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Lesson: Access Modifiers, Composition & Design

📝  Class Materials:

  • Slides

  • Repls:

    • Coding Exercise 1:
#In this example we will walk through how different access modifiers are indicated in Python
class Snake:
  def __init__(self, name, color, type):
    #public property = name

    self._color = color

    self.__type = type

  def example1(self):
    print("I eat rodents! (This is public)")

  def _example2(self):
    print("I like to slither in the sand (This is protected)")

  def __example3(self):
    print("I like to curl up on a hot rock! (This is private)")

# Make a snek caled albert
albert = Snake("Albert", "yellow", "Python")

# Look at each line below. Predict the output 
# by examining the class above. Then uncomment 
# the line and run the code: 

# albert.__example3()
# albert.example1()
# albert._example2()
# print(
# print(albert._color)
# print(albert._Snake__type)
# print( dir(albert) )
  • Coding Exercise 2:
# Make a class that creates an instance of yourself! 
# Your class will have some public, protected, and 
# private attributes. 

#TODO: Create a class that desribes you! Give your class three attributes

#TODO: Give your class one private, one protected, and one public attribute

#TODO: Give you class one private, one protected, and one public method

# TODO: Instantiate your class and try to modify each attribute
  • Coding Exercise 3:
# In this example we will show how to create getters and setters for properties within a class

class Person:
  """This class represents a person with a name, and age"""

  def __init__(self, name, age):
    """Initializes the Person class"""
    self.__name = name
    self.__age = age

  def get_name(self):
    """This method returns the name plus the prefix text"""
    return "The person's name is: " + self.__name

  def set_name(self, new_name):
    self.__name = new_name

  def set_age(self, new_age):
    if new_age > 0:
      self.__age = new_age

  def get_age(self):
    return self.__age

jess = Person("Jess", 29)
name = jess.get_name()
name = "Bob"


# Let's create a Player and then a Team class using composition!

class Player:
  def __init__(self, name, number): = name
    self.number = number = None
  def intro(self):
    print(f"Name: {} number: {self.number} team: {}")

class Team:
  def __init__(self, name, city, num_players): = name = city
    self.players = []
    self.num_players = num_players

  def add_player(self, player): = self

  def roster(self):
    for player in self.players:

myTeam = Team("CS1.1", "San Francisco", 13)
andy = Player("Andy", 6)

bob = Player("Bob", 7)


andy.intro() # andy says their name, number and team. 

# Both player and Team are classes. 
# Team has a list of players. 
# A Team is not a Player is not a Team!

# Note! Team owns a list of PLayers. Team can communicate 
# with Player in the the list. See the roster method. 

# On the other hand Player has no way to to communicate 
# with its Team. That is unless we provide that mechanism!

# Look at the Player's team attribute. Look at the the 
# Team's add_player method. Here, each time a player is 
# added to the team that players team attribute is set 
# to the team object. 


You need to create two classes. One will represent a playing card. The other will represent a deck of cards.

A deck of cards has 52 cards in four suits and two colors. Suits are:

  • ♠️ Spades
  • ♣️ Clubs
  • ♥️ Hearts
  • ♦️ Diamonds

Values range from 1-13.

Stretch challenge values range from Ace, 2-10, Jack, Jack, Queen, King.

Color is either Red for Hearts and Diamonds, or black for Spades and Clubs.

Card class will have attributes of:

  • suit - The suit
  • value - the value
  • color - the color

Card will also have a show() method that prints the value and suit.

Deck class will have attributes of:

  • cards - a list of Card instances

Deck will have methods of:

  • add_card() - populates the cards list with cards.
  • shuffle() - randomzies the list of cards. Note! You can use random.shuffle() from the built in python library.

Stretch Challenges

  • Add a draw() method to the Deck class. This method returns the first card in the cards list and returns it.
  • Add a discard_pile attribute to the Deck class. This property is a list that holds cards that were discarded.
  • Add a discard() method that takes a card and adds it to the discard list.
  • Every card should know what deck it belongs to. Add a deck attribute to the Card class. When a card is created set it's deck to the deck that created it.
  • Give Card a discard method. This method should add that card to it's deck's discard pile. A card can call discard on it's deck and pass it self as an argument!
  • Create a Hand class. A had class is like a small deck. It stores a list of cards in an attribute. It also has a deck attribute that is the deck that the hand was drawn from.
  • Add a draw_hand() method to the Deck class. This method should return a new instance of the Hand class and populate it with 7 cards.
  • The Hand class needs a draw method. This method calls draw on the deck the hand is working with and adds the returned card to the hand's cards list.
  • Hand should have a show() method. This method displays the cards in a hand by printing them. You can call the show() method on each card in the hand's cards list.
  • A Hand needs a discard_random() method. This method chooses a random card in the hand's cards list and passes it to it's deck's discard method.
  • Add a discard() method to the Hand class. This method takes the index of a card in the cards list and discards that card.