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Releases: TheComputerGeek2/MagicSpells

untagged-5d1f59d9b8d1264fef15: Update to include Beetroot

09 Feb 03:34
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In all honesty this may not even work, but hey at least I'm trying to learn~

untagged-2654e2e8b8302b3005b4: SpellFilter for SilenceSpell

07 Feb 20:25
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New option of allowed-spell-tags which accepts a list of spell tags (strings)

New option of disallowed-spell-tags which accepts a list of spell tags (strings)

Fix compat with NCP's API changes.

untagged-f29d9e6fcc99e06b7a43: Added WindglideSpell:

23 Jan 16:04
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	- velocity - the force of gliding (the more the value is, the further you will travel)
	- height - modifies the height location of the gliding
	- interval - interval between gliding push, spells and effects
	- cancel-on-collision - whether it should turn off the buff when you collide with a wall
	- block-collision-dmg - whether it should block the wall collision dmg
	- collision-spell - spell to cast at the player's location when the player collides with a wall
	- spell - spell to cast at the caster's location while he is gliding
Effect Positions:
	- special - plays the effects at the caster's location while he is gliding

untagged-be99b705b761ef9af89b: Introduce Spaces framework

23 Jan 15:08
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Designed to assist in producing efficient and complex area of effect definitions

Construct fewer BoundingBoxes in BeamSpell

The BoudningBox class is designed to be movable, this design intention is now being better utilized by BeamSpell

BoundingBox implements Space

List Chronoken as additional author

untagged-3763e890f8f767484d84: Updated HomingMissileSpell:

23 Jan 14:59
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	- fixed the effect rotation bug
	- added hit-air-during(boolean), spell-on-hit-air(string), spell-interval(int) options to make the homing missile cast the spell-on-hit-air when its chasing its target per spell-interval amount of ticks
	- added hit-ground(boolean), stop-on-hit-ground(boolean), spell-on-hit-ground(string) options to stop the homing missile when it hits ground and make it cast the spell-on-hit-ground
	- added hit-air-after-duration(boolean), spell-after-duration(string) options to cast the spell-after-duration at the missile location when the duration expires
	- added relative-offset(vector), modifies the start location


17 Jan 07:19
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Fixed a bug with Cleanse spell - now it should remove all the buffs d…

untagged-0f87589c8ecbb011b210: Forked the "storm" modifier into "raining" and "thundering" since they

15 Jan 02:20
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are two different types of weather in minecraft.

Updated to include a link to the Niblexis example github as
well as added a new badge.

untagged-29aa82e73bbf12fad815: Update HomingArrowSpell

12 Jan 22:48
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Accepts a string value for the option projectile-type which defaults to arrow


12 Jan 23:27
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Remove outdated logic from HomingArrowSpell

untagged-f25f6f54c233b52ad7f4: Updated Orbit Effect:

10 Jan 23:45
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                                                                                                                                              - added orbit-horiz-offset, sets the start horizontal offset of the orbit (in degrees)
                                                                                                                                              - added orbit-horiz-expand-radius, (float) expands the horizontal orbit radius by that value (required horiz-expand-delay)
                                                                                                                                              - added orbit-horiz-expand-delay, (int) expands the horizontal orbit radius per the defined amount of ticks (required horiz-expand-radius)
                                                                                                                                              - added orbit-vert-expand-radius, (float) expands the vertical orbit radius by that value (required vert-expand-delay)
                                                                                                                                              - added orbit-vert-expand-delay, (int) expands the vertical orbit radius per the defined amount of ticks (required vert-expand-radius)