Common vocabulary when working with GitHub and Git. For more vocabulary, see the GitHub Glossary
Branch - According to the Glossary, it is "a parallel version of a repository...but does not affect the primary or master branch allowing you to work freely without disrupting the "live" version." One branch can be merged into another using a pull request.
Clone - Creates a local (saved to machine) copy of a project (see Repository).
Commit - Similar to saving an edit in a file. Commits have unique IDs that allow users or collaborators to see who changed a file, when they changed it, and what they changed. According to the Glossary, "Commits usually contain a commit message which is a brief description of what changes were made."
Fetch - Once a repository is cloned, fetching is the process of copying over changes from the remote repository to your local one without merging the information.
Fork - To copy of another user's repository. Forked repositories can be edited without affecting the original repository. Changes can be submitted to the original repository through use of a pull request.
Git - A distributed version control system (DVCS).
Git Bash - Microsoft Windows application that allows Windows users to utilize Git in the command line.
Git Large File Storage (LFS) - An extension that allows users to store references to large files in their repository.
gitignore - A file (typically located in the root directory) that informs Git of which files or folders Git should ignore in a project.
Markdown - A plain-text syntax that allows users to style text for the web. README files (like this one) are typically written in markdown. GitHub has its own version of markdown.
Master branch - The primary branch in a repository.
Merge - Takes the changes from one branch and combines them with another.
Pull request - Asking the owner of a repository to merge two repository branches to combine edits. Collaborators are able to comment on and review the potential changes.
Push - If a clone was created and then edited, you are able to push commits to the remote repository. Pushing essentially updates the remote repository (GitHub) with any commits that were made locally.
README - A plain-text file and form of documentation that contains information about other files or software. Many open-source software pr projects contain a README, which oftentimes provides installation instructions, software specs, copyright, troubleshooting, or file information.
Repository - The collection of files and folders (as well as their versions) associated with a specific project.
Root directory - The top-most directory in a heirarchy. University of Waterloo created helpful diagrams to explain directory structures.
Version control - The process by which different drafts (versions) of a recorded element are managed.