A curation of cool system information fetches.
13-CF/afetch - Simple system info written in C

sticky-tea/afetch - A command-line system information tool written in x86 assembly language

vyxxr/afetch - An alternative and POSIX system info for Unix-like operating systems based on ufetch

archey4 - Archey is a simple system information tool written in Python
archfetch - Simple CLI system information tool for Arch Linux.

bitfetch - Simple fetch written in C.

Bunnyfetch - Tiny system info fetch utility.
bunnyfetch.sh - A small tool, just like a bunny, for information.

cpufetch - Simple yet fancy CPU architecture fetching tool

ferris-fetch - A system information tool for Rustaceans

fet.sh - a fetch written in posix shell without any external commands

freshfetch - A fresh take on neofetch
jfetch - A minimal Linux fetch script

mfetch - A minimal Linux fetch script

mfetch-macos - Minimalist fetch (forked and modified for Mac OS)

Neofetch - A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+
NerdFetch - A POSIX *nix fetch script using Nerdfonts
pfetch - A pretty system information tool written in POSIX sh.
pridefetch - Neofetch clone written in Python with the ability to display pride flags
no im not trans, the colors are really nice tho
pythonfetch - Python and system information command-line tool
rsfetch - Fast (~20ms execution time) and somewhat(?) minimal fetch program written in Rust.
rxfetch - A Cute and Funny looking minimal fetch program in Bash.
screenFetch - The Bash Screenshot Information Tool

ufetch - Tiny system info for Unix-like operating systems

winfetch - A command-line system information utility written in PowerShell. Like Neofetch, but for Windows.
yafetch - Yafetch is a minimal command line system information tool written in C and configured in Lua.

You can help grow this list! Just create a simple issue to request a fetch (possibly yours) to be on this list.
The only requirements are fairly easy and clear instructions on the README, and to function properly (if not specific to an OS) Or you can choose to PR it.
You can also choose to add previews to fetches that don't have them.
To the extent possible under law, TorchedSammy has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
See the LICENSE for more information.