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Robust regex-free, dependency-free password validation library.


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A robust dependency-free, regex-free library for password validation! It lets you compose, combine and/or chain multiple validators to create a validation suite that meets your needs.


npm install @password-validator/core


Password validator exposes 2 APIs for validating passwords:

  1. standard - This allows you register multiple validator classes with the PasswordValidatorManager to build a validation suite.
import { LowerCaseValidator, MaxLengthValidator, MinLengthValidator, PasswordValidatorManager, SpecialCharacterValidator, UpperCaseValidator } from '@password-validator/core';

const pm = PasswordValidatorManager.standard(); // Create a password validator manager

const minLength = new MinLengthValidator(8); // Minimum length of 8 characters
const maxLength = new MaxLengthValidator(16); // Maximum length of 16 characters
const uppercases = new UpperCaseValidator(2); // At least 2 uppercase characters
const lowercases = new LowerCaseValidator(2); // At least 2 lowercase characters
const specialCharacters = new SpecialCharacterValidator(2); // At least 2 special characters

// Register all the validators with the manager
pm.register(minLength, maxLength, uppercases, lowercases, specialCharacters);

// Use the manager to validate passwords
const result = pm.validate('MyPassword123!*') // { valid: true, messages: [] } --> Password is valid
const result = pm.validate('MyPassword123'); // { valid: false, messages: ['must contain at least 2 special characters.'] } --> Password is invalid
  1. fluent - This allows you chain multiple validators together on the PasswordValidatorManager in a more functional programming style. This is useful when you want to validate a password without having to register the validators with the manager. It still uses the same validators as the standard API but provides an interface for chaining them together.
import { PasswordValidatorManager } from '@password-validator/core';

const result = PasswordValidatorManager.fluent()
  .min(6) // Minimum length of 6 characters
  .digit(1) // At least 1 digit
  .specialCharacter(1) // At least 1 special character
  .validate("eihi2kd#"); // { valid: true, messages: [] } --> Password is valid

NB: Ensure to call the validate method with the password to be validated. Without this, the password validation will not be triggered.


A validator is class that can validate a password and return a result. This is used by both the Standard and the Fluent APIs. The library comes with a number of validators (see table below) that can be used to build a validation suite.

Each validator receives a passwordRule (number) argument, which defines the number of expected characters associated with the validator. Consider the following example:

// Standard API
import { MinLengthValidator } from '@password-validator/core';

const pm = PasswordValidatorManager.standard();

const minLength = new MinLengthValidator(10);


const result = pm.validate("eihi2kd#");

// -----------OR---------------

// Fluent API
import { PasswordValidatorManager } from '@password-validator/core';

const result = PasswordValidatorManager.fluent()

The new MinLengthValidator(10) or PasswordValidatorManager.fluent().min(10) defined above means that the passowrd must be atleast 10 characters long to be considered valid.

NB: The only exception to this is the NoSpaceCharacterValidator (PasswordValidatorManager.fluent().noSpace()) which requires no arguments and simply ensures the password contains no spaces.

Conflicting Validators

In a case of conflict validations, for example, a password must be 12 characters long minimum, and also be 8 characters maximum, we throw a PasswordValidatorConflictException error. This is because minimum length cannot be greater than maximum length.

import { MinLengthValidator, MaxLengthValidator } from '@password-validator/core';

const pm = PasswordValidatorManager.standard(); // Create a password validator manager

const minLength = new MinLengthValidator(12);
const maxLength = new MaxLengthValidator(8);

pm.register(minLength, maxLength); // Throws PasswordValidatorConflictException --> `minLength cannot be greater than maxLength`

const result = pm.validate('MyPassword123!*')

Summary Table

Supported Validators and Managers as of now are:

Standard Fluent Description
PasswordValidatorManager.standard() PasswordValidatorManager.fluent() The base instance for validation
DigitValidator(passwordRule: number) .digit(passwordRule: number) specifies password must include passwordRule number of digits
LowerCaseValidator(passwordRule: number) .lower(passwordRule: number) specifies password must include at least passwordRule number of lowercase character(s)
UpperCaseValidator(passwordRule: number) .upper(passwordRule: number) specifies password must include at least passwordRule number of uppercase character(s)
MaxLengthValidator(passwordRule: number) .max(passwordRule: number) specifies password must not exceed passwordRule number of character(s)
MinLengthValidator(passwordRule: number) .min(passwordRule: number) specifies password must not be less than passwordRule number of character(s)
SpecialCharacterValidator(passwordRule: number) .specialCharacter(passwordRule: number) specifies password must include at least passwordRule number of special character(s)
NoSpaceCharacterValidator() .noSpace() specifies password must not include spaces