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Marketshare is a fictional eCommerce website built using a microservice arquitecture combining multiple technologies deployed on a local cluster.


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Marketshare is a fictional eCommerce website built using a microservice arquitecture combining multiple technologies deployed on a local cluster.


The application was developed to be submmited as my final project for the course Desarrollo de aplicaciones en la nube (cloud-based application development) that I took as part of my undergrad degree in Ingeniería en Sistemas de Información (Information Systems Engineering) from Universidad Tecnológica Nacional.

This was made for learning purposes only. Some functionality is incomplete and some cuestionable decision were made along the way. Don't expect it to be bugs-free (it's really buggy 🐞 🪲 🪳 )


Marketshare is an eCommerce website intended as a B2B solution where users can create seller or consumer accounts. These account types are also referred to as roles.

  • Sellers: users that represent business and can publish their products catalog.
  • Consumers: they also represent business and are capable of purchasing and rating products by creating purchase orders.

Each user has access to data that is role-specific and account-specific. For instance, sellers are allowed to create and modify products. On their profile, consumers can list their purchases, track orders status and get analytics like total money spent, biggest purchase, etc.


The following is a diagram of the application running inside a kubernetes cluster with minikube.

Application's architecture

External users access the cluster through the HAProxy API Gateway's public IP on port 80. This request gets redirected to the internal frontend service, which targets any pod running the frontend microservice.

From there, communication between services to collect necessary data happens completely within the cluster (expect for MongoDB database queries, which is hosted on the cloud using Atlas). Microservices and database servers (mySQL, postgreSQL and RabbitMQ) reside in separated pods and thus only accessed through the network.

Networking is handled by a linkerd service mesh by running proxies in-between any API request. This deployment forms the linkerd's data plane.

The data plane is used to collect metrics with Prometheus and feed them through a Grafana dashboard. To achieve this swiftly integration, linkerd's viz extension allows for its Prometheus instance to be hooked with a Grafana service installed with Helm.

Throughout the cluster, authorization tokens managed by an authorization microservice are exchanged as all API requests require origin validation with an Authorization header. Access token are issued per user and different endpoint access is granted according to their role.

The application is composed of 6 microservices. The following section outlines their purposes.



The frontend serves the web UI to the clients and relies on the app's backend to manage users' data. Along with the API Gateway, it comprises the app's frontend. Service communication is server-side only using Next's server components and actions.

To handle user's authentication, access and refresh token are stored in the browser. Roles are checked to validate endpoint access. For instance, a consumer account should not be able to access /product/create and will be sent back to /home.


This service creates a server that handles both authentication and authorization using the spring-boot-starter-security and spring-security-jwt dependencies.

The following table lists the exposed endpoints and their correspondence according to the Oauth2 specification.

Server endpoint Oauth2 endpoint Grant type Purpose
/oauth/token /token grant_type=password Get access and refresh tokens with user credentials
/oauth/check_token/ /introspect none Check if a given token is still valid and to whose user it belongs.
/oauth/token /token grant_type=refresh_token Get a new access token using a valid refresh token


Stores users' data in a mySQL database and exposes CRUD operations. The hash function BCrypt is used to encrypt the passwords.

The authorization server asks for client credentials (username and password) anytime it needs to validate a request. It's the only origin allowed to access this information (it has an exclusive permanent access token). The Users microservice will first hide users' password before responding to any other origin.

After a new account is created, a message carrying the account's email and username is published on a message broker. Later, the email service schedules and sends a welcome postcard to the destination.


This service connects to a postgreSQL database through a Prisma client exposing corresponding CRUDs operations. Product images are stored in binary files with their URIs pointed by the product's images column value.

Orders and reviews

Manages both purchase orders and products' reviews stored on an external, cloud-provided, MongoDB database. The following table describes the different status an order can transition through during its lifetime.

Order status Meaning
SIN_STOCK Not enough stock. Rejected
CANCELADO Cancelled by the user
ENTREGADO Delivered to destination

Order progression is simulated by executing updates randomly between every 0 to MAX_TIME_TO_PROGRESS seconds (current default is 10 minutes).

After an order is created or delivered, a message carrying the order's description is published on a message broker. Later, the email service schedules and sends an email to the destination informing the current situation.


Contains a RabbitMQ consumer that listens on multiple queues and receives messages published by microservices described above. It attaches to a direct exchange. Messages are routed based on their routing key and emails are filled and sent with their body data. This is the only asynchronous communication between services.

The message consumer and the orders microservice producer are implemented on Node.js using the nodemailer module as the email carrier. The users microservice producer uses the spring-boot-starter-amqp dependency.

Currently 3 message types (emails) are supported. Their purpose is self-explanatory.



You can left click any image and display a bigger version.

Login and register pages

A seller's home page showing products and clients' orders

A product's page showing product's features and reviews

A consumer's profile page

Page to create/modify a product | Reviewing a product

A 'welcome' postcard email | A postcard informing your purchase order has been received.

Some testing made with Insomnia

How to deploy the application

Run using docker-compose

If you want to run this application on Windows 10/11 do the following.

  1. Inside the .env file on the ms_pedidos folder make the DATABASE_URL point to your desired mongoDB server.
  2. Build the six required images using the Dockerfiles located under the microservices' directory.
  3. Edit the compose.yaml file inside /compose and put your images and any other configuration you want.
  4. Run docker compose up.

Run on a local cluster


I assume you already have minikube installed. Your cluster must have at least 8 GB RAM and 4 CPU cores or performance will be compromised.

  1. Follow the previous 1 and 2 steps to build each microservice image.
  2. Build the database images from their Dockerfiles located under /compose.
  3. Use minikube image load <your image> to install your images inside of Minikube.
  4. Run minikube start --memory <your memory> --cpus=<your cores> to create the cluster.
  5. Inside /kubernetes you can find the definitions to apply the deployments, pods and services.
    • kubernetes-commands.txt contains commands to install additional resources that are required to make all of this work. For additional information you should read the corresponding documentation.
    • volumes creates persistent volumes and claims. Data is stored under minikube's /data/ folder and is automatically persisted on the host.
    • api-gateway definitions to create an HAProxy gateway using Kubernetes's Gateway API. It contains a single TCPRoute that attaches on port 80 and forwards to the frontend service.
    • grafana contains a single definition with an authorization policy that grants Grafana access to Viz's prometheus.


Marketshare is a fictional eCommerce website built using a microservice arquitecture combining multiple technologies deployed on a local cluster.








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