diff --git a/.circleci/workflows.yml b/.circleci/workflows.yml
index 8e4572fba..6a1c471c2 100755
--- a/.circleci/workflows.yml
+++ b/.circleci/workflows.yml
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ parameters:
description: 'Release Type. Accepted values [ Major, Minor, Patch ]'
type: enum
enum: ["Major", "Minor", "Patch"]
- default: "Minor"
+ default: "Patch"
description: 'PowerShell Repository for JumpCloud SDKs'
type: enum
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ parameters:
description: 'When `true` and when run against Master branch, this workflow will publish the latest code to PSGallery'
type: boolean
- default: false
+ default: true
description: 'When `true` the pipeline will use the Module Version specified in JumpCloud Module JumpCloud.psd1 file'
type: boolean
diff --git a/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Docs/Get-JCCommand.md b/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Docs/Get-JCCommand.md
index ece9505be..a21435f88 100644
--- a/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Docs/Get-JCCommand.md
+++ b/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Docs/Get-JCCommand.md
@@ -56,9 +56,7 @@ Note that when running this command the time for the output to display will be d
PS C:\> Get-JCCommand -name '*BitLocker*' | Get-JCCommand -ByID
-Returns all information describing all JumpCloud commands with a name of '*trigger*' by passing the -CommandID Parameter to the -ByID Parameter using the pipeline and Parameter Binding. Note, search parameters on Get-JCCommand support wildcard characters. In this example commands with the name BitLocker somewhere in the name would be returned.
-Note that when running this command the time for the output to display will be directly proportionate to how many JumpCloud commands you have with a launchType of 'trigger'. The command 'Get-JCCommand -ByID' runs once for every JumpCloud command within your tenant with a launchType of 'trigger'.
+Returns all information describing all JumpCloud commands with a name of '*BitLocker*' by passing the -CommandID Parameter to the -ByID Parameter using the pipeline and Parameter Binding. Note, search parameters on Get-JCCommand support wildcard characters. In this example commands with the string "BitLocker" somewhere in the name would be returned.
### Example 5
@@ -74,9 +72,7 @@ Note that when running this command the time for the output to display will be d
PS C:\> Get-JCCommand -command '*fdesetup*' | Get-JCCommand -ByID
-Returns all information describing all JumpCloud commands with a command string and the search term "fdesetup", by passing the -CommandID Parameter to the -ByID Parameter using the pipeline and Parameter Binding. Note, search parameters on Get-JCCommand support wildcard characters. In this example commands with the string "fdesetup" somewhere in the command body would be returned.
-Note that when running this command the time for the output to display will be directly proportionate to how many JumpCloud commands you have with a launchType of 'trigger'. The command 'Get-JCCommand -ByID' runs once for every JumpCloud command within your tenant with a launchType of 'trigger'.
+Returns all information describing all JumpCloud commands with a command string and the search term "*fdesetup*", by passing the -CommandID Parameter to the -ByID Parameter using the pipeline and Parameter Binding. Note, search parameters on Get-JCCommand support wildcard characters. In this example commands with the string "fdesetup" somewhere in the command body would be returned.
diff --git a/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Docs/Get-JCUser.md b/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Docs/Get-JCUser.md
index 27b482931..422b8b7c9 100644
--- a/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Docs/Get-JCUser.md
+++ b/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Docs/Get-JCUser.md
@@ -583,6 +583,7 @@ A search filter to return users that are in an ACTIVATED or SUSPENDED state
Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: SearchFilter
Required: False
Position: Named
diff --git a/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Docs/JumpCloud.md b/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Docs/JumpCloud.md
index 0d95a1d73..379097009 100644
--- a/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Docs/JumpCloud.md
+++ b/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Docs/JumpCloud.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Module Name: JumpCloud
Module Guid: 31c023d1-a901-48c4-90a3-082f91b31646
Download Help Link: https://github.com/TheJumpCloud/support/wiki
-Help Version: 1.23.0
+Help Version: 1.23.1
Locale: en-US
diff --git a/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/JumpCloud.psd1 b/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/JumpCloud.psd1
index 7dda14111..5d5e9e5a7 100755
--- a/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/JumpCloud.psd1
+++ b/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/JumpCloud.psd1
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Generated by: JumpCloud Solutions Architect Team
-# Generated on: 6/22/2022
+# Generated on: 7/7/2022
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
RootModule = 'JumpCloud.psm1'
# Version number of this module.
-ModuleVersion = '1.23.0'
+ModuleVersion = '1.23.1'
# Supported PSEditions
# CompatiblePSEditions = @()
diff --git a/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Public/Users/Get-JCUser.ps1 b/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Public/Users/Get-JCUser.ps1
index 4e8f8c8b0..24bbcca62 100644
--- a/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Public/Users/Get-JCUser.ps1
+++ b/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Public/Users/Get-JCUser.ps1
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ Function Get-JCUser ()
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter', HelpMessage = 'A search filter to return users that are in an ACTIVATED, STAGED or SUSPENDED state')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter', HelpMessage = 'The recovery email of the JumpCloud user you wish to search for.')]
@@ -384,6 +385,19 @@ Function Get-JCUser ()
+ # case insensitve state param
+ if ("state" -eq $param.Key)
+ {
+ if ($param.Value -cin @('ACTIVATED', 'SUSPENDED', 'STAGED'))
+ {
+ $stateValue = $param.Value
+ }
+ else {
+ $stateValue = ($param.Value).ToUpper()
+ }
+ continue
+ }
$Value = ($param.value).replace('*', '')
if (($param.Value -match '.+?\*$') -and ($param.Value -match '^\*.+?'))
@@ -416,9 +430,15 @@ Function Get-JCUser ()
(($Search.filter).GetEnumerator()).add('recoveryEmail.address', $recoveryEmail )
+ if ($stateValue)
+ {
+ (($Search.filter).GetEnumerator()).add('state', $stateValue )
+ }
$SearchJSON = $Search | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 4
+ Write-Debug $SearchJSON
$URL = "$JCUrlBasePath/api/search/systemusers"
$Results = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $Url -Header $hdrs -Body $SearchJSON -UserAgent:(Get-JCUserAgent)
diff --git a/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Tests/Public/Users/Get-JCUser.tests.ps1 b/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Tests/Public/Users/Get-JCUser.tests.ps1
index 3707ee602..d49ea29bc 100755
--- a/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Tests/Public/Users/Get-JCUser.tests.ps1
+++ b/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/Tests/Public/Users/Get-JCUser.tests.ps1
@@ -105,19 +105,31 @@ Describe -Tag:('JCUser') 'Get-JCUser 1.1' {
It "Searches a JumpCloud user by state SUSPENDED" {
$NewUser = New-RandomUser -Domain DeleteMe | New-JcUser -state "SUSPENDED"
$SearchUser = Get-JCUser -state "SUSPENDED" | Select-Object -First 1
+ $SearchUserLower = Get-JCUser -state "suspended" | Select-Object -First 1
+ $SearchUserMixed = Get-JCUser -state "Suspended" | Select-Object -First 1
$SearchUser.state | Should -Be "SUSPENDED"
+ $SearchUserLower.state | Should -Be "SUSPENDED"
+ $SearchUserMixed.state | Should -Be "SUSPENDED"
Remove-JCUser -UserId $NewUser._id -force
It "Searches a JumpCloud user by state STAGED" {
$NewUser = New-RandomUser -Domain DeleteMe | New-JcUser -state "STAGED"
$SearchUser = Get-JCUser -state "STAGED" | Select-Object -First 1
+ $SearchUserLower = Get-JCUser -state "staged" | Select-Object -First 1
+ $SearchUserMixed = Get-JCUser -state "Staged" | Select-Object -First 1
$SearchUser.state | Should -Be "STAGED"
+ $SearchUserLower.state | Should -Be "STAGED"
+ $SearchUserMixed.state | Should -Be "STAGED"
Remove-JCUser -UserId $NewUser._id -force
It "Searches a JumpCloud user by state ACTIVATED" {
$NewUser = New-RandomUser -Domain DeleteMe | New-JcUser -state "ACTIVATED"
$SearchUser = Get-JCUser -state "ACTIVATED" | Select-Object -First 1
+ $SearchUserLower = Get-JCUser -state "activated" | Select-Object -First 1
+ $SearchUserMixed = Get-JCUser -state "Activated" | Select-Object -First 1
$SearchUser.state | Should -Be "ACTIVATED"
+ $SearchUserLower.state | Should -Be "ACTIVATED"
+ $SearchUserMixed.state | Should -Be "ACTIVATED"
Remove-JCUser -UserId $NewUser._id -force
diff --git a/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/en-Us/JumpCloud-help.xml b/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/en-Us/JumpCloud-help.xml
index 85a77563c..44c6f2749 100644
--- a/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/en-Us/JumpCloud-help.xml
+++ b/PowerShell/JumpCloud Module/en-Us/JumpCloud-help.xml
@@ -3769,8 +3769,7 @@ PS C:\> $BackupJcOrganizationResults.User
-------------------------- Example 4 --------------------------
PS C:\> Get-JCCommand -name '*BitLocker*' | Get-JCCommand -ByID
- Returns all information describing all JumpCloud commands with a name of ' trigger ' by passing the -CommandID Parameter to the -ByID Parameter using the pipeline and Parameter Binding. Note, search parameters on Get-JCCommand support wildcard characters. In this example commands with the name BitLocker somewhere in the name would be returned.
- Note that when running this command the time for the output to display will be directly proportionate to how many JumpCloud commands you have with a launchType of 'trigger'. The command 'Get-JCCommand -ByID' runs once for every JumpCloud command within your tenant with a launchType of 'trigger'.
+ Returns all information describing all JumpCloud commands with a name of ' BitLocker ' by passing the -CommandID Parameter to the -ByID Parameter using the pipeline and Parameter Binding. Note, search parameters on Get-JCCommand support wildcard characters. In this example commands with the string "BitLocker" somewhere in the name would be returned.
@@ -3785,8 +3784,7 @@ PS C:\> $BackupJcOrganizationResults.User
-------------------------- Example 6 --------------------------
PS C:\> Get-JCCommand -command '*fdesetup*' | Get-JCCommand -ByID
- Returns all information describing all JumpCloud commands with a command string and the search term "fdesetup", by passing the -CommandID Parameter to the -ByID Parameter using the pipeline and Parameter Binding. Note, search parameters on Get-JCCommand support wildcard characters. In this example commands with the string "fdesetup" somewhere in the command body would be returned.
- Note that when running this command the time for the output to display will be directly proportionate to how many JumpCloud commands you have with a launchType of 'trigger'. The command 'Get-JCCommand -ByID' runs once for every JumpCloud command within your tenant with a launchType of 'trigger'.
+ Returns all information describing all JumpCloud commands with a command string and the search term " fdesetup ", by passing the -CommandID Parameter to the -ByID Parameter using the pipeline and Parameter Binding. Note, search parameters on Get-JCCommand support wildcard characters. In this example commands with the string "fdesetup" somewhere in the command body would be returned.
@@ -7855,6 +7853,11 @@ PS C:\> $BackupJcOrganizationResults.User
A search filter to return users that are in an ACTIVATED or SUSPENDED state
diff --git a/PowerShell/ModuleBanner.md b/PowerShell/ModuleBanner.md
index 57feda7b0..9de6a5fc1 100755
--- a/PowerShell/ModuleBanner.md
+++ b/PowerShell/ModuleBanner.md
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
#### Latest Version
#### Banner Current
-* Added search endpoint functionality and parameters to Get-jCCommand
+* Get-JCUser -State should accept case insensitive values such as "suspended" "activated" "staged" and validate input
#### Banner Old
-* Added functionality for Set, Get, New-JCUser to Search by Email to Manager Field
+* Added search endpoint functionality and parameters to Get-jCCommand
diff --git a/PowerShell/ModuleChangelog.md b/PowerShell/ModuleChangelog.md
index fd2750d88..3122e5a63 100644
--- a/PowerShell/ModuleChangelog.md
+++ b/PowerShell/ModuleChangelog.md
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+## 1.23.1
+Release Date: June 21, 2022
+This release adds validate to the Get-JCUser -State parameter set. It should now validate supplied acceptable values.
+Documentation for Get-JCCommand updated thanks to JumpCloud Community member: Ryan Bailey @rybai
## 1.23.0
Release Date: June 21, 2022