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How to Release the CDR

gregjan edited this page Oct 3, 2011 · 27 revisions

How to Release the CDR


  1. Go to a cdr master folder:
  • cd cdr
  • or if no cdr folder has been cloned:
  1. git clone cdr
  2. cd cdr
  3. make sure you are on master branch and have no outgoing/incoming changes
  • do git pull
  • do git status
  1. set the email and user name for the m2e-core local git repository git config <your eclipse commiter email address> git config <your name>
  2. create a local release branch (not checked out yet) git branch rb-<version>
  3. update the checked out master branch pom files to the next -SNAPSHOT version. vim pom.xml (repeat for modules, replace version numbers where they appear) git commit -s -a -m "new version <version+1>-SNAPSHOT" git push


  1. checkout the release branch git checkout rb-<version>
  2. update checked out release branch pom files to the release version. vim pom.xml (repeat for modules, replace version numbers where they appear)
  3. commit and tag your changes git commit -s -a -m "new release <version>" git tag <version>
  4. deploy the release to Artifactory mvn clean deploy -Dmaven.test.skip=true


  1. push release tag git push origin <version>


  1. remove release branch if you intend to keep local git repository git branch -D rb-<version>
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