This library turns devices that support HardwareSerial directly (Arduino) or via HAL into MODBUS server device capable of responding to eight basic RTU frames:
- Read coil status (0x01)
- Read input status (0x02)
- Read holding register(0x03)
- Read input register (0x04)
- Force single coil (0x05)
- Preset single register (0x06)
- Force multiple coils (0x0F)
- Preset multiple registers (0x10)
The library expects full RTU frames consisting of:
- device ID (1 byte)
- function ID (1 byte)
- data (n bytes)
- crc (2 bytes)*
Also, the library is able to detect invalid request frame and respond to it with an adequate exception frame.
*CRC can be disabled.
template <uint16_t dis, uint16_t dos, uint16_t ais, uint16_t aos>
- dis: Size of digital inputs array (MODBUS coils) - read only for the server, read/write for the client
- dos: Size of digital outputs array (MODBUS inputs) - read/write for the server, read only for the client
- ais: Size of analog inputs array (MODBUS holding registers) - read only for the server, read/write for the client
- aos: Size of analog outputs array (MODBUS input registers) - read/write for the server, read only for the client
void begin(uint8_t id, HardwareSerial S);
- id: Unique id of the server
- S: HardwareSerial object
void end();
bool available();
- returns: True only when there is data pending to be processed by this server
uint8_t read();
- returns: Function code of the processed frame or 0 when there was no data / error occured / invalid request happened
This function should be used as often as possible along with available() to provide responsive and dependable server.
bool digitalRead(bool type, uint16_t address);
uint16_t analogRead(bool type, uint16_t address);
- DISCRETE_INPUT (digital) / INPUT_REG (analog)
- COIL (digital) / HOLDING_REG (analog)
address: Position in specified array
returns: Value stored under given address
void digitalWrite(bool type, uint16_t address, bool value);
void analogWrite(bool type, uint16_t address, uint16_t value);
- type:
- DISCRETE_INPUT (digital) / INPUT_REG (analog)
- COIL (digital) / HOLDING_REG (analog)
- address: Position in specified array
- value: Value to be written
void setBusy();
void setIdle();
Server is idle by default.
When server is busy then it will ignore any incoming data and will respond with MODBUS_ERR_SLAVE_BUSY exception.
void disableCRC();
void enableCRC();
CRC is enabled by default.
void useUART();
void useRS485(void (*actAsTransmitter)(bool) actAsTransmitter);
- actAsTransmitter: Pointer to function that is used to control RS485 converter's direction.
UART is enabled by default.
Due to variety of uart <-> RS485 converters you need to provide separate function that controls the direction of your converter
This function should be a type of void and should expect one boolean parameter.
When this parameter is true, your function should set the converter into transmitter. Otherwise, when this parameter is false, your function should set the converter into receiver. i.e:
void foo(bool t)
digitalWrite(13,t); //when pin 13 is high, the converter act as transmitter
void setup()
#include "MSlave.h"
int ledPin = 13;
int potPin = A0;
int pwmLedPin = 11;
int buttonPin = 3;
int deviceID = 1;
// 1 digital input (address 0)
// 1 digital output (address 0)
// 1 analog input (address 0)
// 2 analog outputs (adresses 0,1)
// addresses works just like arrays
// so if you have 2 analog outputs, you can access adresses from 0 to 1
// if you have 40 analog inputs, you can access adresses from 0 to 39 etc
MSlave<1, 1, 1, 2> server; // Initialize slave device.
void setup()
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
pinMode(potPin, INPUT);
pinMode(pwmLedPin, OUTPUT);
server.disableCRC(); // No need for crc check in this example.
server.begin(deviceID, Serial); // Start modbus server.
void loop()
if (server.available()) // Check whether master sent some serial data.
int result =; // Process data from master and return code of the processed function or 0 when there was no data / error occured / invalid request happened.
digitalWrite(ledPin, server.digitalRead(COIL, 0)); // Read digital inputs array data received from client devices.
analogWrite(pwmLedPin, server.analogRead(HOLDING_REG, 0)); // Read analog inputs array data received from client devices.
server.digitalWrite(DISCRETE_INPUT, 0, digitalRead(buttonPin)); // Write button's state to digital outputs array so it will be available to be read from clients.
server.analogWrite(INPUT_REG, 0, analogRead(potPin)); // Write potentiometer's state to analog outputs array so it will be available to be read from clients.
if (server.digitalRead(DISCRETE_INPUT, 0)) // Read buttons's state from digital outputs array.
server.analogWrite(INPUT_REG, 1, 512); // Write 512 to analog outputs array so it will be available to be read from clients.
server.analogWrite(INPUT_REG, 1, 100); // Write 100 to analog outputs array so it will be available to be read from clients.
Note: values in frames below are raw bytes, not ascii characters so you should use functions to read/write binary data, not characters. i.e if you send your request frames from other Arduino board, you should use Serial.write() instead of Serial.print()
id | function | address | value |
1 | 5 | 0 0 | 255 0 |
id | function | address | value |
1 | 6 | 0 0 | 0 128 |
id | function | address of the first input | quantity of inputs to read |
1 | 2 | 0 0 | 0 1 |
id | function | address of the first input | quantity of inputs to read |
1 | 4 | 0 0 | 0 1 |
id | function | address of the first output | quantity of outputs to read |
1 | 1 | 0 0 | 0 1 |
id | function | address of the first input | quantity of inputs to read |
1 | 4 | 0 0 | 0 2 |
This was not tested as of yet.
For other devices that don't support Arduino.h library, a pure abstract HardwareSerial class must be inherited by custom Serial implementation.
class HardwareSerial
* @brief Write single byte to serial device.
* @param byte Byte to write.
virtual void write(uint8_t byte) = 0;
* @brief Check serial port for unread data.
* @return Number of bytes available to read.
virtual int available() = 0;
* @brief Read bytes.
* @param buffer Buffer to place bytes in.
* @param length Size of the buffer.
* @return Number of bytes placed in the buffer.
virtual size_t readBytes(uint8_t *buffer, size_t length) = 0;
* @brief Wait for tx tramsmission to complete.
virtual void flush() = 0;
The library was written using following documents and sites:
- MODBUS over Serial Line Specification and Implementation Guide V1.02
- Modbus Protocol Reference Guide