#Soru 2) 1980’den itibaren herhangi bir spor grubunda üst üste 3 veya daha fazla madalya almış atletleri bulalım.
Declare year_ INT64 Default 1980;
Create table if not Exists asiyenur_yilmaz.temp (
`athlete` String
Create temporary table if not Exists athletes as (select athlete, year from asiyenur_yilmaz.summer_medals where year >= 1980 group by athlete, year)
While year_ <= 2020 Do
Insert into asiyenur_yilmaz.temp
(Select athlete from athletes where year = (year_ + 8) and athlete in
(Select athlete from athletes where year = (year_ + 4) and athlete in
(Select athlete from athletes where year = year_)));
Set year_ = year_ + 4;
End While;