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File metadata and controls

259 lines (189 loc) · 10.6 KB

Advanced Default Settings Configuration

The default system values can be customized by editing the JSON files found in /src/main/java/resources/

Changes to default values can damage your installation and should be done with caution

Resource Type Files
Controlled Vocabularies - AdministrativeGroups.json
- Colleges.json
- CommitteeMembers.json
- Departments.json
- Majors.json
- ManuscriptAllowedMimeTypes.json
- Programs.json
- SubmissionTypes.json
Degree Levels - SYSTEM_Degree-Levels.json
Degrees - SYSTEM_Degrees.json
Document Types - SYSTEM_Document_Types.json
Emails -
Embargos - SYSTEM_Embargo_Definitions.json
Filter Columns - default_filter_columns.json
Formats - dspace_mets.xml
- dspace_simple_dublin_core.xml
- dspace_simple_metadata_local.xml
- marc21_xml.xml
- proquest_umi.xml
Graduation Months - SYSTEM_Graduation_Months.json
Input Types - SYSTEM_Input_Types.json
Languages - SYSTEM_Languages.json
Organization - SYSTEM_Organization_Definition.json
Organization Categories - SYSTEM_Organization_Categories.json
ProQuest - degree_codes.xls
- language_codes.xls
- umi_subjects.xls
Settings - SYSTEM_Defaults.json
Submission List Columns - SYSTEM_Submission_List_Columns_Titles.json
- SYSTEM_Submission_List_Columns.json
Submission Statuses - SYSTEM_Submission_Statuses.json

Controlled Vocabularies

Key Type Description
name String Name of the Controlled Vocabulary
isEntityProperty Boolean Indicates if the Controlled Vocabulary is the property of a system entity.
dictionary Array[VocabularyWord] Array of the Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word

Key Type Description
name String Name of the Vocabulary Word
definition String Definition of the Vocabulary Word (optional)
identifier String Identifier of the Vocabulary Word (optional)
contacts Array[String] A list of contact information in the form of email addresses (optional)

Degree Levels

Array of Degree Levels

Degree Level

Key Type Description
name String Name of the Degree Level


Array of Degrees


Key Type Description
name String Name of the Degree
level DegreeLevel Degree Level of the Degree

Document Types

Array of DocumentTypes

Document Type

Key Type Description
name String Name of the Document Type
fieldPredicate FieldPredicate The Field Predicate associated with this Document Type


Email Templates can dynamically use any Field Predicate associated with the Submission and the following list of static values.

Value Description
FULL_NAME Submitter's full name
FIRST_NAME Submitter's first name
LAST_NAME Submitter's last name
STUDENT_URL URL for viewing a submitted submission from the submitter's view
SUBMISSION_URL URL for viewing an in progress submission from the submitter's view
ADVISOR_URL URL for viewing a submitted submission from the advisor's view
DEPOSIT_URI URI where a complete submission was publised
DOCUMENT_TITLE The title of the submission's primary document
SUBMISSION_TYPE The submission type of the submission


Key Type Description
name String Name of the Embargo
description String Description of the Embargo
duration Number Number of months a submission's publication will be delayed
isActive Boolean Indicates if the Embargo is active
isSystemRequired Boolean Indicates if the Embargo is required by the system
guarantor Number The guarantor of the Embargo (Default or ProQuest)

Filter Columns

Array of Filter Columns

Filter Column

Key Type Description
inputType InputType The Input Type of the column being filtered
title String Title of the Filter Column
predicate String Predicate associatied with this Filter Column


Templates for the various exporters. Written using Thymeleaf templating engine syntax.

Graduation Months

Array of Months


Key Type Description
month Number Zero-indexed Month of the year

Input Types

Array of InputType

Input Type

Key Type Description
name String Name of the Input Type
validationPattern String Regular expression for validating the value of the field, null if not used
validationMessage String Failure message for validation, null if validationPattern is not used
validation Object Validations for contact type inputs, optional otherwise. Consists of name and email, each with a pattern and message.


Array of Languages


Key Type Description
name String Name of the Language


Key Type Description
name String Name of the Organization
acceptsSubmissions Boolean Indicates if the Organization accepts new Submissions
category OrganizationCategory Category of the Organization
originalWorkflowSteps Array[WorkflowStep] List of Workflow Steps
parentOrganization Organization The Parent Organization (optional)
childrenOrganizations Array[Organization] List of child Organizations (optional)
emails Array[String] List of emails associated with the Organization (optional)
emailWorkflowRules Array[EmailWorkflowRule] List of Email Workflow Rules

Workflow Step

Key Type Description
name String Name of the Workflow Step
instructions String HTML formatted instructions for the Workflow Step
overrideable Boolean Indicated if the Workflow Step is overrideable
originatingOrganization Organization Organization the Workflow Step originates from
originalNotes Array[Note] List of Notes associated with the Workflow Step
originalFieldProfiles Array[FieldProfile] List of Field Profiles associated with the Workflow Step


Key Type Description
note String Name of the Note
text String Text of the Note's content
originatingWorkflowStep WorkflowStep The Workflow Step the Note originates from

Field Profile

Key Type Description
fieldPredicate FieldPredicate Field Predicate for the Field Profile
originatingWorkflowStep WorkflowStep The Workflow Step the Field Profile originates from
inputType InputType Input Type for the Field Profile
repeatable Boolean Indicates if the Field Profile is repeatable
overrideable Boolean Indicates if the Field Profile is overrideable
enabled Boolean Indicates if the Field Profile is enabled
optional Boolean Indicates if the Field Profile is optional
flagged Boolean Indicates if the Field Profile is flagged
logged Boolean Indicates if the Field Profile is logged
useage String Indicated the useage of the Field Profile (optional)
help String Help text for the Field Profile (optional)
gloss String The displayed value for the Field Profile

Field Predicate

Key Type Description
value String Value of the Field Predicate
documentTypePredicate Boolean Indicates if the Field Predicate is a Document

Organization Categories

Array of Organization Categories

Organization Category

Key Type Description
name String Name of the Organization Category
organizations Array[Organization] List of Organizations in this Category


Excel files with the Degree Codes, Language Codes, and UMI Subjects in tabular format.


Default configuration settings. These values can be set here, or configured via the application UI.

Submission List Columns

Contains Submission List Column Titles, an Array[String] for the default column names and Submission List Columns an Array[SubmissionListColumn].

Submission List Column

Key Type Description
title String Title of the Column
sort String Either 'ASC' or 'DESC' for ascending or descending sorting respectively
valuePath Array[String] The Value Paths for the Column
status String Status of the Column, typically null
inputType InputType The input type associated with the Column

Submission Statuses

An Object that defines default system Submission Statuses and their suggested transitions.

Submission Status

Key Type Description
name String Name of the Status
isArchived Boolean Indicates if the Status is for archived Submissions
isPublishable Boolean Indicates if the Status is for Submissions ready for publication
isDeletable Boolean Indicates if the Status is for Submissions that can be deleted
isEditableByReviewer Boolean Indicates if the Status is for Submissions that can be editied by the Reviewer
isEditableByStudent Boolean Indicates if the Status is for Submissions that can be edited by the Student
isActive Boolean Indicated if the Status is for active Submissions
submissionState Number The order for Submission Statuses, beginning with 1
transitionSubmissionStatuses Array[SubmissionStatus] A list of suggested Submission States to transition to