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File metadata and controls

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User Guide

Before Continuing with this User Guide, please make sure you have deployed the frontend and backend stacks.

Once you have deployed the solution, the following user guide will help you navigate the functions available.

Index Description
Login Creating an Admin user and logging in
Hydrophone Tabs Description of available hydrophone information
Operator Profile Walkthrough of the Operator view and functionaliies
Admin Dashboard Walkthrough of the Admin view and functionalities


If you have already logged in, you can continue to Hydrophone Tabs. Otherwise, the following section will walkthrough creating an Admin user and logging in to the Admin page.

In the AWS Console:

  1. Search for Amazon Cognito in the search bar and click on it. cognito console search

  2. Select the noiseTrackerUserPool user pool user pool

  3. Next, we will create a user. Under Users, click on Create user. create user button

  4. Under User information:

    • Select Send an email invitation

    • Input the user's username. This is what will be used to login to the app.

    • Input the user's email address and mark as verified

    • Select Generate a password

    • Click Create user

      create user button

  5. Next, we will add this user to the ADMIN_USER group. Click into the newly added user, then under Group memberships, click on Add user to a group add user to group button

  6. Select the ADMIN_USER group then click Add add user to group

Great! Now you can login with the newly created admin user. Check your email for the temporary password to sign in. temporary password

Upon sign in, you will be asked to change your password.

login page

Hydrophone Tabs

The interactive map page is the default page after logging in. interactive map

This map displays a clickable icon for each hydrophone in the database. Once clicked, information about the hydrophone and its metrics are available through the following tabs:

  • Overview - plots for decibel level broadband and specific frequency bands
  • Noise Metrics- interactive spectrogram and Sound Pressure Level diagrams
  • Trends - placeholder for future trend data
  • Station Information - description of hydrophone metadata


Users can view the latest broadband dB level and latest dB levels in specific frequency bands overlaid on monthly averages through a gauge chart. overview tab

Noise Metrics

Users can view spectrograms showing the acoustic soundscape over the past 24 hours. Previous data up to a week into the past is also available. Time is represented on the horizontal axis, frequency on the vertical axis, and the amplitude of the sound is represented on a colour spectrum.

noise metrics tab spectrogram

Sound Pressure Levels in specific frequency bands over the last 24 hours are also viewable.

noise metrics tab spl


This tab is a placeholder for the future development longer-term noise trends.

trends tab

Station Information

Users can view hydrophone metadata; these include the hydrophone's:

  • Site
  • Location (in coordinates)
  • Brand and Model
  • Mounting Type (bottom-mount, surface buoy, etc.)
  • Height from seafloor (m)
  • Sampling frequency (kHz)
  • Depth (m, at median tide)
  • First Deployed Date
  • Most Recently Deployed Date
  • Calibration Status
  • Estimated range (m)
  • Estimated angle of view (degrees)

station information tab

Operator Profile

Hydrophone operators have access to an Operator Profile, from which they can view the following tabs:


This tab displays a list of all the operator's registered hydrophones and their associated metadata. For ease of use, clicking on the "Show Details" button next to a hydrophone will bring the operator back to the interactive map with that hydrophone selected.

operator information tab


This tab lists which hydrophone data the operator would like to download. The date range may also be selected. A ZIP file containing the relevant files will be created and a link to download the file will be sent to the user in an email.

operator download tab


This tab lists the hydrophones and contact information of all operators that have opted in to share their information. This directory may be referred to for data requests or other collaborative purposes.

operator directory tab

Admin Dashboard

Administrators have access to an Admin Dashboard, from which they can interact with the database by adding new operators and hydrophones, or by configuring their settings.

admin dashboard

Adding a new operator

A new operator can be created by clicking the "Create Operator" button and inputting the operator's organization, organization website, contact name, and contact email. The contact email will be used as the operator's username for logging in. An email containing a temporary password will be sent to the operator's contact email. Upon logging in, the operator will be asked to change their password.

adding a hydrophone operator filling in the create operator form

Editing an operator

An operator's information can also be modified by clicking on the "Edit" icon. After making the changes, click the "Save" button to confirm.

editing an operator

Adding a new hydrophone

A new hydrophone can be created by clicking the "Create Hydrophone" button and inputting the following information:

  • Operator
  • Site
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Brand and Model
  • Mounting Type (bottom-mount, surface buoy, etc.)
  • Height from seafloor (m)
  • Sampling frequency (kHz)
  • Depth (m, at median tide)
  • First Deployed Date
  • Last Deployed Date
  • Estimated range (m)
  • Estimated angle of view (degrees)
  • File length (mins)
  • File format
  • Directory
  • Sample file name
  • Timezone
  • Storage interval (daily, monthly, etc.)
  • Calibration information (if available)
  • Hydrophone privacy (visibility of hydrophone on map)
  • Recent SPL privacy (visibillity of gauge charts)
  • Spectrogram privacy (visiblity of spectrograms)
  • SPL privacy (visibility of SPL graph)

adding a hydrophone filling in the create hydrophone form

Editing a hydrophone

A hydrophone's metadata can also be modified by clicking on the "Edit" icon. New calibration files may also be uploaded here. After making the changes, click the "Save" button to confirm.

editing a hydrophone

Deleting operators or hydrophones

To delete an operator or hydrophone, click the "Delete" icon at the end of each entry.