diff --git a/material_laws/damage_law.h b/material_laws/damage_law.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78b646c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/material_laws/damage_law.h
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2015: G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
+ * Author: Raphael Prohl
+ *
+ * This file is part of UG4.
+ *
+ * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
+ * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
+ *
+ * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
+ * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (www.ug4.org/license)".
+ *
+ * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
+ * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (www.ug4.org/license)".
+ *
+ * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
+ * preserved in all covered files:
+ * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
+ * parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
+ * Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
+ * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
+ * flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
+ * computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#ifndef DAMAGE_LAW_H_
+#define DAMAGE_LAW_H_
+#include "mat_law_interface.h"
+#include "lib_disc/function_spaces/grid_function.h"
+#include "lib_algebra/cpu_algebra_types.h"
+namespace ug{
+namespace SmallStrainMechanics{
+/// \addtogroup small_strain_mechanics
+/// \{
+/// Material Law: Prandtl-Reuss law modelling elastoplastic material behavior where the elastic
+/// part is considered as linear. The flow-condition is of von-Mises-type.
+ * This class implements a material law for small strain elastoplastic material behavior
+ *
+ * It is supposed, that the linearized strain tensor could be decomposed additively:
+ *
+ * eps = eps_e + eps_p.
+ *
+ * The plastic behavior is described by a flow-condition and a flow-rule for the plastic
+ * evolution (\frac{\partial eps_p){\partial t} = ...). The flow-condition is of
+ * von-Mises-type and the flow-rule is associative. To treat the plastic equations
+ * we use the well-established return-mapping-algorithm. Its classical form is valid for the
+ * 3d-case and the plane strain-case, but not for the plane stress-case!
+ *
+ * References:
+ *
+ * - J.C. Simo and T.J.R. Hughes. Computational Inelasticity. Springer, New York (1998), chapter 3.3.1
+ *
+ *
- F.-J. Barthold, M. Schmidt and E. Stein. Error indicators and mesh refinements for
+ *
- finite-element computations of elastoplastic deformations. Computational Mechanics Vol. 22, 225-238 (1998)
+ *
+ *
+ * \tparam TDomain
+ */
+class DamageLaw
+ : public IMaterialLaw
+ private:
+ /// Base class type
+ typedef IMaterialLaw base_type;
+ /// own type
+ typedef DamageLaw this_type;
+ public:
+ /// World dimension
+ static const int dim = base_type::dim;
+ /// base element type
+ typedef typename base_type::TBaseElem TBaseElem;
+ public:
+ /// constructor
+// DamageLaw();
+ DamageLaw( SmartPtr< GridFunction > spPsi0,
+ SmartPtr< GridFunction > f);
+ /// Destructor
+ ~DamageLaw(){};
+ public:
+ ////////////////////////////
+ ////////////////////////////
+ void init();
+ /// computes the cauchy stress tensor sigma at an integration point 'ip'
+ void stressTensor(MathMatrix& stressTens, const size_t ip,
+ const MathMatrix& GradU);
+ /// computes the elasticity tensor; commonly denoted by C
+ SmartPtr >
+ elasticityTensor(const size_t ip, const MathMatrix& GradU);
+ virtual bool needs_to_add_jac_m(){return false;}
+ virtual void init_internal_vars(TBaseElem* elem, const size_t numIP);
+ virtual void internal_vars(TBaseElem* elem);
+ virtual void update_internal_vars(const size_t ip, const MathMatrix& GradU){};
+ virtual void attach_internal_vars(typename TDomain::grid_type& grid);
+ virtual void clear_attachments(typename TDomain::grid_type& grid);
+ number& f_on_curr_elem() {return *m_pF_elem;}
+ number& psi0_on_curr_elem() {return *m_pPsi0_elem;}
+ public:
+ /// set elasticity tensor for orthotropic materials
+ void set_elasticity_tensor_orthotropic(
+ const number C11, const number C12, const number C13,
+ const number C22, const number C23,
+ const number C33,
+ const number C44,
+ const number C55,
+ const number C66 );
+ /// set hooke elasticity tensor for isotropic materials, (in 2D: plane-strain-case)
+ void set_hooke_elasticity_tensor(const number lambda, const number mu);
+ void set_hooke_elasticity_tensor_E_nu(const number E, const number nu);
+ public:
+ using base_type::m_materialConfiguration;
+ public:
+ void strainTensor(MathMatrix& strainTens, const MathMatrix& GradU);
+ private:
+ /// elasticity tensor
+ SmartPtr > m_spElastTensorFunct;
+ private:
+ SmartPtr > m_spPsi0;
+ SmartPtr > m_spF;
+ number* m_pF_elem;
+ number* m_pPsi0_elem;
+ // std-vector of InternalVars
+ struct ElemData{
+ number f;
+ number psi0;
+ };
+ ElemData* m_pElemData;
+ // attachment type: attachment of ElemData
+ typedef Attachment AElemData;
+ AElemData m_aElemData;
+ // the attachment accessor
+ typedef Grid::AttachmentAccessor ElemDataAccessor;
+ ElemDataAccessor m_aaElemData;
+}// end of namespace SmallStrainMechanics
+}// end of namespace ug
+#include "damage_law_impl.h"
+#endif /* DAMAGE_LAW_H_ */
diff --git a/material_laws/damage_law_impl.h b/material_laws/damage_law_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5e7e74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/material_laws/damage_law_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2015: G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
+ * Author: Raphael Prohl
+ *
+ * This file is part of UG4.
+ *
+ * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
+ * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
+ *
+ * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
+ * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (www.ug4.org/license)".
+ *
+ * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
+ * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (www.ug4.org/license)".
+ *
+ * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
+ * preserved in all covered files:
+ * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
+ * parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
+ * Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
+ * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
+ * flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
+ * computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include "damage_law.h"
+#include "common/util/string_table_stream.h"
+namespace ug{
+namespace SmallStrainMechanics{
+ IMaterialLaw()
+DamageLaw( SmartPtr > spPsi0,
+ SmartPtr > f)
+ : IMaterialLaw(),
+ m_spPsi0(spPsi0), m_spF(f),
+ m_pF_elem(NULL), m_pPsi0_elem(NULL)
+ // check, if ElasticityTensor is set
+ if (m_spElastTensorFunct.invalid())
+ UG_THROW("No elasticity tensor set in DamageLaw::init()!");
+ base_type::m_bInit = true;
+attach_internal_vars(typename TDomain::grid_type& grid)
+ /*
+ grid.template attach_to(m_aElemData);
+ m_aaElemData.access(grid, m_aElemData);
+ */
+clear_attachments(typename TDomain::grid_type& grid)
+ if(grid.template has_attachment(m_aElemData)){
+ grid.template detach_from(m_aElemData);
+ m_aaElemData.invalidate();
+ }
+init_internal_vars(TBaseElem* elem, const size_t numIP)
+ std::vector ind;
+ const size_t fct = 0;
+ if(m_spF->inner_dof_indices(elem, fct, ind) != 1)
+ UG_THROW("Wrong number dofs");
+ DoFRef(*m_spF, ind[0]) = 1.0;
+ DoFRef(*m_spPsi0, ind[0]) = 0.0;
+// m_aaElemData[elem].f = 1.0;
+// m_aaElemData[elem].psi0 = 0.0;
+ if (!base_type::m_bInit){
+ base_type::m_bInit = true;
+ m_spF->set(1.0);
+ m_spPsi0->set(0.0);
+ }
+internal_vars(TBaseElem* elem)
+ std::vector ind;
+ const size_t fct = 0;
+ if(m_spF->inner_dof_indices(elem, fct, ind) != 1)
+ UG_THROW("Wrong number dofs");
+ m_pF_elem = & DoFRef(*m_spF, ind[0]);
+ m_pPsi0_elem = &DoFRef(*m_spPsi0, ind[0]);
+// m_pElemData = &m_aaElemData[elem];
+stressTensor(MathMatrix& stressTens, const size_t ip,
+ const MathMatrix& GradU)
+ // get linearized strain tensor (eps) at ip
+ MathMatrix strainTens;
+ strainTensor(strainTens, GradU);
+ // TODO: replace this with general implementation of TensContractMat
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < (size_t) dim; ++i)
+ for(size_t j = 0; j < (size_t) dim; ++j)
+ {
+ stressTens[i][j] = 0.0;
+ for(size_t k = 0; k < (size_t) dim; ++k)
+ for(size_t l = 0; l < (size_t) dim; ++l)
+ stressTens[i][j] += (*m_pF_elem)
+ * (*m_spElastTensorFunct)[i][j][k][l]
+ * strainTens[k][l];
+ }
+SmartPtr >
+elasticityTensor(const size_t ip, const MathMatrix& GradU_const)
+ return m_spElastTensorFunct;
+strainTensor(MathMatrix& strainTens, const MathMatrix& GradU)
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < (size_t) dim; ++i)
+ for(size_t j = 0; j < (size_t) dim; ++j)
+ strainTens[i][j] = 0.5 * (GradU[i][j] + GradU[j][i]);
+const number C11, const number C12, const number C13,
+ const number C22, const number C23,
+ const number C33,
+ const number C44,
+ const number C55,
+ const number C66 )
+ UG_ASSERT( dim==3, "Orthotrope Tensor only for 3 dimensions" );
+ MathTensor4 elastTensorFunct;
+ // setze alle wWerte auf 0
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t) dim; ++i)
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < (size_t) dim; ++j)
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < (size_t) dim; ++k)
+ for (size_t l = 0; l < (size_t) dim; ++l)
+ elastTensorFunct[i][j][k][l] = 0.0;
+ // Tensor mit Werte fuellen
+ // i j k l
+ elastTensorFunct[0][0][0][0] = C11;
+ elastTensorFunct[0][0][1][1] = C12;
+ elastTensorFunct[1][1][0][0] = C12; // = C21
+ elastTensorFunct[0][0][2][2] = C13;
+ elastTensorFunct[2][2][0][0] = C13; // = C31
+ elastTensorFunct[1][1][1][1] = C22;
+ elastTensorFunct[1][1][2][2] = C23;
+ elastTensorFunct[2][2][1][1] = C23; // = C32
+ elastTensorFunct[2][2][2][2] = C33;
+ elastTensorFunct[1][2][1][2] = C44;
+ elastTensorFunct[1][2][2][1] = C44;
+ elastTensorFunct[2][1][1][2] = C44;
+ elastTensorFunct[2][1][2][1] = C44;
+ elastTensorFunct[2][0][2][0] = C55;
+ elastTensorFunct[0][2][2][0] = C55;
+ elastTensorFunct[2][0][0][2] = C55;
+ elastTensorFunct[0][2][0][2] = C55;
+ elastTensorFunct[0][1][0][1] = C66;
+ elastTensorFunct[1][0][0][1] = C66;
+ elastTensorFunct[0][1][1][0] = C66;
+ elastTensorFunct[1][0][1][0] = C66;
+ // remembering the elasticity tensor
+ SmartPtr > spElastTens(new MathTensor4(elastTensorFunct));
+ m_spElastTensorFunct = spElastTens;
+ DenseMatrix > mat;
+ mat(0,0) = C11; mat(0,1) = C12; mat(0,2) = C13;
+ mat(1,0) = C12; mat(1,1) = C22; mat(1,2) = C23;
+ mat(2,0) = C13; mat(2,1) = C23; mat(2,2) = C33;
+ Invert(mat);
+ //UG_LOG("S = " mat << "\n");
+ number E1 = 1/mat(0,0), E2 = 1/mat(1,1), E3 = 1/mat(2,2);
+ number v12 = -mat(1, 0)/E1;
+ //number v21 = -mat(0, 1)/E2;
+ number v23 = -mat(2, 1)/E2;
+ //number v32 = -mat(1, 2)/E3;
+ number v13 = -mat(2, 0)/E1;
+ //number v31 = -mat(0, 2)/E3;
+ number G23 = C44;
+ number G13 = C55;
+ number G12 = C66;
+ StringTableStream sts;
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "Orthrope Elasticity Tensor: \n";
+ sts.clear();
+ sts << C11 << C12 << C13 << "\n";
+ sts << C12 << C22 << C23 << "\n";
+ sts << C13 << C23 << C33 << "\n";
+ sts << sts.empty_col(3) << C44 << "\n";
+ sts << sts.empty_col(4) << C55 << "\n";
+ sts << sts.empty_col(5) << C66 << "\n";
+ ss << sts;
+ ss << "Hooke constants:\n";
+ sts.clear();
+ sts << " E1 = " << E1 << "E2 = " << E2 << "E3 = " << E3 << "\n";
+ sts << " v12 = " << v12 << "v23 = " << v23 << "v13 = " << v13 << "\n";
+ sts << " G12 = " << G12 << "G23 = " << G23 << "G13 = " << G13 << "\n";
+ ss << sts;
+ m_materialConfiguration = ss.str();
+ UG_LOG("\nset_elasticity_tensor_orthotropic " << ConfigShift(m_materialConfiguration) << "\n");
+set_hooke_elasticity_tensor_E_nu(const number E, const number nu)
+ number lambda = (E*nu) / ((1+nu)*(1-2*nu));
+ number mu = E/(2*(1+nu));
+ set_hooke_elasticity_tensor(lambda, mu);
+set_hooke_elasticity_tensor(const number lambda, const number mu)
+ // sets the 'Hooke'-elasticity tensor for isotropic materials
+ // in 2D this tensor formulation corresponds to the
+ // plane strain assumption for Hookes`s law
+ MathTensor4 elastTensorFunct;
+ // filling the constant elasticity tensor
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t) dim; ++i)
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < (size_t) dim; ++j)
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < (size_t) dim; ++k)
+ for (size_t l = 0; l < (size_t) dim; ++l)
+ {
+ elastTensorFunct[i][j][k][l] = 0.0;
+ if ((i == j) && (k == l))
+ elastTensorFunct[i][j][k][l] += lambda;
+ if ((i == k) && (j == l))
+ elastTensorFunct[i][j][k][l] += mu;
+ if ((i == l) && (j == k))
+ elastTensorFunct[i][j][k][l] += mu;
+ } //end (l)
+ // remembering the elasticity tensor
+ SmartPtr > spElastTens(new MathTensor4(elastTensorFunct));
+ m_spElastTensorFunct = spElastTens;
+ number E = mu * (3.0 * lambda + 2.0 * mu)/(lambda + mu);
+ number v = 0.5 * lambda/(lambda + mu);
+ number kappa = lambda + 2.0/3.0 * mu;
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "Hooke Elasticity Tensor: \n";
+ ss << " Lame`s first constant lambda: " << lambda << "\n";
+ ss << " Lame`s second constant mue (sometimes 'G', shear modulus) (Schubmodul): " << mu << "\n";
+ ss << " This setting equals: \n";
+ ss << " young modulus (Elastizitaetsmodul): " << E << "\n";
+ ss << " poisson ratio (Querkontraktionszahl) v: " << v << "\n";
+ ss << " bulk modulus (Kompressionsmodul): " << kappa << "\n";
+ ss << " Elasticity Tensor = " << elastTensorFunct << "\n";
+ m_materialConfiguration = ss.str();
+#endif /* DAMAGE_LAW_IMPL_H_ */
diff --git a/small_strain_mech.cpp b/small_strain_mech.cpp
index 1a47caf..9fb7541 100644
--- a/small_strain_mech.cpp
+++ b/small_strain_mech.cpp
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "small_strain_mech.h"
+#include "material_laws/damage_law.h"
// for various user data
#include "bindings/lua/lua_user_data.h"
@@ -154,6 +155,15 @@ set_viscous_forces(SmartPtr, dim> > user1, SmartPtr<
+void SmallStrainMechanicsElemDisc::
+set_compress_factor(number val)
+ m_imCompressIndex.set_data(make_sp(new ConstUserNumber(val)));
@@ -206,8 +216,14 @@ init_state_variables(const size_t order)
// clears and then attaches the attachments for the internal variables
// to the grid
SmartPtr dom = this->domain();
+ if(dom.invalid())
+ UG_THROW("Domain not provided for SmallStrainMechanics::init_state_variables");
typename TDomain::grid_type& grid = *(dom->grid());
+ if(m_spMatLaw.invalid())
+ UG_THROW("Material Law not provided for SmallStrainMechanics::init_state_variables");
@@ -277,6 +293,7 @@ prep_elem_loop(const ReferenceObjectID roid, const int si)
static const int refDim = TElem::dim;
m_imVolForce.template set_local_ips(geo.local_ips(), geo.num_ip(), true);
m_imDivergence.template set_local_ips(geo.local_ips(), geo.num_ip(), false);
+ m_imCompressIndex.template set_local_ips(geo.local_ips(), geo.num_ip(), false);
m_imViscousForces[0].template set_local_ips(geo.local_ips(), geo.num_ip(), true);
m_imViscousForces[1].template set_local_ips(geo.local_ips(), geo.num_ip(), true);
@@ -305,6 +322,7 @@ prep_elem(const LocalVector& u, GridObject* elem, const ReferenceObjectID roid,
m_imViscousForces[0].set_global_ips(geo.global_ips(), geo.num_ip());
m_imViscousForces[1].set_global_ips(geo.global_ips(), geo.num_ip());
m_imDivergence.set_global_ips(geo.global_ips(), geo.num_ip());
+ m_imCompressIndex.set_global_ips(geo.global_ips(), geo.num_ip());
// set pointer to internal variables of elem
@@ -329,6 +347,19 @@ add_jac_A_elem(LocalMatrix& J, const LocalVector& u,
m_spElastTensor = m_spMatLaw->elasticityTensor();
+ number f = 1.0;
+// number* psi0 = NULL;
+ DamageLaw* pDamageLaw = dynamic_cast*>(m_spMatLaw.get());
+ if(pDamageLaw != NULL)
+ {
+ f = pDamageLaw->f_on_curr_elem();
+// psi0 = &pDamageLaw->psi0_on_curr_elem();
+ }
+// if(psi0) (*psi0) = 0.0;
+// MathMatrix strainTens;
+// number volElem = 0.0;
MathMatrix GradU;
for (size_t ip = 0; ip < geo.num_ip(); ++ip)
@@ -337,6 +368,9 @@ add_jac_A_elem(LocalMatrix& J, const LocalVector& u,
// material law with non constant elasticity tensors
m_spMatLaw->template DisplacementGradient(GradU, ip, geo, u);
m_spElastTensor = m_spMatLaw->elasticityTensor(ip, GradU);
+// if(pDamageLaw)
+// pDamageLaw->strainTensor(strainTens, GradU);
// A) Compute Du:C:Dv = Du:sigma = sigma:Dv
@@ -352,9 +386,15 @@ add_jac_A_elem(LocalMatrix& J, const LocalVector& u,
for (size_t K = 0; K < (size_t) dim; ++K)
for (size_t L = 0; L < (size_t) dim; ++L)
- integrandC += geo.global_grad(ip, a)[K]
+ integrandC += f
+ * geo.global_grad(ip, a)[K]
* (*m_spElastTensor)[i][K][j][L]
* geo.global_grad(ip, b)[L];
+// if(psi0){
+// (*psi0) += 0.5 * strainTens(i, K) * (*m_spElastTensor)[i][K][j][L] * strainTens(j, L) * geo.weight(ip);
+// volElem += geo.weight(ip);
+// }
J(i, a, j, b) += integrandC * geo.weight(ip);
@@ -364,6 +404,32 @@ add_jac_A_elem(LocalMatrix& J, const LocalVector& u,
} //end (j)
} //end(ip)
+// if(psi0){
+// (*psi0) = (*psi0) / volElem;
+// }
+ if(m_imCompressIndex.data_given()) {
+ for(size_t ip = 0; ip < geo.num_ip(); ++ip)
+ { // for all integration points
+ for(size_t i2 = 0; i2 < num_fct(); ++i2){
+ for(size_t sh2 = 0; sh2 < geo.num_sh(); ++sh2)
+ {
+ for(size_t sh = 0; sh < geo.num_sh(); ++sh)
+ { // for all shape functions
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < num_fct(); ++i)
+ { // for all components (i=1,2,3)
+ J(i,sh,i2,sh2) += geo.weight(ip) * m_imCompressIndex[ip] *
+ geo.global_grad(ip, sh2)[i2] * geo.global_grad(ip, sh)[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }}
+ }
+ }
// assemble mass jacobian
@@ -407,6 +473,27 @@ add_def_A_elem(LocalVector& d, const LocalVector& u,
// request geometry
const TFEGeom& geo = GeomProvider::get(m_lfeID, m_quadOrder);
+ ////////////// for brittle //////////////////
+ number f = 1.0;
+ number* psi0 = NULL;
+ DamageLaw* pDamageLaw = dynamic_cast*>(m_spMatLaw.get());
+ if(pDamageLaw != NULL)
+ {
+ f = pDamageLaw->f_on_curr_elem();
+ psi0 = &pDamageLaw->psi0_on_curr_elem();
+ }
+ if(psi0) (*psi0) = 0.0;
+ MathMatrix strainTens;
+ number volElem = 0.0;
+ ////////////// for brittle //////////////////
// a) Cauchy tensor
MathMatrix sigma, GradU;
for (size_t ip = 0; ip < geo.num_ip(); ++ip)
@@ -415,6 +502,13 @@ add_def_A_elem(LocalVector& d, const LocalVector& u,
m_spMatLaw->template DisplacementGradient(GradU, ip, geo, u);
m_spMatLaw->stressTensor(sigma, ip, GradU);
+ ////////////// for brittle //////////////////
+ m_spElastTensor = m_spMatLaw->elasticityTensor(ip, GradU);
+ if(pDamageLaw)
+ pDamageLaw->strainTensor(strainTens, GradU);
+ ////////////// for brittle //////////////////
for (size_t sh = 0; sh < geo.num_sh(); ++sh)
{// loop shape functions
@@ -428,12 +522,58 @@ add_def_A_elem(LocalVector& d, const LocalVector& u,
innerForcesIP += sigma[i][j] * geo.global_grad(ip, sh)[j];
//if (sh>=dim) {UG_LOG("add_def_A_elem: innerForcesIP="<register_import(m_imDivergence);
+ this->register_import(m_imCompressIndex);
diff --git a/small_strain_mech.h b/small_strain_mech.h
index 6e0fa7a..57f33a9 100644
--- a/small_strain_mech.h
+++ b/small_strain_mech.h
@@ -167,6 +167,8 @@ class SmallStrainMechanicsElemDisc
/// \}
+ void set_compress_factor(number val);
* This methods sets rhs for "viscous stresses"
* v0^T (gradPhi +gradPhi^T) v1
@@ -353,6 +355,9 @@ class SmallStrainMechanicsElemDisc
/// Data import for the reaction term
DataImport m_imDivergence;
+ /// Data import for the compressibility term
+ DataImport m_imCompressIndex;
/// data import for viscous forces
DataImport, dim > m_imViscousForces[2];
diff --git a/small_strain_mech_plugin.cpp b/small_strain_mech_plugin.cpp
index 05244ea..a548445 100644
--- a/small_strain_mech_plugin.cpp
+++ b/small_strain_mech_plugin.cpp
@@ -34,12 +34,15 @@
#include "bridge/util_domain_algebra_dependent.h"
#include "lib_disc/function_spaces/grid_function.h"
+#include "lib_disc/common/geometry_util.h"
+#include "lib_grid/refinement/refiner_interface.h"
#include "small_strain_mech.h"
//#include "adaptive_util.h"
#include "contact/contact.h"
#include "material_laws/hooke.h"
+#include "material_laws/damage_law.h"
#include "material_laws/prandtl_reuss.h"
#include "material_laws/mat_law_interface.h"
#include "output_writer/mech_output_writer.h"
@@ -51,6 +54,565 @@ using namespace ug::bridge;
namespace ug{
namespace SmallStrainMechanics{
+class DamageFunctionUpdater
+ public:
+ static const int dim = TDomain::dim;
+ typedef typename TDomain::grid_type TGrid;
+ typedef typename grid_dim_traits::element_type TElem;
+ typedef typename grid_dim_traits::side_type TSide;
+ typedef typename TDomain::position_accessor_type TPositionAccessor;
+ protected:
+ void AveragePositions( MathVector& vCenter,
+ const std::vector >& vCornerCoords)
+ {
+ vCenter = vCornerCoords[0];
+ for(size_t j = 1; j < vCornerCoords.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ vCenter += vCornerCoords[j];
+ }
+ vCenter *= 1./(number)( vCornerCoords.size());
+ }
+ void CollectStencilNeighbors(std::vector& vElem,
+ std::vector& vIndex,
+ std::vector< MathVector >& vDistance,
+ TElem* elem,
+ TGrid& grid,
+ TPositionAccessor& aaPos,
+ SmartPtr > spF,
+ SmartPtr > spPsi0)
+ {
+ //static const int numNeighborsToFind = 2*dim + (dim * (dim-1)) / 2;
+ const size_t fct = 0;
+ vElem.clear();
+ vIndex.clear();
+ vDistance.clear();
+ // get vertices of element
+ Vertex* const* vVertex = elem->vertices();
+ const size_t numVertex = elem->num_vertices();
+ // corner coordinates
+ std::vector > vCornerCoords;
+ vCornerCoords.resize(numVertex);
+ for(size_t vrt = 0; vrt < numVertex; ++vrt){
+ vCornerCoords[vrt] = aaPos[ vVertex[vrt] ];
+ }
+ // element midpoint
+ MathVector ElemMidPoint;
+ AveragePositions(ElemMidPoint, vCornerCoords);
+// UG_LOG("############## Element with midpoint " << ElemMidPoint << " ################ \n")
+ // get all sides in order
+ typename TGrid::template traits::secure_container vSide;
+ grid.associated_elements_sorted(vSide, elem);
+ // begin marking
+ grid.begin_marking();
+ // mark the elem
+ grid.mark(elem);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // loop all sides
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ for(size_t s = 0; s < vSide.size(); ++s){
+// UG_LOG("######## Boundary Side nr " << s << ": ")
+ // get all connected elements
+ typename TGrid::template traits::secure_container vElemOfSide;
+ grid.associated_elements(vElemOfSide, vSide[s]);
+ // if no elem found: internal error
+ if(vElemOfSide.size() == 0)
+ UG_THROW("Huh, why no element?");
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // introduce mirror element if required
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // if only element itself, it must be a boundary element
+ if(vElemOfSide.size() == 1){
+ vElem.push_back(vElemOfSide[0]);
+ // add index
+ std::vector ind;
+ if(spF->inner_dof_indices(elem, fct, ind) != 1) UG_THROW("Wrong number dofs");
+ vIndex.push_back(ind[0]);
+ // add distance
+ vDistance.resize(vDistance.size()+1);
+ CollectCornerCoordinates(vCornerCoords, *vSide[s], aaPos);
+ MathVector n;
+ ElementNormal(vSide[s]->reference_object_id(), n, &vCornerCoords[0]);
+ ProjectPointToPlane(vDistance.back(), ElemMidPoint, vCornerCoords[0], n);
+ VecScaleAdd(vDistance.back(), 2.0, ElemMidPoint, -2.0, vDistance.back());
+// UG_LOG("is boundary, with vDistance: " << vDistance.back() << "\n");
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // find all direct face neighbors
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // else: add other neighbor and mark
+ else{
+ for(size_t eos = 0; eos < vElemOfSide.size(); ++eos){
+ // neighbor elem
+ TElem* neighborElem = vElemOfSide[eos];
+ // skip self
+ if(neighborElem == elem) continue;
+ // add neighbor
+ grid.mark(neighborElem);
+ vElem.push_back(neighborElem);
+ // add index
+ std::vector ind;
+ if(spF->inner_dof_indices(neighborElem, fct, ind) != 1) UG_THROW("Wrong number dofs");
+ vIndex.push_back(ind[0]);
+ // add distance
+ vDistance.resize(vDistance.size()+1);
+ CollectCornerCoordinates(vCornerCoords, *neighborElem, aaPos);
+ AveragePositions(vDistance.back(), vCornerCoords);
+ VecScaleAdd(vDistance.back(), 1.0, ElemMidPoint, -1.0, vDistance.back());
+// UG_LOG("has neighbor, c" << vDistance.back() << "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // add additional elements
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::vector vOtherNeighbors;
+ int closest = -1;
+ number closestDist = std::numeric_limits::max();
+ MathVector distance;
+// UG_LOG("Search for vertices-elems: " << numVertex << "\n");
+ for(size_t vrt = 0; vrt < numVertex; ++vrt)
+ {
+ typename TGrid::template traits::secure_container vVertexNeighbor;
+ grid.associated_elements(vVertexNeighbor, vVertex[vrt]);
+// UG_LOG(" ++ At vertex "<< vrt << " we have #elems: " << vVertexNeighbor.size() << "\n");
+ for(size_t eov = 0; eov < vVertexNeighbor.size(); ++eov)
+ {
+ TElem* neighborElem = vVertexNeighbor[eov];
+// UG_LOG(" ++++ elem "<< eov << " is already marked?: " << grid.is_marked(neighborElem) << "\n");
+ if(grid.is_marked(neighborElem)) continue;
+ grid.mark(neighborElem);
+ vOtherNeighbors.push_back(neighborElem);
+ CollectCornerCoordinates(vCornerCoords, *neighborElem, aaPos);
+ AveragePositions(distance, vCornerCoords);
+ VecScaleAppend(distance, -1.0, ElemMidPoint);
+ number dist = VecTwoNorm(distance);
+// UG_LOG(" ++++ ++ dist: " << dist << ", distance: "<< distance << ", ElemMidPoint: "<< ElemMidPoint << "\n")
+ if(dist < closestDist){
+ closest = vOtherNeighbors.size()-1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(dim == 3) UG_THROW("DamageFunctionUpdater: This is 2d only --- extend to 3d by searching for 3 additional neighbors");
+ if(closest < 0) UG_THROW("DamageFunctionUpdater: closest not detected.")
+ //UG_LOG("vOtherNeighbors.size(): " << vOtherNeighbors.size() << "\n");
+ //UG_LOG("closest: " << closest << "\n");
+ TElem* otherNeighbor = vOtherNeighbors[closest];
+ //UG_LOG("otherNeighbor: " << otherNeighbor << "\n");
+ vElem.push_back(otherNeighbor);
+ // add index
+ std::vector ind;
+ if(spF->inner_dof_indices(otherNeighbor, fct, ind) != 1) UG_THROW("Wrong number dofs");
+ vIndex.push_back(ind[0]);
+ // add distance
+ vDistance.resize(vDistance.size()+1);
+ CollectCornerCoordinates(vCornerCoords, *otherNeighbor, aaPos);
+ AveragePositions(vDistance.back(), vCornerCoords);
+ VecScaleAdd(vDistance.back(), 1.0, ElemMidPoint, -1.0, vDistance.back());
+// UG_LOG("######## Extra Neighbot with vDistance: " << vDistance.back() << "\n")
+ // end marking
+ grid.end_marking();
+ }
+ public:
+ void init( SmartPtr > spF,
+ SmartPtr > spPsi0)
+ {
+ const size_t fct = 0;
+ // get domain
+ SmartPtr domain = spF->domain();
+ SmartPtr grid = domain->grid();
+ typename TDomain::position_accessor_type& aaPos = domain->position_accessor();
+ // get dof distribution
+ SmartPtr dd = spF->dd();
+ // get iterators
+ typename DoFDistribution::traits::iterator iter, iterEnd;
+ iter = dd->begin(SurfaceView::ALL); // SurfaceView::MG_ALL
+ iterEnd = dd->end(SurfaceView::ALL);
+ // resize result vectors
+ const size_t numIndex = spF->num_dofs();
+ m_vB.resize(numIndex);
+ m_vDLambda.resize(numIndex);
+ m_vIndex.resize(numIndex);
+ // storage (for reuse)
+ std::vector vElem;
+ std::vector vIndex;
+ std::vector< MathVector > vDistance;
+ // loop all vertices
+ for(;iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
+ {
+ // get vertex
+ TElem* elem = *iter;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Collect suitable neighbors for stencil creation
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ CollectStencilNeighbors(vElem, vIndex, vDistance, elem, *grid, aaPos, spF, spPsi0);
+ const int numNeighbors = 2*dim + (dim * (dim-1)) / 2;
+ if(vIndex.size() != numNeighbors || vDistance.size() != numNeighbors)
+ UG_THROW("Wrong number of neighbors detected: " << vIndex.size());
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Create interpolation matrix and invert
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ DenseMatrix > BlockInv;
+ BlockInv.resize(numNeighbors, numNeighbors);
+ BlockInv = 0.0;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < numNeighbors; ++j)
+ {
+ for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ BlockInv(j,d) = vDistance[j][d];
+ int cnt = dim;
+ for (int d1 = 0; d1 < dim-1; ++d1)
+ for (int d2 = d1+1; d2 < dim; ++d2)
+ {
+ BlockInv(j,cnt++) = vDistance[j][d1] * vDistance[j][d2];
+ }
+ for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ BlockInv(j,cnt++) = 0.5 * vDistance[j][d] * vDistance[j][d];
+ }
+ if(!Invert(BlockInv))
+ UG_THROW("Cannot invert block");
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // extract second-order derivative subblock
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // add index
+ std::vector ind;
+ if(spF->inner_dof_indices(elem, fct, ind) != 1) UG_THROW("Wrong number dofs");
+ const size_t i = ind[0][0];
+ m_vB[i].resize(dim, numNeighbors);
+ m_vDLambda[i] = 0.0;
+ for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d){
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < numNeighbors; ++j){
+ m_vB[i](d,j) = BlockInv( (numNeighbors-dim) + d, j);
+ m_vDLambda[i] -= m_vB[i](d,j);
+ }
+ }
+ m_vIndex[i].resize(vIndex.size());
+ for(size_t k = 0; k < vIndex.size(); ++k)
+ m_vIndex[i][k] = vIndex[k][0];
+ }
+ }
+ number DLambda(size_t i) {return m_vDLambda[i];}
+ number Lambda(size_t i, SmartPtr > spF) {
+ const number fi = (*spF)[i];
+ number res = 0.0;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < m_vIndex[i].size(); ++j){
+ const number fij = (*spF)[ m_vIndex[i][j] ] - fi;
+// UG_LOG("f(" << i << "," << j << "): " << fij << "\n");
+ for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d){
+ res += fij * m_vB[i](d,j);
+// UG_LOG("m_vB[" << i << "](" << d << "," << j << "): " << m_vB[i](d,j) << "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ bool solve( SmartPtr > spF,
+ SmartPtr > spPsi0,
+ const number beta, const number r, const number eps, const int maxIter)
+ {
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // check if has to be rebuild
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // get approximation space
+ ConstSmartPtr > approxSpace = spF->approx_space();
+ if(approxSpace != spPsi0->approx_space())
+ UG_THROW("DamageFunctionUpdater::solve: expected same ApproximationSpace for f and psi0");
+ // check revision counter if grid / approx space has changed since last call
+ if(m_ApproxSpaceRevision != approxSpace->revision())
+ {
+ // (re-)initialize setting
+ init(spF, spPsi0);
+ // remember revision counter of approx space
+ m_ApproxSpaceRevision = approxSpace->revision();
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // apply newton method
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ const size_t numElem = m_vIndex.size();
+ number normPhi = std::numeric_limits::max();
+ int iterCnt = 0;
+ while(normPhi > eps * numElem && (iterCnt++ <= maxIter) )
+ {
+ normPhi = 0.0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < m_vIndex.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const number lambda = Lambda(i, spF);
+ number& f = (*spF)[i];
+ const number& psi0 = (*spPsi0)[i];
+ number phi = f * ( psi0 - beta * lambda) - r;
+ //if( fabs (lambda - 4.0) > 1e-10 )
+ // UG_LOG("lambda: " << lambda << "\n");
+ (*spPsi0)[i] = lambda;
+ continue;
+// UG_LOG("DLambda: " << DLambda(i) << "\n");
+ if(phi < eps){
+// phi = 0;
+// normPhi += 0.0 * 0.0;
+ } else {
+ UG_LOG(" ############### \n");
+ UG_LOG("f : " << f << "\n");
+ UG_LOG("psi0 : " << psi0 << "\n");
+ UG_LOG("lambda: " << lambda << "\n");
+ UG_LOG("DLambda: " << DLambda(i) << "\n");
+ UG_LOG("beta : " << beta << "\n");
+ UG_LOG("r : " << r << "\n");
+ UG_LOG("phi : " << phi << "\n");
+ f = f - (phi / (psi0 - beta * (lambda + f * DLambda(i)) ));
+// UG_LOG ("DamageFunctionUpdater: SETTING new value for f: " << f << "\n");
+ normPhi += phi*phi;
+ }
+ }
+ normPhi = sqrt(normPhi);
+// UG_LOG(" ######################### (end sweep) ################################### \n");
+// UG_LOG ("DamageFunctionUpdater: normPhi: " << normPhi << "\n");
+ }
+ if(iterCnt >= maxIter){
+ UG_THROW("DamageFunctionUpdater: no convergence after " << iterCnt << " iterations");
+ }
+ UG_LOG ("DamageFunctionUpdater: normPhi: " << normPhi << " after " < > > m_vB;
+ std::vector< number > m_vDLambda;
+ std::vector< std::vector > m_vIndex;
+void MarkDamage( SmartPtr > spF,
+ SmartPtr > spPsi0,
+ IRefiner& refiner,
+ number refineFrac, number coarseFrac,
+ number avgRefineFactor, number avgCoarsenFactor,
+ int maxLevel)
+ static const int dim = TDomain::dim;
+ typedef typename grid_dim_traits::element_type TElem;
+ typedef typename DoFDistribution::traits::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ const int fct = 0;
+ ///////////////////////////
+ // statistic
+ ///////////////////////////
+ number maxValue = std::numeric_limits::min();
+ number minValue = std::numeric_limits::max();
+ number sumValue = 0.0;
+ // loop all elems
+ const size_t numElem = spF->size();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < numElem; ++i){
+ const number val = (*spF)[i] * (*spPsi0)[i];
+ maxValue = std::max(maxValue, val);
+ minValue = std::min(minValue, val);
+ sumValue += val;
+ }
+ number avgValue = sumValue / numElem;
+ UG_LOG(" +++ numElem: " << numElem << "\n");
+ UG_LOG(" +++ maxValue: " << maxValue << "\n");
+ UG_LOG(" +++ minValue: " << minValue << "\n");
+ UG_LOG(" +++ avgValue: " << avgValue << "\n");
+ ///////////////////////////
+ // selection criteria
+ ///////////////////////////
+ number minValueToRefine = std::min( refineFrac * maxValue, avgRefineFactor * avgValue);
+ number maxValueToCoarsen = std::max( (1 + coarseFrac) * minValue, avgCoarsenFactor * avgValue);
+ UG_LOG(" +++ minValueToRefine: " << minValueToRefine << "\n");
+ UG_LOG(" +++ maxValueToCoarsen: " << maxValueToCoarsen << "\n");
+ ///////////////////////////
+ // marking
+ ///////////////////////////
+ // reset counter
+ int numMarkedRefine = 0, numMarkedCoarse = 0;
+ const_iterator iter = spF->template begin();
+ const_iterator iterEnd = spF->template end();
+ // loop elements for marking
+ for(; iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
+ {
+ // get element
+ TElem* elem = *iter;
+ std::vector ind;
+ if(spF->inner_dof_indices(elem, fct, ind) != 1) UG_THROW("Wrong number dofs");
+ const number val = DoFRef(*spF, ind[0]) * DoFRef(*spPsi0, ind[0]);
+ // marks for refinement
+ if( val >= minValueToRefine)
+ if(spF->dd()->multi_grid()->get_level(elem) < maxLevel)
+ {
+ refiner.mark(elem, RM_REFINE);
+ numMarkedRefine++;
+ }
+ // marks for coarsening
+ if( val <= maxValueToCoarsen)
+ {
+ refiner.mark(elem, RM_COARSEN);
+ numMarkedCoarse++;
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////
+ // print infos
+ ///////////////////////////
+ if(pcl::NumProcs() > 1)
+ {
+ UG_LOG(" +++ Marked for refinement on Proc "<
+void HadamardProd( SmartPtr > spFPsi0,
+ ConstSmartPtr > spF,
+ ConstSmartPtr > spPsi0)
+ if(spF->size() != spPsi0->size() || spF->size() != spFPsi0->size())
+ UG_THROW("HadamardProd: Size mismatch");
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < spF->size(); ++i){
+ (*spFPsi0)[i] = (*spF)[i] * (*spPsi0)[i];
+ }
* \defgroup small_strain_mechanics Small Strain Mechanics
* \ingroup plugins
@@ -148,6 +710,8 @@ static void Domain(Registry& reg, string grp)
.add_method("set_div_factor", OVERLOADED_METHOD_PTR(void, T, set_div_factor, (SmartPtr >)), "", "Pressure")
.add_method("set_div_factor", OVERLOADED_METHOD_PTR(void, T, set_div_factor, (number)), "", "Pressure")
+ .add_method("set_compress_factor", OVERLOADED_METHOD_PTR(void, T, set_compress_factor, (number)), "", "Compress-Factor")
.add_method("set_viscous_forces", OVERLOADED_METHOD_PTR(void, T, set_viscous_forces, (SmartPtr, dim> >, SmartPtr, dim> >) ) ,"", "Force field")
#ifdef UG_FOR_LUA
.add_method("set_volume_forces", OVERLOADED_METHOD_PTR(void, T, set_volume_forces, (const char*)) , "", "Force field")
@@ -189,6 +753,41 @@ static void Domain(Registry& reg, string grp)
reg.add_class_to_group(name, "HookeLaw", tag);
+ // Damage Law for Linear Elasticity
+ {
+ typedef DamageLaw T;
+ typedef IMaterialLaw TBase;
+ string name = string("DamageLaw").append(suffix);
+ reg.add_class_(name, grp)
+// .add_constructor()
+ .template add_constructor >, SmartPtr >)>()
+ .add_method("set_elasticity_tensor_orthotropic", &T::set_elasticity_tensor_orthotropic,
+ "", "C11#C12#C13#C22#C23#C33#C44#C55#C66")
+ //.add_method("set_elasticity_tensor_orthotropic2d", &T::set_elasticity_tensor_orthotropic2d, "", "C11#C12#C22#C33")
+ .add_method("set_hooke_elasticity_tensor", &T::set_hooke_elasticity_tensor,
+ "", "lambda#mu")
+ .add_method("set_hooke_elasticity_tensor_E_nu", &T::set_hooke_elasticity_tensor_E_nu,
+ "", "E#nu")
+ .set_construct_as_smart_pointer(true);
+ reg.add_class_to_group(name, "DamageLaw", tag);
+ }
+ {
+ typedef DamageFunctionUpdater T;
+ string name = string("DamageFunctionUpdater").append(suffix);
+ reg.add_class_(name, grp)
+ .add_constructor()
+ .add_method("init", &T::init, "", "")
+ .add_method("solve", &T::solve, "", "")
+ .set_construct_as_smart_pointer(true);
+ reg.add_class_to_group(name, "DamageFunctionUpdater", tag);
+ reg.add_function("MarkDamage", &MarkDamage, grp);
+ reg.add_function("HadamardProd", &HadamardProd, grp);
+ }
// Prandtl Reuss Law for small strain ElastoPlasticity
typedef PrandtlReuss T;