📝 Class Materials:
# Superclass - Parent
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self._name = name
self._age = age
def introduce_self(self):
print(f"My name is {self._name} and my age is {self._age}.")
# create a Person and have them introduce themselves
person_example = Person("Adriana", "28")
# create Student class
class Student(Person):
def __init__(self, name, age, year):
self._year = year
self.courses = []
def get_courses(self):
print(f"{self._name} is taking CS 1.1")
def introduce_self(self):
print(f"My name is {self._name} and I'm a Student")
# create a Student and have them introduce themselves
student_example = Student("Danika", "28", "2022")
class Mammal:
class WingedAnimal:
class Bat(Mammal, WingedAnimal):
battie = Bat()
print(isinstance(battie, Bat))
print(isinstance(battie, Mammal))
print(isinstance(battie, WingedAnimal))
# TODO: Use issubclass to check if Bat is a subclass of Mammal and WingedAnimal
# Syntax: issubclass(subclass, superclass)
# main.py
from Bat import Bat
battie = Bat(True)
# TODO: create initializers in all classes
# TODO: Add a display() method to WingedAnimal, and Mammal. Which display will be called first?
# TODO: Add a display() method to Bat. Which method will be invoked this time when we use .display()?
# TODO: Update the display() method in Bat to call the display methods in Mammal and WingedAnimal
# TODO: Create an init method in WingedAnimal and Mammal. Which init method will be used when we create a Bat object?
# TODO: How can we fix this?
# Bat.py
from Mammal import Mammal
from WingedAnimal import WingedAnimal
class Bat(WingedAnimal, Mammal):
def __init__(self, is_vampire):
self.is_vampire = is_vampire
Mammal.__init__(self, False)
WingedAnimal.__init__(self, True)
# Mammal.py
class Mammal:
produce_milk = True
def __init__(self, lays_eggs):
self.lays_eggs = lays_eggs
def display(self):
if self.lays_eggs:
print("I'm a mammal that can lay eggs")
print("I'm a mammal")
# WingedAnimal.py
class WingedAnimal:
def __init__(self, can_fly):
self.can_fly = can_fly
def display(self):
if self.can_fly:
print("I'm a winged animal and can fly")
print("I'm a winged animal")