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137 lines (77 loc) · 6.16 KB

How to contribute feedback and ideas

To participate in conversations, please create a GitHub Account and engage in existing or new reports. Please act professional by maintaining a friendly and helpful attitude and refraining from using sarcasm and other disrespectful language.

When formulating feedback and ideas, it is preferable to bring forward as much relevant information as possible to help the developers.

Example study 1

A developer presents a change where the Gamma damage of the GLA Toxin Tunnel Defender is increased from 52 to 60, so that its damage is consistent with the GLA Toxin Tunnel Defender from the campaign mission. This affects multiplayer.

We post feedback to this proposal.

Bad 1:

This is a silly change.

Bad 2:

I do not like this. Looks unnecessary.

Good 1:

This change looks suspicious. Could you please explain why the increased damage is desired?

Good 2:

This change is likely undesired, because the Gamma damage of the GLA Toxin Tunnel Defender is already 30% better than the rocket damage of all other faction rocket men, except that of the laser guided missile of the USA Missile Defender (+100% damage). The Toxin General is already one of the strongest factions in the game and raising the Gamma damage of the rockets will elevate its strengths unnecessarily.

Example study 2

We look over several different changes and do not understand their purpose. We would like to ask for clarification before we go into more detailed feedback.


I looked at several changes and half of them made no sense. No idea what you guys are doing.


I looked at these changes ---inserted list of changes--- and it is not clear to me what their purpose is. Some of them appear to be missing a rationale. Could you please update them so I can re-review them?

How to contribute as developer

To make content contributions, aka Pull Requests, either fork this repository and clone that fork, or just clone this repository if you are invited as a Contributor of the TheSuperHackers.

Various Generals modding documents are located here.

Various Generals modding tools are located here.

Change Documentation

Every change for the game needs to be documented.

All documentation ideally is written in the present tense, and not the past.


Fixes particle effect of USA Missile Defender


Fixed particle effect of USA Missile Defender

When a text refers to a faction unit, structure, upgrade or similar, then the unit should be worded without any abbrevations and should be prefixed with the faction name. Valid faction names are USA, China, GLA, Boss, Civilian. Subfaction names can be appended too, for example GLA Stealth.


Fixes particle effect of USA Missile Defender


Fixes particle effect of MD

1. Script Changes and Documentation

Changes ideally are concise and only touch the lines of code that the change relates to. Any changes made to INI and STR files need to be accompanied by a comment where the change is made. The comment can be inlined or put at the begin of the changed block. It must be clear from the change description what has changed.

The expected comment format is

; Patch104p @keyword author DD/MM/YYYY A meaningful description for this change.

The Patch104p word and @keyword are mandatory. author and date can be omitted when preferred.

Keyword Use-case
@bugfix Fixing a bug
@feature Adding something new
@fix Fixing something, but is not a user facing bug
@performance Improving performance
@refactor Moving or rewriting code, but does not change the behaviour
@tweak Changing some values or settings

Block comment sample

  ; Patch104p @bugfix commy2 13/09/2021 Add missing upgrade icon for Anthrax Beta.

  UpgradeCameo1 = Upgrade_GLAAnthraxBeta
  UpgradeCameo2 = Upgrade_GLACamoNetting

Inline comment sample

  HideSubObject = Flag01A Flag01B Flag01C ; Patch104p @bugfix commy2 02/10/2022 Hides USA flag.

2. Pull Request Documentation

The title of a new Pull Request is prefixed either with Fix: for being a fix or Change: for being a change that is not a fix, followed by a descriptive title of the change. Documentation and maintenance pulls are exempt of this rule.

The text body begins with links to related issue report(s) and/or pull request(s) if applicable.

To write a link, use the following format:

* Relates to #555
* Follow up for #666
* Fixes #222

Some keywords are interpreted by GitHub. Read about it here.

The text body continues with a description of the change in appropriate detail. This serves to educate reviewers and visitors to get a good understanding of the change without the need to study and understand the associated changed files. If the change is controversial or affects gameplay in a considerable way, then a rationale text needs to be appended. The rationale explains why the given change makes sense.

3. Change Log Documentation

Every change needs to be accompanied with a yaml definition file for the change log generation. It is supposed to contain concise information for the change. The yaml file needs to be created inside the Patch104pZH/Design/Changes folder or the appropriate subfolder. There is a template.yaml file that can be used as a base. The name of the file begins with the number of the Pull Request and a few words to summarize the essence of the change, seperated by underscores. It is possible that a new change extends an existing yaml file instead of creating a new one. In that case a txt file with the same naming rules can be created to refer to the actual yaml file.