When you are recommended something it's not always easy to jot it down for later in an organized fashion. Adding the item to your phone or computer ends up taking time and opening up the right app is only part of the problem. You then have to locate the right list ("Movies to watch", "Books to read", etc.) to add to. And if you do get it in to the right list, you don't have much more context about it. This delay and lack of additional information acts as a huge deterrent.
The solution? A smart, auto-categorizing todo list app. The user simply has to add the name of the thing, and it gets put into the correct list.
- Get a Google Places API key (https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/intro).
- Get a Amazon Product Advertising API key (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/latest/DG/becomingDev.html).
- Create the .env by using .env.example as a reference: cp .env.example .env.
- Update the .env file with your correct information.
- Install dependencies using the
npm install
command. - Prepare your database with
knex migrate:latest
ornpm run knex migrate:latest
command. - Seed category keywords with
knex seed:run
ornpm run knex seed:run
command. - Start the web server using the
npm run local
command. - Go to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.
- Node 5.10.x or above
- NPM 3.8.x or above
- google-maps-services-js 0.4.3
- amazon-product-api 0.4.4
- bcrypt 1.0.3
- body-parser 1.15.2
- bootstrap 4.0.0
- cookie-session 1.3.2
- dotenv 2.0.0
- ejs 2.4.1
- express 4.13.4
- knex 0.11.7
- knex-logger 0.1.0
- morgan 1.7.0
- node-sass-middleware 0.9.8
- pg 6.0.2
- popper.js 1.12.5
- string-similarity 1.2.0