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File metadata and controls

218 lines (167 loc) · 8.97 KB

Specification for the ELN file format


This format is an open format, licensed under the MIT license and specified by the present document.

The file is a ZIP archive, so it MUST follow the standard ZIP specifications and be readable by all zip utilities. The contents of the archive MAY be encrypted, as with any ZIP archive. This archive format is basically a zipped RO-Crate, with a .eln file extension.

An up to date version of this document can be accessed at:

Structure of the archive

Inside a .eln file, there MUST be a single folder that will contain the rest of the data. The name of the folder SHOULD be the same as the archive name. This folder at root prevents issues when opening the file as a zip file and getting archived files extracted in the current directory, possibly overwriting other files, and probably polluting the current directory. Note that as a result, only this single folder present in the zip file can be considered a valid RO-Crate, not the zip file as a whole.

Inside that root folder, there MUST be a file named ro-crate-metadata.json. This file follows the RO-Crate 1.1+ Specification.

The root folder MAY also contain a ro-crate-metadata.json.minisig signature file as described below.

The rest of the archive is composed of 0 or more folders that each describe one experiment or coherent set of data. Thus, the ELN archive can accommodate one or several experimental set of data.

Example for file: some-data.eln

    - ro-crate-metadata.json
    - ro-crate-metadata.json.minisig
    - experimentA/:
      - index.json
      - image.tif
      - measurements.csv
      - paper.pdf
    - experimentB/:
      - content.txt
      - image-overexposed.tif
      - results.xlsx
      - subfolder-with-data/:
        - some-data.bin
        - some-data2.bin

Structure of ro-crate-metadata.json

This is described in the RO-Crate Specification but let's go over an example to understand how it works.


At the root of our JSON-LD object, we have a context and a graph. The graph will contain an array of everything we put in our crate. Each node object in the graph represents the properties of a node serialized by JSON-LD.

  "@context": "",
  "@graph": [<EVERYTHING IS IN THERE>]

First node: ro-crate-metadata.json

The first node we describe here is the ro-crate-metadata.json:

  "@id": "ro-crate-metadata.json",
  "@type": "CreativeWork",
  "about": {
    "@id": "./"
  "conformsTo": {
    "@id": ""
  "dateCreated": "2022-05-30T12:25:36+0200",
  "sdPublisher": {
    "@id": ""

It is a CreativeWork about the current directory, and conforms to the RO-Crate specification. Other fields like dateCreated (added here) or any other property of CreativeWork can be added.

In addition to the properties outlined in the RO-Crate Metadata File Descriptor, this node SHOULD include sdPublisher property, which references the Organization entity containing additional metadata.

Second node: current directory

The second node is basically describing the current directory (./).

  "@id": "./",
  "@type": "Dataset",
  "hasPart": [
      "@id": "./2022-05-29 - Some-experiment/"
      "@id": "./2022-05-29 - Id-asperiores-explicabo-quod-mollitia/"

Its type is a Dataset and its hasPart correspond to the @ids of the other nodes. Think of it like a Table of Contents.

Organization node

The Organization node SHOULD contain an @id, @type: Organization, name and url properties. Any other properties of Organization MAY also be added.

The rest

Subsequently, all the remaining nodes are assigned a @type of either Dataset for directories or File for individual files. And the @id corresponds to something in the hasPart of ./.

If a Dataset node has additional files, they should be listed in its hasPart property and can be referenced through their @id. All nodes with @type: Dataset SHOULD include name, author properties. Furthermore, other properties of Dataset, such as identifier, dateCreated, dateModified, text, keywords, comment MAY also be added.

If a Dataset references other Datasets (e.g. a parent experiment with child experiments), they must also be present in the hasPart of ./ if they are meant to be imported. A Dataset MUST not contain other Datasets in its hasPart section.

All nodes with @type: File SHOULD include name, encodingFormat, contentSize properties. Furthermore, other properties of File, such as description, sha256, author, identifier, dateCreated, dateModified, text MAY also be added.

All nodes with a @type such as Comment or Person exist at the root node (once), and can be referenced via their @id in other parts. For instance, a "comment" on an experiment will exist as a @type: Comment node at the root node, and be referenced through its @id in the comment part of the experiment's node. See "Example Dataset with Comment" example below.

Specific fields

  • contentSize: this term is loosely defined by In a .eln it is a string with the number of bytes. See "Example File" section below. It contains no units.
  • variableMeasured: this term is interpreted more loosely for .eln files than by, as consisting of @type: PropertyValue nodes that represent not just variables measured, but also variables specified for a @type: Dataset node (e.g. flexible metadata).
    • The identifier for a @type: PropertyValue node can be set to an IRI (e.g. the URL for an ontology entry, such as for specifying the meaning of this node.
    • Nested metadata (e.g. arrays or key-value pairs) can be represented by using . as a separator in their propertyID, e.g. temperatures.0 or configuration.pressure.set_value.

Example Dataset

  "@id": "./2022-05-29 - Some-experiment/",
  "@type": "Dataset",
  "author": {
    "@id": "./author/23"
  "dateCreated": "2022-05-29 16:17:38",
  "dateModified": "2022-05-29 16:17:57",
  "name": "Some experiment",
  "text": "<h1><span style=\"font-size:14pt;\">Goal :</span></h1>\n<p> </p>\n<h1><span style=\"font-size:14pt;\">Procedure :</span></h1>\n<p> </p>\n<h1><span style=\"font-size:14pt;\">Results :<br></span></h1>\n<p> </p>",
  "url": "",
  "hasPart": [
      "@id": "./2022-05-29 - Some-experiment/2022-05-30-export.elabftw.csv"
      "@id": "./2022-05-29 - Some-experiment/2022-05-29 - Some-experiment.pdf"

Example File

  "@id": "./2022-05-29 - Some-experiment/2022-05-30-export.elabftw.csv",
  "@type": "File",
  "description": "CSV Export",
  "name": "2022-05-30-export.elabftw.csv",
  "encodingFormat": "text/csv; charset=UTF-8",
  "contentSize": "247",
  "sha256": "f3278e796c687371cc63a600b6f12ea32167067fed3ef98099d0c1aad2426531"

Example Dataset with Comment

Here we show three nodes, the Dataset (main experiment), a Comment and a Person. The Person leaving the Comment is the same as the author of the Dataset.

  "@id": "./some-unique-id/23",
  "@type": "Dataset",
  "author": {
    "@id": "./some-author-id/44"
  "dateCreated": "2023-09-23T01:02:26+02:00",
  "dateModified": "2023-09-27T23:02:44+02:00",
  "comment": [
      "@id": "./some-comment-id/91"
  "@id": "./some-comment-id/91",
  "@type": "Comment",
  "dateCreated": "2023-09-23T01:02:26+02:00",
  "text": "This is the content of the comment.",
  "author": {
    "@id": "./some-author-id/44"
   "@id": "./some-author-id/44",
   "@type": "Person",
   "familyName": "Tapie",
   "givenName": "Bernard"

Going further

See the RO-Crate website.

Signed .eln files

If the root folder contains a ro-crate-metadata.json.minisig file, it must be a valid minisign signature file for ro-crate-metadata.json. The trusted comment of the signature file SHOULD be set to a URL in the format of https://<domain_of_the_exporting_eln>/.well-known/keys.json.

The exporting ELN SHOULD serve a file at that URL, which contains a JSON array containing one or multiple MediaObject objects with the encodingFormat set to "application/x-minisign-key" and a contentUrl containing the URL of a public key used by that ELN for signing its .eln files. An importing ELN can use these public keys to try to verify the signature file.

Concrete examples files

See the examples folder.