Unity project for a Technical test. Instructions :
- Create a mobile application allowing to play a fortune wheeler.
- The goal of the test is to evaluate the code quality, the architecture, and the simplicity tu run it.
Stage 1 :
- Connect to the micro service provided.
Stage 2 :
- Create an interface allowing : *- To play *- To see the wheel stop on one of the prices. *- To visualise your gains.
Contraints :
- The project must be done in unity and must run on mobile.
- The delivery must be on Github.
This project was stop after completing Stage 1 in approximatly 3 hours.
How can I open this project?
git clone https://github.com/Tbernard33/FortuneWheeler
- Open UnityHub
- Press Add and select the folder where you cloned this repo (Unity 2019.4.14f1)
This Unity project uses the following: