- This folder contains all of the files necessary for your color theme extension.
- this is the manifest file that defines the location of the theme file and specifies the base theme of the theme.- To debug a them the json file for the team must exist and it must be added to the package.json file as well.
Location of the them files
- Press
to open a new window with your extension loaded. - Open
File > Preferences > Color Themes
and pick your color theme. - Identify token colors
- Open a file that has a language associated. The languages' configured grammar will tokenize the text and assign 'scopes' to the tokens. To examine these scopes, invoke the
Developer: Inspect Editor Tokens and Scopes
command from the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P
on Mac).
- Open a file that has a language associated. The languages' configured grammar will tokenize the text and assign 'scopes' to the tokens. To examine these scopes, invoke the
- Identify GUI elements/colors
- Open help and toggle developer tools.
- Navigate to the styles section an applied color customizations can be viewed and changed to see the impact of modifying an element.
- Changes to the theme file are automatically applied to the Extension Development Host window.
- The token colorization is done based on standard TextMate themes. Colors are matched against one or more scopes.
To learn more about scopes and how they're used, check out the color theme documentation.
- To start using your extension with Visual Studio Code copy it into the
<user home>/.vscode/extensions
folder and restart Code. - To share your extension with the world, read on https://code.visualstudio.com/docs about publishing an extension.
- Use vscode to connect to wsl
- Use vscode terminal to proceed
- Install Dependencies
- sudo apt install curl
- curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/master/install.sh | bash
- Restart wsl2 terminal
- nvm install --lts
- nvm install node
- git clone https://github.com/TheTaylorLee/pwsh-theme-unofficial
- cd pwsh-theme-unofficial
- npm install -g vsce
- npm install -g yo generator-code
- yo code
- select new color theme
- vsce login
- vsce package
- vsce publish
- Useful for creating the initial theme template