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Francisco Mancardi edited this page Sep 23, 2018 · 22 revisions

Welcome to the Test Link - Open source Test and Requirements Management System

20180901 - Important Changes on next release (1.9.18)

TestLink 1.9.18 will be released with important changes regarding how different Test Specification and Requirement Specification will related among then, and with following artifacts:

  • test case attachments
  • test case relations
  • test case keywords
  • requirement attachments
  • requirement coverage.

When the test case version and requirement version concept were introduced, the simple past was to maintain the same old behavior were the main artifacts were the test case and the requirements.

This kind of behavior imposed some limits that were detailed by different users. One company decided to be the sponsor of a new development, that will be the new behavior since TestLink 1.9.18

TCA - Test Case Attachments

This concept will be transformed in Test Case Version Attachments Each Test Case Version will have its own attachments.

TCA.AM - Attachment Management when a new Test Case Version is created

When creating a new version of a test case, the attachments from the previous version should be copied.
This means that several instance/copies of the same files will exist on the file repository.

TCA.AU - Attachment Upgrade

If an upgrade to the attachments is needed in a version that can be edited, the outdated attachments will be removed manually and replaced by the updated attachments.

TCA.AMAE - Attachment Management After Test Case Version execution

it must not be possible:
a) to delete an attachment from that version of the test case.
b) to add an attachment from that version of the test case.

Requirements Attachments

This concept will be transformed in Requirement Version Attachments Each Requirement Version will have its own attachments.

Attachment Management when a new Requirement Version is created

When creating a new version of a requirement, the attachments from the previous version should be copied.
This means that several instance/copies of the same files will exist on the file repository.

Test Case Keywords

This concept will be transformed in Test Case Version Keywords Each Test Case Version will have its own keywords.

Test Case Relations

This concept will be transformed in Test Case Version Relations Each Test Case Version will have its own relations.

Requirement coverage.

Req - Test Case links, will become Req Version - Test Case Versions Links.

This is a raw presentation of future changes, just to allow TestLink users to be alert regarding changes that will get, when upgrading to 1.9.18.

More detailed information is going to be available during the next weeks.

This new behavior will the only available, no options to continue with old behavior will be available. We think this will be a good improvement for TestLink, providing users fine grain control of entities and its relationships.

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