This symbiote enables you to easier roll dices for Shadowrun v3, providing you the ones to reroll and telling you how many dices got above the defined threshold.
The symbiote enables you to define dice sets, which are persisted and by that can be used across sessions and boards.
By clicking the dice icon of a set, the dices are automatically put into tray. After throwing them, the ones with a 6 are automatically put again to the tray.
When no dices can be rerolled anymore, the results are shown to you and a message tells you how many dices got above the threshold. So how many successful rolles you have.
If you're allowed to be a GM at the board, you're getting the option to hide your results.
You can still see them in the chat, but other players can't.
Hint: Don't forget to throw the dices hidden, this only hides the result messages