diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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+++ b/README.md
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-# Team_project_Speedometer
\ No newline at end of file
Connect with me
+## Welcome! Glad to see you here
+## Team_project_Speedometer
+ ![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)
+The `Team` project is a C++ application that uses Qt6 for its client and server desktop applications and allows for UART and TCP communication protocols.
+## Prerequisites
+- **CMake** version 3.22 or higher
+- **Qt6** with the following components: Core, Widgets, Multimedia, and SerialPort
+- **PlatformIO** (for building and uploading firmware to the ESP32)
+## Building and Running
+### Desktop Client and Server
+To compile and run the client and server applications on the desktop:
+rm -r * && cmake .. && make && ./server && ./client
+### Firmware for ESP32
+To build the firmware for the ESP32 server:
+cmake --build . --target build_server_firmware
+To upload the built firmware to the ESP32 server:
+cmake --build . --target upload_server_firmware
+To build the firmware for the ESP32 client:
+cmake --build . --target build_client_firmware
+To upload the built firmware to the ESP32 client:
+cmake --build . --target upload_client_firmware
+## Communication Protocols
+By default, the TCP communication protocol is used. If you want to switch to the UART communication protocol, modify the `CMakeLists.txt`:
+set(UARTCOM ON) # Switch this to ON for UART
+## Directory Structure
+- `client/desktop` - Contains the source code and headers for the desktop client application
+- `server/desktop` - Contains the source code and headers for the desktop server application
+- `client/esp32` - Contains the firmware code for the ESP32 client
+- `server/esp32` - Contains the firmware code for the ESP32 server
+## Dependencies
+- **Qt6**: Used for building the GUI and handling multimedia components for both the client and server.
+- **Qt6::SerialPort**: Used for UART communication when enabled.
+## Contributions
+Feel free to submit pull requests or raise issues if you find any.
+## License
+This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify the code according to the terms of the license.
+- 👨💻 All about me is at [My Website](https://www.oliver-joisten.se/)