From 080ef7c9336bd3d09ea7cc382cfbf9d7852a6353 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: 123outerme <> Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 11:03:44 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Create source --- source | 295 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 295 insertions(+) create mode 100644 source diff --git a/source b/source new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f945465 --- /dev/null +++ b/source @@ -0,0 +1,295 @@ +:DCS +"33333333333333333333333333BBB333333333333B33B33333333333B3B3B3333333333B3B3B33333333B3B3B3B333333333BB3B3B3333333333BBB3B3333333333B3BBB3333333333B333BBB333333333B33B333333333333BBB333333333B3333333333333333B33333333333333B33333333333B3B33B333333333B3B33B3 +If 80>det([[20:Then: +Disp "GET Doors CSE TO RUN!"," +Pause :ClrHome +Return:End +DelVar JDelVar ZClrHome:det(12,20,12 +SetUpEditor ʟSOLSV +If not(dim(ʟSOLSV:{0→ʟSOLSV +real(0,1,1 +real(0,3,4,0,1 +real(0,3,4,0,1 +real(0,1,0,0 +Output(10,1,"v1.0 +Output(2,3,"Solius +Output(4,1,"1. NEW GAME +Output(5,1,"2. LOAD +Output(6,1,"3. EXIT +Repeat K>91 and K<94 or Z:getKey→K +If K=94:1→Z +If K=92 or (K=93 and 1=dim(ʟSOLSV:ClrList ʟSOLSV +End +If not(dim(ʟSOLSV:Then +real(0,3,4,0,1 +real(0,3,4,0,1:1→U:4→M +Output(7,6,"ENTER TO CONFIRM +Repeat K=105:getKey→K +min(8,max(4,M+sum(DeltaList(Ans={24,26→M +If K=24 or K=26 or U:Then +DelVar U +Output(5,12,M +Output(5,13,"* +Output(5,14,M +Output(6,10,M² +Output(6,13,"TILES +:End +End +randInt(2,M-1)+.1randInt(2,M-1→F +randInt(3,24)+.1randInt(3,8→G +{100,1,1,10,1,1,13,5,M,0,F,G,0→ʟSOLSV +real(0,3,4,0,1 +real(0,3,4,0,1 +Output(1,1,"''TRAVEL TO THE FARTHEST +Output(2,1,"POINT FROM YOUR TOWN, AND +Output(3,1,"SLAY THE EVIL ESSENCE +Output(4,1,"THAT LAYS THERE. TRAIN UP +Output(5,1,"FOR YOUR TASK.'' YOU +Output(6,1,"HEAR, FROM A MYSTERIOUS +Output(7,1,"VOICE. +Repeat Ans:getKey +End +If Ans=43:50→ʟSOLSV(4 +End +If not(Z:Then +ʟSOLSV(1→H:ʟSOLSV(2→R +ʟSOLSV(3→L:ʟSOLSV(4→E +ʟSOLSV(5→A:ʟSOLSV(6→B +ʟSOLSV(7→V:ʟSOLSV(8→W +ʟSOLSV(9→M:ʟSOLSV(10→Q +ʟSOLSV(11→F:ʟSOLSV(12→G +ʟSOLSV(13→N +End +SetUpEditor L₁ +{int(F),int(10fPart(F)),int(G),int(10fPart(G))→L₁ +If Z:⁻1→K +While not(K=1 or K=⁻1 or H≤0 or fPart(N)=.1 +If not(J=.2 or J=2:Then +real(0,3,4,0,1 +real(0,3,4,0,1 +End +DelVar J +For(θ,2,9 +Output(θ,1,"I +Output(θ,26,"I +End +For(θ,1,26 +Output(1,θ,"- +End +Output(10,1,"F1--------- , ----------F5 +Output(W,V,"o +If A=1 and A=B:Output(5,13,"A +If F and A=L₁(1) and B=L₁(2):Output(L₁(4),L₁(3),"B +Output(10,12,A +Output(10,14,B +Repeat K=1 or K=⁻1 or J:getKey→K +If Ans>23 and Ans<27 or Ans=34:Then:Output(W,V," +If A=1 and B=1 and W=5 and V=13:Output(W,V,"A +I+1→I +End +min(25,max(2,V+sum(DeltaList(K={24,26→V +min(9,max(2,W+sum(DeltaList(K={25,34→W +Output(W,V,sub("oO",1+(Q>2),1 +(K=11)+2(K=15 or A=L₁(1) and B=L₁(2) and V=L₁(3) and W=L₁(4))+.2(K=105→J +If (A>1 or B>1) and A and B and I>9 and (K=34 or (K>23 and K<27:Then +If 71 or W=9 and A>1 or W=2 and Alength(Ans:" "+Str1→Str1 +If 3>length(Str1:" "+Str1→Str1 +"+ HP - "+Str1+"/100 + ENTER TO SAVE→Str1 +Output(1,2,"STATS MAP SAVE +Repeat K=11 or K=1:getKey→K +If U:Then:DelVar U +If D=1:Then +" +Output(3,1,Ans +Output(4,1,Ans +Output(5,1,Ans +End +If D=2:Then +For(θ,2,M+1 +Output(θ,2," +End:End +If C=1 and H≤20:det(12,11,12 +Output(2,1,sub(Str1,15(C-1)+1,15 +det(12,20,12 +If C=2:Then +For(θ,2,M+1 +For(Y,1,M +Output(θ,2Y,"plotsquare +End:End +Output(M+1,2,"A +Output(M-A+2-not(A),2B+2not(B),"o +End +If C=1:Then:Output(3,1,"+ LVL +Output(3,7,L +Output(4,1,"+ DEFENSE: +Output(4,12,R +Output(5,1,"+ EXP: /100 +Output(5,8,E +End +DelVar U +End +C→D +If K=24 or K=26:Output(1,1+7(C=2)+12(C=3)," +If C=1 and K=24:DelVar K3→C +If C=3 and K=26:DelVar K1→C +min(3,max(1,C+sum(DeltaList(K={24,26→C +Output(1,1+7(C=2)+12(C=3),"° +not(C=D→U +If K=105 and C=3:1→K +End +DelVar J +If K>1:DelVar K +End +If J=2:Then +If A=1 and A=B and V=13 and W=5 and Q>2 and H<100:Then:DelVar QH+15→H +If H>100:100→H +Output(W,V,"^ +End +If A=L₁(1) and B=L₁(2) and V=L₁(3) and W=L₁(4:Then +E+10→E +If E≥100 and L<20:Then +100→H:E-100→E:L+1→L +If .5Ans=int(.5Ans:R+1→R:Output(W,V,"+ +End +randInt(2,M-1)+.1randInt(2,M-1→F +randInt(3,24)+.1randInt(3,8→G +{int(F),int(10fPart(F)),int(G),int(10fPart(G→L₁ +F→ʟSOLSV(11:G→ʟSOLSV(12 +End +rand(8:0 +End +If J=3:Then +real(0,1,1:For(θ,1,15 +real(9:rand(2 +End:Q+1→Q +real(0,3,4,0,1 +real(0,3,4,0,1 +real(0,1,0,0 +Output(5,6,"o +Output(6,4,"------------------ +randInt(1+2(L>6)+2(A>2 and B>2)+3(A>M-1 or B>M-1),4+1(A>2 or B>2)+2(A>3 or B>3)+(A=M or B=M)+(A=M and B=M)+(A=M and B=M and N→Z +Output(5,19,sub("tmTMXΦΩ@δθ",Ans,1 +1→U:12+4Z+2L→T:Ans→S +If H≤20:det(12,11,12 +Output(1,1,H +Output(1,4,"/100 +det(12,20,12 +Output(1,20,T +Output(1,23,"/ +Output(1,24,S +Output(2,16,sub("BABY SKELE BABY WEBS SKELETON WEBS GIANTMAD FALCON UNKNOWN SPIRIT ESSENCE DOUBLE",1+10(Z-1),10 +Output(8,2,"2ND -ATK +Output(9,2,"ALPHA-HEAL (-5 EXP) +Output(10,2,"MODE -FLEE +Output(2,1,"LV. +Output(2,5,L +Output(3,1,"DEF +Output(3,5,R +Output(7,1,"EXP +Output(7,5,E +Output(7,7,"/100 +Repeat H≤0 or T≤0 or X:getKey→K +If Ans=21 or Ans=22 or (Ans=31 and H≠100 and E>4:Then +If Ans=21:Output(5,19,"* +If Ans=31:Output(5,6,"^ +rand(12 +Output(5,6,"o +Output(5,19,sub("tmTMXΦΩ@δθ",Z,1 +If K=21:T-9-3L→T +If K=31:H+9+3L→H +If H>100:100→H +If K=31:E-5→E +If T<0:DelVar T +If K≠22:Output(4,5+13(K=21),9+3L +rand(18:0 +Output(4,5+13(K=21)," +If T≤.2S:det(12,11,12 +Output(1,20," / +Output(1,20,T +Output(1,24,S +det(12,20,12 +If H≤20:det(12,11,12 +Output(1,1," /100 +Output(1,1,H +det(12,20,12 +If K=31:Output(7,5," /100 +If K=31:Output(7,5,E +If K=22:Then +If Z=9 or 7>randInt(int(.5Z),8:1→X +End +If T>0 and not(X:Then +Output(5,6,"* +rand(12 +If 0<7+Z²-2R:H-7-Z²+2R→H +If H<0:DelVar H +Output(5,6,"o +If 0<7+Z²-2R:Output(4,5,7+Z²-2R +rand(18:0 +Output(4,5," +If H≤20:det(12,11,12 +Output(1,1," /100 +Output(1,1,H +det(12,20,12 +End:0:End +:End +If not(T:Then +If H>100:100→H +If Z=9:.1+N→N +If Z=10:20→R +If E+6Z-L+1>E:E+6Z-L+1→E +If E≥100:Then +If L<20:Output(4,2,"LEVEL UP! +rand(10:E-100→E +If L<20 and Ans/2=int(Ans/2:R+1→R +L+(L<20→L:100→H +End:End +DelVar Xrand(25:0 +End +If J=.1:DelVar K +If J=.2:Then +Output(10,6,"ARE YOU SURE?! +Repeat Ans:getKey +End +If Ans=105:⁻1→K +End +::End +If fPart(N)=.1:Then:N+.9→N +real(0,3,4,0,1 +real(0,3,4,0,1 +Output(1,1,"TIMES COMPLETED: +Output(2,1,N +Output(3,1,"LV. +Output(3,5,L +Output(4,1,"HP: /100 +Output(4,5,H +Output(8,1,"CONGRATS! +Output(6,13,"o +Output(9,1,"BUT THERE IS STILL MORE +Output(10,1,"EVIL OUT THERE… +R+5(R=11→R:1→A:1→B +Repeat Ans:getKey +End:1→K +End +If K=1:{H,R,L,E,A,B,V,W,M,Q,F,G,N→ʟSOLSV +If H≤0:DelVar ʟSOLSV +det(12,300:real(0,1,0,1 +DelVar ADelVar BDelVar CDelVar DDelVar HDelVar JDelVar KDelVar LDelVar MDelVar NDelVar RDelVar SDelVar TDelVar VDelVar WDelVar XDelVar YDelVar ZDelVar θDelVar Str1DelVar L₁ClrHome:SetUpEditor