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# Do not change tags in here without changing every other reference to them.
# If adding new groups or cultures, make sure they are unique.
# NOTE: When adding new cultures (or removing them), don't forget to also update the assimilation chance in common/pop_types.txt to prevent accepted cultures whose race doesn't match the realm's don't break assimilation
# Also don't forget to update event 70007 in events/On Action.txt
# Also add an associated ideology (culture_noble)
# Also add the ideology flag in event 99000 events/World Bank.txt (# Ideologies (primary/accepted cultures) and FOR's starting decision (decisions/World Bank.txt)
# Also update the cleanup in event 99000 events/World Bank.txt (# Dominions that are now free)
# Banker culture. Cosmetic, doesn't need names
banker = {
leader = european
unit = EuropeanGC
banker = {
color = { 40 40 60 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
# Religion cultures. Cosmetic, doesn't need names
religions = {
leader = european
unit = EuropeanGC
men_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
elven_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
dwarven_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
orc_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
hobbit_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
ent_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
troll_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
eagle_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
spider_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
undead_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
# Good/Evil cultures. Cosmetic, doesn't need names
good_evil = {
leader = european
unit = EuropeanGC
good_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
neutral_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
evil_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
one_ring_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
# General specific portrait cultures. Will not be used in games except to spawn generals with specific images in {
boromir_culture = {
leader = boromir_culture
unit = EuropeanGC
boromir_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
faramir_culture = {
leader = faramir_culture
unit = EuropeanGC
faramir_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
madril_culture = {
leader = madril_culture
unit = EuropeanGC
madril_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
bryn_culture = {
leader = bryn_culture
unit = EuropeanGC
bryn_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
girloth_culture = {
leader = girloth_culture
unit = EuropeanGC
girloth_culture = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { " " }
last_names = { " " }
# }
# The descendants of the Dúnedain of Númenór and the natives of Middle-Earth who adopted their customs
dunedain = {
leader = dunedain
unit = EuropeanGC
dunedain = {
color = { 213 220 220 }
first_names = { Abonnen Adanedhel Adanel Adrahil Aegnor Aerandir Agarwaen Alphros Amarthan Amlaith Amras Amrod Amroth Amrothos Anardil Anárion Anborn Anfang Angbor Angolodh Angrod Annael Aradan Arador Araglas Aragorn Aragost Arahad Arahael Aramund Aranarth Aranel Araphant Araphor Aranuir Arassuil Arathorn Araval Aravir Aravorn Argeleb Argonui Arminas Arothir Arthad Arvedui Arvegil Arveleg Astoron Avarion Avaron Baragund Barahir Barahion Barahon Baramdir Baranor Baravorn Belecthor Beleg Belegorn Belegund Belegûr Belegurth Beregond Beregar Beren Bergil Boldog Bór Borgil Borlach Borlad Borlas Boromir Borondir Borthand Brandir Bregalad Bregolas Bronwë Camlost Caranthir Celebrindor Celeborn Celebrimbor Celegorm Celepharn Círdan Cirion Curufin Curunír Cúthalion Daeron Dagnir Dairuin Damrod Denethor Derufin Dervorin Dior Dírhael Duilin Duinhir Ecthelion Edennil Edhelharn Edrahil Egalmoth Eladar Eldacar Elladan Elphir Elrohir Eluchíl Eluréd Elurín Eradan Ereinion Erellont Erestor Estel Faenor Falathar Faramir Felagon Felagund Finarfin Findegil Findor Finellach Finglas Fingolfin Fingon Finrod Fladrif Fuinur Gaerdil Gaerys Galadhon Galador Galathil Galdor Gelennil Gelmir Gilbarad Gildor Gil-galad Glindûr Glirhuin Glorfindel Glórindol Goenor Gorthol Golasgil Guilin Gundor Gwaihir Gwindor Hador Halbarad Haldir Hallas Handir Hathaldir Hathol Hatholdir Henderch Herion Hirgon Hirluin Húrin Iarwain Ídher Ídhor Ídhorion Ídhoron Ídhror Ídhrion Ídhron Inglor Ingold Iorlas Ithilbor Lindir Lórindol Mablung Maedhros Maeglin Maglor Magor Malbeth Malgalad Mallor Malvegil Menelvagor Mithrandir Nellas Ohtar Orchaldor Orodreth Oropher Orophin Ornil Panthael Radhruin Ragnir Ragnor Rasmund Rodnor Rúmil Sador Saelon Serech Targon Tarmund Thorondir Tauron Tegilbor Telchar Thalion Thorongil Thranduil Thurin Thuringud Turamarth Turcomund Turgon Túrin Udalraph Uldor Ulfang Ulfast Ulwarth Urthel Yssion
last_names = { "Anórienath" "Ithilienath" "Lebenninirath" "Lossarnachirath" "Belfalassiriath" "Lamedonirath" "Anfalassiriath" "Andrastirath"
"Abonnenion" "Adanedhelion" "Adanelion" "Adrahiilion" "Aegnorion" "Inglorion" "Duillion" "Mallorion"
"Erchamion" "Iarwain" "Ben-adar" "Ithilbor" "Thalion" "Udalraph" "Úmarth"
gondorian = {
color = { 200 250 250 }
first_names = { Adrahil Aglahad Aldamir Alphros Amrothos Anardil Anborn Angamaitë Angbor Angelimir Anárion Aragorn Aratan Arciryas Artamir Atanatar Barahir Baranor Belecthor Belegorn Beregond Berelach Beren Bergil Borlas Boromir Borondir Calimehtar Calimmacil Calmacil Castamir Cemendur Cirion Ciryandil Damrod Denethor Derufil Dervorin Dior Duilin Duinhir Ecthelion Egalmoth Elboron Eldacar Eldarion Elphir Erchirion Estelmo Eärendil Eärnil Eärnur Faramir Findegil Forlong Fíriel Galador Golasgil Hador Hallas Herion Hirgon Hirliun Hurin Hyarmendacil Húrin Imrahil Imrazôr Ingold Ioreth Iorlas Mablung Mardil Meneldil Minardil Minastan Minohtar Narmacil Ondoher Orodreth Ostoher Pelendur Rómendacil Saelon Siriondil Tarannon Tarciryan Targon Tarondor Tarostar Telemnar Telumehtar Thorondir Turambar Turgon Túrin Valacar Vorondil Arithir Dirhaborn Dorlad Dunhir Elegost Elgarain Halbaron Mallor
last_names = { "of Anórien" "of Ithilien" "of Lebennin" "of Lossarnach" "of Belfalas" "of Lamedon"
"of Anfalas" "of Andrast" "of Pinnath Gelin"
"of Dol Amroth" "of Erech" "of Linhir" "of Pelargir" "of Calembel" "of Minas Tirith" "of Osgiliath"
"of Cair Andros" "of Edhellond" "of Ethring"
"of the Keys" "of the Hearth" "of the White Tower" "of the Fountain" "of the Tree" "of the City"
# Because one of the planned paths for Dol Amroth takes it away from Gondor (accepted culture of Gondorian is removed), this is needed
amrothian = {
color = { 180 220 250 }
first_names = { Adrahil Aglahad Aldamir Alphros Amrothos Anardil Anborn Angamaitë Angbor Angelimir Anárion Aragorn Aratan Arciryas Artamir Atanatar Barahir Baranor Belecthor Belegorn Beregond Berelach Beren Bergil Borlas Boromir Borondir Calimehtar Calimmacil Calmacil Castamir Cemendur Cirion Ciryandil Damrod Denethor Derufil Dervorin Dior Duilin Duinhir Ecthelion Egalmoth Elboron Eldacar Eldarion Elphir Erchirion Estelmo Eärendil Eärnil Eärnur Faramir Findegil Forlong Fíriel Galador Golasgil Hador Hallas Herion Hirgon Hirliun Hurin Hyarmendacil Húrin Imrahil Imrazôr Ingold Ioreth Iorlas Mablung Mardil Meneldil Minardil Minastan Minohtar Narmacil Ondoher Orodreth Ostoher Pelendur Rómendacil Saelon Siriondil Tarannon Tarciryan Targon Tarondor Tarostar Telemnar Telumehtar Thorondir Turambar Turgon Túrin Valacar Vorondil Arithir Dirhaborn Dorlad Dunhir Elegost Elgarain Halbaron Mallor
last_names = { "of Belfalas" "of Dol Amroth" "of Linhir" "of Methrast" }
# The Middle Men living in the former Kingdom of Arthedain that do not fall into Breelander, Lossoth, Hillmen or Angmarrim
arthedani = {
color = { 20 60 60 }
first_names = { Abonnen Adanedhel Adanel Adrahil Aegnor Aerandir Agarwaen Alphros Amarthan Amlaith Amras Amrod Amroth Amrothos Anardil Anárion Anborn Anfang Angbor Angolodh Angrod Annael Aradan Arador Araglas Aragorn Aragost Arahad Arahael Aramund Aranarth Aranel Araphant Araphor Aranuir Arassuil Arathorn Araval Aravir Aravorn Argeleb Argonui Arminas Arothir Arthad Arvedui Arvegil Arveleg Astoron Avarion Avaron Baragund Barahir Barahion Barahon Baramdir Baranor Baravorn Belecthor Beleg Belegorn Belegund Belegûr Belegurth Beregond Beregar Beren Bergil Boldog Bór Borgil Borlach Borlad Borlas Boromir Borondir Borthand Brandir Bregalad Bregolas Bronwë Camlost Caranthir Celebrindor Celeborn Celebrimbor Celegorm Celepharn Círdan Cirion Curufin Curunír Cúthalion Daeron Dagnir Dairuin Damrod Denethor Derufin Dervorin Dior Dírhael Duilin Duinhir Ecthelion Edennil Edhelharn Edrahil Egalmoth Eladar Eldacar Elladan Elphir Elrohir Eluchíl Eluréd Elurín Eradan Ereinion Erellont Erestor Estel Faenor Falathar Faramir Felagon Felagund Finarfin Findegil Findor Finellach Finglas Fingolfin Fingon Finrod Fladrif Fuinur Gaerdil Gaerys Galadhon Galador Galathil Galdor Gelennil Gelmir Gilbarad Gildor Gil-galad Glindûr Glirhuin Glorfindel Glórindol Goenor Gorthol Golasgil Guilin Gundor Gwaihir Gwindor Hador Halbarad Haldir Hallas Handir Hathaldir Hathol Hatholdir Henderch Herion Hirgon Hirluin Húrin Iarwain Ídher Ídhor Ídhorion Ídhoron Ídhror Ídhrion Ídhron Inglor Ingold Iorlas Ithilbor Lindir Lórindol Mablung Maedhros Maeglin Maglor Magor Malbeth Malgalad Mallor Malvegil Menelvagor Mithrandir Nellas Ohtar Orchaldor Orodreth Oropher Orophin Ornil Panthael Radhruin Ragnir Ragnor Rasmund Rodnor Rúmil Sador Saelon Serech Targon Tarmund Thorondir Tauron Tegilbor Telchar Thalion Thorongil Thranduil Thurin Thuringud Turamarth Turcomund Turgon Túrin Udalraph Uldor Ulfang Ulfast Ulwarth Urthel Yssion
last_names = { "of Arthedain" "of Cardolan" "of Rhudaur" "of the North" "of the King's Land" "of Evendim"
"of the Weather Hills" "of the Angle" "of the Baranduin" "of the Gwathló" "of Tyrn Formen"
"of Annúminas" "of Amon Sul" "of Fornost" "of Tharbad" "of Lond Daer" "of Esteldín" "of Mitheithel"
# The Middle Men living in the former Kingdom of Cardolan that are not a Wildmen tribe
cardolandrim = {
color = { 20 60 20 }
first_names = { Abonnen Adanedhel Adanel Adrahil Aegnor Aerandir Agarwaen Alphros Amarthan Amlaith Amras Amrod Amroth Amrothos Anardil Anárion Anborn Anfang Angbor Angolodh Angrod Annael Aradan Arador Araglas Aragorn Aragost Arahad Arahael Aramund Aranarth Aranel Araphant Araphor Aranuir Arassuil Arathorn Araval Aravir Aravorn Argeleb Argonui Arminas Arothir Arthad Arvedui Arvegil Arveleg Astoron Avarion Avaron Baragund Barahir Barahion Barahon Baramdir Baranor Baravorn Belecthor Beleg Belegorn Belegund Belegûr Belegurth Beregond Beregar Beren Bergil Boldog Bór Borgil Borlach Borlad Borlas Boromir Borondir Borthand Brandir Bregalad Bregolas Bronwë Camlost Caranthir Celebrindor Celeborn Celebrimbor Celegorm Celepharn Círdan Cirion Curufin Curunír Cúthalion Daeron Dagnir Dairuin Damrod Denethor Derufin Dervorin Dior Dírhael Duilin Duinhir Ecthelion Edennil Edhelharn Edrahil Egalmoth Eladar Eldacar Elladan Elphir Elrohir Eluchíl Eluréd Elurín Eradan Ereinion Erellont Erestor Estel Faenor Falathar Faramir Felagon Felagund Finarfin Findegil Findor Finellach Finglas Fingolfin Fingon Finrod Fladrif Fuinur Gaerdil Gaerys Galadhon Galador Galathil Galdor Gelennil Gelmir Gilbarad Gildor Gil-galad Glindûr Glirhuin Glorfindel Glórindol Goenor Gorthol Golasgil Guilin Gundor Gwaihir Gwindor Hador Halbarad Haldir Hallas Handir Hathaldir Hathol Hatholdir Henderch Herion Hirgon Hirluin Húrin Iarwain Ídher Ídhor Ídhorion Ídhoron Ídhror Ídhrion Ídhron Inglor Ingold Iorlas Ithilbor Lindir Lórindol Mablung Maedhros Maeglin Maglor Magor Malbeth Malgalad Mallor Malvegil Menelvagor Mithrandir Nellas Ohtar Orchaldor Orodreth Oropher Orophin Ornil Panthael Radhruin Ragnir Ragnor Rasmund Rodnor Rúmil Sador Saelon Serech Targon Tarmund Thorondir Tauron Tegilbor Telchar Thalion Thorongil Thranduil Thurin Thuringud Turamarth Turcomund Turgon Túrin Udalraph Uldor Ulfang Ulfast Ulwarth Urthel Yssion
last_names = { "of Arthedain" "of Cardolan" "of Rhudaur" "of the North" "of the King's Land" "of Evendim"
"of the Weather Hills" "of the Angle" "of the Baranduin" "of the Gwathló" "of Tyrn Formen"
"of Annúminas" "of Amon Sul" "of Fornost" "of Tharbad" "of Lond Daer" "of Esteldín" "of Mitheithel"
# The Middle Men descendent of the hillmen and other settlers of Rhudaur that were faithful to the Kings of Arnor and Dunedain of the North
haeranedain = {
color = { 40 40 150 }
first_names = { Abonnen Adanedhel Adanel Adrahil Aegnor Aerandir Agarwaen Alphros Amarthan Amlaith Amras Amrod Amroth Amrothos Anardil Anárion Anborn Anfang Angbor Angolodh Angrod Annael Aradan Arador Araglas Aragorn Aragost Arahad Arahael Aramund Aranarth Aranel Araphant Araphor Aranuir Arassuil Arathorn Araval Aravir Aravorn Argeleb Argonui Arminas Arothir Arthad Arvedui Arvegil Arveleg Astoron Avarion Avaron Baragund Barahir Barahion Barahon Baramdir Baranor Baravorn Belecthor Beleg Belegorn Belegund Belegûr Belegurth Beregond Beregar Beren Bergil Boldog Bór Borgil Borlach Borlad Borlas Boromir Borondir Borthand Brandir Bregalad Bregolas Bronwë Camlost Caranthir Celebrindor Celeborn Celebrimbor Celegorm Celepharn Círdan Cirion Curufin Curunír Cúthalion Daeron Dagnir Dairuin Damrod Denethor Derufin Dervorin Dior Dírhael Duilin Duinhir Ecthelion Edennil Edhelharn Edrahil Egalmoth Eladar Eldacar Elladan Elphir Elrohir Eluchíl Eluréd Elurín Eradan Ereinion Erellont Erestor Estel Faenor Falathar Faramir Felagon Felagund Finarfin Findegil Findor Finellach Finglas Fingolfin Fingon Finrod Fladrif Fuinur Gaerdil Gaerys Galadhon Galador Galathil Galdor Gelennil Gelmir Gilbarad Gildor Gil-galad Glindûr Glirhuin Glorfindel Glórindol Goenor Gorthol Golasgil Guilin Gundor Gwaihir Gwindor Hador Halbarad Haldir Hallas Handir Hathaldir Hathol Hatholdir Henderch Herion Hirgon Hirluin Húrin Iarwain Ídher Ídhor Ídhorion Ídhoron Ídhror Ídhrion Ídhron Inglor Ingold Iorlas Ithilbor Lindir Lórindol Mablung Maedhros Maeglin Maglor Magor Malbeth Malgalad Mallor Malvegil Menelvagor Mithrandir Nellas Ohtar Orchaldor Orodreth Oropher Orophin Ornil Panthael Radhruin Ragnir Ragnor Rasmund Rodnor Rúmil Sador Saelon Serech Targon Tarmund Thorondir Tauron Tegilbor Telchar Thalion Thorongil Thranduil Thurin Thuringud Turamarth Turcomund Turgon Túrin Udalraph Uldor Ulfang Ulfast Ulwarth Urthel Yssion
last_names = { "of Arthedain" "of Cardolan" "of Rhudaur" "of the North" "of the King's Land" "of Evendim"
"of the Weather Hills" "of the Angle" "of the Baranduin" "of the Gwathló" "of Tyrn Formen"
"of Annúminas" "of Amon Sul" "of Fornost" "of Tharbad" "of Lond Daer" "of Esteldín" "of Mitheithel"
# Will probably be squashed into one culture - Ñoldor (Imladris)
eldar = {
leader = elven
unit = EuropeanGC
noldor = {
color = { 0 0 100 }
first_names = { Aulë Rúmil Fëanor Finwë Fingolfin Fingon Turgon Finarfin Maedhros Celebrimbor Aegnor Amras Amdír
Anairë Angrod Caranthir Celegorm Lothanar Annuiben Gwaurwen Colfindor Edemen Eliedir Trenaror Lumorndir Gruithor
Goldir Lîrwen Lîrrien Cairdaer Maethion
last_names = { "the Great" "Lord of the Mountain" "the Elder" "the Warrior" "the Wise" "the Commander"
"Lord of the Rivers" "of the Capital" "the Old One" "the Faithful" "the Dissident" "of the Forest" }
# Will probably be squashed into 3 cultures - Falathrim (Lindon), Silvan (Woodland Realm), Galadhrim (Lothlórien)
# Sindar addition
teleri = {
leader = elven
unit = EuropeanGC
falathrim = { # Sindar of the Coast (Cirdan)
color = { 60 20 100 }
first_names = { Aulë Rúmil Fëanor Finwë Fingolfin Fingon Turgon Finarfin Maedhros Celebrimbor Aegnor Amras Amdír
Anairë Angrod Caranthir Celegorm Lothanar Annuiben Gwaurwen Colfindor Edemen Eliedir Trenaror Lumorndir Gruithor
Goldir Lîrwen Lîrrien Cairdaer Maethion
last_names = { "the Great" "Lord of the Mountain" "the Elder" "the Warrior" "the Wise" "the Commander"
"Lord of the Rivers" "of the Capital" "the Old One" "the Faithful" "the Dissident" "of the Forest" }
silvan = { # Nandor - Silvans
color = { 0 80 40 }
first_names = { Neodrach Cairrik Zaniven Kyterin Linoir Gldel Ereader Syluigh Seddin Akksaran
Lalelara Eloastar Kytrna Shandra Llandi Beloah Valedyl Isimrithe Imothara Celebiahala
Liamoth Piobeth Bieddin Coehaeryn Shyiandrach Sylehon Etel Sunaith Dagenaith Raondaur
last_names = { "the Great" "Lord of the Mountain" "the Elder" "the Warrior" "the Wise" "the Commander"
"Lord of the Rivers" "of the Capital" "the Old One" "the Faithful" "the Dissident" "of the Forest" }
galadhrim = { # Nandor - Galadhrim silvan first names
color = { 200 200 40 }
first_names = { Aulë Rúmil Fëanor Finwë Fingolfin Fingon Turgon Finarfin Maedhros Celebrimbor Aegnor Amras Amdír
Anairë Angrod Caranthir Celegorm Lothanar Annuiben Gwaurwen Colfindor Edemen Eliedir Trenaror Lumorndir Gruithor
Goldir Lîrwen Lîrrien Cairdaer Maethion Celeborn
last_names = { "the Great" "Lord of the Mountain" "the Elder" "the Warrior" "the Wise" "the Commander"
"Lord of the Rivers" "of the Capital" "the Old One" "the Faithful" "the Dissident" "of the Forest" }
# The Avari Elves (all squashed into one culture)
avari = {
leader = elven
unit = EuropeanGC
avari = {
color = { 40 0 40 }
first_names = { Kivoir Soneuvethel Metichyr Yeiarelar Reloarallin Caenn Aqiark Khterin Flaeynnhv Lutdacil
Eldimoth Thannor Araathoridan Jorefehon Pleedro Dakambaerth Qunduil Aywipen Lainn Tinestri Jharu Ghaeene Fhowmoon Usceas Galadhieth Alleyn Avaiessa Saéswana
Joiel Arbroth Ylevendor Onaeithor Qilikanthae Pleandrach Ergodrach Daleurel Elpae Ardaleas
Havyr Ayarlion Horiane Eiverel Cluewin Khuoyrth Ganeimar Fhaoperr Afuraun Ieear }
last_names = { "the Great" "Lord of the Mountain" "the Elder" "the Warrior" "the Wise" "the Commander"
"Lord of the Rivers" "of the Capital" "the Old One" "the Faithful" "the Dissident" "of the Forest" }
# Split regionally as they will be starting in independent tribes (separated by culture)
haradrim = {
leader = haradrim
unit = EuropeanGC
umbarrim = { # Haradrim living in Umbar's lands
color = { 66 2 2 }
first_names = { Abaan Abattarik Abderrahim Abdimilki Abrazan Abrazimir Abrazir Adnan Adunakhor Ahmeen Al_Tufayl Al_Suffi Amhalghaidh Amr Amro Amruf Aqil Arafah Arshardafah Arthven Aslam As_Salih Badr Bakr Bakzi Battah Bishr Brahim Burhanuddin Dhafir Dhanan Dirar Diwana Dulo Dulhzahad Edhem Elias Ehrmisha Ethim Faqihmah Ghali Ghasaan Ghasmir Gimilkhad Gimilzagar Gimilzor Gimlan Gimliben Haarith Hakim Hamad Haashim Hannad Haroun Husayn Harun Haruth Hudhafah Hudhayfah Huthayfah Ikrimah Ishandiyar Iskender Irpan Iyaz Jada Jamak Jamaath Jareer Jibran Jubayr Kalatar Karim Khaldoon Khuzaymah Karbazir Lubayd Maazin Marwan Masatha Mehrdad Minluben Minluzir Miqsam Musab Muthanna Naman Nasaani Navid Nawfal Niluben Nizar Nizameddin Nudan Pashar Pharazon Pathan Peshtin Qatn Qusay Quraish Reza Riyaan Saahir Safwahdi Sakalkhor Sakalthor Sahar Sapthan Samaub Sakur Sazar Shahqawiyyah Shiruyah Shumayl Siraj Sufyan Surahbil Taalib Tabaya Tahar Tamruben Tamruzir Tartas Thawab Ubaadah Ubayy Udayl Ulbor Umar Umaarah Umayr Utbah Vamman Vammfah Waqqas Wasifar Wasmir Wathilah Yahya Yaman Yazan Yud Zadnazir Zainaben Zengi Zulfikar }
last_names = { "the Lord" "the Serpant" "the Chief" "of Harondor" "of Harnendor" "of Harûzan" "of Pezarsan" "of Lûrmsakun" "of Arysis" "of Umbar" }
harnendan = { # The Gondorian/Haradrim mix living in Harnendor and Harondor
color = { 163 125 125 }
first_names = { Abaan Abattarik Abderrahim Abdimilki Abrazan Abrazimir Abrazir Adnan Adunakhor Ahmeen Al_Tufayl Al_Suffi Amhalghaidh Amr Amro Amruf Aqil Arafah Arshardafah Arthven Aslam As_Salih Badr Bakr Bakzi Battah Bishr Brahim Burhanuddin Dhafir Dhanan Dirar Diwana Dulo Dulhzahad Edhem Elias Ehrmisha Ethim Faqihmah Ghali Ghasaan Ghasmir Gimilkhad Gimilzagar Gimilzor Gimlan Gimliben Haarith Hakim Hamad Haashim Hannad Haroun Husayn Harun Haruth Hudhafah Hudhayfah Huthayfah Ikrimah Ishandiyar Iskender Irpan Iyaz Jada Jamak Jamaath Jareer Jibran Jubayr Kalatar Karim Khaldoon Khuzaymah Karbazir Lubayd Maazin Marwan Masatha Mehrdad Minluben Minluzir Miqsam Musab Muthanna Naman Nasaani Navid Nawfal Niluben Nizar Nizameddin Nudan Pashar Pharazon Pathan Peshtin Qatn Qusay Quraish Reza Riyaan Saahir Safwahdi Sakalkhor Sakalthor Sahar Sapthan Samaub Sakur Sazar Shahqawiyyah Shiruyah Shumayl Siraj Sufyan Surahbil Taalib Tabaya Tahar Tamruben Tamruzir Tartas Thawab Ubaadah Ubayy Udayl Ulbor Umar Umaarah Umayr Utbah Vamman Vammfah Waqqas Wasifar Wasmir Wathilah Yahya Yaman Yazan Yud Zadnazir Zainaben Zengi Zulfikar }
last_names = { "the Lord" "the Serpant" "the Chief" "of Harondor" "of Harnendor" "of Harûzan" "of Pezarsan" "of Lûrmsakun" "of Arysis" "of Umbar" }
haruzani = { # Haradrim south of Chelkar, around Amrûn (city), east of the Poros
color = { 127 0 0 }
first_names = { Abaan Abattarik Abderrahim Abdimilki Abrazan Abrazimir Abrazir Adnan Adunakhor Ahmeen Al_Tufayl Al_Suffi Amhalghaidh Amr Amro Amruf Aqil Arafah Arshardafah Arthven Aslam As_Salih Badr Bakr Bakzi Battah Bishr Brahim Burhanuddin Dhafir Dhanan Dirar Diwana Dulo Dulhzahad Edhem Elias Ehrmisha Ethim Faqihmah Ghali Ghasaan Ghasmir Gimilkhad Gimilzagar Gimilzor Gimlan Gimliben Haarith Hakim Hamad Haashim Hannad Haroun Husayn Harun Haruth Hudhafah Hudhayfah Huthayfah Ikrimah Ishandiyar Iskender Irpan Iyaz Jada Jamak Jamaath Jareer Jibran Jubayr Kalatar Karim Khaldoon Khuzaymah Karbazir Lubayd Maazin Marwan Masatha Mehrdad Minluben Minluzir Miqsam Musab Muthanna Naman Nasaani Navid Nawfal Niluben Nizar Nizameddin Nudan Pashar Pharazon Pathan Peshtin Qatn Qusay Quraish Reza Riyaan Saahir Safwahdi Sakalkhor Sakalthor Sahar Sapthan Samaub Sakur Sazar Shahqawiyyah Shiruyah Shumayl Siraj Sufyan Surahbil Taalib Tabaya Tahar Tamruben Tamruzir Tartas Thawab Ubaadah Ubayy Udayl Ulbor Umar Umaarah Umayr Utbah Vamman Vammfah Waqqas Wasifar Wasmir Wathilah Yahya Yaman Yazan Yud Zadnazir Zainaben Zengi Zulfikar }
last_names = { "the Lord" "the Serpant" "the Chief" "of Harondor" "of Harnendor" "of Harûzan" "of Pezarsan" "of Lûrmsakun" "of Arysis" "of Umbar" }
pezarsani = { # Haradrim around Korondaj/Kajbah/Miraz
color = { 127 15 0 }
first_names = { Abaan Abattarik Abderrahim Abdimilki Abrazan Abrazimir Abrazir Adnan Adunakhor Ahmeen Al_Tufayl Al_Suffi Amhalghaidh Amr Amro Amruf Aqil Arafah Arshardafah Arthven Aslam As_Salih Badr Bakr Bakzi Battah Bishr Brahim Burhanuddin Dhafir Dhanan Dirar Diwana Dulo Dulhzahad Edhem Elias Ehrmisha Ethim Faqihmah Ghali Ghasaan Ghasmir Gimilkhad Gimilzagar Gimilzor Gimlan Gimliben Haarith Hakim Hamad Haashim Hannad Haroun Husayn Harun Haruth Hudhafah Hudhayfah Huthayfah Ikrimah Ishandiyar Iskender Irpan Iyaz Jada Jamak Jamaath Jareer Jibran Jubayr Kalatar Karim Khaldoon Khuzaymah Karbazir Lubayd Maazin Marwan Masatha Mehrdad Minluben Minluzir Miqsam Musab Muthanna Naman Nasaani Navid Nawfal Niluben Nizar Nizameddin Nudan Pashar Pharazon Pathan Peshtin Qatn Qusay Quraish Reza Riyaan Saahir Safwahdi Sakalkhor Sakalthor Sahar Sapthan Samaub Sakur Sazar Shahqawiyyah Shiruyah Shumayl Siraj Sufyan Surahbil Taalib Tabaya Tahar Tamruben Tamruzir Tartas Thawab Ubaadah Ubayy Udayl Ulbor Umar Umaarah Umayr Utbah Vamman Vammfah Waqqas Wasifar Wasmir Wathilah Yahya Yaman Yazan Yud Zadnazir Zainaben Zengi Zulfikar }
last_names = { "the Lord" "the Serpant" "the Chief" "of Harondor" "of Harnendor" "of Harûzan" "of Pezarsan" "of Lûrmsakun" "of Arysis" "of Umbar" }
lurmsakuni = { # Haradrim around Enmahadh
color = { 127 40 0 }
first_names = { Abaan Abattarik Abderrahim Abdimilki Abrazan Abrazimir Abrazir Adnan Adunakhor Ahmeen Al_Tufayl Al_Suffi Amhalghaidh Amr Amro Amruf Aqil Arafah Arshardafah Arthven Aslam As_Salih Badr Bakr Bakzi Battah Bishr Brahim Burhanuddin Dhafir Dhanan Dirar Diwana Dulo Dulhzahad Edhem Elias Ehrmisha Ethim Faqihmah Ghali Ghasaan Ghasmir Gimilkhad Gimilzagar Gimilzor Gimlan Gimliben Haarith Hakim Hamad Haashim Hannad Haroun Husayn Harun Haruth Hudhafah Hudhayfah Huthayfah Ikrimah Ishandiyar Iskender Irpan Iyaz Jada Jamak Jamaath Jareer Jibran Jubayr Kalatar Karim Khaldoon Khuzaymah Karbazir Lubayd Maazin Marwan Masatha Mehrdad Minluben Minluzir Miqsam Musab Muthanna Naman Nasaani Navid Nawfal Niluben Nizar Nizameddin Nudan Pashar Pharazon Pathan Peshtin Qatn Qusay Quraish Reza Riyaan Saahir Safwahdi Sakalkhor Sakalthor Sahar Sapthan Samaub Sakur Sazar Shahqawiyyah Shiruyah Shumayl Siraj Sufyan Surahbil Taalib Tabaya Tahar Tamruben Tamruzir Tartas Thawab Ubaadah Ubayy Udayl Ulbor Umar Umaarah Umayr Utbah Vamman Vammfah Waqqas Wasifar Wasmir Wathilah Yahya Yaman Yazan Yud Zadnazir Zainaben Zengi Zulfikar }
last_names = { "the Lord" "the Serpant" "the Chief" "of Harondor" "of Harnendor" "of Harûzan" "of Pezarsan" "of Lûrmsakun" "of Arysis" "of Umbar" }
arysian = { # Haradrim in Velarith/Arysis
color = { 192 40 0 }
first_names = { Abaan Abattarik Abderrahim Abdimilki Abrazan Abrazimir Abrazir Adnan Adunakhor Ahmeen Al_Tufayl Al_Suffi Amhalghaidh Amr Amro Amruf Aqil Arafah Arshardafah Arthven Aslam As_Salih Badr Bakr Bakzi Battah Bishr Brahim Burhanuddin Dhafir Dhanan Dirar Diwana Dulo Dulhzahad Edhem Elias Ehrmisha Ethim Faqihmah Ghali Ghasaan Ghasmir Gimilkhad Gimilzagar Gimilzor Gimlan Gimliben Haarith Hakim Hamad Haashim Hannad Haroun Husayn Harun Haruth Hudhafah Hudhayfah Huthayfah Ikrimah Ishandiyar Iskender Irpan Iyaz Jada Jamak Jamaath Jareer Jibran Jubayr Kalatar Karim Khaldoon Khuzaymah Karbazir Lubayd Maazin Marwan Masatha Mehrdad Minluben Minluzir Miqsam Musab Muthanna Naman Nasaani Navid Nawfal Niluben Nizar Nizameddin Nudan Pashar Pharazon Pathan Peshtin Qatn Qusay Quraish Reza Riyaan Saahir Safwahdi Sakalkhor Sakalthor Sahar Sapthan Samaub Sakur Sazar Shahqawiyyah Shiruyah Shumayl Siraj Sufyan Surahbil Taalib Tabaya Tahar Tamruben Tamruzir Tartas Thawab Ubaadah Ubayy Udayl Ulbor Umar Umaarah Umayr Utbah Vamman Vammfah Waqqas Wasifar Wasmir Wathilah Yahya Yaman Yazan Yud Zadnazir Zainaben Zengi Zulfikar }
last_names = { "the Lord" "the Serpant" "the Chief" "of Harondor" "of Harnendor" "of Harûzan" "of Pezarsan" "of Lûrmsakun" "of Arysis" "of Umbar" }
union = HAR
# Númenóreans who are not Dúnedain
kingsmen = {
leader = dunedain
unit = EuropeanGC
kingsmen = { # Those on the meme isle ruin of Meneltarma
color = { 10 10 25 }
first_names = { Abrazan Aldamir Anagamaite Ancantar Aphanuzir Arbazan Azrubel Bahadir Balkumagan Caldamir Calimehtar Castaher Castarion Castamaite Earantar Eldamir Fuinur Gimilkhad Gimilthon Gimilzagar Gimilzor Herumor Ikrimah Imrazor Indilzar Indrazor Kalatar Menelmir Morlaen Mundamir Naktir Nalunarak Nizar Pharazon Sakalthor Sakalure Sazar Telmnar Tamruzir Zagaraddin Zagarakhor Astamir Mirazor Zainaben Zimrathon Adunabel Aglaran Arnakhor Arnuben Arnubalkan Arnuzir Avaloben Avalozir Avradizimir Azgarzir Azruben Azulzir Belzagar Balakan Balkazir Bawbuthor Dolguzagar Karbazir Minluben Minluzir Nimruben Nimruzir Nimruzimir Tarikmagan Urithor Urizir Zorzagar }
last_names = { "the Faithful" "of Númenor" "of Umbar" "of the South" "the Corsair" "of Ramlond" "of Gobel Mírlond" "of Ardûmir" "of Pellardur" "of Eradas" "of Erelas" }
black_numenorean = { # The descendents of Númenór who live in Umbar
color = { 5 5 5 }
first_names = { Abrazan Aldamir Anagamaite Ancantar Aphanuzir Arbazan Azrubel Bahadir Balkumagan Caldamir Calimehtar Castaher Castarion Castamaite Earantar Eldamir Fuinur Gimilkhad Gimilthon Gimilzagar Gimilzor Herumor Ikrimah Imrazor Indilzar Indrazor Kalatar Menelmir Morlaen Mundamir Naktir Nalunarak Nizar Pharazon Sakalthor Sakalure Sazar Telmnar Tamruzir Zagaraddin Zagarakhor Astamir Mirazor Zainaben Zimrathon Adunabel Aglaran Arnakhor Arnuben Arnubalkan Arnuzir Avaloben Avalozir Avradizimir Azgarzir Azruben Azulzir Belzagar Balakan Balkazir Bawbuthor Dolguzagar Karbazir Minluben Minluzir Nimruben Nimruzir Nimruzimir Tarikmagan Urithor Urizir Zorzagar }
last_names = { "the Faithful" "of Númenor" "of Umbar" "of the South" "the Corsair" "of Ramlond" "of Gobel Mírlond" "of Ardûmir" "of Pellardur" "of Eradas" "of Erelas" }
# The tribesmen of Khand and Nûrn
khandish = {
leader = haradrim
unit = EuropeanGC
variag = { # Those living in the lands usually called "Khand"
color = { 192 70 0 }
first_names = { Abaan Abadai Abattarik Akonid Aktimur Altan Ambakhai Arash Arajibal Arghun Argu Argudhun Arigboge Arigh Arkish Arslan Ayurbarwada Babak Bakr Baraz Barkak Bartan Batu Batudhun Bavjeitu Bayan Bayezid Bor Bori Borlach Borlad Borthand Brodda Cagri Cahid Cakmak Canbulut Carfe Chaghatai Chaglai Chagoke Cengiz Chindu Cihangir Daghan Derya Dumra Edgu Ertugrul Ethacali Evren Geer Genduk Ghazan Ghazek Gizik Goktig Guyuk Hakhan Haroun Haydar Huleblai Irindhuk Israfil Jagadai Jagu Javed Gorovod Huz Jujan Jyganorth Kaidu Karahan Kargi Kaykhusraw Keemac Kemik Khalja Khoblai Khodun Khundu Khursh Kilic Kitbuqa Kochu Kustig Kutalmis Kutula Lorgan Maltok Mamai Mamdu Margoz Marwan Megujin Mehrdad Meliksah Menggetu Menglai Menguk Mihal Mongke Mukhalkhu Nasreddin Navid Naydhun Neikun Nizar Oguz Oldur Oljeitu Orash Ordhun Ormar Pertevsu Reza Rhukar Ruga Sacal Sahar Sartaq Shahriyar Shidadai Siavash Subujin Subutai Suyiketu Tamruben Tarkan Tasguk Tastan Temublai Todaan Toghrul Tokhtamysh Tokhtoa Tolui Tsagadai Ugablai Ugamysh Uldor Ulfang Ulfast Ulrac Ulwarth Urdrath Virhor Yaban Yiltig Yumruk Zadnazir Zartoshi Zhubin Ziya Zuhr Zhen_Jin Alatar Pallando Ancantar }
last_names = { "of the Gap" "of the Sea" "of the East" "of Upper Khand" "of Chelkar" "of Lower Khand" "of Ammú" "of Sturlurza" "of Olbamarl" }
nurniag = { # The human slaves of Mordor working in Nûrn
color = { 116 36 5 }
first_names = { Abaan Abadai Abattarik Akonid Aktimur Altan Ambakhai Arash Arajibal Arghun Argu Argudhun Arigboge Arigh Arkish Arslan Ayurbarwada Babak Bakr Baraz Barkak Bartan Batu Batudhun Bavjeitu Bayan Bayezid Bor Bori Borlach Borlad Borthand Brodda Cagri Cahid Cakmak Canbulut Carfe Chaghatai Chaglai Chagoke Cengiz Chindu Cihangir Daghan Derya Dumra Edgu Ertugrul Ethacali Evren Geer Genduk Ghazan Ghazek Gizik Goktig Guyuk Hakhan Haroun Haydar Huleblai Irindhuk Israfil Jagadai Jagu Javed Gorovod Huz Jujan Jyganorth Kaidu Karahan Kargi Kaykhusraw Keemac Kemik Khalja Khoblai Khodun Khundu Khursh Kilic Kitbuqa Kochu Kustig Kutalmis Kutula Lorgan Maltok Mamai Mamdu Margoz Marwan Megujin Mehrdad Meliksah Menggetu Menglai Menguk Mihal Mongke Mukhalkhu Nasreddin Navid Naydhun Neikun Nizar Oguz Oldur Oljeitu Orash Ordhun Ormar Pertevsu Reza Rhukar Ruga Sacal Sahar Sartaq Shahriyar Shidadai Siavash Subujin Subutai Suyiketu Tamruben Tarkan Tasguk Tastan Temublai Todaan Toghrul Tokhtamysh Tokhtoa Tolui Tsagadai Ugablai Ugamysh Uldor Ulfang Ulfast Ulrac Ulwarth Urdrath Virhor Yaban Yiltig Yumruk Zadnazir Zartoshi Zhubin Ziya Zuhr Zhen_Jin Alatar Pallando Ancantar }
last_names = { "of the Gap" "of the Sea" "of the East" "of Upper Khand" "of Chelkar" "of Lower Khand" "of Ammú" "of Sturlurza" "of Olbamarl" }
chelkiag = { # Khandish living in the highlands south of the southern Ash Mountains
color = { 140 70 0 }
first_names = { Abaan Abadai Abattarik Akonid Aktimur Altan Ambakhai Arash Arajibal Arghun Argu Argudhun Arigboge Arigh Arkish Arslan Ayurbarwada Babak Bakr Baraz Barkak Bartan Batu Batudhun Bavjeitu Bayan Bayezid Bor Bori Borlach Borlad Borthand Brodda Cagri Cahid Cakmak Canbulut Carfe Chaghatai Chaglai Chagoke Cengiz Chindu Cihangir Daghan Derya Dumra Edgu Ertugrul Ethacali Evren Geer Genduk Ghazan Ghazek Gizik Goktig Guyuk Hakhan Haroun Haydar Huleblai Irindhuk Israfil Jagadai Jagu Javed Gorovod Huz Jujan Jyganorth Kaidu Karahan Kargi Kaykhusraw Keemac Kemik Khalja Khoblai Khodun Khundu Khursh Kilic Kitbuqa Kochu Kustig Kutalmis Kutula Lorgan Maltok Mamai Mamdu Margoz Marwan Megujin Mehrdad Meliksah Menggetu Menglai Menguk Mihal Mongke Mukhalkhu Nasreddin Navid Naydhun Neikun Nizar Oguz Oldur Oljeitu Orash Ordhun Ormar Pertevsu Reza Rhukar Ruga Sacal Sahar Sartaq Shahriyar Shidadai Siavash Subujin Subutai Suyiketu Tamruben Tarkan Tasguk Tastan Temublai Todaan Toghrul Tokhtamysh Tokhtoa Tolui Tsagadai Ugablai Ugamysh Uldor Ulfang Ulfast Ulrac Ulwarth Urdrath Virhor Yaban Yiltig Yumruk Zadnazir Zartoshi Zhubin Ziya Zuhr Zhen_Jin Alatar Pallando Ancantar }
last_names = { "of the Gap" "of the Sea" "of the East" "of Upper Khand" "of Chelkar" "of Lower Khand" "of Ammú" "of Sturlurza" "of Olbamarl" }
# Wicked men of the East
easterlings = {
leader = haradrim
unit = EuropeanGC
sagath = { # Those living in Sagathavuld
color = { 180 100 33 }
first_names = { Abadai Abattarik Abdus Akin Akonid Altan Alawiyyah Ambakhai Arash Arghun Arigh Arkish Arslan Asabiarn Avsar Baaya Babak Bakr Baraz Barghujin Barkak Bartan Batu Batuban Bayan Beatan Bekhtar Bor Bori Borlach Borlad Borokhul Borthand Brodda Carfe Catsu Charakha Cebrail Cirhan Daghan Dara Daritai Darras Datan Dayir Dhu_Nun Druhar Dumra Edgu Ellac Enver Ethacali Eymur Faruk Firdaus Galib Ghazandu Ghazatai Ghunan Geer Gimilzagar Gizik Goktig Habushun Haroun Irinjibal Ishandiyar Israfil Javed Kaishan Gorovod Hakam Huz Ja_Sur Jochi Jubal Jyganorth Kagan Kaiblis Kargi Kathir Keemac Kemik Khalja Khoshila Khursh Khushan Kochu Kilic Kustig Kutula Lorgan Maltok Mansur Margoz Marwan Megujin Mehrdad Menggetu Mongke Mufarrij Mukhalkhu Navid Nayaka Neikun Nizar Nusayr Ogodhun Oldur Orash Ormar Qabisah Quraysh Rahhu Reza Rhukar Rifat Sacal Sa_Dun Sahl Salih Sartaq Shahriyar Siavash Suwayd Tamruben Tardan Temujin Todaan Toghrul Tokhtoa Tolui Tugor Ukrumah Uldor Ulfang Ulfast Ulrac Ulwarth Urdrath Urwah Yaban Yahzdan Yiltig Yoruk Yumruk Zadnazir Zartoshi Zhubin Ziebil }
last_names = { "of Sagathavuld" "of Sekelavuld" "of Ugathavuld" "of Kugavuld" "of Logathavuld" "of Mistand" "of Burh Ermanarikis" "of Várfest" "of Kugavod" "of the Isle" "of Rhunear" "of Winterion Iaur" }
sekel = { # Those living in Sekelvuld
color = { 220 80 33 }
first_names = { Abadai Abattarik Abdus Akin Akonid Altan Alawiyyah Ambakhai Arash Arghun Arigh Arkish Arslan Asabiarn Avsar Baaya Babak Bakr Baraz Barghujin Barkak Bartan Batu Batuban Bayan Beatan Bekhtar Bor Bori Borlach Borlad Borokhul Borthand Brodda Carfe Catsu Charakha Cebrail Cirhan Daghan Dara Daritai Darras Datan Dayir Dhu_Nun Druhar Dumra Edgu Ellac Enver Ethacali Eymur Faruk Firdaus Galib Ghazandu Ghazatai Ghunan Geer Gimilzagar Gizik Goktig Habushun Haroun Irinjibal Ishandiyar Israfil Javed Kaishan Gorovod Hakam Huz Ja_Sur Jochi Jubal Jyganorth Kagan Kaiblis Kargi Kathir Keemac Kemik Khalja Khoshila Khursh Khushan Kochu Kilic Kustig Kutula Lorgan Maltok Mansur Margoz Marwan Megujin Mehrdad Menggetu Mongke Mufarrij Mukhalkhu Navid Nayaka Neikun Nizar Nusayr Ogodhun Oldur Orash Ormar Qabisah Quraysh Rahhu Reza Rhukar Rifat Sacal Sa_Dun Sahl Salih Sartaq Shahriyar Siavash Suwayd Tamruben Tardan Temujin Todaan Toghrul Tokhtoa Tolui Tugor Ukrumah Uldor Ulfang Ulfast Ulrac Ulwarth Urdrath Urwah Yaban Yahzdan Yiltig Yoruk Yumruk Zadnazir Zartoshi Zhubin Ziebil }
last_names = { "of Sagathavuld" "of Sekelavuld" "of Ugathavuld" "of Kugavuld" "of Logathavuld" "of Mistand" "of Burh Ermanarikis" "of Várfest" "of Kugavod" "of the Isle" "of Rhunear" "of Winterion Iaur" }
urgath = { # Those living in Urgathavuld and around Mistrand
color = { 200 150 32 }
first_names = { Abadai Abattarik Abdus Akin Akonid Altan Alawiyyah Ambakhai Arash Arghun Arigh Arkish Arslan Asabiarn Avsar Baaya Babak Bakr Baraz Barghujin Barkak Bartan Batu Batuban Bayan Beatan Bekhtar Bor Bori Borlach Borlad Borokhul Borthand Brodda Carfe Catsu Charakha Cebrail Cirhan Daghan Dara Daritai Darras Datan Dayir Dhu_Nun Druhar Dumra Edgu Ellac Enver Ethacali Eymur Faruk Firdaus Galib Ghazandu Ghazatai Ghunan Geer Gimilzagar Gizik Goktig Habushun Haroun Irinjibal Ishandiyar Israfil Javed Kaishan Gorovod Hakam Huz Ja_Sur Jochi Jubal Jyganorth Kagan Kaiblis Kargi Kathir Keemac Kemik Khalja Khoshila Khursh Khushan Kochu Kilic Kustig Kutula Lorgan Maltok Mansur Margoz Marwan Megujin Mehrdad Menggetu Mongke Mufarrij Mukhalkhu Navid Nayaka Neikun Nizar Nusayr Ogodhun Oldur Orash Ormar Qabisah Quraysh Rahhu Reza Rhukar Rifat Sacal Sa_Dun Sahl Salih Sartaq Shahriyar Siavash Suwayd Tamruben Tardan Temujin Todaan Toghrul Tokhtoa Tolui Tugor Ukrumah Uldor Ulfang Ulfast Ulrac Ulwarth Urdrath Urwah Yaban Yahzdan Yiltig Yoruk Yumruk Zadnazir Zartoshi Zhubin Ziebil }
last_names = { "of Sagathavuld" "of Sekelavuld" "of Ugathavuld" "of Kugavuld" "of Logathavuld" "of Mistand" "of Burh Ermanarikis" "of Várfest" "of Kugavod" "of the Isle" "of Rhunear" "of Winterion Iaur" }
kuga = { # Those living in Kugavuld
color = { 220 150 60 }
first_names = { Abadai Abattarik Abdus Akin Akonid Altan Alawiyyah Ambakhai Arash Arghun Arigh Arkish Arslan Asabiarn Avsar Baaya Babak Bakr Baraz Barghujin Barkak Bartan Batu Batuban Bayan Beatan Bekhtar Bor Bori Borlach Borlad Borokhul Borthand Brodda Carfe Catsu Charakha Cebrail Cirhan Daghan Dara Daritai Darras Datan Dayir Dhu_Nun Druhar Dumra Edgu Ellac Enver Ethacali Eymur Faruk Firdaus Galib Ghazandu Ghazatai Ghunan Geer Gimilzagar Gizik Goktig Habushun Haroun Irinjibal Ishandiyar Israfil Javed Kaishan Gorovod Hakam Huz Ja_Sur Jochi Jubal Jyganorth Kagan Kaiblis Kargi Kathir Keemac Kemik Khalja Khoshila Khursh Khushan Kochu Kilic Kustig Kutula Lorgan Maltok Mansur Margoz Marwan Megujin Mehrdad Menggetu Mongke Mufarrij Mukhalkhu Navid Nayaka Neikun Nizar Nusayr Ogodhun Oldur Orash Ormar Qabisah Quraysh Rahhu Reza Rhukar Rifat Sacal Sa_Dun Sahl Salih Sartaq Shahriyar Siavash Suwayd Tamruben Tardan Temujin Todaan Toghrul Tokhtoa Tolui Tugor Ukrumah Uldor Ulfang Ulfast Ulrac Ulwarth Urdrath Urwah Yaban Yahzdan Yiltig Yoruk Yumruk Zadnazir Zartoshi Zhubin Ziebil }
last_names = { "of Sagathavuld" "of Sekelavuld" "of Ugathavuld" "of Kugavuld" "of Logathavuld" "of Mistand" "of Burh Ermanarikis" "of Várfest" "of Kugavod" "of the Isle" "of Rhunear" "of Winterion Iaur" }
logath = { # Those living in Logathavuld
color = { 220 150 100 }
first_names = { Abadai Abattarik Abdus Akin Akonid Altan Alawiyyah Ambakhai Arash Arghun Arigh Arkish Arslan Asabiarn Avsar Baaya Babak Bakr Baraz Barghujin Barkak Bartan Batu Batuban Bayan Beatan Bekhtar Bor Bori Borlach Borlad Borokhul Borthand Brodda Carfe Catsu Charakha Cebrail Cirhan Daghan Dara Daritai Darras Datan Dayir Dhu_Nun Druhar Dumra Edgu Ellac Enver Ethacali Eymur Faruk Firdaus Galib Ghazandu Ghazatai Ghunan Geer Gimilzagar Gizik Goktig Habushun Haroun Irinjibal Ishandiyar Israfil Javed Kaishan Gorovod Hakam Huz Ja_Sur Jochi Jubal Jyganorth Kagan Kaiblis Kargi Kathir Keemac Kemik Khalja Khoshila Khursh Khushan Kochu Kilic Kustig Kutula Lorgan Maltok Mansur Margoz Marwan Megujin Mehrdad Menggetu Mongke Mufarrij Mukhalkhu Navid Nayaka Neikun Nizar Nusayr Ogodhun Oldur Orash Ormar Qabisah Quraysh Rahhu Reza Rhukar Rifat Sacal Sa_Dun Sahl Salih Sartaq Shahriyar Siavash Suwayd Tamruben Tardan Temujin Todaan Toghrul Tokhtoa Tolui Tugor Ukrumah Uldor Ulfang Ulfast Ulrac Ulwarth Urdrath Urwah Yaban Yahzdan Yiltig Yoruk Yumruk Zadnazir Zartoshi Zhubin Ziebil }
last_names = { "of Sagathavuld" "of Sekelavuld" "of Ugathavuld" "of Kugavuld" "of Logathavuld" "of Mistand" "of Burh Ermanarikis" "of Várfest" "of Kugavod" "of the Isle" "of Rhunear" "of Winterion Iaur" }
union = RHU
# The men of Dale and Gramavuld
gramavuld_northmen = {
leader = men
unit = EuropeanGC
barding = { # The men of Dale and Esgaroth
color = { 90 135 215 }
first_names = { Ádhri Aegir Aivadiuria Alwis Algar Amdori Andrimnir Ansovald Aridain Arnken Arnwin Arving Asabian Atagavia Athala Athalhere Athalward Athalwin Athanagild Athanaric Authari Augimund Baduila Bain Bard Bertram Biarn Bisinus Bladorthin Bondi Booth Bórstón Braegla Braga Brand Brander Brego Breor Brestir Bridofin Broehir Bryn Chararic Charibert Childebert Cormac Delling Dieraglir Doran Dudannis Edwodyn Einar Eivan Elik Eoder Eodoric Elstan Erdan Erland Eroder Euric Eynar Farman Fornagarth Fraeg Freagar Freahar Frithalf Froedhir Forthwin Gangleren Gararic Garivald Gartila Geirmund Geirrold Girion Girloth Girnir Gismund Godomar Gormur Grafa Grim Gunderic Gus Gustaw Haed Hakon Halad Hallam Halstein Halvdor Halward Hamar Harald Harfast Hargast Haribairtha Harken Harkind Harward Hawin Heidrek Herion Hiarni Hogurvár Holden Holgeir Horsa Hross Hugin Hyltir Iarl Iarnsmid Ingbald Ingar Ingemar Inwar Irkenwin Ivor Jeshan Jiord Kadha Kell Knut Kornvin Kynodin Kynoden Lif Lifstan Lindenkind Lindor Liodbrand Lodin Lunt Magni Marhari Marhere Marhlos Marhold Marhwini Munderic Marlof Moradhill Mordhi Nomrel Odagavia Oddvarr Odoacer Odovacer Odell Olaf Ondain Orduclax Orfúsi Orrdan Ottar Oyvind Porsi Purth Raendoric Ragnachar Ragnald Ragnar Rand Rathar Ranulf Ratahis Rauthair Reccared Rennar Ricchar Roald Rolfur Rutland Scyld Shagelda Sichar Sigeric Sigibert Sigismund Sigiswulf Sigurd Skip Skald Stig Storr Sutherland Sviatobal Swain Tate Thain Thane Theoderic Theudebal Theoren Thiudakind Thiudamir Thorald Thorburn Thorwald Tor Tore Torwald Uirdriks Ulfred Valamir Valemar Vandergast Vanderkind Vandermir Vandreren Vidugavia Vidugild Viduhar Vidukind Vidusith Viliareik Viloric Vinitharya Vogir Waggeorn Wagyora Warin Waulfa Widin Withergast Withergyld Witherhere Witherhold Witherkind Wuilaric }
last_names = { "of Dale" "of Lake-town" "of Esgaroth" "of the River" "of Grasgard" "of Araw" "of Dunheath" "of Ilanin" "of Sant Annui" "of Riavod" "of Caras Falathrim" "of Dorwinion" "the Vine-lord" "the Riverman" "the Lakeman" "the Northman" "of the Wild" }
grammas = { # The men in Gramavuld that are inland from the Celduin and Long Lake
color = { 81 122 155 }
first_names = { Ádhri Aegir Aivadiuria Alwis Algar Amdori Andrimnir Ansovald Aridain Arnken Arnwin Arving Asabian Atagavia Athala Athalhere Athalward Athalwin Athanagild Athanaric Authari Augimund Baduila Bain Bard Bertram Biarn Bisinus Bladorthin Bondi Booth Bórstón Braegla Braga Brand Brander Brego Breor Brestir Bridofin Broehir Bryn Chararic Charibert Childebert Cormac Delling Dieraglir Doran Dudannis Edwodyn Einar Eivan Elik Eoder Eodoric Elstan Erdan Erland Eroder Euric Eynar Farman Fornagarth Fraeg Freagar Freahar Frithalf Froedhir Forthwin Gangleren Gararic Garivald Gartila Geirmund Geirrold Girion Girloth Girnir Gismund Godomar Gormur Grafa Grim Gunderic Gus Gustaw Haed Hakon Halad Hallam Halstein Halvdor Halward Hamar Harald Harfast Hargast Haribairtha Harken Harkind Harward Hawin Heidrek Herion Hiarni Hogurvár Holden Holgeir Horsa Hross Hugin Hyltir Iarl Iarnsmid Ingbald Ingar Ingemar Inwar Irkenwin Ivor Jeshan Jiord Kadha Kell Knut Kornvin Kynodin Kynoden Lif Lifstan Lindenkind Lindor Liodbrand Lodin Lunt Magni Marhari Marhere Marhlos Marhold Marhwini Munderic Marlof Moradhill Mordhi Nomrel Odagavia Oddvarr Odoacer Odovacer Odell Olaf Ondain Orduclax Orfúsi Orrdan Ottar Oyvind Porsi Purth Raendoric Ragnachar Ragnald Ragnar Rand Rathar Ranulf Ratahis Rauthair Reccared Rennar Ricchar Roald Rolfur Rutland Scyld Shagelda Sichar Sigeric Sigibert Sigismund Sigiswulf Sigurd Skip Skald Stig Storr Sutherland Sviatobal Swain Tate Thain Thane Theoderic Theudebal Theoren Thiudakind Thiudamir Thorald Thorburn Thorwald Tor Tore Torwald Uirdriks Ulfred Valamir Valemar Vandergast Vanderkind Vandermir Vandreren Vidugavia Vidugild Viduhar Vidukind Vidusith Viliareik Viloric Vinitharya Vogir Waggeorn Wagyora Warin Waulfa Widin Withergast Withergyld Witherhere Witherhold Witherkind Wuilaric }
last_names = { "of Dale" "of Lake-town" "of Esgaroth" "of the River" "of Grasgard" "of Araw" "of Dunheath" "of Ilanin" "of Sant Annui" "of Riavod" "of Caras Falathrim" "of Dorwinion" "the Vine-lord" "the Riverman" "the Lakeman" "the Northman" "of the Wild" }
rivermen = { # The men in Gramavuld that are south of Long Lake along the Celduin
color = { 112 135 215 }
first_names = { Ádhri Aegir Aivadiuria Alwis Algar Amdori Andrimnir Ansovald Aridain Arnken Arnwin Arving Asabian Atagavia Athala Athalhere Athalward Athalwin Athanagild Athanaric Authari Augimund Baduila Bain Bard Bertram Biarn Bisinus Bladorthin Bondi Booth Bórstón Braegla Braga Brand Brander Brego Breor Brestir Bridofin Broehir Bryn Chararic Charibert Childebert Cormac Delling Dieraglir Doran Dudannis Edwodyn Einar Eivan Elik Eoder Eodoric Elstan Erdan Erland Eroder Euric Eynar Farman Fornagarth Fraeg Freagar Freahar Frithalf Froedhir Forthwin Gangleren Gararic Garivald Gartila Geirmund Geirrold Girion Girloth Girnir Gismund Godomar Gormur Grafa Grim Gunderic Gus Gustaw Haed Hakon Halad Hallam Halstein Halvdor Halward Hamar Harald Harfast Hargast Haribairtha Harken Harkind Harward Hawin Heidrek Herion Hiarni Hogurvár Holden Holgeir Horsa Hross Hugin Hyltir Iarl Iarnsmid Ingbald Ingar Ingemar Inwar Irkenwin Ivor Jeshan Jiord Kadha Kell Knut Kornvin Kynodin Kynoden Lif Lifstan Lindenkind Lindor Liodbrand Lodin Lunt Magni Marhari Marhere Marhlos Marhold Marhwini Munderic Marlof Moradhill Mordhi Nomrel Odagavia Oddvarr Odoacer Odovacer Odell Olaf Ondain Orduclax Orfúsi Orrdan Ottar Oyvind Porsi Purth Raendoric Ragnachar Ragnald Ragnar Rand Rathar Ranulf Ratahis Rauthair Reccared Rennar Ricchar Roald Rolfur Rutland Scyld Shagelda Sichar Sigeric Sigibert Sigismund Sigiswulf Sigurd Skip Skald Stig Storr Sutherland Sviatobal Swain Tate Thain Thane Theoderic Theudebal Theoren Thiudakind Thiudamir Thorald Thorburn Thorwald Tor Tore Torwald Uirdriks Ulfred Valamir Valemar Vandergast Vanderkind Vandermir Vandreren Vidugavia Vidugild Viduhar Vidukind Vidusith Viliareik Viloric Vinitharya Vogir Waggeorn Wagyora Warin Waulfa Widin Withergast Withergyld Witherhere Witherhold Witherkind Wuilaric }
last_names = { "of Dale" "of Lake-town" "of Esgaroth" "of the River" "of Grasgard" "of Araw" "of Dunheath" "of Ilanin" "of Sant Annui" "of Riavod" "of Caras Falathrim" "of Dorwinion" "the Vine-lord" "the Riverman" "the Lakeman" "the Northman" "of the Wild" }
adhalling = { # The men in Gramavuld living in the Northeastern Eaves of Mirkwood
color = { 77 115 183 }
first_names = { Ádhri Aegir Aivadiuria Alwis Algar Amdori Andrimnir Ansovald Aridain Arnken Arnwin Arving Asabian Atagavia Athala Athalhere Athalward Athalwin Athanagild Athanaric Authari Augimund Baduila Bain Bard Bertram Biarn Bisinus Bladorthin Bondi Booth Bórstón Braegla Braga Brand Brander Brego Breor Brestir Bridofin Broehir Bryn Chararic Charibert Childebert Cormac Delling Dieraglir Doran Dudannis Edwodyn Einar Eivan Elik Eoder Eodoric Elstan Erdan Erland Eroder Euric Eynar Farman Fornagarth Fraeg Freagar Freahar Frithalf Froedhir Forthwin Gangleren Gararic Garivald Gartila Geirmund Geirrold Girion Girloth Girnir Gismund Godomar Gormur Grafa Grim Gunderic Gus Gustaw Haed Hakon Halad Hallam Halstein Halvdor Halward Hamar Harald Harfast Hargast Haribairtha Harken Harkind Harward Hawin Heidrek Herion Hiarni Hogurvár Holden Holgeir Horsa Hross Hugin Hyltir Iarl Iarnsmid Ingbald Ingar Ingemar Inwar Irkenwin Ivor Jeshan Jiord Kadha Kell Knut Kornvin Kynodin Kynoden Lif Lifstan Lindenkind Lindor Liodbrand Lodin Lunt Magni Marhari Marhere Marhlos Marhold Marhwini Munderic Marlof Moradhill Mordhi Nomrel Odagavia Oddvarr Odoacer Odovacer Odell Olaf Ondain Orduclax Orfúsi Orrdan Ottar Oyvind Porsi Purth Raendoric Ragnachar Ragnald Ragnar Rand Rathar Ranulf Ratahis Rauthair Reccared Rennar Ricchar Roald Rolfur Rutland Scyld Shagelda Sichar Sigeric Sigibert Sigismund Sigiswulf Sigurd Skip Skald Stig Storr Sutherland Sviatobal Swain Tate Thain Thane Theoderic Theudebal Theoren Thiudakind Thiudamir Thorald Thorburn Thorwald Tor Tore Torwald Uirdriks Ulfred Valamir Valemar Vandergast Vanderkind Vandermir Vandreren Vidugavia Vidugild Viduhar Vidukind Vidusith Viliareik Viloric Vinitharya Vogir Waggeorn Wagyora Warin Waulfa Widin Withergast Withergyld Witherhere Witherhold Witherkind Wuilaric }
last_names = { "of Dale" "of Lake-town" "of Esgaroth" "of the River" "of Grasgard" "of Araw" "of Dunheath" "of Ilanin" "of Sant Annui" "of Riavod" "of Caras Falathrim" "of Dorwinion" "the Vine-lord" "the Riverman" "the Lakeman" "the Northman" "of the Wild" }
union = RHO
# The men of Dorwinion and parts of Rhovanion
northmen = {
leader = men
unit = EuropeanGC
dorwinrim = { # The men of Dorwinion
color = { 110 0 110 }
first_names = { Ádhri Aegir Aivadiuria Alwis Algar Amdori Andrimnir Ansovald Aridain Arnken Arnwin Arving Asabian Atagavia Athala Athalhere Athalward Athalwin Athanagild Athanaric Authari Augimund Baduila Bain Bard Bertram Biarn Bisinus Bladorthin Bondi Booth Bórstón Braegla Braga Brand Brander Brego Breor Brestir Bridofin Broehir Bryn Chararic Charibert Childebert Cormac Delling Dieraglir Doran Dudannis Edwodyn Einar Eivan Elik Eoder Eodoric Elstan Erdan Erland Eroder Euric Eynar Farman Fornagarth Fraeg Freagar Freahar Frithalf Froedhir Forthwin Gangleren Gararic Garivald Gartila Geirmund Geirrold Girion Girloth Girnir Gismund Godomar Gormur Grafa Grim Gunderic Gus Gustaw Haed Hakon Halad Hallam Halstein Halvdor Halward Hamar Harald Harfast Hargast Haribairtha Harken Harkind Harward Hawin Heidrek Herion Hiarni Hogurvár Holden Holgeir Horsa Hross Hugin Hyltir Iarl Iarnsmid Ingbald Ingar Ingemar Inwar Irkenwin Ivor Jeshan Jiord Kadha Kell Knut Kornvin Kynodin Kynoden Lif Lifstan Lindenkind Lindor Liodbrand Lodin Lunt Magni Marhari Marhere Marhlos Marhold Marhwini Munderic Marlof Moradhill Mordhi Nomrel Odagavia Oddvarr Odoacer Odovacer Odell Olaf Ondain Orduclax Orfúsi Orrdan Ottar Oyvind Porsi Purth Raendoric Ragnachar Ragnald Ragnar Rand Rathar Ranulf Ratahis Rauthair Reccared Rennar Ricchar Roald Rolfur Rutland Scyld Shagelda Sichar Sigeric Sigibert Sigismund Sigiswulf Sigurd Skip Skald Stig Storr Sutherland Sviatobal Swain Tate Thain Thane Theoderic Theudebal Theoren Thiudakind Thiudamir Thorald Thorburn Thorwald Tor Tore Torwald Uirdriks Ulfred Valamir Valemar Vandergast Vanderkind Vandermir Vandreren Vidugavia Vidugild Viduhar Vidukind Vidusith Viliareik Viloric Vinitharya Vogir Waggeorn Wagyora Warin Waulfa Widin Withergast Withergyld Witherhere Witherhold Witherkind Wuilaric }
last_names = { "of Dale" "of Lake-town" "of Esgaroth" "of the River" "of Grasgard" "of Araw" "of Dunheath" "of Ilanin" "of Sant Annui" "of Riavod" "of Caras Falathrim" "of Dorwinion" "the Vine-lord" "the Riverman" "the Lakeman" "the Northman" "of the Wild" }
aivathiuda = { # The men of south of the Celduin, east of Mirkwood, west of Dorwinion, and north or equal latitude as the East Bight
color = { 100 67 107 }
first_names = { Ádhri Aegir Aivadiuria Alwis Algar Amdori Andrimnir Ansovald Aridain Arnken Arnwin Arving Asabian Atagavia Athala Athalhere Athalward Athalwin Athanagild Athanaric Authari Augimund Baduila Bain Bard Bertram Biarn Bisinus Bladorthin Bondi Booth Bórstón Braegla Braga Brand Brander Brego Breor Brestir Bridofin Broehir Bryn Chararic Charibert Childebert Cormac Delling Dieraglir Doran Dudannis Edwodyn Einar Eivan Elik Eoder Eodoric Elstan Erdan Erland Eroder Euric Eynar Farman Fornagarth Fraeg Freagar Freahar Frithalf Froedhir Forthwin Gangleren Gararic Garivald Gartila Geirmund Geirrold Girion Girloth Girnir Gismund Godomar Gormur Grafa Grim Gunderic Gus Gustaw Haed Hakon Halad Hallam Halstein Halvdor Halward Hamar Harald Harfast Hargast Haribairtha Harken Harkind Harward Hawin Heidrek Herion Hiarni Hogurvár Holden Holgeir Horsa Hross Hugin Hyltir Iarl Iarnsmid Ingbald Ingar Ingemar Inwar Irkenwin Ivor Jeshan Jiord Kadha Kell Knut Kornvin Kynodin Kynoden Lif Lifstan Lindenkind Lindor Liodbrand Lodin Lunt Magni Marhari Marhere Marhlos Marhold Marhwini Munderic Marlof Moradhill Mordhi Nomrel Odagavia Oddvarr Odoacer Odovacer Odell Olaf Ondain Orduclax Orfúsi Orrdan Ottar Oyvind Porsi Purth Raendoric Ragnachar Ragnald Ragnar Rand Rathar Ranulf Ratahis Rauthair Reccared Rennar Ricchar Roald Rolfur Rutland Scyld Shagelda Sichar Sigeric Sigibert Sigismund Sigiswulf Sigurd Skip Skald Stig Storr Sutherland Sviatobal Swain Tate Thain Thane Theoderic Theudebal Theoren Thiudakind Thiudamir Thorald Thorburn Thorwald Tor Tore Torwald Uirdriks Ulfred Valamir Valemar Vandergast Vanderkind Vandermir Vandreren Vidugavia Vidugild Viduhar Vidukind Vidusith Viliareik Viloric Vinitharya Vogir Waggeorn Wagyora Warin Waulfa Widin Withergast Withergyld Witherhere Witherhold Witherkind Wuilaric }
last_names = { "of Dale" "of Lake-town" "of Esgaroth" "of the River" "of Grasgard" "of Araw" "of Dunheath" "of Ilanin" "of Sant Annui" "of Riavod" "of Caras Falathrim" "of Dorwinion" "the Vine-lord" "the Riverman" "the Lakeman" "the Northman" "of the Wild" }
anthar = { # The men south of Mirkwood, east of the Anduin, north of Gondor/Mordor, west of the Sagath
color = { 120 77 120 }
first_names = { Ádhri Aegir Aivadiuria Alwis Algar Amdori Andrimnir Ansovald Aridain Arnken Arnwin Arving Asabian Atagavia Athala Athalhere Athalward Athalwin Athanagild Athanaric Authari Augimund Baduila Bain Bard Bertram Biarn Bisinus Bladorthin Bondi Booth Bórstón Braegla Braga Brand Brander Brego Breor Brestir Bridofin Broehir Bryn Chararic Charibert Childebert Cormac Delling Dieraglir Doran Dudannis Edwodyn Einar Eivan Elik Eoder Eodoric Elstan Erdan Erland Eroder Euric Eynar Farman Fornagarth Fraeg Freagar Freahar Frithalf Froedhir Forthwin Gangleren Gararic Garivald Gartila Geirmund Geirrold Girion Girloth Girnir Gismund Godomar Gormur Grafa Grim Gunderic Gus Gustaw Haed Hakon Halad Hallam Halstein Halvdor Halward Hamar Harald Harfast Hargast Haribairtha Harken Harkind Harward Hawin Heidrek Herion Hiarni Hogurvár Holden Holgeir Horsa Hross Hugin Hyltir Iarl Iarnsmid Ingbald Ingar Ingemar Inwar Irkenwin Ivor Jeshan Jiord Kadha Kell Knut Kornvin Kynodin Kynoden Lif Lifstan Lindenkind Lindor Liodbrand Lodin Lunt Magni Marhari Marhere Marhlos Marhold Marhwini Munderic Marlof Moradhill Mordhi Nomrel Odagavia Oddvarr Odoacer Odovacer Odell Olaf Ondain Orduclax Orfúsi Orrdan Ottar Oyvind Porsi Purth Raendoric Ragnachar Ragnald Ragnar Rand Rathar Ranulf Ratahis Rauthair Reccared Rennar Ricchar Roald Rolfur Rutland Scyld Shagelda Sichar Sigeric Sigibert Sigismund Sigiswulf Sigurd Skip Skald Stig Storr Sutherland Sviatobal Swain Tate Thain Thane Theoderic Theudebal Theoren Thiudakind Thiudamir Thorald Thorburn Thorwald Tor Tore Torwald Uirdriks Ulfred Valamir Valemar Vandergast Vanderkind Vandermir Vandreren Vidugavia Vidugild Viduhar Vidukind Vidusith Viliareik Viloric Vinitharya Vogir Waggeorn Wagyora Warin Waulfa Widin Withergast Withergyld Witherhere Witherhold Witherkind Wuilaric }
last_names = { "of Dale" "of Lake-town" "of Esgaroth" "of the River" "of Grasgard" "of Araw" "of Dunheath" "of Ilanin" "of Sant Annui" "of Riavod" "of Caras Falathrim" "of Dorwinion" "the Vine-lord" "the Riverman" "the Lakeman" "the Northman" "of the Wild" }
gadraught = { # The men of south of the East Bight latitude, between the Anthers, Sekels and Sagaths
color = { 110 55 90 }
first_names = { Ádhri Aegir Aivadiuria Alwis Algar Amdori Andrimnir Ansovald Aridain Arnken Arnwin Arving Asabian Atagavia Athala Athalhere Athalward Athalwin Athanagild Athanaric Authari Augimund Baduila Bain Bard Bertram Biarn Bisinus Bladorthin Bondi Booth Bórstón Braegla Braga Brand Brander Brego Breor Brestir Bridofin Broehir Bryn Chararic Charibert Childebert Cormac Delling Dieraglir Doran Dudannis Edwodyn Einar Eivan Elik Eoder Eodoric Elstan Erdan Erland Eroder Euric Eynar Farman Fornagarth Fraeg Freagar Freahar Frithalf Froedhir Forthwin Gangleren Gararic Garivald Gartila Geirmund Geirrold Girion Girloth Girnir Gismund Godomar Gormur Grafa Grim Gunderic Gus Gustaw Haed Hakon Halad Hallam Halstein Halvdor Halward Hamar Harald Harfast Hargast Haribairtha Harken Harkind Harward Hawin Heidrek Herion Hiarni Hogurvár Holden Holgeir Horsa Hross Hugin Hyltir Iarl Iarnsmid Ingbald Ingar Ingemar Inwar Irkenwin Ivor Jeshan Jiord Kadha Kell Knut Kornvin Kynodin Kynoden Lif Lifstan Lindenkind Lindor Liodbrand Lodin Lunt Magni Marhari Marhere Marhlos Marhold Marhwini Munderic Marlof Moradhill Mordhi Nomrel Odagavia Oddvarr Odoacer Odovacer Odell Olaf Ondain Orduclax Orfúsi Orrdan Ottar Oyvind Porsi Purth Raendoric Ragnachar Ragnald Ragnar Rand Rathar Ranulf Ratahis Rauthair Reccared Rennar Ricchar Roald Rolfur Rutland Scyld Shagelda Sichar Sigeric Sigibert Sigismund Sigiswulf Sigurd Skip Skald Stig Storr Sutherland Sviatobal Swain Tate Thain Thane Theoderic Theudebal Theoren Thiudakind Thiudamir Thorald Thorburn Thorwald Tor Tore Torwald Uirdriks Ulfred Valamir Valemar Vandergast Vanderkind Vandermir Vandreren Vidugavia Vidugild Viduhar Vidukind Vidusith Viliareik Viloric Vinitharya Vogir Waggeorn Wagyora Warin Waulfa Widin Withergast Withergyld Witherhere Witherhold Witherkind Wuilaric }
last_names = { "of Dale" "of Lake-town" "of Esgaroth" "of the River" "of Grasgard" "of Araw" "of Dunheath" "of Ilanin" "of Sant Annui" "of Riavod" "of Caras Falathrim" "of Dorwinion" "the Vine-lord" "the Riverman" "the Lakeman" "the Northman" "of the Wild" }
union = RHO
# All of the dwarves. They could be split into 2 culture groups, but for the moment, there does not seem to be a need to.
# Firebeard and Broadbeam could be combined into one culture
dwarves = {
leader = dwarven
unit = EuropeanGC
longbeard = { # Dwarves of Erebor/Iron Hills/those in Ered Luin who fled Erebor in 2790
color = { 20 20 90 }
first_names = { Agni Anar Azaghâl Balin Bifur Bodruith Bofur Bombur Borin Brúni Burin Fundin Dáin Dís Dori Durin Dwalin Fangluin Farin Fíli Flói Frár Frerin Frithgeir Frór Gamil Gimli Glóin Gróin Grór Ingithor Kíli Lofar Lóni Náin Nar Narvi Nori Nár Óin Skorgrím Telchar Thráin Thrór }
last_names = { Blackhand Blacklock Bluebeard Hannar Ironfoot Longbeard Oakenshield Orcsfoe Stiffbeard Stonehand Stonehelm Stoutaxe }
firebeard = { # Dwarves of Ered Luin longbeard
color = { 30 30 200 }
first_names = { Agni Anar Azaghâl Balin Bifur Bodruith Bofur Bombur Borin Brúni Burin Fundin Dáin Dís Dori Durin Dwalin Fangluin Farin Fíli Flói Frár Frerin Frithgeir Frór Gamil Gimli Glóin Gróin Grór Ingithor Kíli Lofar Lóni Náin Nar Narvi Nori Nár Óin Skorgrím Telchar Thráin Thrór }
last_names = { Blackhand Blacklock Bluebeard Hannar Ironfoot Longbeard Oakenshield Orcsfoe Stiffbeard Stonehand Stonehelm Stoutaxe }
broadbeam = { # Dwarves of Ered Luin longbeard
color = { 50 50 210 }
first_names = { Agni Anar Azaghâl Balin Bifur Bodruith Bofur Bombur Borin Brúni Burin Fundin Dáin Dís Dori Durin Dwalin Fangluin Farin Fíli Flói Frár Frerin Frithgeir Frór Gamil Gimli Glóin Gróin Grór Ingithor Kíli Lofar Lóni Náin Nar Narvi Nori Nár Óin Skorgrím Telchar Thráin Thrór }
last_names = { Blackhand Blacklock Bluebeard Hannar Ironfoot Longbeard Oakenshield Orcsfoe Stiffbeard Stonehand Stonehelm Stoutaxe }
ironfist = {
color = { 10 10 60 }
first_names = { Agni Anar Azaghâl Balin Bifur Bodruith Bofur Bombur Borin Brúni Burin Fundin Dáin Dís Dori Durin Dwalin Fangluin Farin Fíli Flói Frár Frerin Frithgeir Frór Gamil Gimli Glóin Gróin Grór Ingithor Kíli Lofar Lóni Náin Nar Narvi Nori Nár Óin Skorgrím Telchar Thráin Thrór }
last_names = { Blackhand Blacklock Bluebeard Hannar Ironfoot Longbeard Oakenshield Orcsfoe Stiffbeard Stonehand Stonehelm Stoutaxe }
# Dwarves who serve(d) Morgoth or Sauron
wicked_dwarves = {
leader = dwarven
unit = EuropeanGC
# Wicked Dwarves of the Blue Mountains
dourhand = {
color = { 100 0 82 }
first_names = { Agni Anar Azaghâl Balin Bifur Bodruith Bofur Bombur Borin Brúni Burin Fundin Dáin Dís Dori Durin Dwalin Fangluin Farin Fíli Flói Frár Frerin Frithgeir Frór Gamil Gimli Glóin Gróin Grór Ingithor Kíli Lofar Lóni Náin Nar Narvi Nori Nár Óin Skorgrím Telchar Thráin Thrór }
last_names = { Dourhand }
# Wicked Dwarves of Angmar
shornbeard = {
color = { 55 45 121 }
first_names = { Agni Anar Azaghâl Balin Bifur Bodruith Bofur Bombur Borin Brúni Burin Fundin Dáin Dís Dori Durin Dwalin Fangluin Farin Fíli Flói Frár Frerin Frithgeir Frór Gamil Gimli Glóin Gróin Grór Ingithor Kíli Lofar Lóni Náin Nar Narvi Nori Nár Óin Skorgrím Telchar Thráin Thrór }
last_names = { Dourhand }
# Men of the Upper Anduin Vale
anduinrim = {
leader = men
unit = EuropeanGC
woodsmen = { # Northmen of Mirkwood
color = { 250 210 160 }
first_names = { Acbald Acbeorn Acgar Acgrim Actreo Agiluf Alaric Alboin Aldgrim Aldor Aldraeg Aldtreo Algund Amlach Androg Asgon Athanagild Athaulf Authari Baduila Baldac Baldor Barac Barald Barfara Bargar Bargrim Barhelm Barhere Barhyrde Barln Barmod Barmund Barwine Bearln Bearugrim Beoarln Beoent Beoraborn Beoracer Beorarn Beorn Beralath Beran Beranald Beranbold Berangar Berangrim Beranhere Beranmod Beranmund Beranor Beranwine Berasefa Beroern Bork Bornbeneor Borvacer Braiga Bralarln Bran Brathor Brearen Brearn Brego Breorn Brermod Brorn Brytta Buaren Buent Buoln Ceorl Cormac Chindaswinth Cuen Cularn Cuoern Deagol Deor Deorwine Dirhaval Dunhere Elfhelm Elfwine Eofor Eomund Eoth Eothain Euric Faorn Faroth Fastred Fengel Folca Folcred Folcwine Fororn Forweg Fram Frea Freawine Frealaf Frumgar Galdor Galmod Gamling Garulf Gisulf Gleowine Goldwine Goti Gram Grim Grima Grimald Grimbar Grimbeorn Grimbold Grimfara Grimfast Grimgar Grimhelm Grimhere Grimwine Grithnir Gundor Guthlaf Haleth Hama Harding Hathol Helm Heorot Herefara Hermenegild Herubrand Horn Imlach Indor Iwald Iwgar Iwtreo Jiord Leod Leovigild Livra Luitprand Magor Malach Marach Marhari Marwhini Odagavia Odagis Odoacer Odovacer Radagast Raegac Raegwine Ragnir Ratahis Reccared Recceswinth Rechilda Sador Sceotan Sisebuth Sisenard Skutilla Swinthila Tauradan Theoren Theudelindaf Thuidariks Thuidimer Thuinand Totila Treomod Treowine Ulfilas Vidugavia Vinitharya Waccho Walda Widfara Witigis }
last_names = { "of the Anduin" "of the Vale" "the Woodsman" "the Beorning" "the Toll-taker" "the Red" "Orc-fighter" Wizard-friend }
beorning = { # Northmen following Beorn
color = { 170 60 55 }
first_names = { Acbald Acbeorn Acgar Acgrim Actreo Agiluf Alaric Alboin Aldgrim Aldor Aldraeg Aldtreo Algund Amlach Androg Asgon Athanagild Athaulf Authari Baduila Baldac Baldor Barac Barald Barfara Bargar Bargrim Barhelm Barhere Barhyrde Barln Barmod Barmund Barwine Bearln Bearugrim Beoarln Beoent Beoraborn Beoracer Beorarn Beorn Beralath Beran Beranald Beranbold Berangar Berangrim Beranhere Beranmod Beranmund Beranor Beranwine Berasefa Beroern Bork Bornbeneor Borvacer Braiga Bralarln Bran Brathor Brearen Brearn Brego Breorn Brermod Brorn Brytta Buaren Buent Buoln Ceorl Cormac Chindaswinth Cuen Cularn Cuoern Deagol Deor Deorwine Dirhaval Dunhere Elfhelm Elfwine Eofor Eomund Eoth Eothain Euric Faorn Faroth Fastred Fengel Folca Folcred Folcwine Fororn Forweg Fram Frea Freawine Frealaf Frumgar Galdor Galmod Gamling Garulf Gisulf Gleowine Goldwine Goti Gram Grim Grima Grimald Grimbar Grimbeorn Grimbold Grimfara Grimfast Grimgar Grimhelm Grimhere Grimwine Grithnir Gundor Guthlaf Haleth Hama Harding Hathol Helm Heorot Herefara Hermenegild Herubrand Horn Imlach Indor Iwald Iwgar Iwtreo Jiord Leod Leovigild Livra Luitprand Magor Malach Marach Marhari Marwhini Odagavia Odagis Odoacer Odovacer Radagast Raegac Raegwine Ragnir Ratahis Reccared Recceswinth Rechilda Sador Sceotan Sisebuth Sisenard Skutilla Swinthila Tauradan Theoren Theudelindaf Thuidariks Thuidimer Thuinand Totila Treomod Treowine Ulfilas Vidugavia Vinitharya Waccho Walda Widfara Witigis }
last_names = { "of the Anduin" "of the Vale" "the Woodsman" "the Beorning" "the Toll-taker" "the Red" "Orc-fighter" "Skin-changer" Wizard-friend }
beiabarnae = { # Men of the Misty Mountains
color = { 170 80 65 }
first_names = { Acbald Acbeorn Acgar Acgrim Actreo Agiluf Alaric Alboin Aldgrim Aldor Aldraeg Aldtreo Algund Amlach Androg Asgon Athanagild Athaulf Authari Baduila Baldac Baldor Barac Barald Barfara Bargar Bargrim Barhelm Barhere Barhyrde Barln Barmod Barmund Barwine Bearln Bearugrim Beoarln Beoent Beoraborn Beoracer Beorarn Beorn Beralath Beran Beranald Beranbold Berangar Berangrim Beranhere Beranmod Beranmund Beranor Beranwine Berasefa Beroern Bork Bornbeneor Borvacer Braiga Bralarln Bran Brathor Brearen Brearn Brego Breorn Brermod Brorn Brytta Buaren Buent Buoln Ceorl Cormac Chindaswinth Cuen Cularn Cuoern Deagol Deor Deorwine Dirhaval Dunhere Elfhelm Elfwine Eofor Eomund Eoth Eothain Euric Faorn Faroth Fastred Fengel Folca Folcred Folcwine Fororn Forweg Fram Frea Freawine Frealaf Frumgar Galdor Galmod Gamling Garulf Gisulf Gleowine Goldwine Goti Gram Grim Grima Grimald Grimbar Grimbeorn Grimbold Grimfara Grimfast Grimgar Grimhelm Grimhere Grimwine Grithnir Gundor Guthlaf Haleth Hama Harding Hathol Helm Heorot Herefara Hermenegild Herubrand Horn Imlach Indor Iwald Iwgar Iwtreo Jiord Leod Leovigild Livra Luitprand Magor Malach Marach Marhari Marwhini Odagavia Odagis Odoacer Odovacer Radagast Raegac Raegwine Ragnir Ratahis Reccared Recceswinth Rechilda Sador Sceotan Sisebuth Sisenard Skutilla Swinthila Tauradan Theoren Theudelindaf Thuidariks Thuidimer Thuinand Totila Treomod Treowine Ulfilas Vidugavia Vinitharya Waccho Walda Widfara Witigis }
last_names = { "of the Anduin" "of the Vale" "the Woodsman" "the Beorning" "the Toll-taker" "the Red" "Orc-fighter" "Skin-changer" Wizard-friend }
melburgi = { # Northmen of Melburg
color = { 120 80 65 }
first_names = { Acbald Acbeorn Acgar Acgrim Actreo Agiluf Alaric Alboin Aldgrim Aldor Aldraeg Aldtreo Algund Amlach Androg Asgon Athanagild Athaulf Authari Baduila Baldac Baldor Barac Barald Barfara Bargar Bargrim Barhelm Barhere Barhyrde Barln Barmod Barmund Barwine Bearln Bearugrim Beoarln Beoent Beoraborn Beoracer Beorarn Beorn Beralath Beran Beranald Beranbold Berangar Berangrim Beranhere Beranmod Beranmund Beranor Beranwine Berasefa Beroern Bork Bornbeneor Borvacer Braiga Bralarln Bran Brathor Brearen Brearn Brego Breorn Brermod Brorn Brytta Buaren Buent Buoln Ceorl Cormac Chindaswinth Cuen Cularn Cuoern Deagol Deor Deorwine Dirhaval Dunhere Elfhelm Elfwine Eofor Eomund Eoth Eothain Euric Faorn Faroth Fastred Fengel Folca Folcred Folcwine Fororn Forweg Fram Frea Freawine Frealaf Frumgar Galdor Galmod Gamling Garulf Gisulf Gleowine Goldwine Goti Gram Grim Grima Grimald Grimbar Grimbeorn Grimbold Grimfara Grimfast Grimgar Grimhelm Grimhere Grimwine Grithnir Gundor Guthlaf Haleth Hama Harding Hathol Helm Heorot Herefara Hermenegild Herubrand Horn Imlach Indor Iwald Iwgar Iwtreo Jiord Leod Leovigild Livra Luitprand Magor Malach Marach Marhari Marwhini Odagavia Odagis Odoacer Odovacer Radagast Raegac Raegwine Ragnir Ratahis Reccared Recceswinth Rechilda Sador Sceotan Sisebuth Sisenard Skutilla Swinthila Tauradan Theoren Theudelindaf Thuidariks Thuidimer Thuinand Totila Treomod Treowine Ulfilas Vidugavia Vinitharya Waccho Walda Widfara Witigis }
last_names = { "of the Anduin" "of the Vale" "the Woodsman" "the Beorning" "the Toll-taker" "the Red" "Orc-fighter" "Skin-changer" Wizard-friend }
herimundi = { # Northmen of the southern half of the Upper Anduin Vale
color = { 200 100 90 }
first_names = { Acbald Acbeorn Acgar Acgrim Actreo Agiluf Alaric Alboin Aldgrim Aldor Aldraeg Aldtreo Algund Amlach Androg Asgon Athanagild Athaulf Authari Baduila Baldac Baldor Barac Barald Barfara Bargar Bargrim Barhelm Barhere Barhyrde Barln Barmod Barmund Barwine Bearln Bearugrim Beoarln Beoent Beoraborn Beoracer Beorarn Beorn Beralath Beran Beranald Beranbold Berangar Berangrim Beranhere Beranmod Beranmund Beranor Beranwine Berasefa Beroern Bork Bornbeneor Borvacer Braiga Bralarln Bran Brathor Brearen Brearn Brego Breorn Brermod Brorn Brytta Buaren Buent Buoln Ceorl Cormac Chindaswinth Cuen Cularn Cuoern Deagol Deor Deorwine Dirhaval Dunhere Elfhelm Elfwine Eofor Eomund Eoth Eothain Euric Faorn Faroth Fastred Fengel Folca Folcred Folcwine Fororn Forweg Fram Frea Freawine Frealaf Frumgar Galdor Galmod Gamling Garulf Gisulf Gleowine Goldwine Goti Gram Grim Grima Grimald Grimbar Grimbeorn Grimbold Grimfara Grimfast Grimgar Grimhelm Grimhere Grimwine Grithnir Gundor Guthlaf Haleth Hama Harding Hathol Helm Heorot Herefara Hermenegild Herubrand Horn Imlach Indor Iwald Iwgar Iwtreo Jiord Leod Leovigild Livra Luitprand Magor Malach Marach Marhari Marwhini Odagavia Odagis Odoacer Odovacer Radagast Raegac Raegwine Ragnir Ratahis Reccared Recceswinth Rechilda Sador Sceotan Sisebuth Sisenard Skutilla Swinthila Tauradan Theoren Theudelindaf Thuidariks Thuidimer Thuinand Totila Treomod Treowine Ulfilas Vidugavia Vinitharya Waccho Walda Widfara Witigis }
last_names = { "of the Anduin" "of the Vale" "the Woodsman" "the Beorning" "the Toll-taker" "the Red" "Orc-fighter" "Skin-changer" Wizard-friend }
# Ents and Huorns
ents = {
leader = entish
unit = EuropeanGC
ent = { # Awakened, sentient trees
color = { 0 50 0 }
first_names = { Beechbone Leaflock Longbough Quickbeam Skinbark Treebeard Wandlimb
Ashheart Leafstark Baldbark Greenroot Wiseroot Mossbeard Stonecliff Duskleaf Poplarward Chestnuts Derndingle Gnarlstump Oldpine Greenoak Lindenbump Nineroot Groot }
last_names = { "of Fangorn" "of the Forest" "of the River" "of the Hill" "of the Mountains" }
huorn = { # Awakened, sapient (but not sentient) trees
color = { 25 70 0 }
first_names = { Beechbone Leaflock Longbough Quickbeam Skinbark Treebeard Wandlimb
Ashheart Leafstark Baldbark Greenroot Wiseroot Mossbeard Stonecliff Duskleaf Poplarward Chestnuts Derndingle Gnarlstump Oldpine Greenoak Lindenbump Nineroot Groot }
last_names = { "of Fangorn" "of the Forest" "of the River" "of the Hill" "of the Mountains" }
black_huorn = { # Awakened, sapient (but not sentient) trees -- those that end up being unwitting servants of Sauron in Mirkwood
color = { 5 20 5 }
first_names = { Beechbone Leaflock Longbough Quickbeam Skinbark Treebeard Wandlimb
Ashheart Leafstark Baldbark Greenroot Wiseroot Mossbeard Stonecliff Duskleaf Poplarward Chestnuts Derndingle Gnarlstump Oldpine Greenoak Lindenbump Nineroot Groot }
last_names = { "of Fangorn" "of the Forest" "of the River" "of the Hill" "of the Mountains" }
# Natives of Middle Earth in Enedwaith/Gondor/Rohan
wildmen = {
leader = men
unit = EuropeanGC
druedain = { # Wildmen in Drúadan Forest and Drúwaith Iaur
color = { 50 50 50 }
first_names = { Aghan Ghân Ghân-buri-Ghân Qhân-Buni-Qhân Qhân Zhân-Zuni-Zhân Zhân Qhûn-Vodi-Qhûn Qhûn
Vhân-Guro-Vhân Vhân Qhûn-Bema-Qhûn Bhôn-Hovo-Bhôn Bhôn Thûn-Dozi-Thûn Thûn Zhôn-Dazi-Zhôn Zhôn
last_names = { Grarn Drarmadoc Gant Remadoc Versond Ranont Halmodoc Dennig Maddidoc }
dunnish = { # Men of Dunland
color = { 90 50 40 }
first_names = { Agathor Ailde Ailean Ailpein Airril Angaidh Aodh Aodhagan Aodhan Aoidhean Aonghas Aonghasan Armadal Art Artagan Artair Athairne Avranc Baldor Baodan Baoithein Barra Bearach Bearchan Beathan Beisdean Belefleca Blaith Blar Blathan Boisil Brac Bran Branan Brandir Brandubh Breandan Breannan Brian Brianan Broggh Buldar Cadarn Cadoc Cailean Cairbre Caireall Camran Cant Caoilte Caorall Caradoc Carmag Catan Cathal Cathalan Ce Ceallach Cesan Ciaran Coinneach Coireall Coll Colla Comhall Comhan Conall Conan Conchar Conn Corc Cormag Cosgrach Cuirealan Curadan Dagar Dan Darlas Daruin Diarmad Diocail Dobharcu Dolaidh Domhnallan Donaidh Donnach Donnan Donnchadh Donnchaidh Donnghail Dorlas Drostan Dubh Dubhagan Dubhshith Dubhthach Dughall Dughlas Duibhne Dumfa Dunleibhe Eachainn Eachann Eacharn Eadan Earc Earnan Ebor Eircheard Enthor Eochagan Eochaidh Eogan Eoghanan Eoghnaidh Eoghann Eonan Eoran Failbhe Faolagan Faolan Fearchar Feargan Fearghas Fimran Finnean Fionan Fionghan Fionn Fionnchan Fionnghal Fionnlagh Fionntan Fiorel Flaithbheartach Flannagan Forhend Foska Fotadh Freca Friseal Furish Furn Gabhran Garbhan Garnoc Geh Glirhuin Gordan Gormadoc Gormal Gorsad Guaire Guinnein Guirmean Halbar Haldad Haldan Haldar Haldir Halmir Handir Hardang Harec Hazad Huisdean Hundad Hundar Hundor Hunthor Iurnan Lachaidh Lachann Lachlainn Lachlann Laise Larnach Latharn Luag Lulach Lumban Macbeatha Machar Macrath Madadh Madoc Manachan Manthor Maoilios Maoldomhnaich Maolfinn Maolmoire Maolsneachta Maon Mariubhe Marroc Maschbram Melmidoc Menthar Mionid Mogru Moireach Muireach Muireachan Mungan Murchadh Murdaigean Naoghas Naoise Naomhan Neas Neasan Neachdainn Niall Niallghas Nilidh Ninean Ninnidh Odhran Oisean Oisian Onchu Orleg Osgar Pad Penda Riscen Rodachan Rodaidh Roidh Roithridh Ronan Ros Ruairidh Ruarachan Ruil Sadoc Sagroth Saradoc Scotaidh Sealbhach Searc Seitheach Sionn Solas Suibhne Surnir Taog Taraghlan Taran Tearlaidh Torradan Tremac Truinnean Uallas Ualraig Uisdean Ulf Ulrad Urdrek Vagiburg Varen Wuffa Wuftana Wulf Wulfhere Wuscfrea }
last_names = { "of the Isen" "of the Hills" "of the Gwathló" "of Dunland" "of Enedwaith" "the Hunter" "the Huntsman" "the Horseman" "the Elder" "the Younger" "Giantsbane" "Orcsbane" "the Lorist" "the Blind" "the Cold" "Wolfbane" "the Shepherd" "the Red" "Crowfoot" "the Treasure-Hunter" "the Blade" "the Old" "Tallspear" "Ironskin" }
# Wildmen of Eregion
hollin_folk = {
color = { 90 70 60 }
first_names = { Agathor Ailde Ailean Ailpein Airril Angaidh Aodh Aodhagan Aodhan Aoidhean Aonghas Aonghasan Armadal Art Artagan Artair Athairne Avranc Baldor Baodan Baoithein Barra Bearach Bearchan Beathan Beisdean Belefleca Blaith Blar Blathan Boisil Brac Bran Branan Brandir Brandubh Breandan Breannan Brian Brianan Broggh Buldar Cadarn Cadoc Cailean Cairbre Caireall Camran Cant Caoilte Caorall Caradoc Carmag Catan Cathal Cathalan Ce Ceallach Cesan Ciaran Coinneach Coireall Coll Colla Comhall Comhan Conall Conan Conchar Conn Corc Cormag Cosgrach Cuirealan Curadan Dagar Dan Darlas Daruin Diarmad Diocail Dobharcu Dolaidh Domhnallan Donaidh Donnach Donnan Donnchadh Donnchaidh Donnghail Dorlas Drostan Dubh Dubhagan Dubhshith Dubhthach Dughall Dughlas Duibhne Dumfa Dunleibhe Eachainn Eachann Eacharn Eadan Earc Earnan Ebor Eircheard Enthor Eochagan Eochaidh Eogan Eoghanan Eoghnaidh Eoghann Eonan Eoran Failbhe Faolagan Faolan Fearchar Feargan Fearghas Fimran Finnean Fionan Fionghan Fionn Fionnchan Fionnghal Fionnlagh Fionntan Fiorel Flaithbheartach Flannagan Forhend Foska Fotadh Freca Friseal Furish Furn Gabhran Garbhan Garnoc Geh Glirhuin Gordan Gormadoc Gormal Gorsad Guaire Guinnein Guirmean Halbar Haldad Haldan Haldar Haldir Halmir Handir Hardang Harec Hazad Huisdean Hundad Hundar Hundor Hunthor Iurnan Lachaidh Lachann Lachlainn Lachlann Laise Larnach Latharn Luag Lulach Lumban Macbeatha Machar Macrath Madadh Madoc Manachan Manthor Maoilios Maoldomhnaich Maolfinn Maolmoire Maolsneachta Maon Mariubhe Marroc Maschbram Melmidoc Menthar Mionid Mogru Moireach Muireach Muireachan Mungan Murchadh Murdaigean Naoghas Naoise Naomhan Neas Neasan Neachdainn Niall Niallghas Nilidh Ninean Ninnidh Odhran Oisean Oisian Onchu Orleg Osgar Pad Penda Riscen Rodachan Rodaidh Roidh Roithridh Ronan Ros Ruairidh Ruarachan Ruil Sadoc Sagroth Saradoc Scotaidh Sealbhach Searc Seitheach Sionn Solas Suibhne Surnir Taog Taraghlan Taran Tearlaidh Torradan Tremac Truinnean Uallas Ualraig Uisdean Ulf Ulrad Urdrek Vagiburg Varen Wuffa Wuftana Wulf Wulfhere Wuscfrea }
last_names = { "of the Isen" "of the Hills" "of the Gwathló" "of Dunland" "of Enedwaith" "the Hunter" "the Huntsman" "the Horseman" "the Elder" "the Younger" "Giantsbane" "Orcsbane" "the Lorist" "the Blind" "the Cold" "Wolfbane" "the Shepherd" "the Red" "Crowfoot" "the Treasure-Hunter" "the Blade" "the Old" "Tallspear" "Ironskin" }
enedwaithrim = { # Men of Enedwaith
color = { 200 195 115 }
first_names = { Agathor Ailde Ailean Ailpein Airril Angaidh Aodh Aodhagan Aodhan Aoidhean Aonghas Aonghasan Armadal Art Artagan Artair Athairne Avranc Baldor Baodan Baoithein Barra Bearach Bearchan Beathan Beisdean Belefleca Blaith Blar Blathan Boisil Brac Bran Branan Brandir Brandubh Breandan Breannan Brian Brianan Broggh Buldar Cadarn Cadoc Cailean Cairbre Caireall Camran Cant Caoilte Caorall Caradoc Carmag Catan Cathal Cathalan Ce Ceallach Cesan Ciaran Coinneach Coireall Coll Colla Comhall Comhan Conall Conan Conchar Conn Corc Cormag Cosgrach Cuirealan Curadan Dagar Dan Darlas Daruin Diarmad Diocail Dobharcu Dolaidh Domhnallan Donaidh Donnach Donnan Donnchadh Donnchaidh Donnghail Dorlas Drostan Dubh Dubhagan Dubhshith Dubhthach Dughall Dughlas Duibhne Dumfa Dunleibhe Eachainn Eachann Eacharn Eadan Earc Earnan Ebor Eircheard Enthor Eochagan Eochaidh Eogan Eoghanan Eoghnaidh Eoghann Eonan Eoran Failbhe Faolagan Faolan Fearchar Feargan Fearghas Fimran Finnean Fionan Fionghan Fionn Fionnchan Fionnghal Fionnlagh Fionntan Fiorel Flaithbheartach Flannagan Forhend Foska Fotadh Freca Friseal Furish Furn Gabhran Garbhan Garnoc Geh Glirhuin Gordan Gormadoc Gormal Gorsad Guaire Guinnein Guirmean Halbar Haldad Haldan Haldar Haldir Halmir Handir Hardang Harec Hazad Huisdean Hundad Hundar Hundor Hunthor Iurnan Lachaidh Lachann Lachlainn Lachlann Laise Larnach Latharn Luag Lulach Lumban Macbeatha Machar Macrath Madadh Madoc Manachan Manthor Maoilios Maoldomhnaich Maolfinn Maolmoire Maolsneachta Maon Mariubhe Marroc Maschbram Melmidoc Menthar Mionid Mogru Moireach Muireach Muireachan Mungan Murchadh Murdaigean Naoghas Naoise Naomhan Neas Neasan Neachdainn Niall Niallghas Nilidh Ninean Ninnidh Odhran Oisean Oisian Onchu Orleg Osgar Pad Penda Riscen Rodachan Rodaidh Roidh Roithridh Ronan Ros Ruairidh Ruarachan Ruil Sadoc Sagroth Saradoc Scotaidh Sealbhach Searc Seitheach Sionn Solas Suibhne Surnir Taog Taraghlan Taran Tearlaidh Torradan Tremac Truinnean Uallas Ualraig Uisdean Ulf Ulrad Urdrek Vagiburg Varen Wuffa Wuftana Wulf Wulfhere Wuscfrea }
last_names = { "of the Isen" "of the Hills" "of the Gwathló" "of Dunland" "of Enedwaith" "the Hunter" "the Huntsman" "the Horseman" "the Elder" "the Younger" "Giantsbane" "Orcsbane" "the Lorist" "the Blind" "the Cold" "Wolfbane" "the Shepherd" "the Red" "Crowfoot" "the Treasure-Hunter" "the Blade" "the Old" "Tallspear" "Ironskin" }
# Non-Druedain Wildmen living in Cardolan
saerlanner = {
color = { 180 170 130 }
first_names = { Agathor Ailde Ailean Ailpein Airril Angaidh Aodh Aodhagan Aodhan Aoidhean Aonghas Aonghasan Armadal Art Artagan Artair Athairne Avranc Baldor Baodan Baoithein Barra Bearach Bearchan Beathan Beisdean Belefleca Blaith Blar Blathan Boisil Brac Bran Branan Brandir Brandubh Breandan Breannan Brian Brianan Broggh Buldar Cadarn Cadoc Cailean Cairbre Caireall Camran Cant Caoilte Caorall Caradoc Carmag Catan Cathal Cathalan Ce Ceallach Cesan Ciaran Coinneach Coireall Coll Colla Comhall Comhan Conall Conan Conchar Conn Corc Cormag Cosgrach Cuirealan Curadan Dagar Dan Darlas Daruin Diarmad Diocail Dobharcu Dolaidh Domhnallan Donaidh Donnach Donnan Donnchadh Donnchaidh Donnghail Dorlas Drostan Dubh Dubhagan Dubhshith Dubhthach Dughall Dughlas Duibhne Dumfa Dunleibhe Eachainn Eachann Eacharn Eadan Earc Earnan Ebor Eircheard Enthor Eochagan Eochaidh Eogan Eoghanan Eoghnaidh Eoghann Eonan Eoran Failbhe Faolagan Faolan Fearchar Feargan Fearghas Fimran Finnean Fionan Fionghan Fionn Fionnchan Fionnghal Fionnlagh Fionntan Fiorel Flaithbheartach Flannagan Forhend Foska Fotadh Freca Friseal Furish Furn Gabhran Garbhan Garnoc Geh Glirhuin Gordan Gormadoc Gormal Gorsad Guaire Guinnein Guirmean Halbar Haldad Haldan Haldar Haldir Halmir Handir Hardang Harec Hazad Huisdean Hundad Hundar Hundor Hunthor Iurnan Lachaidh Lachann Lachlainn Lachlann Laise Larnach Latharn Luag Lulach Lumban Macbeatha Machar Macrath Madadh Madoc Manachan Manthor Maoilios Maoldomhnaich Maolfinn Maolmoire Maolsneachta Maon Mariubhe Marroc Maschbram Melmidoc Menthar Mionid Mogru Moireach Muireach Muireachan Mungan Murchadh Murdaigean Naoghas Naoise Naomhan Neas Neasan Neachdainn Niall Niallghas Nilidh Ninean Ninnidh Odhran Oisean Oisian Onchu Orleg Osgar Pad Penda Riscen Rodachan Rodaidh Roidh Roithridh Ronan Ros Ruairidh Ruarachan Ruil Sadoc Sagroth Saradoc Scotaidh Sealbhach Searc Seitheach Sionn Solas Suibhne Surnir Taog Taraghlan Taran Tearlaidh Torradan Tremac Truinnean Uallas Ualraig Uisdean Ulf Ulrad Urdrek Vagiburg Varen Wuffa Wuftana Wulf Wulfhere Wuscfrea }
last_names = { "of the Isen" "of the Hills" "of the Gwathló" "of Dunland" "of Enedwaith" "the Hunter" "the Huntsman" "the Horseman" "the Elder" "the Younger" "Giantsbane" "Orcsbane" "the Lorist" "the Blind" "the Cold" "Wolfbane" "the Shepherd" "the Red" "Crowfoot" "the Treasure-Hunter" "the Blade" "the Old" "Tallspear" "Ironskin" }
dunir = {
color = { 128 128 128 }
first_names = { Agathor Ailde Ailean Ailpein Airril Angaidh Aodh Aodhagan Aodhan Aoidhean Aonghas Aonghasan Armadal Art Artagan Artair Athairne Avranc Baldor Baodan Baoithein Barra Bearach Bearchan Beathan Beisdean Belefleca Blaith Blar Blathan Boisil Brac Bran Branan Brandir Brandubh Breandan Breannan Brian Brianan Broggh Buldar Cadarn Cadoc Cailean Cairbre Caireall Camran Cant Caoilte Caorall Caradoc Carmag Catan Cathal Cathalan Ce Ceallach Cesan Ciaran Coinneach Coireall Coll Colla Comhall Comhan Conall Conan Conchar Conn Corc Cormag Cosgrach Cuirealan Curadan Dagar Dan Darlas Daruin Diarmad Diocail Dobharcu Dolaidh Domhnallan Donaidh Donnach Donnan Donnchadh Donnchaidh Donnghail Dorlas Drostan Dubh Dubhagan Dubhshith Dubhthach Dughall Dughlas Duibhne Dumfa Dunleibhe Eachainn Eachann Eacharn Eadan Earc Earnan Ebor Eircheard Enthor Eochagan Eochaidh Eogan Eoghanan Eoghnaidh Eoghann Eonan Eoran Failbhe Faolagan Faolan Fearchar Feargan Fearghas Fimran Finnean Fionan Fionghan Fionn Fionnchan Fionnghal Fionnlagh Fionntan Fiorel Flaithbheartach Flannagan Forhend Foska Fotadh Freca Friseal Furish Furn Gabhran Garbhan Garnoc Geh Glirhuin Gordan Gormadoc Gormal Gorsad Guaire Guinnein Guirmean Halbar Haldad Haldan Haldar Haldir Halmir Handir Hardang Harec Hazad Huisdean Hundad Hundar Hundor Hunthor Iurnan Lachaidh Lachann Lachlainn Lachlann Laise Larnach Latharn Luag Lulach Lumban Macbeatha Machar Macrath Madadh Madoc Manachan Manthor Maoilios Maoldomhnaich Maolfinn Maolmoire Maolsneachta Maon Mariubhe Marroc Maschbram Melmidoc Menthar Mionid Mogru Moireach Muireach Muireachan Mungan Murchadh Murdaigean Naoghas Naoise Naomhan Neas Neasan Neachdainn Niall Niallghas Nilidh Ninean Ninnidh Odhran Oisean Oisian Onchu Orleg Osgar Pad Penda Riscen Rodachan Rodaidh Roidh Roithridh Ronan Ros Ruairidh Ruarachan Ruil Sadoc Sagroth Saradoc Scotaidh Sealbhach Searc Seitheach Sionn Solas Suibhne Surnir Taog Taraghlan Taran Tearlaidh Torradan Tremac Truinnean Uallas Ualraig Uisdean Ulf Ulrad Urdrek Vagiburg Varen Wuffa Wuftana Wulf Wulfhere Wuscfrea }
last_names = { "of the Isen" "of the Hills" "of the Gwathló" "of Dunland" "of Enedwaith" "the Hunter" "the Huntsman" "the Horseman" "the Elder" "the Younger" "Giantsbane" "Orcsbane" "the Lorist" "the Blind" "the Cold" "Wolfbane" "the Shepherd" "the Red" "Crowfoot" "the Treasure-Hunter" "the Blade" "the Old" "Tallspear" "Ironskin" }
marshmen = { # The Wildmen living in the Marshes of the Entwash and Nindalf
color = { 10 10 10 }
first_names = { Agathor Ailde Ailean Ailpein Airril Angaidh Aodh Aodhagan Aodhan Aoidhean Aonghas Aonghasan Armadal Art Artagan Artair Athairne Avranc Baldor Baodan Baoithein Barra Bearach Bearchan Beathan Beisdean Belefleca Blaith Blar Blathan Boisil Brac Bran Branan Brandir Brandubh Breandan Breannan Brian Brianan Broggh Buldar Cadarn Cadoc Cailean Cairbre Caireall Camran Cant Caoilte Caorall Caradoc Carmag Catan Cathal Cathalan Ce Ceallach Cesan Ciaran Coinneach Coireall Coll Colla Comhall Comhan Conall Conan Conchar Conn Corc Cormag Cosgrach Cuirealan Curadan Dagar Dan Darlas Daruin Diarmad Diocail Dobharcu Dolaidh Domhnallan Donaidh Donnach Donnan Donnchadh Donnchaidh Donnghail Dorlas Drostan Dubh Dubhagan Dubhshith Dubhthach Dughall Dughlas Duibhne Dumfa Dunleibhe Eachainn Eachann Eacharn Eadan Earc Earnan Ebor Eircheard Enthor Eochagan Eochaidh Eogan Eoghanan Eoghnaidh Eoghann Eonan Eoran Failbhe Faolagan Faolan Fearchar Feargan Fearghas Fimran Finnean Fionan Fionghan Fionn Fionnchan Fionnghal Fionnlagh Fionntan Fiorel Flaithbheartach Flannagan Forhend Foska Fotadh Freca Friseal Furish Furn Gabhran Garbhan Garnoc Geh Glirhuin Gordan Gormadoc Gormal Gorsad Guaire Guinnein Guirmean Halbar Haldad Haldan Haldar Haldir Halmir Handir Hardang Harec Hazad Huisdean Hundad Hundar Hundor Hunthor Iurnan Lachaidh Lachann Lachlainn Lachlann Laise Larnach Latharn Luag Lulach Lumban Macbeatha Machar Macrath Madadh Madoc Manachan Manthor Maoilios Maoldomhnaich Maolfinn Maolmoire Maolsneachta Maon Mariubhe Marroc Maschbram Melmidoc Menthar Mionid Mogru Moireach Muireach Muireachan Mungan Murchadh Murdaigean Naoghas Naoise Naomhan Neas Neasan Neachdainn Niall Niallghas Nilidh Ninean Ninnidh Odhran Oisean Oisian Onchu Orleg Osgar Pad Penda Riscen Rodachan Rodaidh Roidh Roithridh Ronan Ros Ruairidh Ruarachan Ruil Sadoc Sagroth Saradoc Scotaidh Sealbhach Searc Seitheach Sionn Solas Suibhne Surnir Taog Taraghlan Taran Tearlaidh Torradan Tremac Truinnean Uallas Ualraig Uisdean Ulf Ulrad Urdrek Vagiburg Varen Wuffa Wuftana Wulf Wulfhere Wuscfrea }
last_names = { "of the Isen" "of the Hills" "of the Gwathló" "of Dunland" "of Enedwaith" "the Hunter" "the Huntsman" "the Horseman" "the Elder" "the Younger" "Giantsbane" "Orcsbane" "the Lorist" "the Blind" "the Cold" "Wolfbane" "the Shepherd" "the Red" "Crowfoot" "the Treasure-Hunter" "the Blade" "the Old" "Tallspear" "Ironskin" }
# The Rohirrim
rohirrim = {
leader = rohirrim
unit = EuropeanGC
rohirrim = {
color = { 75 93 22 }
first_names = { Aldor Baldor Brego Brytta Ceorl Déor Déorwine Dernhelm Dúnhere Ealdor Elfhelm Eofor Éomer Éomund Eorl Éothain Erkenbrand Fastred Fengel Folca Folcred Folcwine Fréa Fréaláf Fréawine Freca Galdor Gálmód Gamling Gárulf Gléowine Goldwine Gram Grim Gríma Grimbold Guthláf Haleth Háma Harding Herefara Herubrand Horn Marhath Sigewulf Thengel Théoden Théodred Unferth Walda Wéland Wídfara
Eadulf Eadwald Éobeorn Éobeort Gamláf Hakon Harold Léod Léofric Osweald Oswed Wulf Wulfgar }
last_names = { "of Eorl" Eorlingas Helmingas Hildeson Éomunding Cenláfing Griming Godwarding Wulfhelming Hámaing Swithelming Harolding Arngriming Werestaning Cytelbearning Léofa Éadig Ednew Hammerhand Steelsheen Whiteskin "of Entwaed" "of Edoras" "of the Hornburg" "of Riddermark" "of Dunharrow" "of Grimslade" "of Harrowdale" "of the Pelennor" "of the Westfold" "of the Mark" "of the Isen" "of Aldburg" "of Everholt" "of the Wold" "of the White Mountains" "the Old" "the Young" "the Marshal" "the Forgoil" }
anduinmen = { # Men who live in the north of the Anduin Vale, descendants of the Éothéod who didn't go south
color = { 168 44 28 }
first_names = { Acbald Acbeorn Acgar Acgrim Actreo Agiluf Alaric Alboin Aldgrim Aldor Aldraeg Aldtreo Algund Amlach Androg Asgon Athanagild Athaulf Authari Baduila Baldac Baldor Barac Barald Barfara Bargar Bargrim Barhelm Barhere Barhyrde Barln Barmod Barmund Barwine Bearln Bearugrim Beoarln Beoent Beoraborn Beoracer Beorarn Beorn Beralath Beran Beranald Beranbold Berangar Berangrim Beranhere Beranmod Beranmund Beranor Beranwine Berasefa Beroern Bork Bornbeneor Borvacer Braiga Bralarln Bran Brathor Brearen Brearn Brego Breorn Brermod Brorn Brytta Buaren Buent Buoln Ceorl Cormac Chindaswinth Cuen Cularn Cuoern Deagol Deor Deorwine Dirhaval Dunhere Elfhelm Elfwine Eofor Eomund Eoth Eothain Euric Faorn Faroth Fastred Fengel Folca Folcred Folcwine Fororn Forweg Fram Frea Freawine Frealaf Frumgar Galdor Galmod Gamling Garulf Gisulf Gleowine Goldwine Goti Gram Grim Grima Grimald Grimbar Grimbeorn Grimbold Grimfara Grimfast Grimgar Grimhelm Grimhere Grimwine Grithnir Gundor Guthlaf Haleth Hama Harding Hathol Helm Heorot Herefara Hermenegild Herubrand Horn Imlach Indor Iwald Iwgar Iwtreo Jiord Leod Leovigild Livra Luitprand Magor Malach Marach Marhari Marwhini Odagavia Odagis Odoacer Odovacer Radagast Raegac Raegwine Ragnir Ratahis Reccared Recceswinth Rechilda Sador Sceotan Sisebuth Sisenard Skutilla Swinthila Tauradan Theoren Theudelindaf Thuidariks Thuidimer Thuinand Totila Treomod Treowine Ulfilas Vidugavia Vinitharya Waccho Walda Widfara Witigis }
last_names = { "of the Anduin" "of the Vale" "the Woodsman" "the Beorning" "the Toll-taker" "Cold-hands" "the Red" "Orc-fighter" Wizard-friend }
isenmen = { # Half-bloods of the Rohirrim and Dunlendings
color = { 82 71 33 }
first_names = { Aldor Baldor Brego Brytta Ceorl Déor Déorwine Dernhelm Dúnhere Ealdor Elfhelm Eofor Éomer Éomund Eorl Éothain Erkenbrand Fastred Fengel Folca Folcred Folcwine Fréa Fréaláf Fréawine Freca Galdor Gálmód Gamling Gárulf Gléowine Goldwine Gram Grim Gríma Grimbold Guthláf Haleth Háma Harding Herefara Herubrand Horn Marhath Sigewulf Thengel Théoden Théodred Unferth Walda Wéland Wídfara
Eadulf Eadwald Éobeorn Éobeort Gamláf Hakon Harold Léod Léofric Osweald Oswed Wulf Wulfgar }
last_names = { "of Eorl" Eorlingas Helmingas Hildeson Éomunding Cenláfing Griming Godwarding Wulfhelming Hámaing Swithelming Harolding Arngriming Werestaning Cytelbearning Léofa Éadig Ednew Hammerhand Steelsheen Whiteskin "of Entwaed" "of Edoras" "of the Hornburg" "of Riddermark" "of Dunharrow" "of Grimslade" "of Harrowdale" "of the Pelennor" "of the Westfold" "of the Mark" "of the Isen" "of Aldburg" "of Everholt" "of the Wold" "of the White Mountains" "the Old" "the Young" "the Marshal" "the Forgoil" }
# Uruk-hai of Isengard
uruk_hai = {
leader = orkish
unit = EuropeanGC
uruk_hai = {
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
# Orcs of Mordor
mordorian = {
leader = orkish
unit = EuropeanGC
mordor_orc = { # Orcs of Mordor
color = { 80 2 10 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
mordor_uruk = { # Uruks of Mordor. May not be used
color = { 0 0 0 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
guldurrim = { # Orcs of Dol Guldur. Arguably they could be mordor_orc
color = { 10 50 5 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
white_mountain_goblin = { # Goblins in the White Mountains
color = { 255 253 208 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
# Goblins of the Misty, Grey and Angmar Mountains
northern_goblins = {
leader = orkish
unit = EuropeanGC
morian = { # Goblins of Moria and the surrounding land
color = { 100 90 75 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
goblin_towner = { # Goblins of Goblin Town and surrounding area
color = { 140 125 95 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
gundabad_orc = { # Goblins of Gundabad and surrounding area
color = { 70 30 5 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
snow_orc = { # Goblins of Grey Mountains
color = { 80 80 80 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
gram_goblin = { # Orcs living in the vicinity of Mount Gram
color = { 40 60 80 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
blue_mountain_goblin = { # Goblins in the Blue Mountains
color = { 70 120 255 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
# Men of Angmar and Rhudaur
angmarrim = {
leader = men
unit = EuropeanGC
angmarrim = { # Men of Angmar
color = { 10 90 160 }
first_names = { Agandaur Aphanuzir Drangu Hunvorn Morholt Eachainn Eachann Eacharn Eadan Earc Earnan Ebor Eircheard Enthor Eochagan Eochaidh Eogan Eoghanan Eoghnaidh Eoghann Eonan Eoran Failbhe Faolagan Faolan Fearchar Feargan Fearghas Fimran Finnean Fionan Fionghan Fionn Fionnchan Fionnghal Fionnlagh Fionntan Fiorel Flaithbheartach Flannagan Forhend Foska Fotadh Freca Friseal Furish Furn Gabhran Garbhan Garnoc Geh Glirhuin Gordan Gormadoc Gormal Gorsad Guaire Guinnein Guirmean Halbar Haldad Haldan Haldar Haldir Halmir Handir Hardang Harec Hazad Huisdean Hundad Hundar Hundor Hunthor Iurnan Lachaidh Lachann Lachlainn Lachlann Laise Larnach Latharn Luag Lulach Lumban Macbeatha Machar Macrath Madadh Madoc Manachan Manthor Maoilios Maoldomhnaich Maolfinn Maolmoire Maolsneachta Maon Mariubhe Marroc Maschbram Melmidoc Menthar Mionid Mogru Moireach Muireach Muireachan Mungan Murchadh Murdaigean Naoghas Naoise Naomhan Neas Neasan Neachdainn Niall Niallghas Nilidh Ninean Ninnidh Odhran Oisean Oisian Onchu Orleg Osgar Pad Penda Riscen Rodachan Rodaidh Roidh Roithridh Ronan Ros Ruairidh Ruarachan Ruil Sadoc Sagroth Saradoc Scotaidh Sealbhach Searc Seitheach Sionn Solas Suibhne Surnir Taog Taraghlan Taran Tearlaidh Torradan Tremac Truinnean Uallas Ualraig Uisdean Ulf Ulrad Urdrek Vagiburg Varen Wuffa Wuftana Wulf Wulfhere Wuscfrea Alwis Algar Ansovald Arnken Arnwin Arving Asabian Atagavia Athala Athalhere Athalward Athalwin Athanagild Athanaric Authari Augimund Baduila Bain Bard Bertram Biarn Bisinus Bladorthin Bondi Booth Braegla Brand Brander Brego Breor Broehir Chararic Charibert Childebert Cormac Delling Dieraglir Dudannis Edwodyn Einar Eldacar Eoder Eodoric Eric Erland Eroder Euric Farman Fornagarth Freagar Freahar Froedhir Forthwin Gangleren Gararic Garivald Gartila Girion Godomar Grim Gunderic Gus Gustaw Haed Hakon Hallam Halstein Halward Hamar Harald Harfast Hargast Harken Harkind Harward Hawin Herion Holden Holgeir Horsa Hross Ingar Ingemar Inwar Irkenwin Ivor Jeshan Jiord Kell Knut Kynoden Lif Lindenkind Lindor Lunt Marhere Marhold Marhwin Munderic Odagavia Odoacer Odovacer Odell Olaf Orduclax Purth Raendoric Ragnachar Rathar Ranulf Ratahis Reccared Ric Ricchar Roald Romendacil Rutland Nazgula Scyld }
last_names = { "of the North" "of the Mountains" "of the Fortress" "of the Hills" "of Litash" "of Shedûn" "of Carn Dúm" "of Morva Tarth" "of Angmar" "of Rhudaur" "of the Coldfells" }
hillmen = { # Hillmen of Rhudaur
color = { 180 60 60 }
first_names = { Agandaur Aphanuzir Drangu Hunvorn Morholt Eachainn Eachann Eacharn Eadan Earc Earnan Ebor Eircheard Enthor Eochagan Eochaidh Eogan Eoghanan Eoghnaidh Eoghann Eonan Eoran Failbhe Faolagan Faolan Fearchar Feargan Fearghas Fimran Finnean Fionan Fionghan Fionn Fionnchan Fionnghal Fionnlagh Fionntan Fiorel Flaithbheartach Flannagan Forhend Foska Fotadh Freca Friseal Furish Furn Gabhran Garbhan Garnoc Geh Glirhuin Gordan Gormadoc Gormal Gorsad Guaire Guinnein Guirmean Halbar Haldad Haldan Haldar Haldir Halmir Handir Hardang Harec Hazad Huisdean Hundad Hundar Hundor Hunthor Iurnan Lachaidh Lachann Lachlainn Lachlann Laise Larnach Latharn Luag Lulach Lumban Macbeatha Machar Macrath Madadh Madoc Manachan Manthor Maoilios Maoldomhnaich Maolfinn Maolmoire Maolsneachta Maon Mariubhe Marroc Maschbram Melmidoc Menthar Mionid Mogru Moireach Muireach Muireachan Mungan Murchadh Murdaigean Naoghas Naoise Naomhan Neas Neasan Neachdainn Niall Niallghas Nilidh Ninean Ninnidh Odhran Oisean Oisian Onchu Orleg Osgar Pad Penda Riscen Rodachan Rodaidh Roidh Roithridh Ronan Ros Ruairidh Ruarachan Ruil Sadoc Sagroth Saradoc Scotaidh Sealbhach Searc Seitheach Sionn Solas Suibhne Surnir Taog Taraghlan Taran Tearlaidh Torradan Tremac Truinnean Uallas Ualraig Uisdean Ulf Ulrad Urdrek Vagiburg Varen Wuffa Wuftana Wulf Wulfhere Wuscfrea Alwis Algar Ansovald Arnken Arnwin Arving Asabian Atagavia Athala Athalhere Athalward Athalwin Athanagild Athanaric Authari Augimund Baduila Bain Bard Bertram Biarn Bisinus Bladorthin Bondi Booth Braegla Brand Brander Brego Breor Broehir Chararic Charibert Childebert Cormac Delling Dieraglir Dudannis Edwodyn Einar Eldacar Eoder Eodoric Eric Erland Eroder Euric Farman Fornagarth Freagar Freahar Froedhir Forthwin Gangleren Gararic Garivald Gartila Girion Godomar Grim Gunderic Gus Gustaw Haed Hakon Hallam Halstein Halward Hamar Harald Harfast Hargast Harken Harkind Harward Hawin Herion Holden Holgeir Horsa Hross Ingar Ingemar Inwar Irkenwin Ivor Jeshan Jiord Kell Knut Kynoden Lif Lindenkind Lindor Lunt Marhere Marhold Marhwin Munderic Odagavia Odoacer Odovacer Odell Olaf Orduclax Purth Raendoric Ragnachar Rathar Ranulf Ratahis Reccared Ric Ricchar Roald Romendacil Rutland Nazgula Scyld }
last_names = { "of the North" "of the Mountains" "of the Fortress" "of the Hills" "of Litash" "of Shedûn" "of Carn Dúm" "of Morva Tarth" "of Angmar" "of Rhudaur" "of the Coldfells" }
# Independent men of Lossoth
lossoth = {
leader = men
unit = EuropeanGC
lossoth = {
color = { 220 220 220 }
first_names = { Häsikkä Ilta Jûoma Kaj Ora Sana Ulkõ Ulla Väinämõ Vôteli Yrjänä Âmu Betimrin Culnum Dôgrib Er-Annath Frannard Grimk Gromk Hyrd Jari Kaksi Veistä Karvainen Lufsen Pitää Kalasta Trimani Waethryth }
last_names = { "of the Heimo" "of the Hemeol" "of the Rugnor-yor" "of the North" "of the Jäämiehet" "of the Lumimiehet" "of the Merimetsästäjat" "of the Muldak" }
# Men of Breeland
breelander = {
leader = men
unit = EuropeanGC
breelander = { # Men of Breeland
color = { 20 130 0 }
first_names = { Adso Al Albert Alden Aldred Allan Alan Alastor Alf Alfred Alvin Andrew Archie Archibald Arnie Arnold Art Artie Arthur Ash Bail Bailey Bark Barliman Barley Barnie Bart Barty Barton Ben Bernar Bernie Bernard Brerion Bert Bertie Billy Bill William Bobby Bob Blockman Bork Bram Bran Brandon Bron Bronn Burt Cal Califast Caligar Cam Carl Charlie Charles Chum Cliff Clifford Cobman Coldomac Cole Cris Crispin Cuthbert Dale Del Delbert Den Dirk Dob Dolph Ed Edmund Edd Eddard Eddy Edward Edgar Edgard Edwin Eldo Emis Erling Ernie Ernest Falco Flint Fred Frederick Freddy Geoffrey Gib Gil Gundo Hal Ham Han Harry Harold Henry Herb Herbie Herbert Himlock Hobson Holtman Howie Howard Humbert Jasper Kip Kipling Larry Lawrence Len Lenny Leo Leonard Lob Mark Matty Mattew Mat Matthew Morty Morton Mortimer Nick Nicholas Nicky Nic Oz Ozzie Osbert Osmond Oswald Oswin Osborn Perry Peregrin Parsifal Percy Percival Pip Ray Raymond Rastafan Rich Richard Richie Ricky Rick Rob Robbie Robert Robin Roderic Rod Roddy Rodard Roderick Rodney Roger Rollo Rowlie Rowland Rufus Rudolph Sid Stan Stanley Stem Rory Sage Siddard Spike Spikey Stew Stewart Ted Teddy Terry Terence Theobald Theo Theodore Tim Timothy Toby Tobias Tod Todd Tom Thomas Tommy Tommard Wally Walt Walter Wes Wesley Will Wilbur Wilfred Willard Wilbard Willy Win Winny Winfred Woody Woodrow Ubald }
last_names = { Appledore Butterbur Ferny Goatleaf Heathertoes Pickthorn Thistlewool Rushlight "of Bree" "of Bree-land" "of Staddle" "of Combe" "of Archet" "the Young" "the Old" "of Bree-hill" }
siredain = { # Rivermen of the Lhûn and Brandywine (Baraduin)
color = { 15 100 0 }
first_names = { Adso Al Albert Alden Aldred Allan Alan Alastor Alf Alfred Alvin Andrew Archie Archibald Arnie Arnold Art Artie Arthur Ash Bail Bailey Bark Barliman Barley Barnie Bart Barty Barton Ben Bernar Bernie Bernard Brerion Bert Bertie Billy Bill William Bobby Bob Blockman Bork Bram Bran Brandon Bron Bronn Burt Cal Califast Caligar Cam Carl Charlie Charles Chum Cliff Clifford Cobman Coldomac Cole Cris Crispin Cuthbert Dale Del Delbert Den Dirk Dob Dolph Ed Edmund Edd Eddard Eddy Edward Edgar Edgard Edwin Eldo Emis Erling Ernie Ernest Falco Flint Fred Frederick Freddy Geoffrey Gib Gil Gundo Hal Ham Han Harry Harold Henry Herb Herbie Herbert Himlock Hobson Holtman Howie Howard Humbert Jasper Kip Kipling Larry Lawrence Len Lenny Leo Leonard Lob Mark Matty Mattew Mat Matthew Morty Morton Mortimer Nick Nicholas Nicky Nic Oz Ozzie Osbert Osmond Oswald Oswin Osborn Perry Peregrin Parsifal Percy Percival Pip Ray Raymond Rastafan Rich Richard Richie Ricky Rick Rob Robbie Robert Robin Roderic Rod Roddy Rodard Roderick Rodney Roger Rollo Rowlie Rowland Rufus Rudolph Sid Stan Stanley Stem Rory Sage Siddard Spike Spikey Stew Stewart Ted Teddy Terry Terence Theobald Theo Theodore Tim Timothy Toby Tobias Tod Todd Tom Thomas Tommy Tommard Wally Walt Walter Wes Wesley Will Wilbur Wilfred Willard Wilbard Willy Win Winny Winfred Woody Woodrow Ubald }
last_names = { Appledore Butterbur Ferny Goatleaf Heathertoes Pickthorn Thistlewool Rushlight "of Bree" "of Bree-land" "of Staddle" "of Combe" "of Archet" "the Young" "the Old" "of Bree-hill" }
# Hobbits of the Shire
hobbits = {
leader = hobbitish
unit = EuropeanGC
stoor = { # Hobbits descendended from the Stoor tribe
color = { 180 160 25 }
first_names = { Adalbert Adalgar Adalgrim Adam Adelard Andwise Andy Anson Balbo Bandobras Basso Berilac Bilbo Bill Bingo Blanco Bob Bodo Bosco Bowman Briffo Bruno Bucca Buffo Bungo Carl Colombo Cotman Cottar Daddy Dinodas Doderic Dodinas Drogo Dudo Elfstan Erling Everard Falco Fastolph Fastred Ferdibrand Ferdinand Ferumbras Filibert Flambard Folco Fortinbras Fosco Fredegar Frodo Fíriel Gaffer Gerontius Gorbadoc Gorbulas Gorhendad Gormadoc Griffo Gundabald Gundahad Gundahar Gundolpho Hal Halfast Halfred Hamfast Hamslow Hamson Harding Hending Heribald Herugar Hildibrand Hildifons Hildigrim Hob Hobson Holfast Holman Hugo Iago Ilberic Isembard Isembold Isengar Isengrim Isumbras Jack Jago Kalimac Lanorac Largo Longo Lotho Madoc Marcho Marmadas Marmadoc Marroc Meriadoc Merimac Merimas Merry Milo Minto Moro Mosco Mungo Nob Odo Odovacar Orgulas Otho Otto Paladin Peregrin Perry Pip Pippin Polo Ponto Porto Posco Pott Primo Razanur Reginard Robin Rollo Rorimac Rudibert Rudigar Rudolph Rufus Sam Samwise Sancho Saradas Saradoc Seredic Sigismond Ted Theobald Tobold Toby Togo Tolman Tosto Tom Tosser Trotter Uffo Vigo Wilcome Wilibald Wilimar Will Willie William Wiseman }
last_names = { Baggins Banks Black Boffin Bolger Bracegirdle Brandagamba Brandybuck Brown Brownlock Bunce Burrows Burrowes Chubb Chubb-Baggins Clayhanger Cotton Diggle Fairbairn Gamgee Gammidge Gamwich Gardner Goldworthy Goodbody Goodchild Goodenough Goold Greenholm Greenhand Grubb Halfling Harfoot Hayward Headstrong Holebuilder Hornblower Lightfoot Little-folk Maggot Noakes North-took Oldbuck Proudfoot Puddifoot Roper Rumble Sackville Sackville-Baggins Sandyman Smallburrow Smallfolk Took Tûk Tunnelly Twofoot Underhill Whitfoot }
harfoot = { # Hobbits descendended from the Harfoot tribe
color = { 90 175 0 }
first_names = { Adalbert Adalgar Adalgrim Adam Adelard Andwise Andy Anson Balbo Bandobras Basso Berilac Bilbo Bill Bingo Blanco Bob Bodo Bosco Bowman Briffo Bruno Bucca Buffo Bungo Carl Colombo Cotman Cottar Daddy Dinodas Doderic Dodinas Drogo Dudo Elfstan Erling Everard Falco Fastolph Fastred Ferdibrand Ferdinand Ferumbras Filibert Flambard Folco Fortinbras Fosco Fredegar Frodo Fíriel Gaffer Gerontius Gorbadoc Gorbulas Gorhendad Gormadoc Griffo Gundabald Gundahad Gundahar Gundolpho Hal Halfast Halfred Hamfast Hamslow Hamson Harding Hending Heribald Herugar Hildibrand Hildifons Hildigrim Hob Hobson Holfast Holman Hugo Iago Ilberic Isembard Isembold Isengar Isengrim Isumbras Jack Jago Kalimac Lanorac Largo Longo Lotho Madoc Marcho Marmadas Marmadoc Marroc Meriadoc Merimac Merimas Merry Milo Minto Moro Mosco Mungo Nob Odo Odovacar Orgulas Otho Otto Paladin Peregrin Perry Pip Pippin Polo Ponto Porto Posco Pott Primo Razanur Reginard Robin Rollo Rorimac Rudibert Rudigar Rudolph Rufus Sam Samwise Sancho Saradas Saradoc Seredic Sigismond Ted Theobald Tobold Toby Togo Tolman Tosto Tom Tosser Trotter Uffo Vigo Wilcome Wilibald Wilimar Will Willie William Wiseman }
last_names = { Baggins Banks Black Boffin Bolger Bracegirdle Brandagamba Brandybuck Brown Brownlock Bunce Burrows Burrowes Chubb Chubb-Baggins Clayhanger Cotton Diggle Fairbairn Gamgee Gammidge Gamwich Gardner Goldworthy Goodbody Goodchild Goodenough Goold Greenholm Greenhand Grubb Halfling Harfoot Hayward Headstrong Holebuilder Hornblower Lightfoot Little-folk Maggot Noakes North-took Oldbuck Proudfoot Puddifoot Roper Rumble Sackville Sackville-Baggins Sandyman Smallburrow Smallfolk Took Tûk Tunnelly Twofoot Underhill Whitfoot }
fallohide = { # Hobbits descendended from the Fallohide tribe
color = { 75 125 0 }
first_names = { Adalbert Adalgar Adalgrim Adam Adelard Andwise Andy Anson Balbo Bandobras Basso Berilac Bilbo Bill Bingo Blanco Bob Bodo Bosco Bowman Briffo Bruno Bucca Buffo Bungo Carl Colombo Cotman Cottar Daddy Dinodas Doderic Dodinas Drogo Dudo Elfstan Erling Everard Falco Fastolph Fastred Ferdibrand Ferdinand Ferumbras Filibert Flambard Folco Fortinbras Fosco Fredegar Frodo Fíriel Gaffer Gerontius Gorbadoc Gorbulas Gorhendad Gormadoc Griffo Gundabald Gundahad Gundahar Gundolpho Hal Halfast Halfred Hamfast Hamslow Hamson Harding Hending Heribald Herugar Hildibrand Hildifons Hildigrim Hob Hobson Holfast Holman Hugo Iago Ilberic Isembard Isembold Isengar Isengrim Isumbras Jack Jago Kalimac Lanorac Largo Longo Lotho Madoc Marcho Marmadas Marmadoc Marroc Meriadoc Merimac Merimas Merry Milo Minto Moro Mosco Mungo Nob Odo Odovacar Orgulas Otho Otto Paladin Peregrin Perry Pip Pippin Polo Ponto Porto Posco Pott Primo Razanur Reginard Robin Rollo Rorimac Rudibert Rudigar Rudolph Rufus Sam Samwise Sancho Saradas Saradoc Seredic Sigismond Ted Theobald Tobold Toby Togo Tolman Tosto Tom Tosser Trotter Uffo Vigo Wilcome Wilibald Wilimar Will Willie William Wiseman }
last_names = { Baggins Banks Black Boffin Bolger Bracegirdle Brandagamba Brandybuck Brown Brownlock Bunce Burrows Burrowes Chubb Chubb-Baggins Clayhanger Cotton Diggle Fairbairn Gamgee Gammidge Gamwich Gardner Goldworthy Goodbody Goodchild Goodenough Goold Greenholm Greenhand Grubb Halfling Harfoot Hayward Headstrong Holebuilder Hornblower Lightfoot Little-folk Maggot Noakes North-took Oldbuck Proudfoot Puddifoot Roper Rumble Sackville Sackville-Baggins Sandyman Smallburrow Smallfolk Took Tûk Tunnelly Twofoot Underhill Whitfoot }
# Trolls
trolls = {
leader = troll
unit = EuropeanGC
cave_trolls = {
color = { 120 120 120 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
hill_trolls = {
color = { 160 160 160 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
mountain_trolls = {
color = { 200 200 200 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
snow_trolls = {
color = { 240 240 240 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
stone_trolls = {
color = { 80 80 80 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
olog_hai = { # black trolls used by Sauron
color = { 84 14 14 }
first_names = { Gorbag Shagrat Uglúk
Akoth Amûg Ashgarn Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog Zogdûsh Zûgor Zuka Zûmug Zunn }
last_names = { "Archer Trainer" "Ash-Skin" "Bag-Head" "Barrel-Scraper" "Battle-Master" "Beast Slayer" "Beastmaster" "Beserker Master" "Black Tooth" "Black-Blade" "Black-Heart" "Black-Thorn" "Blade Master" "Blade Sharpener" "Blood Guzzler" "Blood-Axe" "Blood-Dripper" "Blood-Lover" "Blood-Mad" "Blood-Storm" "Bloodhound" "Bloodlust" "Bloodstoker" "Bone-Licker" "Bone-Ripper" "Bone-Shaker" "Bone-Snapper" "Bootlick" "Brain Damaged" "Brawl-Master" "Brawler" "Bright Eyes" "Broken-Shield" "Cannibal" "Caragor Fang" "Caragor Slayer" "Caragor Tamer" "Cave Rat" "Corpse Grinder" "Corpse-Eater" "Dead Killer" "Dead Wood" "Death Bone" "Death-Blade" "Deathbringer" "Deathmonger" "Desolation" "Discipline Master" "Drake-Killer" "Drooler" "Dwarf-Eater" "Eagle Eye" "Ear Collector" "Ear-Collector" "Earth-Salter" "Earth-Scorcher" "Elf-Slayer" "Evil Eye" "Eye-Gouger" "Face-Eater" "Fast Feet" "Fat Head" "Fear Lord" "Fire-Brander" "Firebelly" "Flame Monger" "Flame-Eater" "Flesh Lover" "Flesh-Lump" "Flesh-Picker" "Flesh-Render" "Flesh-Rot" "Forge-Claw" "Foul-Spawn" "Frog-Blood" "Ghûl Hunter" "Ghûl Keeper" "Ghûl Lover" "Ghûl Slayer" "Giant Slayer" "Giggles" "Gold-Fang" "Gore King" "Gore-Tide" "Graug Catcher" "Graug Slayer" "Grog-Burner" "Grog-Maker" "Guard Master" "Halfling-Lover" "Hammerfist" "Head-Chopper" "Head-Hunter" "Heart-Eater" "Hide Skinner" "Horn Blower" "Hot Tongs" "Hot-Head" "Iron Arm" "Iron Mount" "Iron-Skin" "Itchy" "Jaws" "Jitters" "Jungle-Rot" "Keen Eye" "Learned Scribe" "Lice-Head" "Life-Drinker" "Limp-Leg" "Literate One" "Lock-Jaw" "Longtooth" "Lord of the Maggots" "Lucky Shot" "Mad-Eye" "Maggot-Nest" "Man Breaker" "Man-Catcher" "Man-Hunter" "Man-Stalker" "Meat Hooks" "Metal Beater" "Metal-Beard" "Mountain Shaker" "Night-Bringer" "Oath-Breaker" "One-Eye" "Pain Seeker" "Pit Fighter" "Plague-Bringer" "Pot-Licker" "Puppet Master" "Pureblood" "Quarter Master" "Quick-Blades" "Rabble Rouser" "Raid Leader" "Ranger-Killer" "Ravager" "Raw-Head" "Rock Crusher" "Rotbeast" "Runny-Bowls" "Sawbones" "Scar-Artist" "Scar-Hide" "Scorcher" "Shaman" "Shield Master" "Skin-Peeler" "Skull Bow" "Skull-Cracker" "Skull-Lopper" "Skull-Splitter" "Slashface" "Slave Taskmaster" "Slave-Lover" "Steward of the Keep" "Stone-Hive" "Stoneskin" "Storm-Bringer" "Sword Master" "Taker of Heads" "Taskmaster" "Tasty" "Thin Bones" "Throat-Slasher" "Thunder-Bowels" "Thunderhead" "Tree-Killer" "Troll Slayer" "Troll-Born" "Trophy Hunter" "Ugly Face" "Vat Keeper" "Warmonger" "Web-Breaker" "Who Flees" "Worm-Licker" "of Lithlad" "of the Beasts" "of the Black Gate" "of the Blackguard" "of the Burning Wings" "of the Caves" "of the Gloom" "of the Hand" "of the Maggots" "of the Spiders" "of the Stench" "of the White Hand" "of the Wind" "the Accursed" "the Advisor" "the Agonizer" "the Alchemist" "the All-Eater" "the Amputator" "the Ancient One" "the Angry" "the Anvil" "the Armorer" "the Assassin" "the Avenger" "the Backbiter" "the Bard" "the Beheader" "the Believer" "the Biter" "the Black" "the Black Elm" "the Blast" "the Bleeder" "the Bloated" "the Bloody" "the Blue" "the Bone Collector" "the Bowmaster" "the Brander" "the Brave" "the Breaker" "the Brewer" "the Brother" "the Brown" "the Butcher" "the Caragor Thief" "the Caragor Trainer" "the Catcher" "the Champion" "the Champion of Gorgoroth" "the Choker" "the Chopper" "the Chunky" "the Claw" "the Clever" "the Commander" "the Complainer" "the Cook" "the Corruptor" "the Coward" "the Crazy" "the Crippler" "the Crow" "the Cruel" "the Crusher" "the Cursed" "the Cut-Throat" "the Dangerous" "the Dark" "the Dead" "the Deathless" "the Deep Delver" "the Deep Seer" "the Defender" "the Defiler" "the Destroyer" "the Devourer" "the Digger" "the Diseased" "the Disgusting" "the Dragon" "the Dreamer" "the Driver" "the Drowned" "the Drunk" "the Dumb" "the Dung Collector" "the Eater of Men" "the Elder" "the Endless" "the Enforcer" "the Enraged" "the Ever-Wounded" "the Executioner" "the Faithful" "the Fanatical" "the Fearful" "the Fixer" "the Flesh Glutton" "the Flogger" "the Fool" "the Forsworn" "the Foul" "the Friendly" "the Funny One" "the Gab" "the Gambler" "the Gentle" "the Glutton" "the Gluttonous" "the Gold-Thief" "the Golden" "the Gorger" "the Grim" "the Grinder" "the Grizzled" "the Grog Hoarder" "the Grog Hoarder?" "the Guardian" "the Guardian of Mordor" "the Gut Ripper" "the Hacker" "the Hairy" "the Handsome" "the Heartless" "the Hell-Hawk" "the Hook" "the Horned Lord" "the Humiliator" "the Humongous" "the Hungry" "the Hunter" "the Hurler" "the Immovable" "the Infernal" "the Inscrutable" "the Iron Willed" "the Jaded" "the Judge" "the Killer" "the Kin-Slayer" "the Knife" "the Legend" "the Loaded" "the Lookout" "the Lucky" "the Lurker" "the Machine" "the Mad" "the Maddest One" "the Maggot" "the Man-Eater" "the Manhunter" "the Map Keeper" "the Marauder" "the Meat Grinder" "the Meat Hoarder" "the Merciful" "the Merciless" "the Messenger" "the Metal Beater" "the Mindless" "the Molten" "the Mountain" "the Murderous" "the Noble" "the Obsessed" "the Obvious" "the One" "the Only One" "the Other One" "the Other Twin" "the Pain Lover" "the Painted" "the Pathetic" "the Pickler" "the Pike" "the Pinch" "the Poet" "the Poisoner" "the Pretender" "the Prickler" "the Proud" "the Prowler" "the Puny" "the Quartermaster" "the Rash" "the Rat" "the Raven" "the Reaper" "the Reckless" "the Red" "the Relentless" "the Rhymer" "the Ripper" "the Ruinous" "the Runner" "the Runt" "the Sadistic" "the Savage" "the Scholar" "the Scorpion" "the Screamer" "the Selfsame One" "the Serpent" "the Shadow" "the Shield" "the Shield-Master" "the Shy" "the Sick" "the Sickly" "the Singer" "the Skewer" "the Skinless" "the Slasher" "the Slaughterer" "the Slaver" "the Slayer" "the Slippery" "the Small" "the Smasher" "the Smuggler" "the Sneak" "the Snowflake" "the Soothsayer" "the Spear Master" "the Spider-Hawk" "the Spike" "the Sprog" "the Stalker" "the Stinger" "the Stout" "the Strangler" "the Strong" "the Surgeon" "the Suspicious" "the Sweet" "the Swift" "the Tactician" "the Tainted" "the Tark Slayer" "the Tenderizer" "the Thirsty" "the Thunderer" "the Timid" "the Tongue" "the Torch" "the Tower" "the Tracker" "the Trainer" "the Tricky" "the Twin" "the Uncatchable" "the Unclean" "the Unkillable" "the Unseen" "the Venomous" "the Vicious" "the Vile" "the Wall" "the Wanderer" "the War-Bringer" "the Warden" "the Warlock" "the Warlord" "the Warrior" "the Wasp" "the Wasteful Hunter" "the Watcher" "the Weak" "the Whiner" "the Whisperer" "the Wicked" "the Wild" "the Wise" "the Wrath Breeder" "the Wreck" "the Wrestler" }
# Eagles
eagles = {
leader = eagle
unit = EuropeanGC
great_eagle = {
color = { 19 137 226 }
first_names = { Gwaihir Landroval Meneldor Thorondor
Fandor }
last_names = { "Ashened One" "Black Winged" "Broad Winged" "the Fast" "the Great" "the Heavenly" "the Snowcrest" "the Swift" "the Windlord" }
raven = {
color = { 19 35 154 }
first_names = { Carc Roäc
Carh Caw Coo Kraa Krac Rorc }
last_names = { "Ashened One" "Black Winged" "Broad Winged" "the Fast" "the Great" "the Heavenly" "the Snowcrest" "the Swift" "the Windlord" }
# Spiders
spiders = {
leader = spider
unit = EuropeanGC
great_spider = {
color = { 46 2 2 }
first_names = { Shelob Ungoliant
Achas Achathling Achathrin Aegarach Azuzol Bittergall Bogbereth Bregolnath Broghosh Burzrít Caragdal Delúris Durbrennil Dígelir Dímil Eitor-kalsak Faechiril Faenath Gaelnath Gamnagol Ganglemód Gemlingril Glérgangol Gorothrin Gothling Gragarag Gristlebite Gurthúl Guruthang Gwigon Gúrnathron Hwandrin Iornaith Iárvereth Laehendiel Lebrennil Legbarthil Lhenathronil Lhothbad Luillë Meneghen Morin Naegarch Nornbes Saebereth Saeriel Saernaston }
last_names = { "Blackvenom" "Cliff-spinner" "Forest-spinner" "Gorge-crawler" "Gorge-lurker" "Grey-spinner" "Grey-weaver" "of the Barrow" "of the Caverns" "of the Trees" "Scythe=jaw" "Snow-spinner" "the Ambusher" "the Biter" "the Creeper" "the Deadly" "the Glass One" "the Hunter" "the Lurker" "the Matron" "the Recluse" "the Sewer" "the Shadow" "the Spinner" "the Stalker" "the Thirsty" "the Trapper" "the Weaver" "the Webber" "the Young" "Tree-weaver" "Webreaver" "Webweaver" }
# Undead
undead = {
leader = undead
unit = EuropeanGC
wight = {
color = { 0 0 25 }
first_names = { Forgotten "Ill-thought" Nameless Neglected Misremembered Unknown Unnamed Unrecognised }
last_names = { "Aged One" "Ashened One" "Diseased One" "Ghastly One" "Ghostly One" "Haunted One" "Malnourished One" "Mystic One" "Shadowy One" "Skeletal One" "Spectral One" }
oathbreaker = {
color = { 15 30 11 }
first_names = { Forgotten "Ill-thought" Nameless Neglected Misremembered Unknown Unnamed Unrecognised }
last_names = { "Aged One" "Ashened One" "Diseased One" "Ghastly One" "Ghostly One" "Haunted One" "Malnourished One" "Mystic One" "Shadowy One" "Skeletal One" "Spectral One" }