layout | title | nav_order | description | currWeekNumber |
page |
Home |
1 |
Data Science for Economists, UC Berkeley, Spring 2024 |
15 |
{: .mb-2 } UC Berkeley, Spring 2024 {: .mb-2 .fs-6 .text-grey-dk-000 }
PollEV{: .btn .btn-purple } Ed{:target="_blank" .btn .btn-ed .mr-1 } Gradescope{:target="_blank" .btn .btn-gradescope .mr-1 } Lecture Recordings{:target="_blank" .btn .btn-recordings .mr-1} Extenuating Circumstances{:target="_blank" .btn .btn-blue .mr-1 } Anonymous Feedback{:target="_blank" .btn .btn-feedback .mr-1 }
{: .mb-2 } Instructor: {: .mb-0 .fs-5 .text-grey-dk-000 }
{% assign instructors = site.staffers | where: 'role', 'Instructor' %}
{% for staffer in instructors %}
{{ staffer }}
{% endfor %}
{: .mb-3 }
Lecture: Tuesday's and Thursday's, 2:00 - 3:30 PM, Lewis 100
{: .mb-0 .fs-5 .text-grey-dk-000 }
{: .mb-4 }
Office Hours: see Calendar and Ed
{: .mb-0 .fs-5 .text-grey-dk-000 }
{: .highlight }
Welcome to Week {{page.currWeekNumber}} of Econ 148!
- The schedule and dates listed below are tentative and may be subject to change.
- All announcements will be made via Ed.
- The Syllabus contains a detailed explanation of how each course component will work this semester
- If you plan to add late, make sure you contact the staff first to see if you can make up the missed assignments before officially adding the class.