From project directory run the following
- $
sudo apt-get install npm
- $
sudo npm update -g npm
*optional - $
sudo npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli
- $
sudo npm install -g generator-karma
- $
sudo npm install -g generator-angular
- $
npm init
*this will createpackage.json
file - add entries as input below
{ "name": "qldarch-frontend", "version": "0.0.0", "description": "frontend UI for qldarch", "main": " ", "scripts": { "test": "grunt test" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+" }, "author": "other", "license": "MIT", "bugs": { "url": "" }, "homepage": "" }
- $
npm install grunt grunt-autoprefixer grunt-wiredep grunt-concurrent grunt-contrib-clean grunt-contrib-coffee grunt-contrib-compass grunt-contrib-concat grunt-contrib-connect grunt-contrib-copy grunt-contrib-cssmin grunt-contrib-htmlmin grunt-contrib-imagemin grunt-contrib-jshint grunt-contrib-less grunt-contrib-uglify grunt-contrib-watch grunt-ng-constant grunt-ng-annotate grunt-rev grunt-rsync grunt-svgmin grunt-usemin jshint-stylish load-grunt-tasks requirejs time-grunt http-proxy-middleware grunt-google-cdn grunt-contrib-compress --save-dev
- $
npm install grunt-ng-constant --save
- create (with copying the content of) these files
Gruntfile.js /tasks/build.js /tasks/jshint.js /tasks/server.js
- create a file named
in project folder, with following content{ "directory": "app/bower_components" }
- create (with copying the content of)
file - $
mkdir app
- $
mkdir app/bower_components
- $
bower install