Thank you for thinking about contributing to Podium. Everyone is more than welcome to file issues, to contribute code via pull requests, to help triage and fix bugs, to improve our documentation or to help out in any other way.
Please note we have a code of conduct, please follow it in all your interactions with the project.
To setup the project locally, follow the steps below:
Fork the repository by clicking on the Fork button in the top-right corner on the repository's page. This creates a copy of the repository under you GitHub account.
Clone the forked repository and connect it with the base repository.
git clone<your GitHub handle>/podium.git cd podium git remote add upstream
Build the project in development mode.
To install the minimal set of dependencies, run:
pip install -e .
To install the full set of dependencies for developing Podium, run:
pip install -e ".[dev]"
If the change you wish to make is substantial, e.g. adding a new feature or fixing a bug, please file an issue first to discuss your proposal with the project maintainers. For smaller changes, e.g. fixing typos in documentation, you can submit a PR directly.
Follow the steps below to submit a PR to Podium:
Follow the steps in Setup to build the project locally.
Create a branch to hold you development changes.
git checkout -b descriptive-branch-name
Implement your changes.
Apply the code style changes (for more details see our Code and docstring style standards):
make style
Run tests:
python -m pytest -sv tests
If everything goes well, commit your changes and push them to the forked repository:
git add . git commit -m "descriptive commit message" git push -u origin descriptive-branch-name
Optionally, to be up with the latest changes, sync up with the project repository beforehand:
git pull --rebase upstream master
Click on Pull request on the webpage of the forked repository to request merging your changes with the project's master branch.
In this repository, we use black, isort and flake8 for code sytle.
Commands to check black, isort and flake8 compliance for written code and tests.
black --check --line-length 90 --target-version py36 podium tests examples
isort --check-only podium tests examples
flake8 podium tests examples
We use docfomatter for docstring style.
Commands to check docformatter compliance for written docstrings.
docformatter podium tests examples --check --recursive \
--wrap-descriptions 80 --wrap-summaries 80 \
--pre-summary-newline --make-summary-multi-line
To check the code and doc style all at once, run:
make quality
Similarly, to apply the required code and doc style changes in the source, run:
make style
Commands to run tests.
pip install ".[tests]"
pytest -sv tests
We adhere to the numpydoc style for documentation.
Build and install Podium.
Install the dependencies.
pip install ".[docs]"
Generate the documentation HTML files in
.cd docs make html