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241 lines (199 loc) · 6.82 KB

File metadata and controls

241 lines (199 loc) · 6.82 KB


(en) Simple, easy and uncomplicated. Your HTML tables are navigable and editable (like a spreadsheet). View example.

(pt) Simples, fácil e descomplicado. Suas tabelas HTML serão navegáveis e editáveis (como uma planilha). Veja o exemplo.

Simple example:

  <script src="jsimplespreadsheet.js"></script>  
  <table class="this-is-a-example">
     <tr><th> </th><th>  A   </th><th>  B  </th></tr>
     var worksheet = new JSimpleSpreadsheet(your_table_selector);

It's this!

Full usage examples:

Javascript details:

var your_table_selector = '.this-is-a-example';

var worksheet = new JSimpleSpreadsheet(your_table_selector, {

    onFocus: function(colName, rowIndex, valueRaw){
        // Example - onFocus:
        alert('This is ' + colName + rowIndex + ' with focus!');
    onBlur: function(colName, rowIndex, valueRaw){						
        // Example - onFocus:
        alert('Bye ' + colName + rowIndex);
    onChange: function(colName, rowIndex, valueRaw, oldValueRaw, element){					
        // Example - onBlur:
        if (confirm('Accept ' + colName + rowIndex + ' with ' + valueRaw + '?')){
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;  // Undo changes
    theme: 'jsimplespreadsheet.theme.css',
    trSelector: 'tr',
    tdSelector: 'td',
    cellClassSelectorPreffix: 'cell_',
    focusClassSelector: 'focus',
    defaultClass: 'jss_default_class'


// Setting value to A1
worksheet.getCell('A1').setValue('This is A1');

// Setting value to C3 and B4
worksheet.getCell(['C3','B4']).setValue('Both C3 and B4 setValue');

// Getting value from A1
var my_A1 = worksheet.getCell('A1').getValue();

// Getting value from 'total'
var my_total = worksheet.getCell('total').getValue();

// Getting a array of values
var my_array = worksheet.getCell(['A1','C3']).getValue();      

// Disabling C1 and A2

// Disabling A3 (forced)
worksheet.getCell('A3').setEnabled(false, false);

// Checking C1 if enabled
var my_check = worksheet.getCell('C1').isEnabled();

// Add column

// Add row

// ---------
//   TO-DO: 
// ---------

//// Set format
// worksheet.getCell('A4').setFormat(Number);   

HTML details:

<table border="1" class="this-is-a-example">                    
          <td>This is A1</td>
          <td>This is B1</td>                       
          <td data-disabled>disabled cell</td>
          <td data-disabled="force">disabled cell (input disabled)</td>
          <td data-ignore>
                <strong>The JSS will ignore this cell</strong>
          <td data-type="boolean" data-id="test_id" data-value="true">
                This is a label for boolean field
          <td data-name="total">The input will be named 'total'</td>

          <td data-type="number">0</td>
          <td data-type="calendar"></td>
          <td data-type="select" data-options="[{'a':'apple'},{'b':'banana'}]"></td>                      


* v4.0.3
      - Added: calendar
* v4.0.2
      - Clean code: jssCellClass
* v4.0.1
      - Fix column name
* v4.0.0
      - Pure vanilla javascript (removed jQuery dependency)
      - Removed legacy code
      - Added: addRow() e addColumn() 
      - Removed: jsimplespreadsheet.css     
* v3.2.3
      - Final release 3
* v3.2.2
      - allowHideOnDisable changes
* v3.2.1
      - Bugfix: undo
* v3.2
      - Full support to data-type="boolean"
* v3.1.1
      - Basic support to data-type="boolean"
      - Span label -> Label
* v3.1
      - Added options to JSimpleSpreadsheet: <code>cellClassSelectorPreffix</code>, <code>focusClassSelector</code>, <code>defaultClass</code>;
      - Changed: <code>'jss_*'</code> functions to object functions;
      - Changed: <code>String.prototype.trim</code> to <code>$.trim()</code>
      - Changed: themes ('jSimpleSpreadsheet-runner' to 'jss_default_class') 
      - Bugfix: colIndex and rowIndex < 0 ('move to cell' code)
      - Added: data-ignore
* v3.0.3
      - Changed <code>'dataset'</code> to <code></code> (IE Support)
* v3.0.2
      - KeyEvent (IE Support)
* v3.0.1
      - Bugfix: <code>cell.isEnabled</code>;
      - Bugfix: <code>cell.isSelected</code>
* v3.0
      - Removed jQueryUI dependencies;
      - Removed jQuery syntax support;      
* v2.1.1
      - Added 'undo' in JSimpleSpreadsheet object
* v2.1
      - JSimpleSpreadsheet object
* v2.0.1
      - Minimal changes
* v2.0
      - Added full 'undo' support (<code>$(your_table_selector).jSimpleSpreadsheet('undo')</code> )
      - Clean code
      - Added event: onChange
      - Modify <code>onBlur: function(colName, rowIndex, element){} </code>
      - Any tag support ('trSelector' and 'tdSelector' options)
* v1.1.3
      - Bugfix: 'undo' 'onBlur' saving data-value
      - Removed <code> console.log() </code>     
* v1.1.2
      - <code> $(this).html </code> -> <code> this.innerHTML </code>
      - Bugfix: 'disabled span' as text (not HTML)       
* v1.1.1
      - Bugfix: table selector
* v1.1 
      - Theme support;
      - Removed 'change' option;
      - Added 'selected' option;
      - Added wrapper functions 'jSimpleSpreadsheet_';
      - Bugfix: 'undo' in 'onBlur' return false 
* v1.0 
      - First release.