bazel is one of popular morden build tools for C++ project. tRPC-Cpp use bazel to manage the building process from start. And we strongly recommend you use it.
- See setup_env for installation details.
- Commonly used command:
- Use
bazel build ...
to build all the libraries and binaries. - Use
bazel build //relative-path-from-root:bazel_target
to build a specified library or binary. - Add
build --copt=-g --strip=never
to .bazelrc or as command argument to enable debug.
- Use
- Useful learning resources:
You can define a service in proto file using protobuf IDL code. tRPC-Cpp facilitates bazel system to provide a bazel rule trpc_proto_library
. It can generate tRPC RPC stub code and protobuf stub code.
In your project, You can import any proto file and manage their dependency as below:
# use trpc_proto_library to import proto
name = "hello_proto",
srcs = ["hello.proto"],
use_trpc_plugin = True,
rootpath = "@trpc_cpp",
deps = [
# other bazel target defined using trpc_proto_library
# Use cc_library, cc_binary, other cpp rules to import trpc_proto_library rule
name = "user_lib",
srcs = [""],
hdrs = ["xxx.h"],
deps = [":hello_proto"]
PS: You can find stub code at bazel-bin directory after building.
You can check full options of trpc_proto_library as below:
name = "xxx_proto",
srcs = ["xxx.proto"],
use_trpc_plugin = True,
rootpath = "@trpc_cpp",
generate_new_mock_code = False,
enable_explicit_link_proto = False,
deps = [
# other target defined using trpc_proto_library
native_proto_deps = [
# target defined using proto_library
native_cc_proto_deps = [
# target defined using cc_proto_library
- name: Bazel target name. We suggest you define it with
suffix to indicate by imporing this target you can import proto file. - srcs: source file list. You can put a bunch of proto files here although they are irrelevant. But we strongly suggest you define target with file one by one so that the dependency will be clear.
- use_trpc_plugin: True will generate tRPC-Cpp RPC stub code and protobuf stub code(*.trpc.pb.h, *, *.pb.h, * False will generate only protobuf stub code(*.pb.h, * Default to be False.
- rootpath: Required. Keep it as
the same name as you imported in WORKSPACE file. - generate_new_mock_code: Optional(Default False). Set True to get user metadata defined using protobuf option.
- deps: This target will depend on others defined using trpc_proto_library.
- native_proto_deps: This target will depend on others defined by proto_library.
- native_cc_proto_deps: This target will depend on others defined by cc_proto_library.
You can add --define xxx=true
to enable tRPC-Cpp compile options. You can check support options in tRPC-Cpp. Please switch to specifed tag you use when you check.
We use protobuf options to support extension in tRPC. You should import the conresponding proto file to use it.
tRPC-Cpp currently supports below features:
- alias
Scenario: When a service defined in rpc, and you want to access it using http. Need to customize the url.
First, import releative proto file defined by tRPC:
// use `alias` need import trpc_options.proto file
import "trpc/proto/trpc_options.proto";
service Greeter {
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {
option (trpc.alias) = "/cgi-bin/hello"; // You can access this interface via: http://domain/cgi-bin/hello
Then, add dependency at trpc_options.proto
name = "helloworld_proto",
srcs = ["helloworld.proto"],
native_proto_deps = [
# depend on trpc_options.proto
use_trpc_plugin = True,
At last, in the file WORKSPACE located at project root direcotry, import remote repo com_github_trpc_group_trpc:
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")
name = "com_github_trpc_group_trpc",
remote = "",
branch = "main",
Scenario: When a remote repo defined only using proto_library or cc_proto_library and don't want to include tRPC-Cpp. It needs to Directly generated stub code via proto_library or cc_proto_library.
You can do this by referencing below code:
# BUILD file path: test/server/BUILD
name = "rpc_service_proto", # filename of the gerneated stub code
srcs = [], # keep it empty
deps = [], # keep it empty
use_trpc_plugin = True,
rootpath = "@trpc_cpp",
native_proto_deps = [
# Only one target exist here or native_cc_proto_deps
native_cc_proto_deps = [],
# Gerneated trpc stub code path: bazel-bin/test/server/rpc_service_proto.trpc.pb.h
# You can use it in your code: #include "test/server/rpc_service_proto.trpc.pb.h"
Scenario: Not recommend. This is a scenarion that proto file import others from current directory. You should consider using relative path from project root direcotry before this way.
For example, there exists below proto files:
// path: proto/svc/basic.proto
message HelloRequest {
string msg = 1;
message HelloReply {
string msg = 1;
// path: proto/svc/rpc_svc.proto
import "basic.proto";
service Greeter {
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
You should fill strip_import_prefix
option of proto_library
to replace import prefix into empty string("") in proto file.
// proto/svc/BUILD
name = "rpc_svc_proto",
srcs = ["rpc_svc.proto"],
use_trpc_plugin = True,
rootpath = "@trpc_cpp",
native_proto_deps = [
name = "basic_proto",
srcs = ["basic.proto"],
strip_import_prefix = "", # Keep empty string to replace "proto/svc/basic.proto" into "basic.proto".
Scenario: Though protobuf options, one can get custom metadata their defined in proto file. And they may want to get this option using source code.
Enable enable_explicit_link_proto
of trpc_proto_library
in bazel BUILD file as below:
name = "xxx_proto",
srcs = ["xxx.proto"],
use_trpc_plugin = True,
enable_explicit_link_proto = True, # Enable this option
There exists two ways to get meta ata:
Get service metadata: You can get ServiceOptions from ServiceDescriptor by invoking static method
defined in*.trpc.pb.h
. -
Get RPC method metadata after RPC invoke at client: You can get MethodOptions from MethodDescriptor by invoking
defined inClientContext
. You can check below code for details./ 发起下游调用前,获取不到 TRPC_ASSERT(client_ctx->GetProtobufMethodDescriptor() == nullptr); // 发起下游调用,在桩代码里赋值MethodOptions ::trpc::Status status = proxy->YourInvokeMethod(client_ctx, request, &reply); // 业务侧,在发起下游调用后,才可获取到 context->GetProtobufMethodDescriptor() != nullptr;
CMake is a common used build tool in C++ project. tRPC-Cpp support this way to help you intergate into your CMake project.
- Check setup_env for installation details.
- Commonly used command:
- You can start building project by
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j8
. -j8 represents using 8 cpu cores to compile. - Build Debug version:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
. - Build Release version:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
- You can start building project by
- See more usage at CMake tutorial.
We recommend this as it can easily switch tRPC-Cpp version to the lastest and the libs framework depends on can also be imported via a simple SDK target named trpc
For example, you can import in CMakeLists.txt in this way:
# Fetch tRPC-Cpp and add as library
GIT_TAG recommanded_always_use_latest_tag
SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_third_party/trpc-cpp
# Set path of stub code genretated tool(PROTOBUF_PROTOC_EXECUTABLE/TRPC_TO_CPP_PLUGIN will be filled after you import tRPC-Cpp)
# link lib trpc to your target
target_link_libraries(your_cmake_target trpc)
Execute below commands, install tRPC-Cpp to your machine first:
# You can install the lastest verion by: git checkout tags/vx.x.x
git clone
cd trpc-cpp
mkdir build && cd build
# By default, tRPC-Cpp will build as static lib. If you need dynamic lib, add cmake option: -DTRPC_BUILD_SHARED=ON
cmake ..
make -j8
make install # install at /usr/local/trpc-cpp/trpc
Then, import trpc lib in your CMakeLists.txt as below:
# set install path of tRPC-Cpp
set(TRPC_INSTALL_PATH /usr/local/trpc-cpp/trpc)
# Load hearders and libs
# Set path of stub code genretated tool
set(PB_PROTOC ${TRPC_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/protoc)
set(TRPC_CPP_PLUGIN ${TRPC_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/trpc_cpp_plugin)
# add trpc and it's dependent libs
# link lib trpc to your target
target_link_libraries(your_cmake_target trpc)
You can use below CMake function we defined to generate stub code after you importing tRPC-Cpp.
: Will generate files *.pb.h and * which contain protobuf message definition in c++.TRPC_COMPILE_PROTO
: Will generate files *trpc.pb.h and * which contain RPC stub code.
You can use them as belows:
# You should set tools path as before: PB_PROTOC and TRPC_CPP_PLUGIN
# set proto file lists, you can set more at once.
set(PB_SRCS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/xxx/aaa.proto
# @brief Generate corresponding and .pb.h stub code based on proto files
# @param 1: [Output]The generated files from proto files
# @param 2: [Input]The collection of proto files
# @param 3: [Input]Protoc executable program generated during the compilation process in the build/bin directory
# @param 4: [Input]The directory where the CMakeLists.txt of the project is located
# @brief Generate corresponding and .trpc.pb.h stub code based on proto files
# @param 1: [Output]The generated files from proto files
# @param 2: [Input]The collection of proto files
# @param 3: [Input]Protoc executable program generated during the compilation process in the build/bin directory
# @param 4: [Input]trpc_cpp_plugin executable program generated during the compilation process in the build/bin directory
# @param 5: [Input]The directory where the CMakeLists.txt of the project is located
# Add the generated stub code to your build target which depend on them
to enable or disable CMake compile option that tRPC-Cpp supports. Please refer to sepcified framework version your use when you check.
If you import via make install, you should add relative library we defined in trpc_config.cmake.
For example, to enable SSL, you should execute cmake .. -DTRPC_BUILD_WITH_SSL=ON
. And add ${LIB_SSL}
defined in trpc_config.cmake to target_link_libraries
You don't need to do this if you import via external source code. That's one of reason why we recommond to import using this way.