Repository used to store useful git resources and basic git commands.

Fun shields with custom colors, icons and styles.
For example: -
List icons/logos for images. -
Generates quick stats animated image -
Generates a fun graph showing github activity -
Very useful video covering how to use git professionally. - Git Workflow Strategies
Some useful rules and strategies - Git Cheat Sheet
A list of basic git commands - Commonly Used Emojis
A list of some of my favorite emojis
- Commits should only include changes from the same topic in a single commit.
- Commit message subject: Subject should be concise summary of what happened.
- Commit message body: More detailed explanation (what is now different? Reason, etc...)
- Consider creating a written branch convention to avoid collisions or mistakes.
e.g. Few branches, relatively small commits, high-quality testing & QA standards
- Consider creating long-running and short-lived branches to enhance structures & workflows.
e.g. Release, Dev, Feature, Stages, etc…
- Avoid direct commits. Always push the code to a development brush to be tested and reviewed before committing to it.
- Take inspiration for branching from well structures already existing models such as “Github Flow” or “GitFlow”.
- Pull Requests: Fork (Personal Copy) -> Make Changes -> Make Pull request to include changes.
Opens Help Page
git config --help
Shows help for specific action
git <verb> --help
git help <verb>
Returns Version
git --version
Sets Initial Settings
git config --global "FirstName LastName"
git config --global "userEmail"
Returns Current Settings
git config --list
Initialize Directory
git init
Stop Tracking Directory
rm -rf .git
Create gitignore File
touch .gitignore
e.g. *.pyc
e.g. .DS_Store -
Check Status of Current Directory
git status
Add All Files to Staging Area
git add .
git add -A
Add a Files to Staging Area
git add fileName.ext
Resets Entire Current Staging Area
git reset
Removes Specific File from Staging Area
git reset fileName.ext
Commit With Small Message
git commit -m "<message>"
Send Committed Files to Repository
git push
Show the Current Commit
git log
Cloning a Remote Repository
git clone <URL>
git clone <URL> <DIRECTORY>
Info about the Repository
git remote -v
Returns All Branches
git branch -a
Show Changes Since Last Commit
git diff
Download Changes (Should Pull after Pushing)
git pull
Create Branch
git branch <branch-name>
git branch
git checkout <branch-name>
git checkout -b <branch-name>
(Create and switch to the branch)
Changes current remote repository
git remote set-url origin <URL>
git remote set-url origin https*//
Shows difference between old and new file
git diff
Creates and Switches to branch for desired feature
git branch <New-Branch-Name>
git checkout <New-Branch-Name>
Push to Specific Branch
git push -u origin <New-Branch-Name>
Returns Branches that have been merged so far
git branch --merged
Merge Another Branch with Current Branch
git merge <Branch-Name>
git push origin master
Deleting a Branch
git branch --merged
git branch -d <Branch-Name>
git push origin --delete <Branch-Name>
Misc Commands:
git pull origin master
(fetches commits from the master branch)git checkout -b <branch-name>
(-b : new branch)git branch
(tells you what branch you're using)git push origin dev
(pushes to specific branch)git add -p fileName.ext
(Allows for patch level commits)
ico | shortcode | ico | shortcode |
😂 | :joy: |
😅 | :sweat_smile: |
😉 | :wink: |
😊 | :blush: |
🥰 | :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: |
😍 | :heart_eyes: |
🤩 | :star_struck: |
😘 | :kissing_heart: |
😜 | :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: |
🤪 | :zany_face: |
🤨 | :raised_eyebrow: |
🤔 | :thinking: |
😏 | :smirk: |
🙄 | :roll_eyes: |
😬 | :grimacing: |
😵 | :dizzy_face: |
😎 | :sunglasses: |
🥳 | :partying_face: |
🤓 | :nerd_face: |
😱 | :scream: |
😲 | :astonished: |
😮 | :open_mouth: |
😲 | :astonished: |
😮 | :open_mouth: |
👻 | :ghost: |
🙈 | :see_no_evil: |
❤️ | :heart: |
💣 | :bomb: |
👋 | :wave: |
🤘 | :metal: |
👍 | :thumbsup: |
🙌 | :raised_hands: |
🙅 | :no_good_woman: |
🙅♂️ | :no_good_man: |
🤷 | :woman_shrugging: |
🤷♂️ | :man_shrugging: |
👩💻 | :woman_technologist: |
👨💻 | :man_technologist: |
👨🚀 | :man_astronaut: |
🧙 | :mage: |
🏃♀️ | :running_woman: |
🏃♂️ | :running_man: |
🦝 | :raccoon: |
👣 | :footprints: |
🐧 | :penguin: |
🐹 | :hamster: |
🦜 | :parrot: |
🦆 | :duck: |
🐍 | :snake: |
🦕 | :sauropod: |
🐙 | :octopus: |
🐳 | :whale: |
🕷️ | :spider: |
🕸️ | :spider_web: |
🌷 | :tulip: |
🍁 | :maple_leaf: |
🍉 | :watermelon: |
🍒 | :cherries: |
🥕 | :carrot: |
🍆 | :eggplant: |
🍖 | :meat_on_bone: |
🍗 | :poultry_leg: |
🍕 | :pizza: |
🦞 | :lobster: |
🍩 | :doughnut: |
🍪 | :cookie: |
🍬 | :candy: |
🎂 | :birthday: |
☕ | :coffee: |
🧃 | :beverage_box: |
🌎 | :earth_americas: |
🏗️ | :building_construction: |
🚂 | :steam_locomotive: |
🚗 | :car: |
🚀 | :rocket: |
🌡️ | :thermometer: |
🌟 | :star2: |
🌌 | :milky_way: |
☃️ | :snowman_with_snow: |
🎈 | :balloon: |
💧 | :droplet: |
🔥 | :fire: |
🧨 | :firecracker: |
🎉 | :tada: |
🎮 | :video_game: |
🎊 | :confetti_ball: |
🕹️ | :joystick: |
💎 | :gem: |
🎧 | :headphones: |
🎺 | :trumpet: |
📕 | :closed_book: |
📗 | :green_book: |
📘 | :blue_book: |
📙 | :orange_book: |
📚 | :books: |
📓 | :notebook: |
📜 | :scroll: |
📃 | :page_with_curl: |
🖌️ | :paintbrush: |
✏️ | :pencil2: |
📌 | :pushpin: |
📍 | :round_pushpin: |
✂️ | :scissors: |
🔑 | :key: |
🔨 | :hammer: |
🪓 | :axe: |
⛏️ | :pick: |
⚒️ | :hammer_and_pick: |
🛠️ | :hammer_and_wrench: |
🔫 | :gun: |
⚙️ | :gear: |
🧰 | :toolbox: |
📡 | :satellite: |
🧬 | :dna: |
💉 | :syringe: |
🩸 | :drop_of_blood: |
🛒 | :shopping_cart: |
☢️ | :radioactive: |
❓ | :question: |
:bangbang: |
✔️ | :heavy_check_mark: |
❌ | :x: |
🟢 | :green_circle: |
🔴 | :red_circle: |
🏴☠️ | :pirate_flag: |
:warning: |