All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.1.0 (2022-03-26)
- chatroom: add spinner in chatroom when fetching data (6f97fc7)
- countdowntimer: add countdownTimer of component (fe086a1)
- error_page: add custom 404 page (26caa5a)
- errorpage: hadle error about the chatroom does not exist (3b435da)
- expired_rules: add a one-day expiration rule (2586fe8)
- fcm: add web push notification of FCM (5b801c8)
- message: set default avatar photo (f0fbc2c)
- notification: add link (4d2f999)
- notification: custom notification (6bc1606)
- notification: duplicate notification and move FCM init to chatroom (c9f1a05)
- pwa: add pwa by next-pwa and add some icons (4343924)
- redux: add redux of geolocation (844695e)
- url: push lat and lng into url (024c6a7)
- chatroom: getFirestore error on server side (7aae61f)
- compass & modal: eSLint of compass & modal component (2195ca0)
- countdowntimer: show '--:--:--' when timer is ended (4ac5832)
- countdowntimer: wrong trigger timing about onEnd() (3dff5c9)
- FireStore: sync with FireStore when token updated (8969dfb)
- home: create chatroom double times (70dd302)
- index: went wrong with create chatroom (7e888c5)
- spinner: wrong args of spinner storybook (e3dd238)
- button: add button component (05c66b9)
- chatroom: add chatroom page & messageInputArea component and modify message component (dce2121)
- chatroom: add login top bar & modify button component (cf26042)
- chatroom: modify chatroom auth flow (1447b41)
- compass: add compass component on map (353497e)
- firebase: add new field of user name (55f2d1c)
- googleMap: add googleMap component (3f69a42)
- homePage: add home page (06139b5)
- marker: add marker component (4558d9b)
- markerInfoWindow: add infoWindow of marker (51af9b0)
- message: add username info (0d3a9a4)
- modal: transition animation of modal background (035be9c)
- spinner: add loading animation (92d61b7)
- storybook: add dark theme (61785bf)
- util: add util of get user location (9e9b763)
- chatroom: scroll to bottom when get new message (55cdd05)
- firebase: auth popup window be blocked on Safari (219973e)
- map: control buttons style when click on mobile (d0468c4)
- marker: rearrange the order of markers determined by latitude (32ef7da)
- message & marker: send message when user click 'Enter' & modify marker size from 64px to 48px (9802231)
- message & marker: wrong style on safari (6d6c6c8)
- message: modify message component & storybook (e3668cf)
- storybook: svg ReactComponent (1c14d0a)