This repository contains the codebase for a Marimba playing robot developed during the TAMS Master Project 2022/2023.
The project is separated into multiple different modules. Each module contains localized documentation.
Module | Brief Description |
marimbabot_audio | Contains the audio analysis related code pieces |
marimbabot_behavior | Implements the behaviour of the robot which interfaces with most other systems |
marimbabot_bringup | The main bringup of the system used to for starting the project |
marimbabot_description | Contains the descriptions of the physical compontents of the robot for control and simulation |
marimbabot_hardware | The ros_control driver for the servo based hardware. |
marimbabot_msgs | The shared ros message and action definitions |
marimbabot_planning | Contains the code for taking a input of notes and generate a trajectory for the robot |
marimbabot_simulation | Facilitates the simulation of the robot and marimba |
marimbabot_speech | Text to speech and speech to text and eventual command |
marimbabot_ur5_flex_double_moveit_config | MoveIT config for the UR5 with the marimba and the two mallet holder. |
marimbabot_ur5_moveit_config | MoveIT config for the UR5 and the marimba |
marimbabot_vision | Implements the vision model for the note recognition and facilitates the related dataset generation |
The robot uses Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS noetic. So make sure that it is installed on your system. Visit the ROS Wiki for further details. For Python version 3.8 is used.
Remember to source the ROS noetic installation in EACH terminal you use or add it once to your .bashrc
file like this:
echo "source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Make sure to setup your ssh key for easy synchronization without authorization.
We are using VCS for workspace management, so install it first:
sudo apt install python3-vcstool
Run the following commands:
# Create catkin workspace folder
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
# Clone repository into source folder
cd catkin_ws/src
curl | vcs import --recursive
cd ..
# Initialize workspace
catkin init
# Setup rosdep to download dependencies (only needed once after installing ROS)
sudo rosdep init
# Update rosdep packages list
rosdep update
# Install all dependencies needed by our repository
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
# Unfortunately this is needed as for unknown reasons the dependency is not recognized
rosdep install serial
# Install python dependencies
pip3 install wheel # firstly install the wheel for further package building if you start from a empty virtual environment.
pip3 install -r src/marimbabot/requirements.txt
#install the precise engine
tar -zxvf precise-engine_0.3.0_x86_64.tar.gz -C src/marimbabot/marimbabot_speech/utils/kws/
rm precise-engine_0.3.0_x86_64.tar.gz
Now you are ready to go.
You might want to update the state of the software and get recent changes. Normally a simple pull should be enough.
# Go to the repository
cd catkin_ws/src/marimbabot
# Pull recent changes
git pull
You sometimes also want to update the dependencies if new ones have been introduced. You can do this like this:
# Go to workspace
cd catkin_ws
# Update rosdep packages list
rosdep update
# Install new dependencies
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
# Unfortunately this is needed as for unknown reasons the dependency is not recognized
sudo apt install ros-noetic-serial
# Install new python dependencies
pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
To build the full software stack one needs to execute the following command in the catkin_ws
folder or any of its subdirectories:
# Go to workspace
cd catkin_ws
catkin build
Before you launch any of the provided launch files remember to source the current workspace by typing:
# Go to workspace
cd catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
Additionally to the UR5, the following devices have to be connected and configured before launching the project:
- Logitech StreamCam (packages marimbabot_vision and marimbabot_speech)
- Scarlett 2i2 USB Audio Interface (package marimbabot_audio)
- Wifi connection to the MalletHolder (package marimbabot_hardware)
Change the parameter device of the node audio_capture in the launch file of the package marimbabot_speech:
and modify the device_id parameter in the configuration file of the package marimbabot_vision:
Adjust the device parameter for the note_audio_capture node in the launch file of the package marimbabot_audio:
You should be connected to its Wifi. Please see the README of the package marimbabot_hardware and README of the package marimbabot_bringup for further information.
In order to run the whole project on the real robot, one has to run two launch files. First, the launch file that sets up the robot and its hardware:
roslaunch marimbabot_bringup marimbabot_ur5_bringup.launch
Second, the launch file that brings up the launch file for each package:
roslaunch marimbabot_bringup marimbabot.launch
To run the UR5 setup with the MoveIt Demo Mode and two mallets run
roslaunch marimbabot_ur5_flex_double_moveit_config demo.launch
you should be able to test simple planning things with it.
To view the marimba model in RViz run
roslaunch marimbabot_description marimba_rviz.launch
To launch a single package run this command each package:
roslaunch marimbabot_audio marimbabot.launch
# or
roslaunch marimbabot_planning marimbabot.launch
# or
roslaunch marimbabot_vision marimbabot.launch
This comes handy for purposes like debugging or testing.
To contribute changes to this repository go to the repository in your file system and create a new branch. Replace the placeholder fix/my_dummy_branch
with a short but descriptive branch name:
git switch -c fix/my_dummy_branch
Now commit your changes and push them:
# Run this once if the repo is new. It will save you an additional command when pushing new branches.
git config push.autoSetupRemote true
# Now we can push our changes
git push
Now you can create a pull request for your branch and merge it (after it is approved) into the main
branch using the GitHub website.
The project contains two MoveIT configuration definitions (marimbabot_ur5_moveit_config and marimbabot_ur5_flex_double_moveit_config).
The MoveIT configs were generated using the MoveIT Setup Assistant. When the description of the robot is changed and contains new controlable joints.
Generally the main additional work required for the MoveIT config setup is the collision matrix setup, where non-colliding elements have to be removed from the collision checks.
%%{init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%%
flowchart TD;
subgraph vision
cv_camera_node-->|/cv_camera_node/image_raw - sensor_msgs/Image| vision_node;
vision_node-->|/vision_node/recognized_notes - std_msgs/String| visualization_node;
vision_node-->|/vision_node/recognized_notes - std_msgs/String| behavior_node;
subgraph planning
marimbabot_planning-->|MoveIt interface| mallet_hardware_control_node
subgraph speech
speech_node/speech_audio_capture-->|/speech_node/audio_stamped - audio_common_msgs/AudioDataStamped| speech_tmp_node;
speech_tmp_node-->|/speech_node/audio_tmp - marimbabot_msgs/TmpFile| speech_stt_node;
speech_stt_node-->|/speech_node/speech - marimbabot_msgs/Speech| speech_t2c_node;
speech_tts_node-->|/robotsound - sound_play/SoundRequest| soundplay_node;
speech_t2c_node-->|/speech_node/command - marimbabot_msgs/Command| behavior_node;
subgraph audio
audio_node/note_audio_capture-->|/audio_node/audio_stamped - audio_common_msgs/AudioDataStamped| onset_detector
onset_detector-->|/audio/onset_notes - marimbabot_msgs/NoteOnset| onset_midi
onset_detector-->|/audio/onset_notes - marimbabot_msgs/NoteOnset| score_calculator
audio_from_lilypond-->|/robotsound - sound_play/SoundRequest| soundplay_node;
subgraph behavior
behavior_node-->|/audio_from_lilypond - marimbabot_msgs/LilypondAudio - Action| audio_from_lilypond;
behavior_node-->|/behavior_node/response - std_msgs/String| speech_tts_node;
behavior_node<-->|/hit_sequence - marimbabot_msgs/HitSequence - Action| marimbabot_planning;
behavior_node-->|/audio/hit_sequence - marimbabot_msgs/HitSequence| score_calculator
subgraph hardware
The file and sloe the messages in the package marimbabot_audio is a modification of @v4hn's base repository.