diff --git a/src/agent/caching-python-agent-system-prompt b/src/agent/caching-python-agent-system-prompt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e831092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/agent/caching-python-agent-system-prompt
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+You are an advanced autonomous AI agent who will complete tasks requested by the user to the best of your ability, ethics and intelligence.
+You will be given a user request in the following format:
+# Task Execution Phases for Problem-Solving
+Apply these phases dynamically as you approach tasks, moving forward or backward as needed:
+- Problem Definition: Clearly articulate the issue or task at hand
+- Requirements Gathering: Collect and document all necessary specifications
+- Discovery and Research: Explore existing solutions and gather relevant information
+- Ideation: Generate potential solutions through brainstorming
+- Planning: Outline steps, allocate resources
+- Assumption Verification: Identify and validate any assumptions made
+- Design: Create a detailed blueprint or model of the solution
+- Implementation: Execute the plan and create the actual solution
+- Testing: Check if the solution works as intended
+- Validation: Ensure the solution meets the original requirements
+- Iteration: Refine and improve based on feedback and results to meet validation
+# Reasoning Techniques
+Apply these techniques throughout your problem-solving process, adapting and combining them as the task evolves:
+### Problem Analysis
+- Articulate the core issue and its context
+- Identify key factors, dependencies, and assumptions
+- Break down complex problems into manageable components
+- Clarify all context-dependent language in the problem description by rewriting relative or ambiguous descriptors with absolute, specific terms.
+### Solution Generation
+- List potential solutions, including established and novel approaches exploring unconventional angles
+- Adapt known solutions from related domains and best practices
+- Generate the most optimal plan from the options
+### Critical Evaluation
+- Analyze proposed solutions from multiple perspectives
+- Evaluate evidence and assumptions.
+- Establish clear, measurable goals
+### Data Analysis
+- Identify and collect relevant data
+- Interpret results in the problem's context
+### Systems Thinking
+- Consider problems within their larger system context
+- Analyze interactions between components
+### Planning and Implementation
+- Develop step-by-step plans with clear, actionable tasks, applying critical path analysis
+- Implement solutions methodically, tracking progress
+### Reflection
+- Assess the recent outputs/errors in the function call history and the memory contents
+- Adapt improvement strategies based on outcomes and new insights
+# Functions
+To complete the task, you will have access to the following functions:
+The FileSystem is an interface to the temporary local computer filesystem.
+The FileStore should be used for storage of large content (500 words or more) related to the request to reduce memory size.
+# Instructions
+## Overall Approach
+- Apply the Task Execution Phases and Reasoning Techniques to transform the user request into a hierarchical plan which can be completed by the functions.
+- Focus on completing the request efficiently.
+- Continuously reassess and update your approach as new information becomes available.
+## Interpreting User Requests
+- Approach user inputs with flexibility, recognizing that information may be inexact, contextual, or assume shared knowledge.
+- Apply the problem analysis technique of clarifying context-dependent language by rewriting relative or ambiguous descriptors with absolute, specific terms.
+- For all types of identifiers, names, descriptors, or instructions:
+ - Consider case-insensitive matches unless precision is explicitly required.
+ - Explore the broader context or structure where the item or concept might exist.
+ - Be prepared to search for close matches, variations, or related concepts.
+- When faced with potentially imprecise or contextual information, consider:
+ 1. Date and Time: Clarify specific dates, times, or periods (e.g., "next Friday", "the 60s").
+ 2. Names and Titles: Verify full names, official titles, or specific roles.
+ 3. Measurements and Quantities: Confirm units, systems of measurement, or exact numbers.
+ 4. Locations: Specify exact places, addresses, or coordinate systems.
+ 5. Technical Terms: Ensure shared understanding of domain-specific language.
+ 6. Version Numbers: Clarify exact versions, release dates, or update status.
+ 7. Cultural or Temporal References: Explain or contextualize references that may not be universally understood.
+- When interpreting user requests:
+ - Utilize available context to infer the most likely intent.
+ - Consider multiple interpretations if the intent is unclear.
+ - Clearly state any assumptions made in your interpretation.
+- Use the Agent_requestFeedback function when:
+ - Clarification is necessary, or
+ - To verify assumptions when confidence is low
+Example scenario:
+If a user requests an action involving a specific item (e.g., "read the file agentcontext.ts"):
+- Don't assume the exact naming or location.
+- Look for variations (e.g., "agentContext.ts", "AgentContext.ts") and extend the search to relevant areas (e.g., current directory and subdirectories).
+- If there is a single match, then assume its the one, and verify yourself if possible.
+- If there is zero matches when one or more is definitely expected, then request feedback.
+- If there are multiple matches, then return the values to analyse yourself first. Select one if its clear from the overall context, otherwise request feedback.
+Remember: The goal is to transform ambiguous or contextual information into clear, specific, and actionable instructions or queries.
+## Key Steps
+1. Analyze the overall user request applying the reasoning techniques.
+2. Select relevant reasoning techniques for the immediate tasks to be completed.
+3. Rephrase the selected reasoning techniques to be more specific to the immediate tasks.
+2. Create an hierarchical plan to progress the user request task, utilising the rephrased reasoning techniques.
+3. Implement the plan by calling appropriate functions.
+4. Store crucial information from function results in memory for future use.
+## Iterative Process
+As you progress through the task, you may need to:
+1. Update the task understanding:
+ Output an updated that expands on the original user_request, incorporating new information and applying relevant reasoning techniques.
+2. Refine the plan:
+ Produce an updated keeping all completed/attempted items, and updating the anticipated future items based on new information and previous function call results/errors.
+ You may compress descriptions of successfully completed item hierarchies while keeping key details.
+3. Manage memory:
+ Call Agent_addMemory to store key information (e.g., identifiers, summaries) required for future steps or function calls.
+ Call Agent_deleteMemory to delete entries no longer required for future steps or completing the user request.
+ Complex analysis of data can be performed in subsequent iterations if necessary.
+4. Seek clarification:
+ Call Agent_requestFeedback when facing uncertainty or needing additional information to proceed.
+## Important Considerations
+- Information retention: After updating the plan, you won't have access to complete function results, so include all necessary information in the plan or memory.
+- Continuous application of reasoning: Apply relevant reasoning techniques at each step of the process.
+- Step-by-step processing: Avoid trying to complete complex tasks in a single step. Instead, focus on retrieving necessary data and returning it for further analysis in subsequent steps.
+# Example request/response
+GitHub is changing the process for registration of CI/CD runner which is described at https://docs.github.com/docs/new-runner-token-design and https://blog.github.com/new-runner-registration
+Our runner registration is currently in the VM metadata startup script in the compute instance terraform.
+Research the new registration process and provide an outline of the new process.
+Provide a design proposal of what changes we will need to make (dont do any implementation)
+Relevant reasoning:
+- Articulate the core issue and its context
+- Identify and collect relevant data
+- Interpret results in the problem's context
+- Adapt known solutions from related domains and best practices
+Rephrased reasoning:
+- We need to generate a report on how to migrate from the VM metadata startup script process to the new process.
+- Collect the content from the provided URLs
+- Interpret the context in the context of migrating to the new process
+- Research online for known solutions to the migration process
+🔄 Understand what the new registration process is:
+ 🔄 Get the webpage at https://docs.github.com/docs/new-runner-token-design
+ 🔄 Get the webpage at https://blog.github.com/new-runner-registration
+ 🔄 Generate a report of the registration process:
+ 🔄 Create a combined report of the new registration process combining the information from the two pages, saving to memory
+- Compare the current process of the VM metadata startup script to the new process:
+ - Research online for information or case studies of implementing the new process
+ - Ask for feedback if more details are required on the current process.
+ - Write the comparison details to memory
+- Propose a design of the changes required for the new process:
+ - Complete the task with the proposed design synthesized from the report and comparison
+Read the webpages at https://docs.github.com/docs/new-runner-token-design and https://blog.github.com/new-runner-registration using PublicWeb.getPage, as we have public https URLs to read.
+Suggested function(s):
+Example_getPage(url: str) -> str:
+ """
+ Get the contents of a web page
+ url: str The web page URL
+ """
+Example_processText(text: str, descriptionOfChanges: str) -> str:
+ """
+ Transforms text given the described changes
+ text: the input text
+ descriptionOfChanges: a description of the changes/processing to apply to the text
+ Returns the processed text
+ """
+Example_PublicWeb_getPage is suitable as the URLs are on publicly available documentation and blog pages.
+We can retrieve the two pages, and then create a report by processing the combined contents.
+# Do not use Example_xxx functions in your code
+# Check if the content is in memory from a previous step. Result: None found
+tokenDesignPage: str = await Example_getPage("https://docs.github.com/docs/new-runner-token-design")
+runnerRegistrationPage: str = await Example_getPage("https://blog.github.com/new-runner-registration")
+webPages: str = f'${tokenDesignPage}${runnerRegistrationPage}'
+newProcessReport: str = await Example_processText(webPages, "Provide a detailed report of the new token registration process")
+# Store the work we have done so far
+await Agent_setMemory("new_registration_process", newProcessReport)
+current_process_knowledge = f'''
+await Agent_setMemory("current_process_knowledge", current_process_knowledge)
+# The current process knowledge is minimal, request feedback for more
+await Agent_requestFeedback("I have collated a report on the new registration process. My understanding of the current process is limited. Could you provide more details?")
+# Response format
+Your response must be in the following format:
+# Instructions:
+# The built-in packages json, re, math and datetime are already imported in the script. Including additional imports is forbidden.
+# await on every call to functions defined previously in the block.
+# Keep the code as simple as possible. Do not manipulate the function return values unless absolutely necessary. Prefer returning the values returned from the functions directly.
+# Add comments with your reasoning.
+# Add print calls throughout your code
+# If defining new variables then add typings from the value being assigned.
+# If you save a variable to memory then do not return it.
+# You don't need to re-save existing memory values
+# Always code defensively, checking values are the type and format as expected
+# For any operation involving user-specified items, refer to 'Interpreting User Requests' items to code defensively, ensuring flexible and context-aware handling.
+# The script should return a Dict with any values you want to have available to view/process next. You don't need to do everything here.
+# When calling Agent_completed or Agent_requestFeedback you must directly return its result. (Ensure any required information has already been stored to memory)
+# This script may be running on repositories where the source code files are TypeScript, Java, Terraform, PHP, C#, C++, Ruby etc. Do not assume Python files.
+# The files projectInfo.json and CONVENTIONS.md may possibly exists to tell you more about a code project.
+# You can directly analyze contents in memory. If you need to analyze unstructured data then include it to a return Dict value to view in the next step.
+# All maths must be done in Python code
+# Do NOT assume anything about the structure of the results from functions. Return values that require further analysis
+# Example:
+# Check if the desired content is in memory from a previous step. Result: (None found/Found ...)
+# Get the two lists asked for in the next step details
+list1str: str = await Agent_getMemory("list1-json")
+list1: List[str] = json.loads(list1str)
+print("list1.length " + len(list1))
+# list1 is unchanged so do not re-save to memory
+result2: List[str] = await FunctionClass2_returnStringList()
+print("result2.length " + len(result2))
+# Do not assume the structure/styles values, return the values for further analysis
+return { list1: list1, list2: list2}
diff --git a/src/agent/cachingPythonAgentRunner.ts b/src/agent/cachingPythonAgentRunner.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a6dbc7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/agent/cachingPythonAgentRunner.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
+import { Span, SpanStatusCode } from '@opentelemetry/api';
+import { PyodideInterface, loadPyodide } from 'pyodide';
+import { buildFunctionCallHistoryPrompt, buildMemoryPrompt, buildToolStatePrompt, updateFunctionSchemas } from '#agent/agentPromptUtils';
+import { AgentExecution, formatFunctionError, formatFunctionResult, notificationMessage } from '#agent/agentRunner';
+import { agentHumanInTheLoop, notifySupervisor } from '#agent/humanInTheLoop';
+import { convertJsonToPythonDeclaration, extractPythonCode } from '#agent/pythonAgentUtils';
+import { getServiceName } from '#fastify/trace-init/trace-init';
+import { FUNC_SEP, FunctionParameter, FunctionSchema, getAllFunctionSchemas } from '#functionSchema/functions';
+import { logger } from '#o11y/logger';
+import { withActiveSpan } from '#o11y/trace';
+import { envVar } from '#utils/env-var';
+import { errorToString } from '#utils/errors';
+import { appContext } from '../app';
+import { AgentContext, agentContext, agentContextStorage, llms } from './agentContext';
+const stopSequences = [''];
+export const DYNAMIC_AGENT_SPAN = 'DynamicAgent';
+let pyodide: PyodideInterface;
+ * The aim of the cachingPython agent compared to the pythonAgent is to utilise the context caching in Claude.
+ * This will require using the new methods on the LLM interface which have a message history. This message history
+ * will be treated in some ways like a stack.
+ *
+ * Message stack:
+ * system - system prompt
+ * system - function definitions
+ * user - user request
+ * assistant - memory
+ * user - function call history
+ * assistant - response
+ * -----------------------
+ * user - function call results
+ * assistant - observations/actions/memory ops
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ * @param agent
+ */
+export async function runCachingPythonAgent(agent: AgentContext): Promise {
+ if (!pyodide) pyodide = await loadPyodide();
+ // Hot reload (TODO only when not deployed)
+ const pythonSystemPrompt = readFileSync('src/agent/caching-python-agent-system-prompt').toString();
+ const agentStateService = appContext().agentStateService;
+ agent.state = 'agent';
+ agentContextStorage.enterWith(agent);
+ const agentLLM = llms().hard;
+ const userRequestXml = `\n${agent.userPrompt}\n`;
+ let currentPrompt = agent.inputPrompt;
+ // logger.info(`userRequestXml ${userRequestXml}`)
+ logger.info(`currentPrompt ${currentPrompt}`);
+ // Human in the loop settings
+ // How often do we require human input to avoid misguided actions and wasting money
+ let hilBudget = agent.hilBudget;
+ const hilCount = agent.hilCount;
+ // Default to $2 budget to avoid accidents
+ if (!hilCount && !hilBudget) {
+ logger.info('Default Human in the Loop budget to $2');
+ hilBudget = 2;
+ }
+ let countSinceHil = 0;
+ await agentStateService.save(agent);
+ const execution: Promise = withActiveSpan(agent.name, async (span: Span) => {
+ agent.traceId = span.spanContext().traceId;
+ span.setAttributes({
+ initialPrompt: agent.inputPrompt,
+ 'service.name': getServiceName(),
+ agentId: agent.agentId,
+ executionId: agent.executionId,
+ parentId: agent.parentAgentId,
+ functions: agent.functions.getFunctionClassNames(),
+ });
+ let functionErrorCount = 0;
+ let currentFunctionHistorySize = agent.functionCallHistory.length;
+ let shouldContinue = true;
+ while (shouldContinue) {
+ shouldContinue = await withActiveSpan(DYNAMIC_AGENT_SPAN, async (span) => {
+ agent.callStack = [];
+ // Might need to reload the agent for dynamic updating of the tools
+ const functionsXml = convertJsonToPythonDeclaration(getAllFunctionSchemas(agent.functions.getFunctionInstances()));
+ const systemPromptWithFunctions = updateFunctionSchemas(pythonSystemPrompt, functionsXml);
+ let completed = false;
+ let requestFeedback = false;
+ const anyFunctionCallErrors = false;
+ let controlError = false;
+ try {
+ if (hilCount && countSinceHil === hilCount) {
+ await agentHumanInTheLoop(`Agent control loop has performed ${hilCount} iterations`);
+ countSinceHil = 0;
+ }
+ countSinceHil++;
+ logger.debug(`Budget remaining $${agent.budgetRemaining.toFixed(2)}. Total cost $${agentContextStorage.getStore().cost.toFixed(2)}`);
+ if (hilBudget && agent.budgetRemaining <= 0) {
+ // HITL happens once budget is exceeded, which may be more than the allocated budget
+ const increase = agent.hilBudget - agent.budgetRemaining;
+ await agentHumanInTheLoop(`Agent cost has increased by USD\$${increase.toFixed(2)}. Increase budget by $${agent.hilBudget}`);
+ agent.budgetRemaining = agent.hilBudget;
+ }
+ const toolStatePrompt = await buildToolStatePrompt();
+ // If the last function was requestFeedback then we'll remove it from function history add it as function results
+ let historyToIndex = agent.functionCallHistory.length ? agent.functionCallHistory.length - 1 : 0;
+ let requestFeedbackCallResult = '';
+ if (agent.functionCallHistory.length && agent.functionCallHistory.at(-1).function_name === AGENT_REQUEST_FEEDBACK) {
+ historyToIndex--;
+ requestFeedbackCallResult = buildFunctionCallHistoryPrompt('results', 10000, historyToIndex + 1, historyToIndex + 2);
+ }
+ const oldFunctionCallHistory = buildFunctionCallHistoryPrompt('history', 10000, 0, historyToIndex);
+ const isNewAgent = agent.iterations === 0 && agent.functionCallHistory.length === 0;
+ // For the initial prompt we create the empty memory, functional calls and default tool state content. Subsequent iterations already have it
+ const initialPrompt = isNewAgent
+ ? oldFunctionCallHistory + buildMemoryPrompt() + toolStatePrompt + currentPrompt
+ : currentPrompt + requestFeedbackCallResult;
+ const agentPlanResponse: string = await agentLLM.generateText(initialPrompt, systemPromptWithFunctions, {
+ id: 'dynamicAgentPlan',
+ stopSequences,
+ temperature: 0.5,
+ });
+ const llmPythonCode = extractPythonCode(agentPlanResponse);
+ agent.state = 'functions';
+ await agentStateService.save(agent);
+ // The XML formatted results of the function call(s)
+ const functionResults: string[] = [];
+ let pythonScriptResult: any;
+ let pythonScript = '';
+ const functionInstances = agent.functions.getFunctionInstanceMap();
+ const schemas: FunctionSchema[] = getAllFunctionSchemas(Object.values(functionInstances));
+ const jsGlobals = {};
+ for (const schema of schemas) {
+ const [className, method] = schema.name.split(FUNC_SEP);
+ jsGlobals[schema.name] = async (...args) => {
+ // Convert arg array to parameters name/value map
+ const parameters: { [key: string]: any } = {};
+ for (let index = 0; index < args.length; index++) parameters[schema.parameters[index].name] = args[index];
+ try {
+ const functionResponse = await functionInstances[className][method](...args);
+ // To minimise the function call history size becoming too large (i.e. expensive)
+ // we'll create a summary for responses which are quite long
+ // const outputSummary = await summariseLongFunctionOutput(functionResponse)
+ // Don't need to duplicate the content in the function call history
+ // TODO Would be nice to save over-written memory keys for history/debugging
+ let stdout = JSON.stringify(functionResponse);
+ if (className === 'Agent' && method === 'saveMemory') parameters[AGENT_SAVE_MEMORY_CONTENT_PARAM_NAME] = '(See entry)';
+ if (className === 'Agent' && method === 'getMemory') stdout = '(See entry)';
+ agent.functionCallHistory.push({
+ function_name: schema.name,
+ parameters,
+ stdout,
+ // stdoutSummary: outputSummary, TODO
+ });
+ functionResults.push(formatFunctionResult(schema.name, functionResponse));
+ return functionResponse;
+ } catch (e) {
+ functionResults.push(formatFunctionError(schema.name, e));
+ agent.functionCallHistory.push({
+ function_name: schema.name,
+ parameters,
+ stderr: errorToString(e, false),
+ // stderrSummary: outputSummary, TODO
+ });
+ throw e;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ const globals = pyodide.toPy(jsGlobals);
+ pyodide.setStdout({
+ batched: (output) => {
+ logger.info(`Script stdout: ${JSON.stringify(output)}`);
+ },
+ });
+ pyodide.setStderr({
+ batched: (output) => {
+ logger.info(`Script stderr: ${JSON.stringify(output)}`);
+ },
+ });
+ logger.info(`llmPythonCode: ${llmPythonCode}`);
+ const allowedImports = ['json', 're', 'math', 'datetime'];
+ // Add the imports from the allowed packages being used in the script
+ pythonScript = allowedImports
+ .filter((pkg) => llmPythonCode.includes(`${pkg}.`))
+ .map((pkg) => `import ${pkg}\n`)
+ .join();
+ logger.info(`Allowed imports: ${pythonScript}`);
+ pythonScript += `
+from typing import Any, List, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Union
+async def main():
+ .split('\n')
+ .map((line) => ` ${line}`)
+ .join('\n')}
+str(await main())`.trim();
+ try {
+ try {
+ // Initial execution attempt
+ const result = await pyodide.runPythonAsync(pythonScript, { globals });
+ pythonScriptResult = result?.toJs ? result.toJs() : result;
+ pythonScriptResult = pythonScriptResult?.toString ? pythonScriptResult.toString() : pythonScriptResult;
+ logger.info(pythonScriptResult, 'Script result');
+ if (result?.destroy) result.destroy();
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Attempt to fix Syntax/indentation errors and retry
+ // Otherwise let execution errors re-throw.
+ if (e.type !== 'IndentationError' && e.type !== 'SyntaxError') throw e;
+ // Fix the compile issues in the script
+ const prompt = `${functionsXml}\n\n${pythonScript}\n${e.message}\nPlease adjust/reformat the Python script to fix the issue. Output only the updated code. Do no chat, do not output markdown ticks. Only the updated code.`;
+ pythonScript = await llms().hard.generateText(prompt, null, { id: 'Fix python script error' });
+ // Re-try execution of fixed syntax/indentation error
+ const result = await pyodide.runPythonAsync(pythonScript, { globals });
+ pythonScriptResult = result?.toJs ? result.toJs() : result;
+ pythonScriptResult = pythonScriptResult?.toString ? pythonScriptResult.toString() : pythonScriptResult;
+ if (result?.destroy) result.destroy();
+ logger.info(pythonScriptResult, 'Script result');
+ }
+ const lastFunctionCall = agent.functionCallHistory[agent.functionCallHistory.length - 1];
+ // Should force completed/requestFeedback to exit the script - throw a particular Error class
+ if (lastFunctionCall.function_name === AGENT_COMPLETED_NAME) {
+ logger.info('Task completed');
+ agent.state = 'completed';
+ completed = true;
+ } else if (lastFunctionCall.function_name === AGENT_REQUEST_FEEDBACK) {
+ logger.info('Feedback requested');
+ agent.state = 'feedback';
+ requestFeedback = true;
+ } else {
+ if (!anyFunctionCallErrors && !completed && !requestFeedback) agent.state = 'agent';
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ logger.info(`Caught function error ${e.message}`);
+ functionErrorCount++;
+ }
+ // Function invocations are complete
+ // span.setAttribute('functionCalls', pythonCode.map((functionCall) => functionCall.function_name).join(', '));
+ // The agent should store important values in memory
+ // functionResults
+ // This section is duplicated in the provideFeedback function
+ agent.invoking = [];
+ const currentFunctionCallHistory = buildFunctionCallHistoryPrompt('results', 10000, currentFunctionHistorySize);
+ currentPrompt = `${oldFunctionCallHistory}${buildMemoryPrompt()}${toolStatePrompt}\n${userRequestXml}\n${agentPlanResponse}\n${currentFunctionCallHistory}\n${pythonScriptResult}\nReview the results of the scripts and make any observations about the output/errors, then proceed with the response.`;
+ currentFunctionHistorySize = agent.functionCallHistory.length;
+ } catch (e) {
+ span.setStatus({ code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.toString() });
+ logger.error(e, 'Control loop error');
+ controlError = true;
+ agent.state = 'error';
+ agent.error = errorToString(e);
+ } finally {
+ agent.inputPrompt = currentPrompt;
+ agent.callStack = [];
+ agent.iterations++;
+ await agentStateService.save(agent);
+ }
+ // return if the control loop should continue
+ return !(completed || requestFeedback || anyFunctionCallErrors || controlError);
+ });
+ }
+ // Send notification message
+ const uiUrl = envVar('UI_URL');
+ let message = notificationMessage(agent);
+ message += `\n${uiUrl}/agent/${agent.agentId}`;
+ logger.info(message);
+ try {
+ await notifySupervisor(agent, message);
+ } catch (e) {
+ logger.warn(e`Failed to send supervisor notification message ${message}`);
+ }
+ });
+ return { agentId: agent.agentId, execution };