Releases: TechforgoodCAST/beehive-giving
Fixed bugs:
- Update sitemap and redirect legacy paths #719
Merged pull requests:
- v3.0.6 #720 (suninthesky)
Add background image to homepage
Update admin dashboard
Resolve security alert for CVE-2018-16468
Add missing rating to eligibility amount
Implemented enhancements:
- Add constituted community groups as org_type #583
- Fund listing displays more reasons for ineligibility #448
Fixed bugs:
- CVE-2018-1000544 #698
- ActionView::Template::Error: No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller=>"admin/recipients", :id=>#<Recipient id: 36578, name: nil, contact_number: nil, website: nil, street_address: nil, city: nil, region: nil, postal_code: nil, country: "GB", charit #693
- Hashids::InputError: unable to unhash #691
- ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch: Country(#47087347346620) expected, got nil which is an instance of NilClass(#47087313362680) #680
- Industrial and provident society invalid and unable to add post code #590
Closed issues:
NoMethodError: undefined method `downcase' for nil:NilClass #707
Failsafe from rollbar-gem. PG::Error: "invalid encoding name: unicode" in /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.4.0/gems/activerecord-5.1.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:715:in `set_client_encoding': build_item in exception_data #702
ActionView::MissingTemplate: Missing template errors/not_found with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>["image/webp", "image/*"], :variants=>[], :handlers=>[:raw, :erb, :html, :builder, :ruby, :slim, :arb, :haml, :coffee, :jbuilder]}. Searched in:
* "/app/app/v #700 -
ActionView::MissingTemplate: Missing template pages/home with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>["image/webp", "image/*"], :variants=>[], :handlers=>[:raw, :erb, :html, :builder, :ruby, :slim, :arb, :haml, :coffee, :jbuilder]}. Searched in:
* "/app/app/views"
#699 -
ActiveRecord::ConnectionTimeoutError: could not obtain a connection from the pool within 5.000 seconds (waited 5.010 seconds); all pooled connections were in use #697
Hashids::InputError: unable to unhash #692
How could I sign-up to the website in a way that allows me to conduct searches for the different unregistered projects we incubate? #682
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch: Country(#47189395725100) expected, got nil which is an instance of NilClass(#47189362056960) #681
TypeError: no implicit conversion from nil to integer #678
Add core costs to funding type #651
Review affect_geo options #579
Prevent callbacks on parent models when update_eligibility_params triggered #94
flash[:notice] not showing on sessions#destroy #101
LocationMatch proposals seeking multiple countries should rate single country funds poorly #286
Turbolinks loads page twice #369
v2 flash notices #391
Add UnauthorisedController #395
Improve spec performance #399
Add pricing page #441
_actions query performance #494
Add specs for QuizCell #497
Refactor Rating::FundingType #600
Remove v1 subscriptions #601
Rating::Eligibility::Location#ineligible_message doesn't make sense #658
Feedback deprecated #644
Location eligibility option that all work must be within area #673
Mixpanel logging twice and improved params #643
Remove mixpanel tracking from templates #636
v3 report recipient page #694
v3 report proposal page #695
Remove unused models #696
Refactor suitability checking and rating #635
Style homepage v3 #661
Merged pull requests:
- Update articles pages #712 (suninthesky)
- v3.0.0 #711 (suninthesky)
- Report page #710 (suninthesky)
- Recipient page #709 (suninthesky)
- Pricing page #706 (suninthesky)
- Style privacy and terms pages #705 (suninthesky)
- Style set password #704 (suninthesky)
- Sign in email #703 (suninthesky)
Implemented enhancements:
- Trigger email notification when user granted access #689
Fixed bugs:
- NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass #688
Closed issues:
- JSON::ParserError: 751: unexpected token... #687
Merged pull requests:
- v2.0.5 #690 (suninthesky)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add public profile consent question #684
Fixed bugs:
- ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch: Country(#47087347346620) expected, got nil which is an instance of NilClass(#47087313362680) #680
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `org_type' for #<User:0x00007f046096c880> #685
- JSON::ParserError: 751: unexpected token... #683
- ActionView::Template::Error: key not found: "total" #677
Closed issues:
- ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch: Country(#47189395725100) expected, got nil which is an instance of NilClass(#47189362056960) #681
- TypeError: no implicit conversion from nil to integer #678
- TypeError: no implicit conversion from nil to integer #675
Merged pull requests:
- v2.0.4 #686 (suninthesky)