😎 List of helpful resources added by the community for the community!
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This repository aims to help contributors (specifically beginners) participate in Hacktoberfest easily while also helping others as well.
To contribute, all you have to do is add a tutorial, article or any helpful resource you know of to the list. These can relate to any programming language, framework, library or others. Even if it's not on the list of topics, you can add a new one. This way you can participate in Hacktoberfest and help others as well!
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- Android
- Angular
- Computer Science
- CSharp
- Data Science
- DevOps
- Docker
- Express
- Ethical Hacking
- Fudamental CP algorithms
- GitHub
- GraphQL
- Java
- Javascript
- Linux
- Magento
- Python
- React
- Ruby
- Swift
- Testing
- Unity
- Vue
- Webpack
- Others
- Build your first app
- Official Documentation
- Android™ Notes for Professionals book
- Android Developer Roadmap
- Android cheat sheet
- Egghead.io - Angular
- Egghead.io - Build Redux Style Applications with Angular2, RxJS, and ngrx/store
- HiRez.io - Angular Basics
- HiRez.io - Angular In Depth - Components
- udemy - Introduction to Angular 2
- udemy - Angular 2 with TypeScript for Beginners: The Pragmatic Guide
- udemy - The Complete Guide to Angular 2
- Pluralsight - Angular 2: First Look
- Pluralsight - Angular 2: Getting Started
- C# From a Java Developer's Perspective
- The C# Yellow Book
- 5 books every C# developer should read
- C# Microsoft Docs
- How to uncouples emit events from connection event into socket.io and express - Uncoupling socket emit events with express
- LinkedIn Login using Node JS, Express and passport
- Web Development with Node and Express
- Express Web Application Developement
- Curated ExpressJS Courses - a list of community curated resources
- ExpressJS Courses at Classpert - a list of courses (free and paid) from Classpert Online Course Search
- Security Practices in Express App
- Binary Exponentiation
- Euclidean algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor
- Extended Euclidean Algorithm
- Linear Diophantine Equations
- Fibonacci Numbers
- Divide and Conquer DP
- Dynamic Programming on Broken Profile. Problem "Parquet"
- Finding the largest zero submatrix
- Dynamic Programming GeeksforGeeks
- String Hashing
- Rabin-Karp for String Matching
- Prefix function - Knuth-Morris-Pratt
- Z-function
- Suffix Array
- Aho-Corasick algorithm
- Pro Git Book
- Udacity's Git Commit Style Guide
- Learn Git Branching: A beautiful visual guide to learn simple and advanced Git.
- How to create a pull request in GitHub
- Squash mutilple commits into one in GitHub
- GitHub Guide
- GitHub Learning Lab
- Learn Java - Free Interactive Java Tutorial
- 10 Simple Java Projects for Beginners
- Advanced Java Programming
- Learn Servlet Tutorial
- Chrome Extension Tutorial — Replace Images in Any Website with Pikachu
- React Hooks Tutorial — Create a Number Trivia Generator Website
- Callback Function in JavaScript
- Learn Modern JavaScript ES6 | ES7 | ES8
- Learn JavaScript through a game
- Javascript ES2020- Top Features you should know
- Understanding Closures
- S.O.L.I.D. Principles around You, in JavaScript
- The 30 days JavaScript Challenge
- PHP Tutorial
- PHP Video Tutorials
- Online Book For Learning PHP
- Interactive Lessons For PHP
- Useful PHP Tips For Beginners
- PHP Cheat Sheet
- Python Intermediate Tutorial
- Python Tutorial
- Python for Everybody (14 hour course)
- Python Tips and Tricks for Beginners
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python
- Python Tips and Tricks for Beginners
- React Tutorial
- Glitch: React Starter Kit
- Egghead.io: Start Learning React
- React Official Tutorial
- Using React in Visual Studio Code
- Scrimba - Learn React for free interactively
- FreeCodeCamp React Challenges
- React Cheatsheet
- React Patterns
- Useful Packages you should know in React
- Learn React Test Driven Development
- Swift Tutorial
- Build your very first iOS app
- Swift Programming Tutorial for Beginners
- Getting Started
- Documentation
- Vue x Hasura GraphQL
- Using GraphQL Mutations in Vue.js
- Learn How To Build A Data-Driven Search UI with Vue.JS
- Using GitLab CI/CD to auto-deploy your Vue.js application to AWS S3
- Dockerizing a Vue App
- Deploying a Flask and Vue App to Heroku with Docker and Gitlab CI
- Large-scale Vuex application structures