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359 lines (273 loc) · 13.6 KB

File metadata and controls

359 lines (273 loc) · 13.6 KB


Use Bazel

bazel is one of popular morden build tools for C++ project. tRPC-Cpp use bazel to manage the building process from start. And we strongly recommend you use it.

Bazel install and tips

  • See setup_env for installation details.
  • Commonly used command:
    • Use bazel build ... to build all the libraries and binaries.
    • Use bazel build //relative-path-from-root:bazel_target to build a specified library or binary.
    • Add build --copt=-g --strip=never to .bazelrc or as command argument to enable debug.
  • Useful learning resources:



You can define a service in proto file using protobuf IDL code. tRPC-Cpp facilitates bazel system to provide a bazel rule trpc_proto_library. It can generate tRPC RPC stub code and protobuf stub code.

In your project, You can import any proto file and manage their dependency as below:

# use trpc_proto_library to import proto
    name = "hello_proto",
    srcs = ["hello.proto"],
    use_trpc_plugin = True,
    rootpath = "@trpc_cpp",
    deps = [
      # other bazel target defined using trpc_proto_library

# Use cc_library, cc_binary, other cpp rules to import trpc_proto_library rule
    name = "user_lib",
    srcs = [""],
    hdrs = ["xxx.h"],
    deps = [":hello_proto"]

PS: You can find stub code at bazel-bin directory after building.

Full options

You can check full options of trpc_proto_library as below:

    name = "xxx_proto",
    srcs = ["xxx.proto"],
    use_trpc_plugin = True,
    rootpath = "@trpc_cpp",
    generate_new_mock_code = False,
    enable_explicit_link_proto = False,
    deps = [
      # other target defined using trpc_proto_library
    native_proto_deps = [
      # target defined using proto_library
    native_cc_proto_deps = [
      # target defined using cc_proto_library
  • name: Bazel target name. We suggest you define it with _proto suffix to indicate by imporing this target you can import proto file.
  • srcs: source file list. You can put a bunch of proto files here although they are irrelevant. But we strongly suggest you define target with file one by one so that the dependency will be clear.
  • use_trpc_plugin: True will generate tRPC-Cpp RPC stub code and protobuf stub code(*.trpc.pb.h, *, *.pb.h, * False will generate only protobuf stub code(*.pb.h, * Default to be False.
  • rootpath: Required. Keep it as @trpc_cpp the same name as you imported in WORKSPACE file.
  • generate_new_mock_code: Optional(Default False). Set True to get user metadata defined using protobuf option.
  • deps: This target will depend on others defined using trpc_proto_library.
  • native_proto_deps: This target will depend on others defined by proto_library.
  • native_cc_proto_deps: This target will depend on others defined by cc_proto_library.

Bael compile options

You can add --define xxx=true to enable tRPC-Cpp compile options. You can check support options in tRPC-Cpp. Please switch to specifed tag you use when you check.

Protobuf option support

We use protobuf options to support extension in tRPC. You should import the conresponding proto file to use it.

tRPC-Cpp currently supports below features:

  • alias

Extension alias

Scenario: When a service defined in rpc, and you want to access it using http. Need to customize the url.

First, import releative proto file defined by tRPC:

// use `alias` need import trpc_options.proto file
import "trpc/proto/trpc_options.proto";

service Greeter {
  rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {
    option (trpc.alias) = "/cgi-bin/hello"; // You can access this interface via: http://domain/cgi-bin/hello

Then, add dependency at trpc_options.proto:

    name = "helloworld_proto",
    srcs = ["helloworld.proto"],
    native_proto_deps = [
        # depend on trpc_options.proto
    use_trpc_plugin = True,

At last, in the file WORKSPACE located at project root direcotry, import remote repo com_github_trpc_group_trpc:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")
    name = "com_github_trpc_group_trpc",
    remote = "",
    branch = "main",

Other advanced features

Directly generated stub code via proto_library or cc_proto_library

Scenario: When a remote repo defined only using proto_library or cc_proto_library and don't want to include tRPC-Cpp. It needs to Directly generated stub code via proto_library or cc_proto_library.

You can do this by referencing below code:

# BUILD file path: test/server/BUILD
    name = "rpc_service_proto", # filename of the gerneated stub code
    srcs = [], # keep it empty
    deps = [], # keep it empty
    use_trpc_plugin = True,
    rootpath = "@trpc_cpp",
    native_proto_deps = [
      # Only one target exist here or native_cc_proto_deps
    native_cc_proto_deps = [],
# Gerneated trpc stub code path: bazel-bin/test/server/rpc_service_proto.trpc.pb.h
# You can use it in your code: #include "test/server/rpc_service_proto.trpc.pb.h"

Import proto file from relative path

Scenario: Not recommend. This is a scenarion that proto file import others from current directory. You should consider using relative path from project root direcotry before this way.

For example, there exists below proto files:

// path: proto/svc/basic.proto
message HelloRequest {
   string msg = 1;
message HelloReply {
   string msg = 1;

// path: proto/svc/rpc_svc.proto
import "basic.proto";

service Greeter {
  rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}

You should fill strip_import_prefix option of proto_library to replace import prefix into empty string("") in proto file.

// proto/svc/BUILD
  name = "rpc_svc_proto",
  srcs = ["rpc_svc.proto"],
  use_trpc_plugin = True,
  rootpath = "@trpc_cpp",
  native_proto_deps = [

    name = "basic_proto",
    srcs = ["basic.proto"],
    strip_import_prefix = "",  # Keep empty string to replace "proto/svc/basic.proto" into "basic.proto".

Get metadata from proto file

Scenario: Though protobuf options, one can get custom metadata their defined in proto file. And they may want to get this option using source code.

Enable enable_explicit_link_proto of trpc_proto_library in bazel BUILD file as below:

    name = "xxx_proto",
    srcs = ["xxx.proto"],
    use_trpc_plugin = True,
    enable_explicit_link_proto = True, # Enable this option

There exists two ways to get meta ata:

  • Get service metadata: You can get ServiceOptions from ServiceDescriptor by invoking static method XXXImplService::GetServiceDescriptor() defined in *.trpc.pb.h.

  • Get RPC method metadata after RPC invoke at client: You can get MethodOptions from MethodDescriptor by invoking client_ctx->GetProtobufMethodDescriptor() defined in ClientContext. You can check below code for details.

    / 发起下游调用前,获取不到
    TRPC_ASSERT(client_ctx->GetProtobufMethodDescriptor() == nullptr);
    // 发起下游调用,在桩代码里赋值MethodOptions
    ::trpc::Status status = proxy->YourInvokeMethod(client_ctx, request, &reply);
    // 业务侧,在发起下游调用后,才可获取到
    context->GetProtobufMethodDescriptor() != nullptr;

Use CMake

CMake is a common used build tool in C++ project. tRPC-Cpp support this way to help you intergate into your CMake project.

CMake install and tips

  • Check setup_env for installation details.
  • Commonly used command:
    • You can start building project by mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j8. -j8 represents using 8 cpu cores to compile.
    • Build Debug version: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ...
    • Build Release version: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ...
  • See more usage at CMake tutorial.

How to use tRPC-Cpp

(Recommend) Use as external source code

We recommend this as it can easily switch tRPC-Cpp version to the lastest and the libs framework depends on can also be imported via a simple SDK target named trpc.

For example, you can import in CMakeLists.txt in this way:

# Fetch tRPC-Cpp and add as library
    GIT_TAG           recommanded_always_use_latest_tag
    SOURCE_DIR        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_third_party/trpc-cpp

# Set path of stub code genretated tool(PROTOBUF_PROTOC_EXECUTABLE/TRPC_TO_CPP_PLUGIN will be filled after you import tRPC-Cpp)

# link lib trpc to your target
target_link_libraries(your_cmake_target trpc)

Use via make install

Execute below commands, install tRPC-Cpp to your machine first:

# You can install the lastest verion by: git checkout tags/vx.x.x
git clone
cd trpc-cpp
mkdir build && cd build

# By default, tRPC-Cpp will build as static lib. If you need dynamic lib, add cmake option: -DTRPC_BUILD_SHARED=ON
cmake ..
make -j8
make install # install at /usr/local/trpc-cpp/trpc

Then, import trpc lib in your CMakeLists.txt as below:

# set install path of tRPC-Cpp
set(TRPC_INSTALL_PATH /usr/local/trpc-cpp/trpc)

# Load hearders and libs

# Set path of stub code genretated tool
set(PB_PROTOC ${TRPC_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/protoc)
set(TRPC_CPP_PLUGIN ${TRPC_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/trpc_cpp_plugin)

# add trpc and it's dependent libs

# link lib trpc to your target
target_link_libraries(your_cmake_target trpc)

Gerneate stub code for proto file

You can use below CMake function we defined to generate stub code after you importing tRPC-Cpp.

  • COMPILE_PROTO: Will generate files *.pb.h and * which contain protobuf message definition in c++.
  • TRPC_COMPILE_PROTO: Will generate files *trpc.pb.h and * which contain RPC stub code.

You can use them as belows:

# You should set tools path as before: PB_PROTOC and TRPC_CPP_PLUGIN

# set proto file lists, you can set more at once.
set(PB_SRCS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/xxx/aaa.proto

# @brief Generate corresponding and .pb.h stub code based on proto files
# @param 1: [Output]The generated files from proto files
# @param 2: [Input]The collection of proto files
# @param 3: [Input]Protoc executable program generated during the compilation process in the build/bin directory
# @param 4: [Input]The directory where the CMakeLists.txt of the project is located

# @brief  Generate corresponding and .trpc.pb.h stub code based on proto files
# @param 1: [Output]The generated files from proto files
# @param 2: [Input]The collection of proto files
# @param 3: [Input]Protoc executable program generated during the compilation process in the build/bin directory
# @param 4: [Input]trpc_cpp_plugin executable program generated during the compilation process in the build/bin directory
# @param 5: [Input]The directory where the CMakeLists.txt of the project is located

# Add the generated stub code to your build target which depend on them

CMake compile option

Add -DXXX=ON/OFF to enable or disable CMake compile option that tRPC-Cpp supports. Please refer to sepcified framework version your use when you check.

If you import via make install, you should add relative library we defined in trpc_config.cmake.

For example, to enable SSL, you should execute cmake .. -DTRPC_BUILD_WITH_SSL=ON. And add ${LIB_SSL} defined in trpc_config.cmake to target_link_libraries.

You don't need to do this if you import via external source code. That's one of reason why we recommond to import using this way.