📝 Class Materials:
- Coding Exercise 1:
#In this example we will walk through how different access modifiers are indicated in Python
class Snake:
def __init__(self, name, color, type):
#public property
self.name = name
self._color = color
self.__type = type
def example1(self):
print("I eat rodents! (This is public)")
def _example2(self):
print("I like to slither in the sand (This is protected)")
def __example3(self):
print("I like to curl up on a hot rock! (This is private)")
# Make a snek caled albert
albert = Snake("Albert", "yellow", "Python")
# Look at each line below. Predict the output
# by examining the class above. Then uncomment
# the line and run the code:
# albert.__example3()
# albert.example1()
# albert._example2()
# print(albert.name)
# print(albert._color)
# print(albert._Snake__type)
# print( dir(albert) )
- Coding Exercise 2:
# Make a class that creates an instance of yourself!
# Your class will have some public, protected, and
# private attributes.
#TODO: Create a class that desribes you! Give your class three attributes
#TODO: Give your class one private, one protected, and one public attribute
#TODO: Give you class one private, one protected, and one public method
# TODO: Instantiate your class and try to modify each attribute
- Coding Exercise 3:
# In this example we will show how to create getters and setters for properties within a class
class Person:
"""This class represents a person with a name, and age"""
def __init__(self, name, age):
"""Initializes the Person class"""
self.__name = name
self.__age = age
def get_name(self):
"""This method returns the name plus the prefix text"""
return "The person's name is: " + self.__name
def set_name(self, new_name):
self.__name = new_name
def set_age(self, new_age):
if new_age > 0:
self.__age = new_age
def get_age(self):
return self.__age
jess = Person("Jess", 29)
name = jess.get_name()
name = "Bob"
- Coding Exercise 4: https://repl.it/@MakeSchool/composition#main.py
# Let's create a Player and then a Team class using composition!
class Player:
def __init__(self, name, number):
self.name = name
self.number = number
self.team = None
def intro(self):
print(f"Name: {self.name} number: {self.number} team: {self.team.name}")
class Team:
def __init__(self, name, city, num_players):
self.name = name
self.city = city
self.players = []
self.num_players = num_players
def add_player(self, player):
player.team = self
def roster(self):
for player in self.players:
myTeam = Team("CS1.1", "San Francisco", 13)
andy = Player("Andy", 6)
bob = Player("Bob", 7)
andy.intro() # andy says their name, number and team.
# Both player and Team are classes.
# Team has a list of players.
# A Team is not a Player is not a Team!
# Note! Team owns a list of PLayers. Team can communicate
# with Player in the the list. See the roster method.
# On the other hand Player has no way to to communicate
# with its Team. That is unless we provide that mechanism!
# Look at the Player's team attribute. Look at the the
# Team's add_player method. Here, each time a player is
# added to the team that players team attribute is set
# to the team object.
You need to create two classes. One will represent a playing card. The other will represent a deck of cards.
A deck of cards has 52 cards in four suits and two colors. Suits are:
♠️ Spades♣️ Clubs♥️ Hearts♦️ Diamonds
Values range from 1-13.
Stretch challenge values range from Ace, 2-10, Jack, Jack, Queen, King.
Color is either Red for Hearts and Diamonds, or black for Spades and Clubs.
Card class will have attributes of:
- suit - The suit
- value - the value
- color - the color
Card will also have a show()
method that prints the value and suit.
Deck class will have attributes of:
- a list of Card instances
Deck will have methods of:
- populates the cards list with cards.shuffle()
- randomzies the list of cards. Note! You can userandom.shuffle()
from the built in python library.
Stretch Challenges
- Add a
method to theDeck
class. This method returns the first card in the cards list and returns it. - Add a
attribute to theDeck
class. This property is a list that holds cards that were discarded. - Add a
method that takes a card and adds it to the discard list. - Every card should know what deck it belongs to. Add a
attribute to theCard
class. When a card is created set it'sdeck
to the deck that created it. - Give
a discard method. This method should add that card to it's deck's discard pile. A card can call discard on it's deck and pass it self as an argument! - Create a
class. A had class is like a small deck. It stores a list ofcards
in an attribute. It also has adeck
attribute that is the deck that the hand was drawn from. - Add a
method to theDeck
class. This method should return a new instance of theHand
class and populate it with 7 cards. - The
class needs a draw method. This method callsdraw
on the deck the hand is working with and adds the returned card to the hand's cards list. Hand
should have ashow()
method. This method displays the cards in a hand by printing them. You can call theshow()
method on each card in the hand'scards
list.- A
needs adiscard_random()
method. This method chooses a random card in the hand's cards list and passes it to it's deck's discard method. - Add a
method to theHand
class. This method takes the index of a card in the cards list and discards that card.