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File metadata and controls

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First CRUD Application


  • This project is my first CRUD based web application.
  • It is created in Java Programming Language using Spring Boot Framework.


  • The Dockerfile will only build the docker image of the application.
  • Command to build the image is:
docker build -t $IMAGE_NAME -f Dockerfile .
  • Remember to change the $IMAGE_NAME tag with the desire name of the image.

Docker Hub

Setup MySQL

  • Since this application is using MySQL as a database.So we also need to set it up.
  • We will use MySQL docker image.
  • Command to pull MySQL:
docker pull mysql
  • Now run mysql in docker container.Command to run:
docker run -d -p 6033:3306 --name=db --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root" --env="MYSQL_PASSWORD=root" --env="MYSQL_DATABASE=FirstCRUDApp" mysql
  • Using -d flag will run the container in detached mode.
  • Using -p flag will publish the port of the container.
  • Using --name flag will assign custom_name to a container.
  • Using --env flag will set the environment to run the container.
  • Here root user is accessing the mysql server using passwd root. And working in database named as FirstCRUDApp.
  • Remember the username and passwd of mysql must match to that set in /src/main/resources/
  • Since the container is running in detached mode. Command to list the running container is:
docker container ls 
  • Now let's try logging into container. Command to get shell of db container.
docker exec -it db bash
  • Using -it flag will set the container in interactive and tty mode.

Import custom data

  • We can import our data into database.
  • Command to import:
docker exec -i db mysql -uroot -proot FirstCRUDApp < init_data/users_data.sql
  • Get bash of the container with above same command and check inside the FirstCRUDApp database.

Run and Link Our Project with db container

  • Command to link:
docker run -t --link db:mysql -p 5555:5555 thespiritman/firstcrudapplication:latest
  • Using --link flag will link the container of our project with the container of mysql named as db.
  • Since our project is initially running in port 5555. So using -p flag will forward the port to 5555 in our machine.


  • docker-compose.yml can be found in the home directory. So we can easily build and start our container using it.

  • Command:

    docker-compose up -d
  • It will take some time to build and load the container.

Check the Project

  • Visit the link http://localhost:5555 in your browser. If everything goes well, the webpage must load.