class Solution {
public int maxProduct(int[] nums) {
if (nums == null || nums.length == 0) {
return 0;
int max = nums[0];
int preMax = nums[0];
int preMin = nums[0];
for (int i = 1; i < nums.length; i++) {
int prod1 = nums[i] * preMax;
int prod2 = nums[i] * preMin;
preMax = Math.max(nums[i], Math.max(prod1, prod2));
preMin = Math.min(nums[i], Math.min(prod1, prod2));
max = Math.max(max, preMax);
return max;
- time O(n) space O(1)
- The idea is to iterate through the array and keep track of three variables: preMax, preMin, max. Why do we need to keep track
preMin? Because there are negative numbers in the array, the previous minimum product might be multiplied by a negative number
and thus become the maximum. Keeping preMax and preMin, we could swap them if needed. In each iteration, we are actually doing
two comparisons.