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Connectivity in chemical graph

This is a Python 3.8 script that permits to encode molecules as molecular graph and compare the connectivity of two molecules.


This program used a python3 interface, to run this code you must install on your machine this list of packages:

  • networkx
  • ase

Script Structure

0 - Import the required packages

import networkx as nx
from ase import io, neighborlist, atoms

1 - Function that encode the molecule from the Euclidean space (.xyz) to the corrisponding graph structure, and you will call it in the main of the code.

def FromXYZtoGraph(input_file):
    atoms = ['H','He','Li','C','N','O','F','Na','Si','P','S','Cl']
    atomic_numb = [1,2,3,6,7,8,9,11,14,15,16,17]
    mol =
    #compute neighbor of the atoms in xyz format
    cutOff = neighborlist.natural_cutoffs(mol)
    neighborList = neighborlist.NeighborList(cutOff, self_interaction=False, bothways=True)
    #compure adjacency matrix and atoms list
    adj_matrix = neighborList.get_connectivity_matrix(sparse=False)
    Natom_list = mol.get_atomic_numbers()
    atoms_list = []
    for i,item in enumerate(Natom_list):
        for k in range(len(atomic_numb)):
            if item == atomic_numb[k]:
    #convert in networkx-molecules graph
    for i,item in enumerate(atoms_list):
        tmp_attr = {'atom': item}

2 - Code main: computing the isomorphism between two molecular graph object.

2.1 - Encode the molecoles from .xyz to graph molecule objects, modify the path (example "pathToMolecules/") where your .xyz is locate.

mol_0 = FromXYZtoGraph(pathToMolecules/
mol_1 = FromXYZtoGraph(pathToMolecules/

2.2 - Run the function to control the isomorphism between the two molecules

prop = 'atom'
nm = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.categorical_node_match(prop,prop)

if nx.is_isomorphic(mol0,mol_1,node_match=nm):
    print('Are isomorphic!')
    print('Are NOT isomorphic!')

Associated publication

Please reffer to the following publication to cite our work or retrieve the info:

Structures and Properties of Known and Postulated Interstellar Cations, L.Tinacci et al 2021 ApJS 256 35



This project has received funding within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie for the project ”Astro-Chemical Origins” (ACO), grant agreement No 811312.