A quick guide to some food options near Tampa Hackerspace.
- 7-11 just west of us on Cypress
- Subway / convenience store at Cypress and Westshore
- Walgreens at Kennedy and Westshore
- Waffle House on Westshore
- IHOP (International House of Pancakes) on Spruce
Note: Make sure to specify West Nassau Street or the driver can get very lost
- Jimmy Johns
- Papa John's Pizza
- International Mall food court and more
- Westshore Mall food court and more
- Kennedy strip - Taco Bell, McDonalds, Burger King, Jimmy Johns, Jimbo's BBQ, Five Guys, and more
- La Bamba - breakfast and lunch
- Westshore near Spruce: Longhorn, Pei Wei, Lime Fresh, Starbucks, Olive Garden
- Westshore South of Cypress: Chipotle, Panera, Starbucks