already exists, your script should not fail
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 2-create_read_user.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 0-privileges.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p
Enter password:
Grants for user_0d_1@localhost
GRANT SELECT, ..., DROP ROLE ON *.* TO `user_0d_1`@`localhost`
Grants for user_0d_2@localhost
GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `user_0d_2`@`localhost`
GRANT SELECT ON `hbtn_0d_2`.* TO `user_0d_2`@`localhost`


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 2-create_read_user.sql

3. Always a name

Write a script that creates the table force_name on your MySQL server.

  • force_name description:
    • id INT
    • name VARCHAR(256) can’t be null
  • The database name will be passed as an argument of the mysql command
  • If the table force_name already exists, your script should not fail
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 3-force_name.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_2
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'INSERT INTO force_name (id, name) VALUES (89, "Best School");' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_2
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'SELECT * FROM force_name;' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_2
Enter password:
id  name
89  Best School
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'INSERT INTO force_name (id) VALUES (333);' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_2
Enter password:
ERROR 1364 (HY000) at line 1: Field 'name' doesn't have a default value
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'SELECT * FROM force_name;' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_2
Enter password:
id  name
89  Best School


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 3-force_name.sql

4. ID can't be null

Write a script that creates the table id_not_null on your MySQL server.

  • id_not_null description:
    • id INT with the default value 1
    • name VARCHAR(256)
  • The database name will be passed as an argument of the mysql command
  • If the table id_not_null already exists, your script should not fail
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 4-never_empty.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_2
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'INSERT INTO id_not_null (id, name) VALUES (89, "Best School");' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_2
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'SELECT * FROM id_not_null;' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_2
Enter password:
id  name
89  Best School
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'INSERT INTO id_not_null (name) VALUES ("Best");' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_2
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'SELECT * FROM id_not_null;' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_2
Enter password:
id  name
89  Best School
1   Best


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 4-never_empty.sql

5. Unique ID

Write a script that creates the table unique_id on your MySQL server.

  • unique_id description:
    • id INT with the default value 1 and must be unique
    • name VARCHAR(256)
  • The database name will be passed as an argument of the mysql command
  • If the table unique_id already exists, your script should not fail
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 5-unique_id.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_2
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'INSERT INTO unique_id (id, name) VALUES (89, "Best School");' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_2
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'SELECT * FROM unique_id;' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_2
Enter password:
id  name
89  Best School
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'INSERT INTO unique_id (id, name) VALUES (89, "Best");' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_2
Enter password:
ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 1: Duplicate entry '89' for key ''
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'SELECT * FROM unique_id;' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_2
Enter password:
id  name
89  Best School


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 5-unique_id.sql

6. States table

Write a script that creates the database hbtn_0d_usa and the table states (in the database hbtn_0d_usa) on your MySQL server.

  • states description:
    • id INT unique, auto generated, can’t be null and is a primary key
    • name VARCHAR(256) can’t be null
  • If the database hbtn_0d_usa already exists, your script should not fail
  • If the table states already exists, your script should not fail
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 6-states.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'INSERT INTO states (name) VALUES ("California"), ("Arizona"), ("Texas");' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_usa
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'SELECT * FROM states;' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_usa
Enter password:
id  name
1   California
2   Arizona
3   Texas


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 6-states.sql

7. Cities table

Write a script that creates the database hbtn_0d_usa and the table cities (in the database hbtn_0d_usa) on your MySQL server.

  • cities description:
    • id INT unique, auto generated, can’t be null and is a primary key
    • state_id INT, can’t be null and must be a FOREIGN KEY that references to id of the states table
    • name VARCHAR(256) can’t be null
  • If the database hbtn_0d_usa already exists, your script should not fail
  • If the table cities already exists, your script should not fail
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 7-cities.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'INSERT INTO cities (state_id, name) VALUES (1, "San Francisco");' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_usa
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'SELECT * FROM cities;' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_usa
Enter password:
id  state_id    name
1   1   San Francisco
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'INSERT INTO cities (state_id, name) VALUES (10, "Paris");' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_usa
Enter password:
ERROR 1452 (23000) at line 1: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`hbtn_0d_usa`.`cities`, CONSTRAINT `cities_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`state_id`) REFERENCES `states` (`id`))
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'SELECT * FROM cities;' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_usa
Enter password:
id  state_id    name
1   1   San Francisco


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 7-cities.sql

8. Cities of California

Write a script that lists all the cities of California that can be found in the database hbtn_0d_usa.

  • The states table contains only one record where name = California (but the id can be different, as per the example)
  • Results must be sorted in ascending order by
  • You are not allowed to use the JOIN keyword
  • The database name will be passed as an argument of the mysql command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'SELECT * FROM states;' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_usa
Enter password:
id  name
1   California
2   Arizona
3   Texas
4   Utah
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'SELECT * FROM cities;' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_usa
Enter password:
id  state_id    name
1   1   San Francisco
2   1   San Jose
4   2   Page
6   3   Paris
7   3   Houston
8   3   Dallas
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 8-cities_of_california_subquery.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_usa
Enter password:
id  name
1   San Francisco
2   San Jose


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 8-cities_of_california_subquery.sql

9. Cities by States

Write a script that lists all cities contained in the database hbtn_0d_usa.

  • Each record should display: - -
  • Results must be sorted in ascending order by
  • You can use only one SELECT statement
  • The database name will be passed as an argument of the mysql command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'SELECT * FROM states;' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_usa
Enter password:
id  name
1   California
2   Arizona
3   Texas
4   Utah
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ echo 'SELECT * FROM cities;' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_usa
Enter password:
id  state_id    name
1   1   San Francisco
2   1   San Jose
4   2   Page
6   3   Paris
7   3   Houston
8   3   Dallas
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 9-cities_by_state_join.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_usa
Enter password:
id  name    name
1   San Francisco   California
2   San Jose    California
4   Page    Arizona
6   Paris   Texas
7   Houston Texas
8   Dallas  Texas


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 9-cities_by_state_join.sql

10. Genre ID by show

Import the database dump from hbtn_0d_tvshows to your MySQL server: download

Write a script that lists all shows contained in hbtn_0d_tvshows that have at least one genre linked.`

  • Each record should display: tv_shows.title - tv_show_genres.genre_id
  • Results must be sorted in ascending order by tv_shows.title and tv_show_genres.genre_id
  • You can use only one SELECT statement
  • The database name will be passed as an argument of the mysql command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 10-genre_id_by_show.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_tvshows
Enter password:
title   genre_id
Breaking Bad    1
Breaking Bad    6
Breaking Bad    7
Breaking Bad    8
Dexter  1
Dexter  2
Dexter  6
Dexter  7
Dexter  8
Game of Thrones 1
Game of Thrones 3
Game of Thrones 4
House   1
House   2
New Girl    5
Silicon Valley  5
The Big Bang Theory 5
The Last Man on Earth   1
The Last Man on Earth   5


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 10-genre_id_by_show.sql

11. Genre ID for all shows

Import the database dump of hbtn_0d_tvshows to your MySQL server: download (same as 10-genre_id_by_show.sql)

Write a script that lists all shows contained in the database hbtn_0d_tvshows.

  • Each record should display: tv_shows.title - tv_show_genres.genre_id
  • Results must be sorted in ascending order by tv_shows.title and tv_show_genres.genre_id
  • If a show doesn’t have a genre, display NULL
  • You can use only one SELECT statement
  • The database name will be passed as an argument of the mysql command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 11-genre_id_all_shows.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_tvshows
Enter password:
title   genre_id
Better Call Saul    NULL
Breaking Bad    1
Breaking Bad    6
Breaking Bad    7
Breaking Bad    8
Dexter  1
Dexter  2
Dexter  6
Dexter  7
Dexter  8
Game of Thrones 1
Game of Thrones 3
Game of Thrones 4
Homeland    NULL
House   1
House   2
New Girl    5
Silicon Valley  5
The Big Bang Theory 5
The Last Man on Earth   1
The Last Man on Earth   5


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 11-genre_id_all_shows.sql

12. No genre

Import the database dump from hbtn_0d_tvshows to your MySQL server: download (same as 11-genre_id_all_shows.sql)

Write a script that lists all shows contained in hbtn_0d_tvshows without a genre linked.

  • Each record should display: tv_shows.title - tv_show_genres.genre_id
  • Results must be sorted in ascending order by tv_shows.title and tv_show_genres.genre_id
  • You can use only one SELECT statement
  • The database name will be passed as an argument of the mysql command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 12-no_genre.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_tvshows
Enter password:
title   genre_id
Better Call Saul    NULL
Homeland    NULL


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 12-no_genre.sql

13. Number of shows by genre

Import the database dump from hbtn_0d_tvshows to your MySQL server: download (same as 12-no_genre.sql)

Write a script that lists all genres from hbtn_0d_tvshows and displays the number of shows linked to each.

  • Each record should display: <TV Show genre> - <Number of shows linked to this genre>
  • First column must be called genre
  • Second column must be called number_of_shows
  • Don’t display a genre that doesn’t have any shows linked
  • Results must be sorted in descending order by the number of shows linked
  • You can use only one SELECT statement
  • The database name will be passed as an argument of the mysql command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 13-count_shows_by_genre.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_tvshows
Enter password:
genre   number_of_shows
Drama   5
Comedy  4
Mystery 2
Crime   2
Suspense    2
Thriller    2
Adventure   1
Fantasy 1


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 13-count_shows_by_genre.sql

14. My genres

Import the database dump from hbtn_0d_tvshows to your MySQL server: download (same as 13-count_shows_by_genre.sql)

Write a script that uses the hbtn_0d_tvshows database to lists all genres of the show Dexter.

  • The tv_shows table contains only one record where title = Dexter (but the id can be different)
  • Each record should display:
  • Results must be sorted in ascending order by the genre name
  • You can use only one SELECT statement
  • The database name will be passed as an argument of the mysql command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 14-my_genres.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_tvshows
Enter password:


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 14-my_genres.sql

15. Only Comedy

Import the database dump from hbtn_0d_tvshows to your MySQL server: download (same as 14-my_genres.sql)

Write a script that lists all Comedy shows in the database hbtn_0d_tvshows.

  • The tv_genres table contains only one record where name = Comedy (but the id can be different)
  • Each record should display: tv_shows.title
  • Results must be sorted in ascending order by the show title
  • You can use only one SELECT statement
  • The database name will be passed as an argument of the mysql command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 15-comedy_only.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_tvshows
Enter password:
New Girl
Silicon Valley
The Big Bang Theory
The Last Man on Earth


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 15-comedy_only.sql

16. List shows and genres

Import the database dump from hbtn_0d_tvshows to your MySQL server: download (same as 15-comedy_only.sql)

Write a script that lists all shows, and all genres linked to that show, from the database hbtn_0d_tvshows.

  • If a show doesn’t have a genre, display NULL in the genre column
  • Each record should display: tv_shows.title -
  • Results must be sorted in ascending order by the show title and genre name
  • You can use only one SELECT statement
  • The database name will be passed as an argument of the mysql command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 16-shows_by_genre.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_tvshows
Enter password:
title   name
Better Call Saul    NULL
Breaking Bad    Crime
Breaking Bad    Drama
Breaking Bad    Suspense
Breaking Bad    Thriller
Dexter  Crime
Dexter  Drama
Dexter  Mystery
Dexter  Suspense
Dexter  Thriller
Game of Thrones Adventure
Game of Thrones Drama
Game of Thrones Fantasy
Homeland    NULL
House   Drama
House   Mystery
New Girl    Comedy
Silicon Valley  Comedy
The Big Bang Theory Comedy
The Last Man on Earth   Comedy
The Last Man on Earth   Drama


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 16-shows_by_genre.sql

17. Not my genre

Import the database dump from hbtn_0d_tvshows to your MySQL server: download (same as 16-shows_by_genre.sql)

Write a script that uses the hbtn_0d_tvshows database to list all genres not linked to the show Dexter

  • The tv_shows table contains only one record where title = Dexter (but the id can be different)
  • Each record should display:
  • Results must be sorted in ascending order by the genre name
  • You can use a maximum of two SELECT statement
  • The database name will be passed as an argument of the mysql command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 100-not_my_genres.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_tvshows
Enter password:


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 100-not_my_genres.sql

18. No Comedy tonight!

Import the database dump from hbtn_0d_tvshows to your MySQL server: download (same as 100-not_my_genres.sql)

Write a script that lists all shows without the genre Comedy in the database hbtn_0d_tvshows.

  • The tv_genres table contains only one record where name = Comedy (but the id can be different)
  • Each record should display: tv_shows.title
  • Results must be sorted in ascending order by the show title
  • You can use a maximum of two SELECT statement
  • The database name will be passed as an argument of the mysql command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 101-not_a_comedy.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_tvshows
Enter password:
Better Call Saul
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 101-not_a_comedy.sql

19. Rotten tomatoes

Import the database hbtn_0d_tvshows_rate dump to your MySQL server: download

Write a script that lists all shows from hbtn_0d_tvshows_rate by their rating.

  • Each record should display: tv_shows.title - rating sum
  • Results must be sorted in descending order by the rating
  • You can use only one SELECT statement
  • The database name will be passed as an argument of the mysql command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 102-rating_shows.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_tvshows_rate
Enter password:
title   rating
Better Call Saul    163
Homeland    145
Silicon Valley  82
Game of Thrones 79
Dexter  24
House   21
Breaking Bad    16
The Last Man on Earth   10
The Big Bang Theory 0
New Girl    0


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 102-rating_shows.sql

20. Best genre

Import the database dump from hbtn_0d_tvshows_rate to your MySQL server: download (same as 102-rating_shows.sql)

Write a script that lists all genres in the database hbtn_0d_tvshows_rate by their rating.

  • Each record should display: - rating sum
  • Results must be sorted in descending order by their rating
  • You can use only one SELECT statement
  • The database name will be passed as an argument of the mysql command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/$ cat 103-rating_genres.sql | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p hbtn_0d_tvshows_rate
Enter password:
name    rating
Drama   150
Comedy  92
Adventure   79
Fantasy 79
Mystery 45
Crime   40
Suspense    40
Thriller    40


  • GitHub repository: alx-higher_level_programming
  • Directory: 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
  • File: 103-rating_genres.sql