Date: 2021-04-29
Decision about the User/Customer UI design. There are 4 different Actors who work for Sysops Squad and 1 other Actor is Customer.
This is more favorable since this model allows re-use of components and easy to maintenance; however may not be good from security point of view (people trying to access the system beyond their Role). Also, when development team needs to update the UI then it needed to regress other's as well.
This solution was becoming more complex therefore hard to maintain; however this will provide a solution which is currently a problem where sometime system is not available for anyone even the internal staff.
We will go for Individual UIs for each SysOps User Role, the common UI libraries will be used, so that common features like Authentication and Authorisation can be managed at single place.
Dev team need to maintain multiple UI code but will provide the decoupling which is badly needed to solve the current problem of System not available ALL users.