Update 10 October 2020:
Configuration details for using the Waveshare Raspberry Pi ILI9341 3.2" Type (B) version 4 LCD with the Arduino Teensy 3.6. Details are at the end of this page.
Update 27 September 2020:
Waveshare have updated all their newer LCD display-dtbs to work with kernel 5.45.
ElectroDragon (EDS) LCD Displays SPI SD-Card Touch Size 1.8 to 4.0 inches
The EDS 2.2" and 2.4" and 2.8" and 3.2" inch displays are ILI9341 at 320x240. Only the 2.2" has no resistive touch overlay.
Use with Teensy Arduino: This display is very similar to the Teensy PJRC.com ILI9341 displays, and the libraries, connection details, and configuration from there can be used unchanged. Refer to Color 320x240 Touchscreen, 2.8 inch, ILI9341 Controller and Color 320x240 Display, 2.2 inch, ILI9341 Controller.
2.4 inch Model 320x240: Top and bottom and schematic:
The SDCard as configured on this model will not function when interfaced with a 3v3 MCU. To correct it, replace the 3 x 1k series resistors R1, R2, R3 with 0 ohm resistors or a solder bridge. Also connect SD-CS to a 10k resistor pullup to 3v3.
The display as supplied is also not in a Raspberry Pi GPIO compatible pin format. Details are given below in Table 1 for connecting to a Raspberry Pi standard 40 pin GPIO connector.
Table 1. Connect the display to Raspberry Pi (3B+ used):
LCD | Pin | RaspPi |
1 Vcc +5v | 2 | +5v |
2 Gnd | 6 | Gnd |
3 LCD-CS | 24 | GPIO 8 |
4 RST Reset | 13 | GPIO 27 |
5 DC | 15 | GPIO 22 |
6 MOSI | 19 | GPIO 10 |
7 SCLK | 23 | GPIO 11 |
8 LED +3v | 1 | +3v3 |
9 MISO | NC |
Note: Sometimes other Raspberry Pi pins are used for Reset and Data/Command such as pin 22 (gpio 25) for reset and pin 18 (gpio 24) for dc. The pin numbers in the table above are those used by the goodtft LCD24-show driver, LCD Wiki LCD24-show, and swkim01 waveshare32b driver. The Waveshare 3.5" Type (B) revision 2 (ILI9486) use pin 22 (gpio 25) for reset and pin 18 (gpio 24) for dc. Similarly some of the other LCD wiki drivers use pin 22 for reset and pin 18 for dc.
Notro has a dts driver for the ili9341 but that uses different dc and reset pins (dc-gpios = <&gpio 24 0>; reset-gpios = <&gpio 23 0>;) and has not been tested (i.e. compiled to a dtbo driver after changing it to reset-gpios = <&gpio 23 1>; for kernel 5.45).
Here are two high resolution photos that show the connection between the EDS ili9341 LCD and a Raspberry Pi3B+. LCD-CS is blue, LCD-Reset is purple, DC is gray, MOSI is green, SCLK is yellow, LED+3v3 is orange, Vcc+5v is red, and GND is brown
I used a nightly kernel 2020-08-12-raspios-buster-nightly-armhf.img, and the dts driver from swkim01, who has compiled a waveshare ILI9340 driver for kernel 5.4 that can also be used for this type of ILI9341 LCD display:
git clone https://github.com/swkim01/waveshare-dtoverlays.git
sudo cp waveshare-dtoverlays/waveshare32b.dtb /boot/overlays/waveshare32b-overlay.dtb
sudo cp waveshare-dtoverlays/waveshare32b.dtb /boot/overlays/waveshare32b.dtbo
After this clone the Zaryob github Zaryob LCD-show:
- Then edit his local copy of LCD35C-show and comment out the sudo reboot at the end.
- Then proceed as shown below, but before doing a manual sudo reboot edit /boot/config.txt:
- Replace the line
with the linedtoverlay=waveshare32b:rotate=270
(i.e add the driver overlay for ili9341 from swkim01). - Also change
hdmi_cvt=480 320 60 6 0 0 0
tohdmi_cvt=320 240 60 6 0 0 0
. If the first is left in place (correct it by adding the missing =), then after reboot the LCD should attempt to display a 480x320 and the hdmi monitor should also display the same image. If the (correct for the LCD) 320x240 setting is used only the LCD will show an image after reboot.
git clone https://github.com/Zaryob/LCD-show.git
cd LCD-show/
chmod +x LCD35C-show
sudo ./LCD35C-show
sudo reboot
Some of the configuration files and the driver files are in the folder kernel545. Although config.txt has lines (hdmi_cvt=320 240 60 6 0 0 0), that should output to the main hdmi monitor, the resolution at 320x240 is too low for the large screen. There is also a video ili9341kernel545.mp4 of the boot process with kernel 5.45 Video2
The result is shown below:
Waveshare 3.2" type B Raspberry Pi SPI display
The Waveshare 3.2" B display, also works with the exact same procedure as outlined for the Electrodragon ILI9341 display above, and using kernel 5.45. The Waveshare display has a direct Raspberry Pi GPIO interface, and do not need individual connections, as in Table 1. It connects to the Raspberry pi as below:
I used a nightly kernel 2020-08-20-raspios-buster-nightly-armhf.img, and the results are as below for 320x240 resolution (LCD only display):
Interestingly, the results for for a 480x320 resolution (LCD (attempted) and monitor display):
I used the 2020-05-27-raspios-buster-full-armhf.img without any updates, and the EDS 2.4" display and the GoodTFT LCD24-show driver.
git clone https://github.com/goodtft/LCD-show.git
chmod -R 755 LCD-show
cd LCD-show/
sudo ./LCD24-show
The result is as shown below:
Connection details are as below for a Teensy 3.6 using the Adafruit ILI9341 library. Waveshare 3.2" LCD (b) rev 4 for raspberry Pi (ILI9340/41 chipset) with Adafruit ILI9341 library and example graphicstest. See LCD32inch(B)-Teensy36.ino for details.
Table 2. Connect the Waveshare LCD type (B) display to Teensy 3.6:
RPi LCD | Pin | Teensy | Pin |
Vcc +5v | 2 | +5v | 5v |
Gnd | 6 | Gnd | Gnd |
SCLK | 23 | SCK | 13 |
MISO | 21 | MISO | 12 |
MOSI | 19 | MOSI | 11 |
CE0 | 24 | LCD-CD | 10 |
GPIO22 | 15 | DC | 9 |
GPIO27 | 13 | Reset | 8 |
The working result is as shown below: