- Double-click the launch button, it will create a Click void (Everything you put in here will be done after clicking the button it's assigned to).
- Create 4 strings and name them:
- FNPath
- FNExePath
- FNExeName
- LaunchArgs
- Assign these values to the strings you've just created:
- FNPath = PathTextBox.Text
- FNExePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(this.PathTextBox.Text, "FortniteGame\Binaries\Win64\FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe")
- FNExeName = "FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe"
- LaunchArgs = "-AUTH_LOGIN=" + MailTextBox.Text + " -AUTH_PASSWORD=" + PassTextBox.Text + " -AUTH_TYPE=epic" + "-noeac -fromfl=be -fltoken=h1h4370717422124b232eFac -epicapp=Fortnite -epicenv=Prod -epiclocale=en-us -epicportal"